Jesus’ warning of troubled times & fearful sights-May 16, 2008


Signs of the Times: Luke 21:25 (Storms) Luke 21:11 (fearful sights).   In a recent report entitled, “Experts: Twisters Getting Larger, Deadlier” we are told, “As communities rebuild after deadly tornadoes bulldozed their way from Oklahoma to Georgia and North Carolina over the weekend, experts say that this tornado season is bigger and deadlier than last year’s, with little relief in sight. Seventy-seven tornadoes tore through the country the past few days, according to preliminary reports at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Storm Prediction Center. In Georgia, more than 180,000 people were left without power, while 15 fatalities were reported in Missouri.”  Jesus warned us about these fearful sights. If you ask the people in Oklahoma, Georgia, or North Carolina if these 77 torandeos were fearful to them, I am sure they could relate to what Jesus said.  We are starting to see these fearful sights more and more.  Up-date Friday evening. China has after shock hitting 5.5 .

The people who live Chile have also witnessed one of these fearful sights when their volcano blew off, now there are concerns it may erupt again.  Not only are the people dealing with the volcano ash that has fallen but now they are also dealing with heavy flooding.  May 15 (Reuters) – Chile’s Chaiten volcano groaned, rumbled and shuddered on Thursday, raising new concerns among authorities, as lightning bolts pierced the huge clouds of hot ash hovering ominously above its crater. Chile’s National Emergency Office, ONEMI, said heavy ash kept shooting from the volcano in southern Chile as it generated small tremors. On the ground, heavy flooding hit the area around Chaiten as falling ash swelled rivers, overflowing their banks”  Warning signs are all around us.

In Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned that in the end times kingdom would be against kingdom, or (civil war).  Here is a good example of the birth pain Jesus talked about. In 1975 Lebanon was in a civil war.  It seemed things had calmed down there for a whole but this week another civil war in Lebanon broke out again. According to the press this is the worse violence since the last civil war which lasted from 1975-1990. I believe this war will be much worse because the Hezbollah wants to take over Lebanon.  Was they have full control of Lebanon it will be much easier to attack Israel when the time comes.  That is the main reason why this new civil war began.  Here is a short section from today’s news. “The Arab League intervention was prompted by the worst sectarian violence since the 1975-1990 civil war, marked by the takeover by opposition fighters from Hezbollah and its allies such as the Amal of large swaths of west Beirut”.

Here is another sign of rumors of war. Bush vowed that Washington would stand with Israel in opposing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, saying it would be "unforgivable" if Tehran were allowed to get the bomb.”  Bush and Israel came to an understanding that Iran can not be unchecked and something has to happen to stop them from getting their nuclear power plant finished.  “"We are on the same page. We both see the threat … And we both understand that tangible action is required to prevent the Iranians from moving forward on a nuclear weapon," Olmert spokesman Mark Regev said on Friday.”  Right now this is fulfilling the prophecy sign of rumors of war, but soon this there will be an attack on Israel as recorded in the 38-39 chapter of the book of Ezekiel.  If either Israel or the U.S attacks Iran, Iran will in turn attack Israel, but the Word tells us Iran won’t attack alone. They will come with millions of men, allies of many men from many nations including Russia.  Almost every day you can read in the news somewhere that a new war is coming soon in the Middle East against Israel  A new tape from Osama bin Laden once again warned he would continue until Israel was defeated.  The headline to this next report is, “Holy war until Palestine”  “liberated’Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden said in a new audio message released Friday that the terrorist organization will continue its holy war against Israel and its allies until it liberates Palestine” (May 16, 2008). Chapter 7 and Revelation 17 tell us the Old Roman Empire will return in the last days. America is falling and the European Union ( the reborn Roman Empire) is getting stronger.  Here is just one small sign of the power shift.  News out of London showed us, "The dollar is looking slightly weaker on the back of yesterday’s manufacturing data but there hasn’t been too significant a slump in the greenback so far," said James Hughes, an analyst at CMC Markets in London.”. For months I have warned oil and gas prices will keep going up. Yesterday I issued the same warning again.  Today oil prices broke another record and hit $1.27 a barrel for the first time.  Also in today’s news out of N.Y. a ( report stated, “Retail gas prices hit record highs for the ninth day in a row, auto group AAA’s Web site showed Friday.”  I know if you are new to this site and, you aren’t familiar with bible prophecy you may not understand the full scope of what I am saying.  Please go to chapter 2 and read it.  You will see the proof that the European Union is that revived Roman Empire which Jesus talked about.—- In Chapter two of my book I show you how the antichrist may take center stage.  We know from Daniel 9:27 that he will confirm a peace agreement with Israel for 7 years when he come but, it may also show up at a time when the world is looking for a new leader to take care of all the troubles our planet is now facing, including a troubled world economy. Now that all the nations of the world are so tied together in this global market, what effects one nation will effect the rest as well.  Here is proof of what I am speaking about. Today in the news,  “The U.N. economists said the deepening credit crisis in major market economies triggered by the U.S.-led slump in housing prices, the declining value of the U.S. dollar, persistent global imbalances and soaring oil and commodity prices pose considerable risks to economic growth in both developed and developing countries.” I believe this is in part the troubles Jesus referred to in Mark 13.

In Mark 13:8 we see the end times signs of famines and troubles  Since 11 days ago millions of people have gone with out food and water, because of what happened in the China earthquake and the Burma cyclone.  These are troubled times!  Today we are told, “through (Reuters) that,”Japan could find itself dining on rice, pickles and potatoes if global food supplies keep tightening and imports are cut off, the government warned on Friday. Just 39 percent of food in Japan is produced at home, the lowest percentage among the major industrialized countries, raising alarm among officials over food security as supplies fall and prices soar.”  In the coming months you will see more people begin to suffer. Why?  Because many nations  that grow food will see flooding,  many will see droughts, and many will see crops being eaten by bugs. These are all signs listed in Matthew 24,  Mark 13, and Luke chapter 21.  I wanted to tell you this now so that when you see them you will know these warnings came from the bible and God.  Right now the following nations are asking for food assistance.  Afghanistan, Chad, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Somalia, Sri Lanka, and Sudan. Jesus in Mark 13:8 says when you see these things “these are the beginnings of sorrows.” The word sorrows in the Greek is birthpangs.

On my Feb. 15 post I warned you to keep your eyes on the price of Wheat, Gold, Silver and food.  I explained why these prices are going to rise to levels we have never seen.  You will have to read the post to fully understand but Jesus showed us that the as He was destroying the evil world system the people would be crying over the loss of their preious items.  During the 7 year tribulation food will be almost completely gone, food prices will be so high then a man will work all day just for a very small amount of food, just for one day.  We see people crying over the loss of Gold, Silver, and other items such as flour and wheat.  Read this section from the morningstar news today and you will see the signs are in our face.  “US Commodities: Gold Climbs As Crude Oil Surges, Dollar Slips

The report said the recent sharp rise in commodity prices and the continued rise in oil prices are key factors spurring inflation along with higher wages” “June gold rose $16.10 to settle at $874.10 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.”"Crude oil is going bananas again, and that tends to be naturally inflationary and tends to be supportive of the metals," said Sterling Smith, vice president with FuturesOne.” The price of oil is driving everything up including the very items Jesus put on His list in Rev. chapter 18.  The signs of the times are as I said, “are in our face”.

In closing out this weeks prophecy up-dates I ask you consider the facts you have read this week. Consider that the Lord has given you everything in detail before the events even were seen. Consider that Jesus is pulling at you to come to Him, before the Church is raptured to God.    By your own choice you will either the door to heaven or the door to hell. What door are you going to go through? Jesus said,Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” Revelation 3:20. If God wills I will post more signs on Monday.  Keep watching the news! Keep watching for the Kings of Kings!

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Frank’ Video on youtube concerning all these signs:

Frank DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

AWAKE FROM YOUR SLEEP IT IS TIME TO WATCH! May 15, 2008 post Locusts and insects on the way. Time written 10:00 AM Pacific Time.


My heart goes out to all the people affected by the quakes. In the last 3 weeks Mexico, Japan, and China. have lived through one of the signs of the times Jesus warned about which is earthquakes.  These 3 nations are among the first to see first hand what Jesus was talking about.  Soon you will be seeing more news concerning more of these quakes.  They are coming!  People may not like or want to hear this type of news, but  would you rather I lie to you?  Please put this in your heart, we are not just seeing warnings from some man (Jesus) but He is our Lord and our God.  If our God is warning us we are going to see all these things, then it would be foolish to try and hide from these facts.  His warnings have gone out for two reasons. First, to demonstrate that what He says always comes to pass and second, to warn everyone that He is coming soon.  The signs have been given to us to get us ready to met him when He calls His Church home.  If I therefore told you we won’t see anymore of these quakes I would be lying and contradicting Jesus own words.  You see Jesus said all these things will come just like a women in labor.  All the signs from here on will begin to intensify, and not only are they going to get stronger but they are now going to begin to come faster.  It isn’t my job to try and make you feel better, it my commission to prepare everyone to either met Jesus in the air when He calls, or be prepared to be cast into the worse 7 years of human history.  In Matthew 24:22 Jesus said, “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved”.  When Jesus returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation there will be very few people left on this planet.  If you like those odds and want to take the risk of entering the 7 years that is your choice, but for those of you who are wise, prepare to met the Lord. Here is a prayer Jesus wants you to pray.  “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:36).  Christ would not ask you to pray for something he wasn’t going to deliver.   Everyone who is ready will be caught up to Christ and brought into heaven while everyone else is left on earth to pass through the 7 years. Signs of things to come. Luke chapter 21:25. includes the sign of earthquakes. Yesterday I said look for the count to be 50,000 people dead and it could go higher, today that number showed up in a report issued by the AP. See link below.

AP video shows China earthquake’s first moments  May 14, 2008

Matthew 24:6 war and rumors of war-Signs of things to come.  In the news today there was a report entitled, “The gathering storm, and beyond”. It was reported in the Jerusalem Post.   It is a report out of Israel that is a warning sign not only for Israel but for every free nation. “The incendiary hate language emanating from Ahmadinejad’s Iran – in which Israel is referred to as "filthy bacteria" and a "cancerous tumor" and Jews are characterized as "a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians" – is only the head wind of the gathering storm confronting Israel on its 60th anniversary”.  state-sanctioned incitement to genocide in Ahmadinejad’s Iran (and I use that term to distinguish it from the many publics and peoples in Iran who are themselves the object of massive state repression) dramatized by the parading of a Shihab-3 missile in the streets of Teheran draped with the emblem "Wipe Israel off the map";.  The people at the Jerusalem Post are very wise to point out the threat from Iran.  I know the person who wrote this report can see the handwriting on the wall.  I believe this person knows it is only a matter of time before Israel is faced by an massive assault by Iran and her allies.  Fact is, the writer even points out the current events in Lebanon and Syria  are brewing  trouble for Israel.  I have been warning you for months Israel would be engaged in another war soon. That war is coming!

The writer from the J. Post speaks about Iran and how Ahmadinejad has again stated he wants to wipe Israel off the map.  I told you yeaterday that if Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear plant Russia would be dragged into war against Israel as well. Here is the report I quoted that information from.  The title to report is called, “Attack Iran and you attack Russia” I quote from the Oct. 26, 2008 report.  “The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration’s relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear
strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.  Iran considers Israel and America as bed partners. If either one of these nations hit Iran, Russia will come and fulfilled the prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39.  This war is moving closer and closer to being fulfilled.  You will understand just how close once you read chapter 10 of my book. You can download the book for FREE at the end of this post. Please give it about 45 seconds to download.

President Bush to Israel: ‘America stands with you’  video

Four years ago I told my wife we were going to be faced $.4.00 gas prices. Some of the other people I told this probably didn’t believe me, but if they read the press today they will find out this to has come to pass.  Alaska was the first state in the Union to hit $4. Here is the headline, “Alaska first state to hit $4 a gallon gasoline”  I quote, “AAA  May 14, 2008 Oil prices recently brushed against $127 per barrel so certainly, $4 gasoline could be in the cards for other states as well this summer," said Sundstrom. At $4 per gallon, filling up a 15-gallon tank will cost $60.”  When I told my wife what would happen in the future it was in

One of the last stages of the European Union to becoming the mighty World Empire as fore seen by the prophet Daniel and warned by Christ is the Roman military.  If the EU is going to rise to be just like the Old Roman Empire they will have to have the strength in their military as did the Old Roman Empire.   The EU has been building up a strike force and I give all the details in chapter 2 of my book but, now the leaders of the EU are going to put a EU combined force together.  I quote, “German foreign minister favours EU army Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has indicated he would like to see a European army established. Speaking at a Social Democrat security policy conference in Berlin on Monday (5 May), Mr Steinmeier said he favoured the setting up of a "European armed force" and that he would like to see moves in this direction speeded up” May 8, 2008.  Do you know what the EU’s military is going to look like when the 27 nations all come together as one force?  They will be massive and they will be just like the Old Roman Empire all over again.  Notice the last sentence of that report where it says, “Mr Steinmeier said he favoured the setting up of a "European armed force" and that he would like to see moves in this direction speeded up  They are going to speed up this process because we are in stronger labor pains, if Jesus is coming soon, this massive European army must come even faster.  Keep your eyes on the news and you will hear more about this subject very soon.

Today’s news also told us “Poland has opted to become a full member of the EU and NATO-linked military club, Eurocorps, in a move designed to spur on the creation of a significant European defence capability.” I am not kidding when I say it will happen fast!

In January of 2009 the EU is going to pick their first full time EU President ever.  This will be the man who will soon take control of the new EU Army!  No one man has ruled over Europe since Caesar.  Does it surprise you this is exactly what Jesus warned us was coming?  God help you all who still don’t believe.   It has been impressed upon me to start watching the news for pestilences.  Watch for locust swarms to invade soon. I know insects are going to be on the move soon. 


SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5 / AP / BCN)The California Supreme Court overturned a ban on gay marriage Thursday, paving the way for California to become the second state where gay and lesbian residents can marry — though more challenges may loom.”  This is another sign that we have come to the last days.  Jesus made it known that the last generation living just prior to His second coming would be a copy of the generation which lived during Lot’s time.  What was the Lord referring to? Homosexuality.  The generation at Lot’s time were heavily evolved in homosexuality.  This is something God says He hates. Read what He says about this issue.  “ A women must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does thi.” (Deuteronomy 22:5). “There shall be o whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thus shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow.: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God” (Deuteronomy 22:17-18). Listen to what the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?  Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral or…male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders… will inherit the kingdom of God”.  In the book of Luke it says, “It was the same in the days of Lot.  People were eating and drinking buying and selling, planting and building.  But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all” (Luke17:28-29).  The state of California may have passed a law stating gay marriages are legal, but in God’s eyes it is an act that without repentance will cause them to first, to be cast into the 7 year tribulation and second, if they still don’t repent, they will be cast into hell.  No one can escape without asking Jesus to forgive them, and then turn from that sin.  These are not my words, these are God’s Words. If you have trouble with this take it up with the Savior.  In any case we are seeing this generation turn into that copy of Lot’s generation. Please, we are in the final days and I pray you understand how close we are to hearing Jesus call for His Church.  Christians, our duty to Christ is to sound the warning to all people, not just the gay population.  Love all people but hate the sin, pray for these people and ask Christ to reveal His truth before He calls us home! 

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Frank’ Video on youtube concerning all these signs:

Frank DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

The Good News & The BAD-May 14, 2008 Are you blessed or cursed.


This morning I received a e-mail from news 2 in Israel.  They mentioned Israel wasn’t attacked today.  This is what I wrote back.  "Finally some good news!  My ministry is very rough on me because I see what is coming and I really don’t like reporting all this bad news, but as a watchmen for Christ I have to report what is, and what soon will be. Sometimes when I first turn on my computer I ask, "now what".  Thank you for your e-mail"  Israel was not attacked by Syria and their allies today. Thank God! It is always good to hear some good news but I am a realist and most Israeli’s know war can come at any time there.  However, that was the news when I just woke up, later today Israel was attacked again. Maybe it wasn’t the large scale assault people had feared but their enemies have again launched rockets into Southern Israels.  Early reports said that 14 people had been killed.  "At least 14 people were wounded Wednesday evening, including a baby girl and her mother, when a Grad rocket fired from Gaza hit the Hutzot Shopping Center in Ashkelon." Psalms 122:6 says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee."   I ask  you to  pray continually for Israel and her peace. First of all you will be doing the will of the Lord, and second, the Word says you will be blessed.  If you are an enemy of Israel you better read what God has to say about that also.  Genesis says, "I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen. 12:3).  Those nations that think they will wipe Israel off the face of the map are in for a big surprise, they have fallen under God’s curse. Pharaoh would be a good example of someone who cursed Israel. Look what God did to him. Pharaoh went tough plague after plague and finally had most of his army wiped out. Pharaoh also lost his son because he had cursed Israel.  This curse stands today so be careful what you wish for Israel!

Prophecy Sign:  Daniel 12:4  Knowledge will increase.     Here’s some good news, "ASIMO, a robot designed by Honda Motor Co., met its latest challenge Tuesday evening: Conducting the Detroit Symphony in a performance of "The Impossible Dream" from "Man of La Mancha." "Hello, everyone," ASIMO said to the audience in a childlike voice, then waved to the orchestra."  Man has gotten so smart he can do just about anything, even creating a robot to act almost act human.  This brings me to the Book of Revelation where Jesus shows us a false prophet working with the Antichrist will be able to bring an image of the Antichrist to life, when this image comes to life it will speak.  This is what is stated in the Word. Revelation 13:15"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."  The robot that lead the Detroit Symphony yesterday look like a robot, but do we now have the technology that would enable a man to fulfill Rev. 13:15. Is it possible that someone could create an exact image of someone and then make this image come to life?  Not only is it possible but they have already done it.  I am tell you right now that if the Antichrist took the stage today they would be able to create a robot in his exact image.  When the man working with the Antichrist wanted to bring the image of the Antichrist to life he could do it very simply.  Click to link watch the short video then come back. .  When this image of the Antichrist comes to life, we are told that everyone will be forced to receive his mark which is 666. Scripture tells us in Rev. 13:16 that this mark will be placed in the right hand or forehead.  The technology is here to create an exact image of a man and that image can not only speak but move around like a man.  Not only can a image speak but now that image would be able to tell everyone to take the mark in the right hand.  How you ask?  Let me show you. I have two links for you to  watch. The first is a person taking the RFID implant chip in his hand, it shows how it is done. These chips will be able to keep track of anyone who has the implant.  The second link will bring you to a news chip of a business which is using this implant chip for work.  Everything you see taking place now is being set up so that when the times come, the Antichrist will be able to use this technology and force everyone to take it or go without everything including being able to buy food, for Rev. 13:17 tells us you will not be able to buy or sell without it.  The Company who is building these exact robot doubles tells you one of the reasons why they are building these doubles. I think after you see what they say you will get a clear picture of Rev. 13:16 concerning making the image of the beast to come alive.  Next video link is below.


By the way all these signs are suppose to take place at the same time, and they are!  One of these signs is recorded in 2nd Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul warns us about the times and seasons, which refer to the last days. Paul tells us they will be calling for peace and safety.  Today is Israel’s 60th birthday and President Bush is in Israel to celebrate Israel’s 60th.  He is also there for the purpose of trying to close the deal for a final peace deal that will bring safety to Israel.  If you watch the nightly national news you will see this news tonight.  Here’s the point. Every sign we were warned about is already here, not only are they here but they are all taking place at the same time.  It was a blessing that on Israel’s 60th birthday they didn’t have to be engaged in another conflict, but God spoke and forewarned us that there would be a major attack lead by Russia on Israel in the last days.  All I can say is this, Israel take joy in your rest today for you enemy has already come up with a evil thought against you, and this enemy plans to wipe your nation off the map.  If the Jewish people believe in Ezekiel as one of their major prophets than they must except what was written in Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 38 God is telling us of this future attack on Israel and it says it will take place in "the latter years" (Ezekiel 38:8).  This is to take place at a time when the Jewish people have returned to their home land, which they have already done. The fact that today the Jewish nation is celebrating their 60th birthday is proof alone.  Notice in Ezekiel 38:10 it say, "Thus saith the Lord God: It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought". What is meant by evil thought?  It means conceive a mischievous purpose.  In the very next verse we are told what this mischievous purpose is, we are told it is an attack on the Lord’s people.  There will be so many people attacking Israel that it will appear as a cloud covering the land.  Recently Russia has made visits to just about every nation that is listed in Ezekiel 381-7 is going to attack Israel.  If you read my previous posts you will have seen that Russia has been paying everyones debt off. These debts are in the billions.  If you read the entire chapter  in my book that deals with this future attack on Israel you will see that Israel better prepare themselves for this coming war!  You see I believe the Word God spoke about this attack.  I pray the Jewish nations also believes in their God and in the Word He spoke.  Since all the signs of the times are already here, I truly believe that Putin already had this evil thought as God spoke about.  It could be that his recent trips to all these nations was to make plans for the attack.  The important thing we must do now is, Keep on the watch. News 2 who e-mailed me is going to be busy reporting on two conflicts soon. One will be with Syria and finally, one will be with Russia and her allies when they move against Israel.  Don’t think it will happen?  Ask “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who said "Tuesday that Israel would "be soon swept away" from the Palestinian Territories by the Palestinians."  The world didn’t believe Hitler would do what he said either.  Ahmadinejad is going to move on Israel very soon.  Will it be because Israel bombs their nuclear site because, not one nation in the world will do anything to stop Iran’s plans to get the atomic bomb?  In my previous post I quoted Putin who said anyone attacking Iran is like attacking Russia. I am tell you, Ahmadinejad wants Israel to bomb the nuclear plant so they can attack Israel.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 warns about the storms, seas and waves roaring. Luke speaks of fearful sights, and earthquakes, and distress of the nations with perplexity .  This past week the world has witnessed two of the worse disasters ever.  These two disasters alone have caused  much distress for the nations and has created  complex problems. Early reports today told us 15,000 people have been killed by the 7.9 earthquake that hit China a few days ago. That quake lasted 3 minutes.  Official are saying the count will continue to rise, there may be more than 50,000 by the time they get a chance to dig everyone out. " In Sichuan province alone, another 25,788 people were buried and 14,051 missing, provincial vice governor Li Chengyun said, according to Xinhua" (apnews.myway).  The people are scared to enter into their homes for fear more of the aftershocks will bring the rest of the building down.  Now the complex problem is getting help to the hundreds of thousands of people who are cut off from everyone, and that includes food.

Myanmar’s cyclone was the first disaster to hit on May 3, 2008. These people still don’t have food and help is only trickling in.  Now there is a new worry for these people. "The U.S. military’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center said there is a good chance that "a significant tropical cyclone" will form within the next 24 hours and head across the Irrawaddy delta area. The area was pulverized by Cyclone Nargis on May 3, leaving at least 34,273 dead and 27,838 missing, according to the government. The U.N. says the death toll could exceed 100,000. An estimated 2 million survivors of the storm are still in need of emergency aid. But U.N. agencies and other groups have been able to reach only 270,000 people so far" (AP by way of Myway).  I am praying and I hope you will join me in praying that this new cyclone miss these people!

Are you saving and getting food now, if you can it would be a good idea, since the price of food will continue to climb.  In the long run you will save money.  Today it was reported that we have had the "biggest jump in food prices in 18 years " "The Labor Department reported Wednesday that consumer prices edged up 0.2 percent last month, compared to a 0.3 percent rise in March.  Knowing what warning Jesus gave us about what will happen to food, and the high prices of food in the end times it would be a good idea to listen to his warning. Sorry I have to bring so much bad news but these are the time in which we are living.  The good news is this, Jesus is coming to reign as King, and we will have peace on earth as it was meant to be! However, before Christ returns this world is going to have to go through a 7 year tribulation. The good news is that you can be safe in heaven with Christ while this is going on if you receive Him as your Savior. That my friends is good news.  If you don’t like this good news you can refuse Christ Jesus and join the people who will face the Antichrist.  What a choice.

Thank you all for coming to my site I encourage you to tell your friends what you are reading here and direct them to this site.  Below is the link to my newest edition of my prophecy and current events book.  Anyone can read this for FREE. Please give the book about 45 seconds to load. It is in big print to make it easy for you to read.

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Frank’ Video on youtube concerning all these signs:

Frank DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words."Inflation

May 13, 2008 DiMora’s new book is ready for you to download for free.


Now ready, free download, the new edition of the latest book called, The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  This book now contains all the documents and signs of our Lord’s warnings concerning His second coming. 

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf

May 13, 2008 Do not be deceive in thinking Jesus isn’t coming soon! New signs of the times.


March 7, 2008. “A major wheat disease which has recently been detected in Iran will be discussed at a workshop to be held on 10-11 March at the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in Aleppo, Syria.
The meeting will bring together specialists from a number of countries affected by wheat rust disease to share experiences and harmonise strategies for combating the disease.”

On Feb.15, 2008 I wrote a post telling everyone what will rise in the near future. I covered a host of things such as gold, silver, diamonds and yes, the price of wheat.  If you have been coming to my site on a regular bases you would have seen what I warned you would take place has in fact happened. The price of wheat has already doubled since I wrote my warning to you.  Expect the wheat prices to keep going up.  Always keep in mind that Jesus showed us a clear picture of what life is going to be like during the 7 year tribulation.  It is going to be a life without much food on the planet.  If you go back and read my February 15th post you will see where I quoted from chapter 18 of the book of Revelation.  I am telling you wheat pricing are going to go sky high because Jesus Words are all coming to pass.  My warning back in February was just the beginning of things to come.  Fifteen days after I gave you that  wheat warning there was new news released concerning wheat.  On March 30, 2008 we were told the following by global research “A deadly fungus, known as Ug99, which kills wheat, has likely spread to Pakistan from Africa according to reports in the British New Scientist magazine. If true, that threatens the vital Asian Bread Basket including the Punjab region. The spread of the deadly virus, stem rust, against which an effective fungicide does not exist, comes as world grain stocks reach the lowest in four decades and government subsidized bio-ethanol production, especially in the USA, Brazil and EU are taking land out of food production at alarming rates. The deadly fungus is being used by Monsanto and the US Government to spread patented GMO seeds.”

On March 27 another report about the new wheat fungus hit the press. “GLOBAL: Killer wheat fungus a threat to global food security?” DUBAI, 27 March 2008 (IRIN) – “The Ug99 strain of the killer wheat fungus (stem rust), which recently infected wheat farms in western Iran, is a serious threat to global food security, agricultural scientists have warned. They have said the fungus may affect additional wheat-producing countries. Mahmoud Solh, director-general of the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), was quoted in a 20 March ICARDA press release as saying that he and his fellow scientists were convinced that Ug99 would quickly spread beyond Iran and that, with the long distance travel of rust spores, Ug99 would soon affect farms in the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia and East Asia.”

Are the Words of Christ beginning clear to you?  In Revelation Jesus warned you about the wheat, in Matthew 24:7 He warned about famines, in Luke 21:10 Jesus warned that pestilences would begin. Let me tell you, they have! Here is the latest news as of May 13, 2008. “UN alert: One-fourth of world’s wheat at risk from new fungus” “Scientists and international organizations focused on controlling wheat stem rust have said 90 percent of world wheat lines are susceptible to Ug99. The situation is particularly critical in light of the existing worldwide wheat shortage.”  In Revelation Jesus warned million of people would starve.  Is this the kind of world you are going to what to live in?  If not I suggest you take Christ Jesus as your Savior today.  If you do not receive Jesus as your Savior and ask Him to forgive you of your sins, the Word tells us you will end up in the 7 year tribulation for refusing the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  There are only two things you can do. First, dismiss every sign you see and, the warning of Jesus soon return and be cast into the tribulation. Second, open not only your eyes, and ears but, open your heart to Christ, receive Him as your Lord, and wait with the rest of His church for Him to remove His Church before the tribulation begins.  Whatever happens to you, it will be your choice.

Now for another warning I have already given you. I warned in several posts to watch what happens in the Middle East. I warned that soon Russia, Iran and their allies are going to invade Israel and try to destroy her.  Today the President of Iran has given you a sample of the hand writing on the wall.  The following news came out of Tehran “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Israel would "be soon swept away" from the Palestinian Territories by the Palestinians. It is the second time within less than three years that the Iranian president predicted the eradication of the Jewish state”.  What more would I have to do to  persuade  to believe the Words of Christ?  All I can say is this, if you don’t believe the warning now, hopefully you will when you see this attack on Israel soon.  Jesus said, “he who has a ear let him hear”.,ahmadinejad-israel-to-be-swept-away-soon.html

We have been hearing the humors of war from Syria and Iran for the past month.  Both these nations what to wipe Israel of the map.  During the past two weeks there have been many reports that Syria and the Hizbullah which is backed by Iran will attack Israel on May 14, 2008, which is the Israel’s 60th birthday.  This fulfills the prophecy signs, “you will hear wars and humors of war”.  We will have to wait until tomorrow to see if Syria and their allies turn their words into action and attack Israel as they did last summer. Watch the news with me!

The Lord warned us through the Apostle Paul that we would be engaged in a fight.  This fight would be against evil forces. This is what was written in the book of Ephesians.   "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12). Daniel warned in the last days knowledge would increase which it has.  Let me give you an example of how these two scriptures meet.  Albert Einstein was one of the smartest men in the world, but the powers of darkness over took him.  The news today will help me make my point.  Today they had a report on Albert Einstein and what he said about God.  I quote, “Albert Einstein described belief in God as "childish superstition" and said Jews were not the chosen people, in a letter to be sold in London this week, an auctioneer said Tuesday. The father of relativity, whose previously known views on religion have been more ambivalent and fuelled much discussion, made the comments in response to a philosopher in 1954.  As I said, the powers of darkness (Satan), blinded Einstein to the truth.  Now read what Jesus Christ stated about the wise!  At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants” Matthew 11:25. 1st Corinthians 1:25 says, “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.    According to the Breitbart report Einstein said, “God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses”.  Let me now ask you this question, do you consider yourself wise?  Who’s power and influence are you under.  There are only two answers, Christ influence or Satan’s.

Matthew 24 and Luke 21 tell us to watch for the sign of pestilence and, in Rev. we see just how made disease will be.  In today’s news we are told South Korea is to disinfect all poultry farms nationwide to combat its worst outbreak of bird flu, the agriculture ministry said Tuesday. “In the capital Seoul, all 15,000 chickens, ducks and other fowl — including pet birds in school aviaries — have been culled after a second case of the potentially deadly H5N1 virus was confirmed there. Nationwide, more than 6.8 million chickens and ducks have been slaughtered since the latest outbreak began around April 1.”  Take to heart these Words of Christ. When you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors” (Matthew 24:33).  It is near.  Are you ready?

Luke 21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring.  What pushes the waves? Wind.  What has been causing the nations distress?  The winds, and storms that have hit our planet.  Today there was more news about how bad the tornadoes have gotten and all the people who have been killed in 2008 for far.  The USA has been ravaged through mid-May by a near-record number of tornadoes that has pushed the death toll — including 47 killer twisters over the weekend — to a 10-year high. The deaths of 98 people attributed to tornadoes this year has made 2008 the deadliest year thus far for tornadoes since 1998 and the seventh deadliest since modern recordkeeping”

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Frank’ Video on youtube concerning all these signs:

Frank DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.

Prophecy Signs Are Speeding Up-May 12, 2008 & What is new.


Signs: Quakes- Matthew 24:7 On my May 5th post I wrote a warning to watch the ring of fire because it was impressed on me we were going to see a lot of action very soon. On May 7th I repeated my warning. "It has been impressed on me to keep your eyes on the ring of fire.  I believe we are going to see a lot of activity reported there soon." Today that warning came to pass in China. "A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck mountainous western China on Monday, toppling a primary school and killing four students, Chinese state media reported." Is my warning over?  NO!  More quakes are on their way. We are getting closer to the return of Christ and I stand on the His Words, He said watch for quakes.  Jesus warned the signs would be as birth pains so expect more but stronger until our Savior comes for His Church. Once the Church is gone this earth is going to quake so bad the people will think the ground they are standing on is nothing by sifting sand. "Chinese state media: Major quake kills 4 students" "

Earthquake kills nearly 9,000

Luke 21: 25 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring"  high winds, cyclone, and a recorded number of tornadoes has already taken a huge toll on life, property, and distress for many nations. The record number of tornadoes is still climbing and last night more people were killed in Oklahoma as a huge twister leveled 20 blocks in Oklahoma.

Ask the nations of the world who are trying to get aid to the recent cyclone victims if there isn’t distress of nations as Jesus warned! "It’s still a very serious situation. There are up to 2 million people in urgent need of assistance. Assistance is getting through" but not fast enough, he told The Associated Press in Bangkok, Thailand. Not only are two million be in need but their own government is stopping other nations from getting help to these people. The coldness of these leaders hearts is now causing fear that hundreds of thousands will die due to disease. Matthew 24:7, the sign of plagues and sickness, if something isn’t done soon to help these people the prophecy sign for plagues and disease will follow the cyclone.  If you go back and take a look at previous post you will find I warned to watch what these storms do to our food supply.  Here is a good example of what I was warning about.  The monster cyclone not only destroyed human life, but it destroyed the rice crops as well, and this will cause a huge burden.  "Rice prices in Myanmar’s capital have surged 50 percent since deadly cyclone Nargis, which flooded entire rice-growing areas, a United Nations food agency said Monday." "It struck as paddy farmers were harvesting the dry season crop that accounts for 20 percent of annual production, said the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization.  20 percent is huge and now Myanmar may have to import rice to feed the people this will add further pressure on the prices of rice around the world. Watch the news, you will see the prices move up again.

Prophecy sign: War and rumors of war Matt: 24: 7.  In verse 7 Jesus is speaking about civil war as well as nation against nation.  What we are now seeing take place in Lebanon is a civil war, but shortly it is going to spread where other nations will be involved.  Right now a U.S. warship heads back to Mediterranean because of the crisis between the western-backed coalition and the Iranian backed Hizbullah.  The fighting has escalated again.  If you didn’t take my warning about earthquakes I pray you watch this region because there is war coming and it won’t just confined to Lebanon,7340,L-3542069,00.html

"Exclusive: Syria hardens positions, retracts peace feelers to Israel".  Today the Syrian leader shows his true feelings about  having any kind of peace with Israel.   "Leaders in Olmert’s position are only capable of making war – not peace, according to leaks from Damascus on Arab media." This is another sign showing us what is coming.

Matthew 24: 7 and the book of Revelation warn of plagues and pestilences.  In order to see the impact of all these signs you will really need to read my entire book.  Once you see all the documentation you will want to turn to the Word of God the Bible.  That is the reason I wrote this book, not to take place of the Bible, but to drive you to the Bible.  Plagues are all around us. There is no way I could give you all the signs in this short post.  However, here is a small part of what I am speaking of.  South Korean officials said Monday they had killed Seou’s entire poultry population to curb the spread of bird flu following a fresh outbreak of the disease in the capital."

Jesus also warned in Revelation 9:21 this generation would be known as the drug generation.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  What follows is just a touch of what is going on around the world. This prophecy is almost in full bloom.  I say almost because it is going to get worse and we move closer to the return of our Lord.  "A full-scale civil war is raging in Mexico — and few are paying attention." "President Felipe Calderon began taking on the cartels last year, deploying the nation’s military to bolster police activities. So far, estimates say more than 3,000 Mexicans have been killed, with almost 1,000 deaths this year alone in a brutal struggle by the civilian government to reassert authority."

Please check out chapter 9 of my book, The Call for Peace and Safety.  Paul told us in the end times Israel would be calling for peace and safety It would be during this call that Israel would be attack.  All the signs Jesus listed for us to watch are already here and so is this call for peace and safety.  Today’s news informed us, "US President George W. Bush heads back to the Middle East this week, where his efforts to forge Israeli-Palestinian peace face growing skepticism with barely nine months left in his term. The five-day trip is anchored on the 60th anniversary of Israel as a modern state, a stop in Saudi Arabia to mark 75 years of US relations with the kingdom, and talks in Egypt with a broad range of regional leaders." I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to keep watching the Middle East. This region is a time bomb ready to go off.,7340,L-3542069,00.html

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Due to the times we are living in I am lead to begin a global prayer team. I am asking for Christians to join me in prayer. I don’t see anyone praying as a global network and I am lead to begin one.  As of today I am asking those who believe in Christ to come with me in pray as we offer up prayers to Christ. If you would like to be a part of a force for Christ please send me your name and what nation you are from.  I am asking you to do this so I can show the world how many people on our plant are praying for the same thing at once.  If you want to see Jesus Christ move in a mightly way join us now.  As the prayers begin to come in I will tell the need to all on my posts. Today is the first day and I want to lead it off by asking all to pray for Nike and Kathy and their to children.  These people are on the front lines witnessing to people who see Christians as the enemy. Please lift them up today and ask Jesus to provide for them, to keep them safe, and to bless their new ministry. These are dangerous times and they are going to need God’s covering over them.

Thank you Carlos Rodriques of California for being the first to join our global prayer network.

Than you:  Jason Colhoun. " Put me down on the global prayer group list Frank.  I think perhaps you should start up a separate blog purely for this global prayer group.  My prayers are with you and your ministry!  –Jason Calhoun."

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagement.

Coming in a few days: Brand new 2008 book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth". This book will have all the up-dates which will enclude all of 2008 up till May 11.  Of course the book is free!

Ezekiel 38-39 is not the battle of Armageddon, here is why. May 11, 2008


It is important to understand the war described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, is not the same war that will come at the end of the tribulation, which is called the battle of Armageddon.  At the end of the battle of Armageddon is when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist and Satan, and establish his 1,000-year reign here on this earth. How do we know Ezekiel’s battle is different than the battle of Armageddon?  The war at the end of the tribulation, known as Armageddon, is a world war, with every nation against Israel.  This is what the prophet Zechariah tells us. “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem” (Zechariah 14:2).  In the book of Revelation, Jesus tells us the same thing regarding all the nations coming against Israel. This is what He stated. “For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, [which] go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (Rev. 16:14). “And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” (Rev. 16:16).  In the battle of Armageddon the armies come to Israel from all over the world, whereas in Ezekiel 38 and 39 we are told these armies come from the far north.  The armies, which attack Israel from the far north, are named specifically and they are tiny in number, compared to all the nations in the world, which at present number 192 nations.  A major point of difference is this.  After the battle of Ezekiel 38, we are told 5/6 of the invading armies would be killed. God will allow 1/6 to remain alive to return to their homes, and Israel will take 7 months to bury the dead from this battle.  This is not the case after the battle of Armageddon, read Revelation 19:17-18.  “And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great  God; 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all [men, both] free and bond, both small and great”. After this battle the birds eat up the dead, and no one is buried, plus scripture tells us (all) men will be eaten, no one is left alive after this war, and they are not buried.  It appears Ezekiel’s war in chapter 38 will take place around 7 years before the battle of Armageddon.  We are told in Ezekiel 39:9 that Israel will burn the weapons from that battle for 7 years.  As a matter of fact, we are told the following in Ezekiel 39:10.  There is no mention of this at all concerning the battle of Armageddon.  Ezekiel states, “So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with fire; and they shall spoil those that spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God.”  This 7-year time period just happens to be the very length of the tribulation period, and this is why many believe Ezekiel 38 will take place 7 years before the tribulation.  After Jesus defeats Satan at the battle of Armageddon, Satan is locked up for 1,000 years.  In Ezekiel 38 and 39 there is no mention of Satan at all, which tells us, Satan was not cast into chains after this battle yet, but this event still remains in the future, after Armageddon.  What you will read in chapter 10 of my book will give you all the details are leading up to this attack against Israel.  It would be a good idea to read chapter 10 of the book first as this battle is not far off! A few day ago Hezbollah, who is backed by Iran moved their troops into Lebanon becasue the Lebanese government was going to shut down a military communication network which is owned by Hezbollah. "Hezbollah called the move a declaration of war, saying the network had played a crucial role in its 34-day war with Israel in 2006. Today’s news told us Hezbollah made an agreement to pull out of "Beirut after the Lebanese army overturned government decisions" to give back their communication network.  Stop and think about this for a moment.  All Hezbollah wanted was to make sure they had this communications network.  Why?   They are going to need this network very soon when Syria and Israel begin to battle again.  Watch this region, another major conflict is on the way which will fulfill Isaiah 17:1. By the way, these events are fulfilling the signs of war and rumors of war.

My current video on all these signs:  .

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Information about my ministry can be found at:, once there go to the left side of the page, click by state, then click map of California. Once there just scroll down to california until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will give you information about who I am and what I have done.

Special Report: 500,000 feared dead! May 9, 2008

There are no words that I can say today that would take the pain away from so many affected by the deadly cyclone.  When you click to the link below you will understand when, Jesus warned the sea and waves would begin to roar in the end times He meant just that. I am overwhelmed at the loss of life by this one storm. My heart goes to to all that are still searching for loved ones. I pray they men who are running the government over there to lift their band and allow help to poor into the country!

War and rumors of war Matthew 24:7  Hezbollah gunmen seize control of Beirut neighborhoods

Shiite Hezbollah gunmen seized control of key parts of Beirut from Sunnis loyal to the U.S.-backed government Friday, a dramatic show-of-force certain to strengthen the Iranian-allied group’s hand as it fights for dominance in Lebanon’s political deadlock” (news yahoo).  As I stated yesterday you will begin to hear more news concerning wars like this one.  What you should keep your eyes on is this.  If the Shite Hezballah keeps control of Beirut it will spell danger for Israel.  Lebanon is the only buffer zone between Syria and Israel.  If the Hezbollah controls that region you can count that Israel’s enemies pouring down from the North in the very near future.  What we are seeing take place now just may be the staging for the Syrian and Israeli conflict to come.  In case you are new to my site Isaiah 17 1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27 talk about the destruction of the Damascus.  This is one of the next prophecies to be fulfilled, and therefore you should keep you eyes focused on this region. This is only one of many nations in conflict.

Matthew 24:7 speaks about earthquakes and Rev. chapter 6 warn of signs in the sky. The signs we are now witnessing are just the beginning of things to come.  I have said this many times before but if you are new to this site you must understand all these sings are going to intensify as we get closer to the Lord’s return.   Chile’s volcanic eruption shook the earth and it sent ash into the sky almost 8 miles high. Reuters reported today that,  “A towering plume of ash from an erupting volcano in Chile‘s remote Patagonia could collapse back down to devastate the surrounding area, a leading expert warned on Friday. Luis Lara, a geologist and volcano expert with the government’s geology and mining agency Sernageomin, says his models show the vast column of ash, which has soared 7.5 miles” You can watch the news every night and see these earthquakes, volcanoes, and wars, and the rumors of wars, but do you really see?  It is best that I quote Jesus here.  And in the morning, it will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:3). Let me help you connect the dots here.  You are not seeing news events, you are watching the very Words of Christ coming to pass.  I pray you won’t be one of those people who will have to feel the earth move under your feet before you receive Christ as your Savior.  I will warn you right here and now, if you refuse the Salvation of Christ and His free gift of eternal life, then my friend you will feel the earth rock beneath your feet!

Ezekiel’s prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39.  Russia in the near future is going to lead their allies into Israel.  Today’s parade was their show of force.  “Nuclear missiles and tanks paraded Friday across Red Square for the first time since the Soviet era but new President Dmitry Medvedev warned other nations against "irresponsible ambitions" that he said could start wars. Marching bands and 8,000 troops goose-stepped across the square, followed by a huge display of heavy weapons including Topol-M ballistic missiles and T-90 tanks, and a fly-by of warplanes. Reviewing his first parade as commander in chief, Medvedev warned against "irresponsible ambitions" that he said could spark war across entire continents”.  Russia told the world that if Iran were to be attacked, it would be the same as attacking Russia.  I believe the ambitions Medvedev was talking about was any action taken in the Middle East against Iran.  I believe these comments were directed to Israel and the United States.  I want to quotes the news source so you see how Russia is tied into Iran.  The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration’s relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia” (Asia Times online Oct 26, 2008).  Please watch the Middle East.  Keep your eyes on Iran and Israel.  If Israel tries to take out Iran’s nuclear plant it I believe it may force the Russian’s to invade Israel with Iran and her allies.  This war is not far off.  This is one reason why I am trying to encourage as many people to receive the Lord now, we are running out of time, or I should say you are running out of time.

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If you want to see how my ministry started you can click to link below with video.

My current video on all these signs:  .


One will be taken, one will be left, which one will you be? May 8, 2008


There is no way I can give you every single detail on every prophecy, but I am giving you a glimpse of things to come. You will find complete details on every sign in my free book, which you can download here for free. If you read my book you will know without a doubt that Jesus will return soon. 

Prophecy sign: Wars and rumors of war -Matthew 24:6. Today the Hezbollah said the Lebanese government has declared war. In my previous post I have warned you all to watch the Middle East because you will see more major conflicts begin to break out.  I want you to pay attention to Syria and Israel as well, because there is still talk that a new conflict could come as early as May 14, 2008. In any case Jesus Words about war and the rumors of war is ringing loud all around planet Earth today, and especially in Bagdad where the conflict is intensifying. Click to link—

"Rocket hits Baghdad park, killing 2 civilians"

What is the key to knowing these are the last days? 1. Israel had to be reborn and they have been!  On May 14, 2008 they are going to celebrate their 60th birthday. 2. The Old Roman Empire had to be reborn, and they have been in the form of the EU, European Union. 3. A army of 200 million would have to appear and they would come from the East. China has fulfilled this prophecy with their regular army numbering 200 million.  4.The last generation would been known as the drug generation.  Our generation is labeled the drug generation. 5. The last generation would have increased knowledge and travel back and forth. This is our generation and there is no question we have gained more knowledge than any generation since the world began.  Chapter 3 of my book will prove this fact. 6.Russia would make an alliance with Iran and attack Israel.  Look at the history of Russia, they have never made such an alliance with Iran until know.  7. This is the most important sign of all.  It is best that I quote Jesus to drive my point home. "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near even at the door. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. I want to make sure you understand what is going on here.  Our generation is the only generation who has seen every sign take place in one generation.  Everything Jesus warned us to watch for is happening right now.  Take to heart what Jesus said when he stated that the generation who sees all these things will not pass till all these things are fulfilled! So what prophecies are left before Jesus returns to earth?  Isaiah 17:1 is still not fulfilled. That prophecy tells us Damascus will be a ruinous heap. In other words Syria will go to war and their city which has never been destroyed in History will be brought down.  Right now Syria and Israel are on high alert for a possible new conflict between the two nations.  In the middle of Syria and Israel is Lebanon.  Right now their is a civil war going on "between   pro-Western Siniora government and Iran-Syria-backed Hizballah forces."

2nd link-Sunnis, Shiites clash for a second day in Lebanon

Notice that Syria, Iran, and the Hizballah which is back by Iran all hate Israel and want to see Israel wiped out.  In the near future there will be a new war and when it takes place the city of Damascus will be taken down just as it was written in Isaiah 17:1. "Exclusive: Lebanon slides towards new civil conflict " Debkafile May 7, 2008.  The second prophecy that is not yet fulfilled is the end times attack on Israel as written in Ezekiel 38-39.  If you read chapter 10 of my book you will learn how close we are to seeing this prophecy being fulfilled. Every nation listed to attack Israel has alliances with Russia just as it is suppose to be.  You are going to see this major war soon.   You want scary times, read what one of the top clerics said about war and Israel.  "One of Iran’s most influential ruling clerics called on the Muslim states to use a nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only"  (World Dec. 18, 2001).  This statement was made in 2001 and right now the President of Iran is working at a furious rate to obtain a nuclear weapon.  Iran intends to use this weapon on Israel soon. Yesterday Iran’s President said, "We must solve Iran’s internal problems as quickly as possible. Time is lacking. A movement has started for us to occupy ourselves with our global responsibilities, which are arriving with great speed." What is Ahmadinejad referring to?  President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already stated that he wants to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. Ahmadinejad has made it known that he wants to attack Israel.  He believes when he does  attack Isreal that will be the time Mahdi will come and destroy Israel and bring a new era of peace and harmony.  Mahdi, is suppose to be the twelfth imam of Shiite Islam who will return in the end times to wipe out Israel.  Ahmadinejad is pushing for Israel to attack them over their nuclear plant so it will kick start the war against Israel.  This is the reason why Iran is telling the world they will not stop working to finish their nuclear plant. The may 7 report from had this as their headline: "Iran clerics rebuke Ahmadinejad over ‘hidden imam’".  Two very important things to see here are, this Mahdi is suppose to be in a secret place, and hidden in the desert until the right time comes for him to come out and destroy Israel.  What did Jesus warn about this kind of statement?  "Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth; behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not." (Matthew 24:25-26). Where is Ahmadinejad says the 12th imam is?  In a secert place hidden in the desert!  If I were you I would pay very close attention to the Words of Christ.  The second point to see here is this, Iran’s inflation is currently at 20% and this is why the Iranian clerics have rebuked Ahmadinejad. They want him to speed more time getting rid of the inflation and less time pushing the hidden imam to come out. However, Ahmadinejad will not stop. He has made it known to the world he was born to bring out the hidden Mahdi.  War is coming soon to the Middle East and the outcome of that war is recorded in Ezekiel 38-39. I suggust you read chapter 10 of my book to understand who the nations are that are going to attack Israel with Russia and Iran, then turn to the bible and study those chapters.  We are running out of time, this conflict is not far off, and it is coming at a time when we are seeing all these other signs taking place at the same time, just as Jesus warned they would. God help all of you who don’t believe these warnings. Why did I say this?  Becasue many of you who are reading this will not believe this and will go about your life as if nothing is wrong. Listen to what Christ said about these times. "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark.  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24:38-39). Jesus wanted us to see that this generation would repeat the mistake that the generation during Noah’s time made. They only believe when it was to late!  Many of you are going to receive this message and ask Jesus into your life, you will be blessed and saved from the things to come on the planet.  So, is war and the rumours of war upon us, you would have to be brain dead not to say yes it is.

Luke 21: 25 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring"  Today’s headlines will speak for itself. "Burma death toll could exceed 100,000".,Authorised=false.html?,,30200-1315301,00.html,,30200-1315187,00.html

Matthew 24:7, the sign of plauges and sickness. "There have been 15,799 cases of hand and mouth disease this year, the official Xinhua News Agency said, cropping up in areas ranging from the tropical island province of Hainan in the south to Jilin province in the northeast and Yunnan province in the southwest." ( May 7, 2008).;_ylt=AiznycUfPaZXKX3hHcFFrtVa24cA

FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf  copyright 2008  All these things!

I want to thank you all for coming to my site.  I know that this news can be trying for many of you, but

Jesus told us to keep on the WATCH.  As a loving Father He wants to make sure those who hear His call make themselves ready for His return.  I have had many people tell me they get to upset watching the news, most of those people are not ready to meet the Lord.  If you are abiding in Christ you have nothing to fear and Christ will give you His peace even in these troubled times.  We are living in exciting times and these are the times even the prophets of old wish they could live to see.  So, you may want to hide from what is taking place but, there is no place to hide but in the arms of Christ Jesus. Run to Him today, let Him encircle you with His love and peace. Things the Lord has impressed on me.  Watch for more of the same. These signs will start coming together faster, huge storms are on the way, more earthquakes will be felt soon, the winds are about to be unleashed.  The nations better prepare as the earth is going to remind people to look up and remember their Savior.  Storms, waves and the roaring seas will cause many of the world’s crops to be destroyed.  Many will be forced to move as the people in Burma are now moving.  Fleeing from Myanmar  It was impressed on me that Jesus is awaking the ones who were dead in Him.  These are the people who have taken Christ but have joined the world, Jesus is calling them back out of the world to make themselves clean before the Lord returns.  It has been shown to me this call has already begun.  If you are one of these people contact me.  Let the Lord know you have come home. Contact me and give me your name. I want to put your name on my site. I will not put anything but your name on unless you give me permission to use other information about yourself.  Let the World see, The LORDS CHILDEREN ARE COMING HOME!

If you want to see how my ministry started you can click to link below with video.

Is DiMora hearing the voice of the Lord? You decide. May 7th SPECIAL REPORT!


On May 5th I told you that the Lord had impressed on my heart to warn you that the ring of fire was going to be reported in the news soon again.  The follwing is my quote from the May 5, 2008 post. "It has been impressed on me to keep your eyes on the ring of fire.  I believe we are going to see a lot of activity reported there soon." Did this Word of knowlegde come from God?  Lets see. Only two days after I told you what to look for a huge quake has hit, and the fact is 6 quakes have now hit near Japan.  So far on May 7 near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan they have had 6 earthquakes. These quakes range from a 5.0-6.7 and another one hitting 6.8.   You can call this a fluke or a lucky call, or you can receive it as what it really is, a warning from God to begin to pay attention to Him, He is coming soon!

two more quakes have hit near Japan since I put this put up this morning, see link below.

Please read my other May 7th post for today. I recorded a video for you that is going to impact many people.

FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf  copyright 2008


If you want to see how my ministry started you can click to link below with video.