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Download “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book for free. The large print edition may take 4-7 minutes to download the book but it will come up. If your computer is faster it will only take a few minutes. It is 309 pages in a PDF file. This new August 31, 2008 book is the latest up-dated edition. You can also choose to download the book in smaller print, which will download for you even faster. Click to links below to download the book of your choice for free.
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I think you will find this next report very interesting. It is entitled, “US To Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections” I quote from this September 16, 2008 report. ”By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo) The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is reporting in the Kremlin today that the Bank of England has received from the United States Federal Reserve Bank a ‘notice’ that President Bush is preparing to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’. These reports state that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, had expressed his ‘shock and outrage’ to his American counterparts at the US Federal Reserve after the catastrophic collapse of one of the largest financial banks in the World, Lehman Brothers, and which caused both the Band of England and the European Central Bank to rush $42 billion into the European economy yesterday to keep it from collapsing, and their own banks from running out of money, necessitating the response from the US Central Bank leader Ben S. Bernanke.” Believe me it will be worth your time to read this entire report. What is written in this report is something that Jesus put on my heart awhile back and I can see this taking place. If this happens there is a good chance Bush will call for Marshall law. I know one thing, I am preparing for this to happen just in case. If you just review the State of America, the debt and direction the U.S. is going, I would say the chances of this taking place favor it to happen. I guess we will all have to wait till Oct. to find out if in fact this report holds any truth. Then again, Jesus just may have chosen this Feast of Trumpets as the appointed time to rapture His Church. In that case if He does come for us, I pray those left behind will remember what was said here and turn to Christ. These are scary times for everyone, but thank God Jesus has given us His peace to overcome anything.
Prophecy Sign: Christian persecution in the last days: “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake” (Matthew 24 9). Revelation 20:4 warns that Christians will be beheaded for the name of Jesus in the last days. If you are a true believer and you watch the video below you will be pulled by Christ to pray for your fellow Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. The video below will show you just how real this problem is. I must warn you all right now, it is graphic. Jesus Words are coming to pass in this end time generation, and this is only the beginning of things to come. Once the rapture of the Church takes place these attacks against the fellowers of Christ will intensify . If you go to youtube and do a search on Christian haters, you will see many video by satan worshippers calling out to kill all Christians. I did not post these links because of the language, but if you want to see first hand what Jesus was speaking about you may want to see these videos. I am sure you will want to pray for the Church once you see the facts! Pray also for the people who made the videos. Unless they repent and come to Christ their eternity in hell awaits them. Once the enter hell they will find out that Satan is not their friend but their enemy but at that point it will be late. I have encluded 8 videos that show you what hell will be like. If this is the place you want to spend eternity, all I can say is, may God help you!
Part 1 from 13 minutes in hell a true story. Graphic
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 17:1 & Jer. 49:24-27 are prophecies about the destruction of Damascus in the last days. We know from Ezekiel 38-39 that Israel will be attacked in the last days and this attack will come from the “north”. This warning is stated twice, once in Ezekiel 38:15 and again in Ezekiel 39:2. We also know from Ezekiel’s prophecy that Russia will lead this attack. For weeks I have centered on current events taking place in Syria and Russia, why, because these nations are preparing to attack Israel and possibility even the U.S. Today it has been reported that, “Syria has deployed troops along the border with Lebanon to combat smuggling according to the Lebanese army.” Nearly 10,000 Syrian special forces have been deployed in the Abbudiya region along the border between Lebanon and Syria," AFP quoted an army spokesman as saying on Monday.” What you need to understand is this, Lebanon has many Christians in that nation and they oppose the Syrians. If Syria is going to be able to move against Israel soon they must maintain control over Lebanon in order to move their troops from the north down through Lebanon to reach Israel which boarders Israel. At the same time the Syrian’s are moving their troops near Lebanon the Russians are expanding their forces in Syria. Last week “Israeli military and naval commanders were taken by surprise by Rear Adm. Andrei Baranov's disclosure that 10 Russian warships are already anchored at the Syrian port of Tartus, DEBKAfile’s military sources report.” These ships and the new Russian base just set up in Syria are strengthening Russia and Syria’s positions in the North. They are beginning to place their forces where they need them in order to invade Israel from the North. Russia has also deployed a fleet of warships in Venezuela as a show of force against the U.S. in case the U.S. attacks Iran. Jesus warned us war would come in the last days and it is about to begin. I have said this many times for the last two weeks but I want you all to keep on the watch. Israel may strike Iran’s nuclear facility soon and it could be the move that will in the end fulfill Ezekiel’s prophecy, which is the invasion on Israel. In any case both the Russian’s and Syrian’s are in the North getting ready for war, and this is exactly where Ezekiel said they would be. I have been asked if I think Russia will attack the U.S. if they help Israel hit Iran? I think it is a very strong possibility. After all, Russia warned the U.S. if we attacked Israel it would be the same thing as attacking Russia. Only time will time. One thing I know for sure. “MOSCOW (AFP) — As far a the Russians are concerning here is a recent report informing us they are for the first time in many years Russian battle ships are steaming toward Venezuela. “A fleet of Russian warships led by a massive nuclear-powered missile cruiser set sail Monday for Venezuela, officials said, for naval manoeuvres on the United States' doorstep not seen since the Cold War. "They left at 10:00 am (0600 GMT). It's the nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser Peter the Great, the anti-submarine warship Admiral Chebanenko and other accompanying ships," Russian navy spokesman Igor Dygalo told AFP. Dygalo said he could not reveal how many ships were involved in the deployment or when they would arrive. He confirmed on Sunday however that the vessels were bound for Venezuela, RIA Novosti news agency reported.” Russia could launch missiles at the U.S. very easy from this location at a time when the U.S. is at it’s weakest point!
The attack on Israel isn’t far off and you can count on it taking place because God has never been wrong on any prophecy He has given us. We serve a wise and all knowing God. If people would read the Bible they would see just how powerful and all knowing He is. For example, it wasn’t Christopher Columbus who found out the world was round first. God told Isaiah long before Columbus set sail that is was round. Read Isaiah 40:22, “It is he that sitteth upon the “circle” of the earth”. God told Job the following; “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” The nothing referred to in this passage is (outer space)! Could it be that Christioper Columbus read the bible and these two scriptures and believed the Lord and wasn’t afraid to set sail?
Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & chapter 7, also Revelation Chapter 17 all speak about the reborn Roman Empire that would rise in the last days. The European Union is the fulfillment of these prophecies. The EU is the modern day reborn Roman Empire. If you are new to my site you need to know a shift in world powers has to take place. The power shift will raise the EU to the top just as warned in both Ezekiel and in the Revelation. The decline of America has begun and this last week we just narrowly escaped another major stock market crash. If the U.S. Government didn’t bail out AIG and the banks this weekend, at the of a trillion dollars, today the headlines in every paper around the world would have read something like this, “America cast into Depression”. One of the signs of America’s decline is the dollar and today we were told, “The dollar dropped against the yen for the first time in three days on concern a U.S. government plan to buy $700 billion of soured mortgage-related assets from banks will widen the country's budget deficit.” The U.S. currency fell to $1.4618 per euro, the lowest since Sept. 2, and was later at $1.4608, from $1.4466.” America isn’t out of the woods. The bail out does nothing for the other side of the U.S. economy. People are still being laid off, unemployment is rising, growth is stagnating, and welfare lines are growing. This nation is in serious shape. Someone asked me today what should I do with my funds. One thing everyone will learn soon is this, the U.S. dollar is not backed up by anything any longer. It used to be backed up by Gold and Silver but not any longer! The government is printing paper money that has no valve what so ever. When the dollar crashes and the U.S. economy is again facing a depression the only thing that will be worth anything will be Gold and Silver. Please go back and read my February 15, 2008 post. There you will find I warned you that the price of Gold and Silver were going to climb. If you can control the markets to slide and the dollar to fall, then the result will be, you can raise the price of Gold and Silver. This is what happens just about every time the dollar drops. Who controls these changes? Government and bankers! That is accentually what we just saw happen this past weekend. Today there is a news report again telling us about the decline in the dollar. “NEW YORK, Sept 22 (Reuters) – A chorus of concern about the cost and lack of details about the U.S. government's $700 billion bailout of troubled banks dragged down global stocks, government debt and the dollar on Monday and drove up the price of gold. U.S. gold futures jumped nearly 4 percent on safe-haven buying as analyst after analyst worried about the final shape of the bailout plan, with U.S. lawmakers calling for changes from the Treasury Department's proposal.” As you can see gold is rising again. My warning from Feb. 15, 2008 is right now the money. Gold has always been a safe bet but, it won’t do you a bit of good during the 7-year tribulation. You see, half way through that 7 years the Antichrist is going to cut all funds, income, and means of buying and selling to everyone who doesn’t take his Satanic mark which, Jesus warned would be 666. So, I don’t care how many millions you are worth right now, if you miss the rapture of the Church you will soon be poor and fending for yourself. Of course you can join the Antichrist and take his mark (666), but if you do that you seal your fate in hell for all eternity, that’s not a good plan! So let me warn you again. Jesus Words are going to come to pass. Gold and Silver will rise, America as you will see, is going to decline even further, while the European Union rises to the top. Even the Earth will help speed up this process. Have you taken notice how America has suffered this past 7 months? We had some 15 states flooded in our Midwest this is forcing the government to bail out flood victims. Crop loss in the states this year so far has been staggering and these storms have been one of the main reasons why food prices are still climbing. Droughts are putting strains on farms in California, which is the biggest producer of food. Our troubles are mounting and every time we get hit by one of these conditions America slips deeper into debt. Right now the USA has a 9 trillion dollar debt and we aren’t even sure if that is the cap yet. It may climb even higher once we find out the details from the House’s plan in the next few days. Expect things to get worse not better, so just prepare yourself and your family for what is coming. In the first part of this year I told you huge storms would begin to be reported. I warned you all to watch and see how many crops will be destroyed. What I warned you can to pass, and do you know why? Because that is exactly what Jesus told us to look for. Since Jesus warned all these signs would occur as a woman in labor, we should expect that bigger storms are on the way, this by the way is exactly what the scientists have just warned us today. I quote, from a report entitled Scientists Warn of Stronger Hurricanes”. “The Caribbean and Gulf Coast have seen a spate of devastating hurricanes in recent years that have cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives.” “And it looks like the situation might only get worse.” “Meanwhile, the oceans are growing warmer. Global ocean temperatures have risen by about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit (0.1 degrees Celsius) in the last 30 years. And hurrican
es are fueled by the warm, moist air over the tropical Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. The warmer the ocean surface, the more energy is available to fuel a storm's ferocious winds. Scientists have predicted that as global warming continues to heat up the ocean, hurricanes could become more frequent, more intense or both, and several scientists think that change is already evident. As sea surface temperatures rise, they provide more fuel to the convection that drives the swirling storms. This added energy could notch up the speed of hurricanes' winds (though several scientists say the winds can only increase so much). One recent study suggested that the strongest hurricanes in particular would get a bump from warming waters.” There two important things you need to know so I can connect the dots between current events and Bible prophecy. First read what Jesus warned. “and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:” Luke 21:25-26). Noice Jesus says the sea and waves roaring, what pushes waves? The wind! As our planet heats up and the waters rise in tempture the bigger the storms are going to become. Jesus even shows us that men will have heart attacks because they will know these things are coming. When you read the book of Revelation you see one of the judgements from God on an unbelieveing world will be that He will send heat from the sun and scorch the heat and those living on it. When that happens the warmer waters will be perfect to develop huge hurricanes with speeds this plant hasn’t seen yet. The question now is, do you believe in Jesus has warned you? If so, if you haven’t received Jesus Christ as your Savior yet, I would ask him to save you right how. I have a pray you can say later in this post. Please let me know if you have given your life over to Christ. I would be honored to help you in your new born again life in Christ. Here’s the Good News, you can escape all these things that Jesus warns about that will take place during the 7-year tribulation, once you have asked Christ into your heart you allow Him to act on your behalf. In acting on your behalf, He promised to remove the Rightous from this Earth before the tribulation begins. Thank Jesus for His Grace!
If you study the Words of Christ you will learn that He warns us a one-world government will come. This one world government will be controlled by one man which the Bible referrers to as the Antichrist. The Antichrist will show up on the scene at the same time the modern day Roman Empire has been revived again, which you now know now it has. You know from Revelation 13: 17 that this is the man who stops everyone from buying and selling. In order for that to happen there has to be one currency for him to control or one economic system for him to control. The European Union is well on their way to helping bring Jesus warnings to life. There are 27 nations in the EU at least 20 are turning or have turned over to the euro, the currency of the EU. Into today’s news we see another group of nations making plans to do much the same thing. I quote, “On Wednesday, finance chiefs of five of the six-member, oil-rich Gulf Cooperation Council approved a proposal to create a monetary union as a move toward adopting a single currency, according to the AFP. The six Islamic states constituting the Gulf Cooperation Council are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Oman pulled out of the agreement last year. Five states in the compact have agreed to set 2010 as the target date for the creation of a monetary union and the adoption of common currency. The emergence of an Islamic single currency among these oil-rich Middle Eastern countries marks a significant step in the emerging worldwide movement to abandon national currencies in favor of regional currencies, along the model where the EU states have abandoned their national currencies in favor of the European Central Bank and the euro. What you are reading in the news are steps to fulfill the very Words and warnings of Jesus. Open your eyes, all these things in the news that line up with God’s warnings is no coincidence! It is Jesus’ why of getting your attention. This message also applies to all you Christians who are lukewarm in Christ and for anyone not keeping on the watch for the signs of the end times! We are getting much to close to the rapture of the Church and we must abide in our Lord. This is the time to fire up your burners for Jesus, let Him know your light is shining bright for Him. War is coming and many troubles will follow, we must stand ready now and do what we can to lead others to Christ right now.
I think you will find this next report very interesting. It is entitled, “US To Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections” I quote from this September 16, 2008 report. ”By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo) The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is reporting in the Kremlin today that the Bank of England has received from the United States Federal Reserve Bank a ‘notice’ that President Bush is preparing to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’. Please read my Sept. 10, 2008 post, here is a secion from my report. "Once a disaster hits, say a economic disaster, or Marshall Law is called, a man can force everyone to have the Verichip imbedded, if you don’t comply, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything. Chips in the hand are already being used in many nightclubs in Europe. It isn’t a matter if this kind of technology will be forced on everyone but, when it will be enforced." What Jesus has shown me is along the same lines as what is being written about in the news! Let me continue. These reports state that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, had expressed his ‘shock and outrage’ to his American counterparts at the US Federal Reserve after the catastrophic collapse of one of the largest financial banks in the World, Lehman Brothers, and which caused both the Band of England and the European Central Bank to rush $42 billion into the European economy yesterday to keep it from collapsing, and their own banks from running out of money, necessitating the response from the US Central Bank leader Ben S. Bernanke.” Believe me it will be worth your time to read this entire report. What is written in this report is something that Jesus put on my heart awhile back and I can see this taking place. If this happens there is a good chance Bush will call for Marshall law. I know one thing, I am preparing for this to happen just in case. If you just review the State of America, the debt and direction the U.S. is going, I would say the chances of this taking place favor it to happen. I guess we will all have to wait till Oct. to find out if in fact this report holds any truth. Then again, Jesus just may have chosen this Feast of Trumpets as the appointed time to rapture His Church. In that case if He does come for us, I pray those left behind will remember what was said here and turn to Christ. These are scary times for everyone, but thank God Jesus has given us His peace to overcome anything.
This next report from newwithview.com almost says the same thing as the report on Bush calling a Economic Emergency’ in Oct. “ World history is spotted with stories of political conquests: Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, the Pharaohs, Alexander the Great, and Roman Caesars, each who seized physical control of a country, its economy and assets. History holds no story of a take over based solely on a country’s assets, until now. The modern day Attila’s, Genghis Khan’s, Pharaoh’s, and Caesar’s are the men who own and control the Central Banks of the world. America’s Central Bank is the Federal Reserve, which controls our monetary system, is not part of our governmental system, and, although its name would imply, it has no reserves. The 13th month of America’s credit crisis may hold its own in history as a country whose economic power and bulk of wealth overnight become the assets of the Federal Reserve. This may well be the finest coup d’état. For more than a week the news media has been a buzz, clamoring for the need to change our regulatory system. The passage, by Congress, of “The Treasury Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory System,” will hand over to the Federal Reserve the last vestiges of our financial sovereignty: savings and loans; state chartered banks; thrifts and credit unions; the entire mortgage and insurance systems, as well as oversight of the Payment and Settlement System of Wall Street. In addition, the Feds would gain oversee rights to all of America’s financial markets. (Read “The Treasury Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure,”).http://www.newswithviews.com/Veon/joan157.htm” Please take time to read this entire report.
If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after ready this information please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can exter heaven without giving their life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope.
I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend.
I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your book of life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
DiMora's first Radio interview on The Edge with Host Gina Romano. Intervew was heard on June 26, 2008
14 http://video.aol.com/video-detail/june-26th-2008-part-14/40337309
If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th you can now click to the links below and listen to the entire interview. If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.
August 10th, 2008 – Part 1
August 10th, 2008 – Part 2
August 10th, 2008 – Part 3
August 10th, 2008 – Part 4
August 10th, 2008 – Part 5
August 10th, 2008 – Part 6
August 10th, 2008 – Part 7
August 10th, 2008 – Part 8
August 10th, 2008 – Part 9
August 10th, 2008 – Part 10
My 3rd radio interview on The Edge International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below.
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.
Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started:
Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.
Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_large_print_2008_update.pdf
Adam DiMora is helping people save money and better their life.