“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond. to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six”, or 666 (Revelation 13:16-18).
“And the third angel followed them, crying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and who-soever receiveth the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).
“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years” (Revelation 20:4).
Each chapter has a time line you will be following. The time line will demonstrate where we have come from in the past concerning each prophecy. My time line will bring you up to speed with events taking place in 2007. It is very interesting to observe how God has been working to fulfill all of His prophecies. Every document of evidence is quoted. Many of the quotes have misspelled words. When you quote from outside sources you are required to print them exactly as they are.
This particular prophecy has not yet been completely fulfilled; however, the system (the global economy) and method the beast (the Antichrist) may use has already been developed through advanced technologies. Soon a world leader will rise up from the European Community and take control of our global problems, both political and economic. Something must take place on a global scale to facilitate his rise to power. First there must be the formation of a one-world government, which has already begun. Second, once this one world government is established there must be a method put in place to control all the people in this one world government. If the earth were to be thrown into a global recession or worse…depression, the leaders of the world would be searching for answers and/or someone who would lead them out of the crisis. Before showing you how the world has been progressing toward a cashless society I want to show you how America is declining. Once the U.S. dollar falls it will help to speed up this one world government process. On September 20, 1982 I read an article written in the U.S. News & World Report in which they sited a section of John J. Fialka’s work written in the Wall Street Journal. Mr. Fialka wrote a fictional script on how a global world banking bust could come about. The following is one of the plots Fialka gives which could cause the collapse. “On Dec, 1982, a small Hong Kong lending company, Global Vista Finance Co., quietly closes its doors. For months it had been aggressively plunging most of its $7 million in borrowed money into the Hong Kong real-estate market, which is now collapsing. The next day, crowds of depositors begin to form outside the main office of a middle-sized Hong Kong Bank, Gresham Bank Ltd. It had enjoyed a tidy business of borrowing money from bigger banks and re-lending it at high interest rates to little, unregulated firms like Global Vista. Suddenly, business was no longer tidy. Gresham was discovering that other banks were refusing to lend it any more cash” (U.S. News & World Report Sept. 20, 1982, p.23). In this fictitious scenario we witness how there is a run on the banks by people frightened they won’t be able to get their money out of the banks. As a result you have a collapse in the economy. This same scenario is just now beginning to take shape for real. We saw the real signs of this scenario begin in August, 2007 when the American firm, Countrywide Financial suffered a bank run as a consequence of the subprime mortgage crisis. You may be asking what is a subprime mortgage crisis? The subprime mortgage financial crisis which occurred in 2007 was a sharp rise in home foreclosures which started in the U.S. during the fall of 2006 and became a global financial crisis within a year. A month later we witnessed another run on banks just like in Fialka’s fictional script. The headline to the Guardian Unlimited released on September 18, 2007 read as follows: “Spread of banking panic forces ministers to guarantee savings.” Here is a short section from that report. “The government last night issued an emergency pledge to Northern Rock savers that their money is safe, after a third day of queues outside branches threatened to spread across the banking system.” The reason why the people paniced was “Northern Rock’s shares shed a third of their value yesterday and the sense of crisis heightened as shares in rival mortgage lenders dropped sharply-Alliance & Leicester by a third and Bradford & Bingley by 15%. The falls raised fears that the contagion from Northern Rock was starting to spread through the financial system” (ibid). What we are seeing is only the things to come!
Experts have been warning America every year that a collapse of the U.S. economy is going to take place, it is no longer if it will happen, but when it will happen. In 1982 Fialka wrote a fictitious scenario but, I believe he may have seen the handwriting on the wall for our future. In January of 2008 Fialka’s fictional script appears to be coming true. Citigroup and Merril Lynch were forced to turn to foreign investors for what is an unprecedented bail-out. They had to seek 21 billion dollars from a foreign country to bail out the banks. These banks had to seek funds to shore up their balance sheets that are currently being devastated by the subprime mortgage crisis just like in Fialka’s fictitious scenario. You see it on the news almost every night. Thousands of people are walking away from their homes because they can no longer afford the high interest rates on their homes. For the past 5 years banks have been lending money to families who really could not afford to buy a home. Mortgage brokers managed to get millions of families into new homes by creative financing. Since the interest rates have climbed people who had these creative financing mortgages now don’t have the extra funds to pay their higher interest rates. Hundreds of thousands of families are forced to bail out leaving the banks holding the titles to all of these empty homes. This no doubt is causing panic. Here is a short list of other signs that our economy is showing signs of collapsing. On January 16, 2008 news from Yahoo Finance reported that “Higher costs for energy and food last year pushed inflation up by the largest amount in 17 years.” The Federal Reserve in January also informed the public that the Nations production was flat in December 2007. These findings added to the string of bad news and are adding to the evidence that the U.S. economy is slowing down. One of the major signs our economy is going to tank is our falling dollar. Our U.S. dollar is now the weakest it has ever been, a very serious sign of a coming collapse. A new report at the end of December 2007 showed sales of new homes plunged to their lowest level in more than 12 years. “The annual rate of building permits issued last month stood at 1.4 million-22.6 percent lower than the rate last July. And the rate of construction on new homes fell 20.9 percent compared with a year earlier, to 1.4 million ( nytimes.com Aug. 16, 2007). “At the beginning of last year, many economists put the chance of a recession at less than 1-in-3; now an increasing number say 50-50 or even worse. Goldman Sachs, the biggest investment bank on Wall Street, thinks a recession is inevitable this year” (From Washington- (AP) January 17, 2008). In April 2008 CNN reported home foreclosures had spiked at 112% and there is still no end in sight. According to CNN, “So far this year 156,463 families have lost their homes to repossessions”(April 29, 2008). To make matters even worse for the U.S. these foreclosures are coming at a time when the prices of gas, oil and food are skyrocketing. Has the U.S. really begun to decline in power, and is she giving way to the European Union or, (reborn Roman Empire) as Christ warned us? America was once looked at and rated the number 1 most prosperous and stable nation in the world, but not any longer. The Times Online March 25, 2008 gives us the facts as to where the U.S. now stands. “A one-year investigation and analysis of 235 countries by Janes’s Information Services has put the UK joint seventh in the premier league of nations with the US at 22nd.” Who are the nations that have overtaken the U.S. as being the most stable and prosperous? Eleven of the nations who have passed the U.S. as being stable and prosperous are from the European Union. There is no question the U.S. is in a power decline.
There is another set of burdens adding stress to the economy. The U.S. and other nations have had a string of weird weather which has affected our world crops, such as major droughts, huge storms, floods, global warming and, yes even ice in Florida, all these things have pushed up the price of food adding to the U.S. economic burdens. If the U.S. doesn’t stop the inflation and our debt that is in the trillions, I can see America falling within the next few years. As it is, our economy is being held together with band-aids. When America falls there will be a domino affect around the world, which will lead to another depression. I would get ready for this to happen if I were you. The way our national debt is climbing America soon will be forced to claim she is bankrupt. If and when the world plunged into a depression it could force the rise of the Antichrist. The world will be pleading for someone to lead them out of the economic mess. I can’t say for sure what will bring the Antichrist on the scene but there are several possibilities and this banking scenario is defiantly one of those scenarios. Are people taking notice that a shift in superpowers is taking place. More and more people are finding out that this is the case. A writer for Newsweek wrote the following: “Many look at the vitality of this emerging world and conclude that the United States has had its day. “Globalization is striking back,” Gabor Steingart, an editor at Germany’s leading news magazine, Der Spiegel, writes in a best-selling book. As others prosper, he argues, the United States has lost key industries, its people have stopped saving money, and its government has become increasingly indebted to Asian central banks. The current financial crisis has only given greater force to such fears” “We are living through the third great power shift in modern history. The first was the rise of the Western world, around the 15th century. It produced the world as we know it now—science and technology, commerce and capitalism, the industrial and agricultural revolutions. It also led to the prolonged political dominance of the nations of the Western world. The second shift, which took place in the closing years of the 19th century, was the rise of the United States. Once it industrialized, it soon became the most powerful nation in the world, stronger than any likely combination of other nations. For the last 20 years, America’s superpower status in every realm has been largely unchallenged—something that’s never happened before in history, at least since the Roman Empire dominated the known world 2,000 years ago. During this Pax Americana, the global economy has accelerated dramatically. And that expansion is the driver behind the third great power shift of the modern age—the rise of the rest” (May 3, 2008). Who is the rest the writer is referring to, they are smaller nations other than the United States. Jesus wrote us and warned us about this end times power shift, but He points to the European Union, (EU) as the Empire who will take the lead in the last days. Yes, the handwriting is on the wall, the U.S. has seen its best days, but now just as God warned us, the new Roman Empire (EU) is about to take command as the Superpower of the last days. Based on current events and the state of the U.S. economy I would have to agree America is in fact giving up her power and status. In the most recent unemployment summary for the U.S. we learned that “The number of unemployed persons was essentially unchanged in June, at 8.5 million, and the unemployment rate held at 5.5 percent. A year earlier, the number of unemployed persons was 7.0 million, and the jobless rate was 4.6 percent”(Bureau of Labor Statistics June 2008). In one years time the U.S. has added one and a half million people to the unemployment list. On July 28, 2008 Fox News reported “The White House on Monday reported a projection for a $482 billion budget deficit for the budget year ending September 2009, a number that would be the highest number recorded”. At a time when America’s deficit is the highest on record more people are losing their jobs and major corperations are cutting back even futher. General motors “shares skidded to their lowest level since 1955. The stock had its worst week since trading in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, with Wall Street analysts handicapping when and how it will raise new capital. GM’s sales have dropped 15 percent so far this year, and its share of the U.S. market is down to just 21 percent”. (Reuters June 29, 2008). Most of the U.S. car companies are in the same boat. In a report entitled “COMPANY NEWS; MAJOR GROCERY WHOLESALER CUTTING 220 JOBS” we are told “The job cuts, many of which the company said are effective immediately, represent 12 percent of Fleming’s corporate staff. Shares of Fleming rose 37.5 percent, to $10.75. The shares have fallen about 23 percent in the last year” (The New York Times July 30, 2008). On July 1, 2008 “Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion” (AP:Business July 1, 2008). By the end of July news on Starbucks problems had reported “it would increase to 13,000 the number of jobs to be cut by the company as part of a shake-up launced in January” (Financial Times July 30, 2008). In the past two years their stocks have fallen by more than half. These current numbers are going to have to be added to the 1 and ½ million who are already unemployed. In June, 2008 the International Monetary Fund warned “The US economy is likely to “stagenate” in the second half of this year” (Financial Times June 20, 2008). According to the IMF “stock markets in the US and Europe fell to their lowest levels since March and US bank shares hit a five-year low” (Ibid.). By July we saw the IMF’s predictions were right on. Let me now get back to Mr. Fialka who wrote a fictional script on how a global world banking bust could come about. As I said, we saw the first signs of this fictional script becoming a reality in 2007 when there was a bank run on the American firm, Countrywide Financial. The run as I said as a consequence of the subprime mortgage crisis. By March 2008 “Citigroup’s job cuts could reach 30,000 or more over the next year and a half because of increasing writedowns from subprime-related debt, CNBC has learned”. These are bad signs leading us to the fact the U.S. economy is about to bust. Speaking of debts, Bloomberg in June reported, “Rising consumer prices will leave more U.S. consumers unable to pay their debts and may lead to a “financial tsunami,” according to Bennet Sedacca, president of money manager Atlantic Advisors LLC in Winter Park, Florida” June 24, 2008). After watching the current trends I would say the “financial tsunami” and the reality of Mr. Fialka’s fictional script has already started its wave.
Let me give you some facts that this wave has begun. On July 15, 2008 ABC News repoeted “While the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is keeping secret its official list of 90 troubled banks, ABC News has obtained other lists prepared by several research groups and financial analysts. The lists use versions of the so-called “Texas ratio” which compare a bank’s assets and reserves to its non-performing loans, based on financial data made public by the FDIC in March” (Ibid.). Since the list was produced many of those banks on that list have already been taken over by the Feds and the word out is, more banks well default. Unlike Fialka’s make believe script people in July begun making runs on their banks in fear their bank will be the next in line to go under. For example, “Hundreds of worried IndyMac Bancorp Inc customers descended on the company’s branches on Monday to withdraw money, after regulators seized what was once one of the largest mortgage lenders in the United States” (Yahoo News July 14, 2008) “Regulators took over the Pasadena-based lender on Friday after a bank run in which customers-panicked over Indy Mac’s survival prospects-withdrew $1.3 billion over 11 business days, regulators said” (Ibid.). On July 13, 2008 “the White House and Federal Reserve moved to give the mortgage giants the capital they need to survive the depression in the housing market and turmoil in financial markets that had left them dangling over a cliff” (Market Watch July 13, 2008). If the Feds didn’t step in to rescue Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which are the largest U.S. mortgage lenders, America would have gone to her knees in July. For the time being another Fed band aid has been applied to these major wounds. To make matters worse, on July 26, 2008 the AP ran a article which was covered by MyWay News. In that article it stated, “28 branches of 1st National Bank of Nevada and First Heritage Bank, operating in Nevada, Arizona and California, were closed Friday by federal regulators” (MyWay News July 26, 2008). In the same month people were making runs on their banks and the news for July told us that “Employers cut payrolls by 62,000 jobs in June, the sixth straight month of nationwide job losses, underscoring the economic state” (CBS News July 3, 2008).
Some of the other signs of the tsunami waves came from Washingtoon on July 1, 2008. “The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to is worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s” (voanews.com July 1, 2008). Also in July we saw “U.S. foreclosure filings more than doubled in the second quarter from a year earlier as falling home prices left borrowers owing more on mortgages than their properties were worth. One in every 171 household was forclosed on, received adefault notice or was warned of a pending auction. That was an increase of 121 percent from a year earlier and 14 percent from the first quarter” (Bloomberg.com July 26, 2008). Right now “About 25 million U.S. homeowners risk owing more than the value of their homes, according to Bill Gross, manager of the world’s biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment management Co. That would make it impossible for them to negotiate better loan terms or sell their property without contributing cash to the transaction”(Ibid.). There is no way the Feds can bail out that many people without going broke. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said falling U.S. home prices are “nowhere near the bottom” and the resulting market turmoil isn’t showing signs of abating (Bloomberg.com July 31, 2008). In other words, America you are in real trouble! We are seeing wave after wave of economic bad news. It is only a matter of time before America won’t be able to hold on any longer. When she falls the final world power to replace her as the number one super power will be the European Union. The prophet Daniel was shown who the last world power would be during the time of the end and, that world power wasn’t the U.S. but a reborn modern day Roman Empire which, is today’s European Union. This E.U. will soon be lead by one man whom Jesus warned us about. This coming world leader is the Antichrist. Now you know why America is having so many problems. Toss in the fact that America has been turning from God over the last decade and you see why her downfall is speeding up. When America’s economy tanks it will send new tsunami waves through out the world. We are already seeing signs the global economy is in trouble. For example, news out of Geneva reported “The global financial crisis could lead to losses of 1,600 billion dollars for financial institutes, according to a report in the Swiss Sunday newspaper SonntagsZeitung. It quoted a condifential study by the hedge fund Bridgewater Associates as saying losses for banks holding risky assets could be four times greater than the 400 billion dollars previously estimated” (The Earth Times July 2, 2008). The telegraph.co. uk ran a report on July 25, 2008 with this headline, “The global economy is at the point of maximum danger”. Here is how they see the world economic stage. “It feels like the summer of 1931. The world’s two biggest financial institutions have had a heart attack. The global currency system is breaking down. The policy doctrines that got us into this mess are bankrupt. No world leader seems able to discern the problem, let alone forge a solution. In the last part of that report is stated, “If we are lucky, America will start to stabilise before Asia goes down. Should our leaders mismanage affairs, almost every part of the global system will go down together. Then we are in trouble” (telegraph.co.uk July 25, 2008).
Anyone who knows bible prophecy knows the Anticrhrist is waiting in the wings to come save the world from all their problems which will include the economic situtation. By the way trends are looking like America will help bring him out. Is America headed for another Great Depression? I will let the facts about the economy speak for themselves. The Independent news out of the UK filed a report entitled “USA 2008 The Great Depression” In that report they say, “Food stamps are the symbol of poverty in the US. In the era of the credit crunch, a record 28 million Americans are now relying on them to survive-a sure sign the world’s richest country faces economic crisis” From 2007 to 2008 a million and a half more people have entered into that food stamp line. This is what you will see in the coming year. More banks will have to be bailed out, thousands will be given pink slips as the economy slows down, the prices of everything will keep climbing as the oil and gas prices remains high and, the cost of fighting wars will help bankrupt many nations. You want facts? Here’s one more. The U.S. government has dismal projections just released by the Congressional Budget Office in Washington which “suggest that in the fiscal year starting in October, 28 million people in the US will be using government food stamps to by essential groceries, the highest level since the food assistance programme was introduced in the 1960s” ( The Independent World April 1, 2008). Jesus in Luke 21:25 told us that in the last days just before He returns there would be “upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity”. We are living through some of these perplexities right now!
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Special note: Some one taped my radio interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it. I am posting the videos here.
14 http://video.aol.com/video-detail/june-26th-2008-part-14/40337309
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMPhti-cEQ
Part 1 how Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE
F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.