Prophecy sign:
1st Timothy 4:1-2 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy: having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Yesterday I covered a story about another crime involving satanic rituals in a sex crime case only this time one of the people arrested holds the 3rd vice chair for the Democratic Party. Here is the up-date to that story. The North Carolina case of an alleged satanic torture involving a Democratic Party official and her husband has now expanded to include a third suspect, an even higher-ranking Democrat. Diana Palmer, the first vice-chairwoman of the Durham County Democratic Party, joins her political colleague Joy Johnson, the third vice-chairwoman of the party, and Johnson’s spouse, Joseph Craig, in facing Charges.” People want to know why our nation is going down the tubes? When the people you elect are opposing God and have turn their face from Him what do you think is going to happen? Did you think God is going to help a nation who passes same sex marriage, who rules with gay rights and has members serving that are themselves gay. Do you think God honors a nation that allows the unborn to be tortured and torn apart as they are aborted in front of God’s face. Do you think God is going to honor a nation who are passing laws to ripe His Holy name out of their society? What is Jesus tell us about this generation? It would be just like Noah’s! Destruction came on Noah’s generation because of these same sins and it is coming to us unless this nation turns back to Christ!
What did the Prophet Daniel show us ? He showed us the last world empire would be the Roman Empire reborn again, it would not be America. From my past posts you now know the European Union is that reborn Roman Empire. Since Daniel’s vision has come to pass just as God gave it to him then, we must see the shift in power giving the reborn Roman Empire full reign as that last standing empire at the time Jesus comes back. The shift has already begun and we here in the U.S.A. are going through these downfall pains right now. Yesterday I gave you examples of what is taking us down. Today I want to give you other news showing you this proof. If you listen to your elected officials telling us we will be ok, you are misinformed, this is not what we see in prophecy. Put two and two together. If Jesus said Rome would return and lead that means whoever was in power would have been moved out of the way to give the reborn Roman Empire the number one position, and that nation to be removed in strength in the U.S.A.. For months I have warned you here gas and oil would continue to climb and the results would be serious for America. I warned to was the dollar fall, prices to climb, and that included prices of everything. I warned you would see businesses across America begin to lay off people, and more people would walk away from the homes. Read my past posts, look at the date I warned you and then look at the dates of the reports after I warned you and you will see everything I warned would take place is in fact happening and it will get worse not better. I am trying to wake up the dead in Christ here and prepare you all for what is about to come on this nation. If I were water down what Jesus has shown us in His prophecy I would be a liar. Now for the proof!
“Oil prices neared $146 a barrel Thursday for the first time ever on reports of declining U.S. stockpiles and the threat of conflict with Iran.
Comments by Saudi Arabia’s oil minister suggesting his country had no immediate plans to boost production also lifted prices. “http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080703/oil_prices.html?.v=9 News that just hit a few minutes ago told us “Oil soars to record near $146, then eases as dollar strengthens; US gas prices hit new high” At a time when oil is the highest is has ever been and America is in debt and is about to tank Bush is sending more troops overseas. By the way, I warned you he was going to do this very thing. History is repeating itself. Take a look at what happened to Russia. They got engaged in war in Afghanistan and as a result they went bankrupt. The nation was starving. What saved Russia? About ten years later they found oil, more oil than any nation on this planet and in a very short time they have become one of the most powerful nations in the world again. In part this would fulfill a prophecy found in Ezekiel chapter 38-39 where Ezekiel shows us Russia would attack Israel in the latter years, or (end times). Here is a section from a news yahoo report, “Grappling with a record death toll in an overshadowed war, President Bush promised Wednesday to send more U.S. troops into Afghanistan by year’s end. He conceded that June was a “tough month” in the nearly seven-year-old war.
Do you find it strange that America is sitting on one of the biggest oil fields in the world in the North slopes of Alaska and not one drop of that oil has come out of the ground? Do you know it is a fact this nation has more shale that has oil in it than anywhere in the world yet we are not taking it to supply this nation. I quote the Seattle Times, “The United States has an oil reserve at least three times that of Saudi Arabia locked in oil-shale deposits beneath federal land in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, according to a study released yesterday.” http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002463368_oilstudy01.html Ask yourself this question. When I elect an official to office why aren’t they following the will of the people? Millions of people across America are telling the government to start drilling so our nation won’t die off and starve like the Russians did but, those officials work against you and keep the oil in the ground. Do you know that if a separate state in the U.S. would begin drilling for oil to supply their state that the Federal government would send in troops to stop it! There are people in this nation that are doing everything they can to bring our nation down and they are hiding behind the mask of protecting the environment. Knowing that the U.S. government could bring us back on line and supply the U.S. with our own oil the environmentalist stepped in and are trying to make the polar bear an endangered species. I quote from a recent report. “Right now ANCHORAGE (AP) — The state of Alaska will sue to challenge the recent listing of polar bears as a threatened species, Gov. Sarah Palin announced Wednesday. She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state’s northern and northwestern coasts”. http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/energy/2008-05-21-alaska-gov-polar-bear_N.htm. Does all this make sense to you? Our nation is falling apart, millions are losing jobs because of the high oil and gas prices. Food prices have skyrocketed as a result of the gas prices and now millions of Americans are caught between driving to work and feeding their families yet we must protect a animal that isn’t even endangered! Our nation is in for some serious times and here are some signs of it.
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Tired of pumping his cash right back into his gas tank, New York City taxi driver Mohammed Kalair says he is considering quitting his job and going back to his native Pakistan.” “The New York Taxi Workers Alliance estimates drivers now make closer to the state minimum wage $7.15 cents per hour and plans to submit a proposal to the TLC on Monday for a fuel surcharge of $1 per trip as long as gasoline prices remain above $3.50 per gallon.” Is the American leadership so out of touch with their people to think a man can support his family on $7.50 per hour? Again, go back and read my previous posts. I warned you to watch and you will see people begin to walk away from there jobs because it just won’t pay to stay at a job where they are losing money working. If a Taxi driver is making $7.15 an hour and he paying $100.00 a day for gas what does he have left for his family? He goes into debit.
“Shares of General Motors Corp. plunged Wednesday to close below $10 for the first time in more than half a century, on worries about the company’s cash needs and speculation about a possible bankruptcy protection filing down the road.
“The Los Angeles Times plans to cut 250 positions, including 150 on the news side of its operations, in an effort to reduce expenses. Editor Russ Stanton says in a memo posted Wednesday in the paper’s reader representative’s blog that the paper also will publish 15 percent fewer pages each week. Stanton says the paper faces falling advertising revenue without new online ads to make up the difference. He also noted that the soft California real estate market has cut into ad revenue.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) – The Tampa Tribune plans to lay off 11 newsroom employees this week and another 10 by early fall as part of a one-fifth cut in the news staff. Along with the 29 people who took voluntary buyouts and tendered resignations, the job losses announced Tuesday will leave the Tribune with a news staff of about 200, the paper said Wednesday. The cuts, part of a corporate reduction announced in May, are the latest sign of how the newspaper industry is being hurt by a weakened economy and the emergence of the Internet as an alternative medium for advertising.
I realize the government is trying to put on a good face on a bad economy and, they are telling Americans we aren’t as bad as they are making out to be, but the truth is, Americans are losing jobs at record rates and hundreds of thousands have joined the unemployment lines. Here is a report out of Washington, “Employers cut payrolls by 62,000 in June, the sixth straight month of nationwide job losses, underscoring the economy’s fragile state.” “In a separate report from the department, the number of newly laid off people signing up for unemployment insurance rose sharply last week. New applications jumped by 16,000 to 404,000, the highest level since late March. The increase was bigger than economists were expecting; they had forecast claims to rise to around 385,000.
A financial analyst fresh from a tour of construction sites in the Inland Empire is warning Wall Street of a “ghost town” where finished homes sit vacant and additional homes are still under construction
L.A., Miami Home Foreclosure Rates More Than Double (Update1)
July 2 (Bloomberg) — New foreclosures almost quadrupled in Los Angeles and doubled in Miami in the second quarter, with as much as $5 billion worth of loans going bad in L.A. alone, the online real estate data company PropertyShark.com reported.
Read what was written about the U.S. in a recent report. “We are the consumers who have kept the rest of the world afloat. That is why our trade deficit topped $116 billion in March and April alone. As the credit crunch has hit and banks have tightened lending, this game is rapidly coming to an end.” “This is not about whether stocks will go up in the next few months. It is about whether the U.S. is the equivalent of the Roman Empire in its final days. It is about whether we will have a strong economy for future generations that can sustain us through retirement. If we need to fight a war, it should be the one to save our economy.” I couldn’t have said it better! The U.S. may have been compare to the Roman Empire but like the Old Roman Empire America is dieing out to give way to the new Roman Empire seen in Daniel’s vision by God. It breaks my heart to she this nation slip away but this is what happens when you turn from God. Each person in America should make themselves ready for the hard times that are about to come on this nation. The only wise thing you can do is to bring your entire family to Christ. Prepare your family to be taken out to Christ when He calls His Church home, or prepare your families to endure 7 years of hell under the rule of the Antichrist who is coming up from the reborn Roman Empire or the European Union. Please download my free book at the end of this site to get the complete details concerning all the signs of the times Jesus gave us.
Jesus told us that war would come in the end times. Ezekiel give us the exact details of a major war that will soon take place between Russia, her allies and Israel. We know right now Israel is getting ready to attack Iran’s nuclear plant. When that happens the world will change. The U.S. may see renewed terrorist attacks as promised by the Iranians and possibly a fall out from Russia. If the U.S. is attacked again, under the new powers give to the President, he could order Marshall law. I quote, “The President has the power to seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, call reserve forces amounting to 2 2/2 million men to duty, institute martial law, seize and control all menas of transportion, regulate all private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all Americans…” http://www.politechbot.com/p-00106.html. In the warnings of Jesus we see that the Antichrist will control the world in much the same way many nations have used Marshall Law. When war comes and there is the possibility that Israel and the U.S. will attack Iran, Bush could call for a National emerengy and also call for Marshall Law. I am not saying this is will happen, but this world is moving to a place where all people will be controlled and this is one of the ways governments can control the people. Do you remember the camps were set up during world war two? The government rounded up Japanese Americans living in America and put them in camps. There are labor camps on military property across the U.S. sitting empty. Don’t think for a minute that if America is attacked Bush won’t call for Marshall law and begin to use these camps again. Let me quote a article about Ashcroft who was under Bush. “Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft’s announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be “enemy combatants” has moved him from merely being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace. Ashcroft’s plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would allow him to order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of their constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy combatants.” These things are all forerunners of what the Antichrist is going to do. Don’t mark my words, mark Christ’s’ Words in the book of Revelation where we see the Antichrist rounding up all those who are combatants to him during the tribulation period. These combatants are those people who refuse the mark of the beast (666) and will die for Christ. Am I asking you to believe me? No. I am telling you to Trust the Word of God. It is Christ who is warning us of these things to come not me, all I am doing is repeating His message to you in these end times. Look, let me be frank, just watch the news and you will see everything Jesus warned us come to pass. The Middle East war will be next and it is coming soon. Today would be a good day to give your life to Jesus. http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0814-05.htm . Click to the link: 1.http://www.politechbot.com/p-00106.html
2. http://www.oilempire.us/redalert.html
3. http://www.post-gazette.com/nation/20030330codered0330p6.asp
I told you Russia has come back from the dead so to speak after they discovered oil. Now they are again a major superpower. Since they hit oil they have rebuilt their military and again beginning to demonstrate their new power. The prophet Ezekiel told us Russia was going to attack Israel in the end times while Israel was taking peace and safety which they are right now. This attack is coming soon and there is the chance it could begin before this year ends. In the news today, “Any military attack on Iran would have a “catastrophic” effect on the Middle East, a Russian foreign ministry official said Wednesday after reports that Israel might launch such an attack. “All this is very dangerous. If force is used it will be catastrophic for the whole Middle East,” the official told journalists on condition of anonymity.” When you study Ezekiel’s prophecy which was given to him by God, you come to understand the importance of what Russia just said in this news report. In my past posts I quote from Russian leaders who told us that if anyone attacks Iran, Russia’s ally, it would be the same as attacking Russia. If you are a Christian no following and not walking with Christ, or if you are not a believer in Christ you better wake up now and light the fire for Jesus Christ. Ask Him into your life. Many of you will not take what I say serious. After all many refused Jesus when He warned them, but I pray for you all that the Holy Spirit would now open your eyes and ears to His Truth in His Word. I say this to the Church. “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! Revelation 3: 15-16. Is our Lord Jesus going to spit you out of His mouth when He comes for us, or will you be ready and on the Watch? I want to leave this section with the words spoken by Christ. “He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”
A recent study conducted by Harvard University found that the Average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study by the American Medical Association found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. This means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon. Your mileage may vary!
Enjoy the July of 4th weekend.
Frank DiMora
P.S. In case the Lord comes this weekend, for those of you who may not leave with Him if he comes, please do me a favor and pass what I have warned you about to others and best of luck, you will need it.
14 http://video.aol.com/video-detail/june-26th-2008-part-14/40337309
Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf

Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMPhti-cEQ
Part 1 how Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE
F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements