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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6-7 “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nations, and kingdom against kingdom” Please take notice what Christ said, the first thing we would notice about this one sign is we will see wars and rumors of wars. We have been seeing small, short wars for years, however Jesus wanted us to notice the fact that major wars would then follow which would be the sign of His soon return. For the past few years we keep hearing of a possible 3rd world war breaking out and starting in the Middle East. There is good reason to suspect the next major war will in fact break out in the Middle East because that is where God told us it would begin. The war I am speaking of is recorded in Ezekiel chapter 38. This war involves key players such a Russia, Iran, Turkey, and Libya. Russia is already on the move to prove to the world their military power is back again. The Russians invaded Georgia last month and they have not left as they stated they would. Now there are rumors floating around that Russia’s next target of conquest will be Crimea. A new report out informed us “A key Czech leader said Friday that a resurgent Russia has begun testing the West and warned that Ukraine's strategic Crimea peninsula could become a target.-" I think that we would not be surprised if in the future similar events, for example, develop in Crimea," he said. "We hope that it is not going to happen, but we think that the situation there is not very stable, and to provoke more instability would probably not be that difficult."
There were more rumors of war this weekend as “Hezbollah Chief Hasan Nasrallah declared in a televised speech Thursday that his Shiite group will keep its arms even if Shebaa farms were liberated, As-Safir daily reported Friday.-"Shebaa farms are not the reason to keep our weapons; if the farms were liberated, the weapons will stay," Nasrallah said.-Hezbollah will not give up its weapons "as long as Israeli threat persists," threatening that his group will destroy Israel if it launches an attack on Lebanon. "The five brigades (which Israel said it will use) will be destroyed," he added. If you have visited my site in the past 3 weeks I have warned that a new conflict against Israel lead by Syria, the Hezbollah and, Hamas. Soon this rumor of war coming will be played out.
“Libyan revolutionary leader Mu'ammar al-Gaddafi has shown that deals can be made with the US without including a required "recognition" of the Zionist entity "Israel"-Further, inexplicably, Seif Gaddafi's spokesman Shabbani told Mathaba that his father the Libyan leader Gadhafi is a "satanist". At the end of this long report it stated, “Both the Guardian and AP did not quote from other parts of the transcript, where Gadhafi revealed that "the whole world hates the Jews" and explained that he is "defending the Jews from becoming extinct" and addressed other issues such as Iran's alleged nuclear program. Let me bring out a few very important points in this article. First Gaddafi says he defends the Jews, yet he goes on record saying he won’t recognize Israel” How can you say you defend a people if you won’t even recognize them? Second, if Gadhafi is a“Satanist” as his relative informed us then, you can see why Gaddafi has no problems lying about defending the Jews. Did you know Libya is one of those nations on Ezekiel’s list to attack Israel in the last day? God’s shows us the real truth about the leader of Libya. In the near future Libya will in fact join Iran, and Russia and invade Israel. In the beginning of this year I warned you all that you would begin to see Libya in the news this year because we are getting close to the attack on Israel. Since I issued that warning Libya has been in the news on a regular bases. Let us not fort get a few months back Putin the leader of Russia made a new pact with Gadhafi and wrote off 4 billion in debt for Libya. These nations have begun to get close because we are headed in the direction, which is going to fulfill the Ezekiel prophecy.[40]=i-42-20a32b355adaf33032540dd07205e866
Will Ezekiel’s prophecy be fulfilled soon? I have been giving you all the reports in the news that show us we are headed down that road and, there was more news again today. The headline to this next report was entitled “Iran rejects French warning it risks Israeli strike” “Iran dismissed on Saturday a warning by France's president that the Islamic Republic was taking a dangerous gamble over its nuclear program because one day its arch-foe Israel could strike.” “ Government spokesman Gholamhossein Elham accused Israel of threatening global peace but reiterated Tehran's publicly stated view that it was not in a position to attack Iran. Separately, a senior commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying that new long-range missiles had strengthened Iran's defensive capabilities.” Jesus warned nation would be against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the last days. Based on Jesus Words and knowing what is written about a coming war in Ezekiel’s prophecy, I can tell you this; soon this world will be faced with another major world conflict.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Seas and waves roaring. (Major storms).
We need to keep on the watch for all the signs Jesus listed in the book of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. One of those signs is major storms. Jesus also warned we would see major problems such as people going hunger and complex problems. One good example of this sign being fulfilled is found in Haiti. These poor people have been hit by 3 major storms in 3 weeks time. Today’s news told us “Almost 500 bodies have been found in the port city of Gonaives, Haiti, after floodwaters caused by recent storms receded, according to reports. Police commissioner Ernst Dorfeuille said 495 bodies had been found and the toll could get higher.” “A ship carrying 33 tons of UN aid arrived in Haiti on Friday to help an estimated 600,000 people struggling in the wake of tropical storm Hanna.” Right now the current problems have over whelmed Haiti’s government. If you came to this site a few days ago you would seen the news people were fighting for food. None of these things are good news, but we must look past what is happening and look at why they are happening. Unless these things be fulfilled
Haiti isn’t the only nation perplexed by these recent storms “The Caribbean islands of Turks and Caicos are being hammered by Hurricane Ike, the fourth major storm to sweep the region in the past three weeks. AP quotes the islands' prime minister as saying that 80% of homes on the main Grand Turk island have been damaged.Ike, measuring a ferocious Category Four, barrelled over the archipelago with winds of up to 135mph (215km/h). Keep in mind these storms will be small compared to the storms that hit this plant during the tribulation period.
Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 9 and Revelation chapter’s 13 and 17. These chapters tell us the Old Roman Empire would come back to life again in the last days. It would be this modern day reborn Roman Empire that will be the major superpower standing at the time Jesus Christ returns to fight and destroy the Antichrist’s reign. If you’ve been visiting my site you know I have been giving you signs that America is declining in power. The reason this has to take place is to push the European Union (reborn Roman Empire), into the position both Daniel and Jesus showed us. America has been fighting a trouble economy and our situation is getting worse. This week the Fed’s are preparing to bail out two of the biggest mortgage giants the U.S has. If these two banking giants were allowed to go under it would devastate the U.S. and probably push us past the point of a recession and bring us to the doorsteps of another depression. “The Treasury Department is putting the finishing touches to a plan designed to shore up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, people familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal, a move that would essentially amount to a government takeover of the mortgage giants.” Anyone who knows bible prophecy knows during the end times a one-world government will be formed. As America’s economy declines the government moves one step closer to gaining control of the markets. America’s problems have reached other nations and now threaten other economies. By the time the 7-year tribulation begins this plant will be searching for someone to lift the plant out of it economic mess. Jesus and Daniel both show us the man who will come and appear to be Earth’s savior will be the Antichrist and he will rise from within the European Union which is the modern day reborn Roman Empire.,3566,417881,00.html
In the beginning of this year I warned you to watch what happens to the unemployment rates in the U.S.. I warned you our economy was going to take a dive. Since January America has been on the decline and the new reports give us the facts. “The nation's unemployment rate bolted above the psychologically important 6 percent level last month for the first time in five years — and it's likely to go even higher in the months ahead, possibly throwing the economy into a tailspin as Americans pick a new president. A blizzard of pink slips propelled the jobless rate from 5.7 percent in July to 6.1 percent in August, the Labor Department reported Friday. Such a sharp increase is usually a strong recession warning, and it dashed investors' hopes for a late-year recovery. Worried about the economy and their own business prospects, employers cut payrolls by 84,000 in August, marking the eighth straight month of losses. So far this year, a staggering 605,000 jobs have vanished — slightly less than the population of Alaska. The economy needs to generate more than 100,000 new jobs a month for employment to remain stable”. Mark Christ’s Words, it will be the modern day reborn Roman Empire who will stand as that last major superpower not the USA. There can be only one reason why the European Union has grown so fast in so little of a time span. The EU is taking the position she has to take in order to fulfill all prophecy!
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21: 25 “And there shall be signs in the sun”. Revelation 16: 8-11 speak of intense heat and Revelation 7:15-16 shows us the people who come out of the tribulation were affected by the sun’s effects. We are told the people who come out “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun strike upon them, nor any heat”. Over the past decade we have been watching the results from the suns intense heat. In the past two years we have seen huge ice shelfs break off and fall into the ocean, and we have seen some of the hottest days on record, but this is only the beginning of what this plant is in for. Jesus told us these things (signs), would increase as a women in labor and that is exactly what we are seeing take place. Here is a small sample of the effects of the heat and burning sun, which is causing major droughts around the world. I want to focus on the largest state in America. “California's state government is forming a "water bank" to buy water for local water agencies at risk of shortages next year should a current drought persist, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Thursday. Schwarzenegger in June declared the most populous U.S. state to officially be in drought and declared nine counties in its farm-rich Central Valley to be in a state of emergency because water supplies were so low after two years of below-average rainfall. California's water shortages have been compounded by a federal court order to limit pumping water from the state's San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta to protect a species of fish.” Last week I posted drought effects hitting Australia and showed how the drought is causing major problems with the food supply. The same thing is occurring in California. Not only is the heat and drought bad for the crops but it is also helping in pushing the price of food even higher. We are seeing much of the same thing in many nations around the world. I give a detail breakdown of the effects from the sun in chapter 5 of my free prophecy book, which you can download at this site. If you really want to see how Jesus’ Words are being fulfilled concerning this prophecy sign I suggest you go and read that chapter. Here is the point. All these things (signs) are taking place all at the same time, and this is the key to knowing how close we are to seeing Jesus’ 2nd coming. You should get familiar with the Word spoken by our Lord. “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” One of the questions I am asked the most is this, “do I think this will happen in my life time? My answer is absolutely and here is why I say that. Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled”. In Matthew 24 we are told the generation who see all these signs taking place at the same time, and sees the rebirth of the nation Israel will be that generation to occur in Christ’ 2nd coming. This is the reason why you are seeing some many prophecies being fulfilled now. We are very close to the tribulation beginning. All the signs we are now witnessing are bringing us to the doorsteps of that 7-year tribulation. This is why I have been trying to warn as many people as will listen. The unsaved in Christ are running out of time to receive Jesus as their Savior while the Church is still on this Earth. You can freely receive Jesus’ free gift of Salvation now, but when He removes His Church from this Earth you will have to die for Christ as a martyr in order to make it into heaven. Why not take His love now and miss out on all His judgments that will be poured out on this Earth soon? Christ is calling people to Himself and if you refuse don’t blame Jesus when you’re left behind to face the Antichrist! You have a way out now take it!
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Earthquakes in many places. Take a look at the link concerning earthquakes I give you below. There have been 31 earthquakes hitting magnitudes of 5 and higher in the month of September and we are only 7 days into the month. Mark my words bigger quakes are coming. I know my words will come to pass because this is what Jesus told us to look for at the time of the end.
Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 43:6 Jews returning back to Israel in the last days. I think this next report will help you see how close we are to actually seeing the return of Christ. When you read Isaiah’s prophecy about the Jews who will return back to Israel in the last days to come to understand two important facts. First, God has fulfilled His Word again and has brought back the Jews as He stated He would. Second, not that this prophecy is just about over, we know the end of all prophecy is very near. Read the headline to this recent report. “In Israel, Era of Mass Immigration Ends”. This report goes on to say, “The influx that brought together more than 3 million Jews from more than 100 countries following Israel's creation in 1948 has dwindled to a trickle. The last great immigration wave-Ethiopian Christians of Jewish ancestry who convert back to Judaism for resettlement in Israel-has just ended, and with it an iconic chapter in Israeli history.” I hope you are paying attention to detail because God is!
DiMora's first Radio interview on The Edge with Host Gina Romano. Intervew was heard on June 26, 2008
If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th you can now click to the links below and listen to the entire interview. If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.
August 10th, 2008 – Part 1
August 10th, 2008 – Part 2
August 10th, 2008 – Part 3
August 10th, 2008 – Part 4
August 10th, 2008 – Part 5
August 10th, 2008 – Part 6
August 10th, 2008 – Part 7
August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related
August 10th, 2008 – Part 9
August 10th, 2008 – Part 10
My 3rd radio interview on The Edge International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below.
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.
Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started:
Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.
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Adam DiMora is helping people save money and better their life.