This past Sunday Gina Romano, the host of radio show, (The Edge) interviewed me for one hour and forty five minutes. If you want to know or had any doubts that we have already entered the last times events than you will want to turn to hear this interview. Go to the following link on Thursday June 26, 2008 at 8pm and click on to the broadcast. Information for my interview will be posted on The Edge site either late Wednesday or early Thursday the morning of the show. Don’t worry if you miss the show, I was informed you will be able to hear it on the site as they keep the interviews for those who want to hear a show they may have missed. When you click to the Link, the first screen you see will be the screen you will click on to hear the interview. If I were you I wouldl tell as many of your loved ones and friends about this as you can. I will be giving hard facts concerning Jesus warning of the last day events, and I will be giving proof we are living in the last days Jesus told us to watch for. I want to take this time to thank Gina for allowing me to speak the truth in Christ. The Edge link - http://www.theedgeam.com/thursdays.htm
Prophecy Signs: Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 17 warn us of the power of the reborn Roman Empire in the last days. I am sorry to repeat myself but there many be new people to my site and they need to know how prophecy is connected to the news. The European Union is the fulfillment of the Old Roman Empire coming back. I give facts in my book showing you how America is falling to the side to make way for the European Union or reborn Roman Empire. I have been warning of the U.S. economy to tank and the signs of this keep coming. In the beginning of 2008 I warned oil and gas pricews would go skyhigh and they have and they are still climbing. Today we read, “Oil prices rose Monday on disappointment over Saudi Arabia's modest production increase and concerns that output from Nigeria will decline. Retail gas prices, meanwhile, inched lower overnight, but appear unlikely to change much as long as oil prices remain stuck in their recent trading range.” The rise in oil and gas alone is beginning to kill the U.S. economy. Since Jan. 2008 America as you know has been hit with major disasters which has destroyed much of our crops. Now we are reading to expect more of the same. “(AP) – A bottom to the housing slump is nowhere in sight and, if history is any guide, a recession is mostly likely lurking around the corner, an academic study showed Monday. Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies painted a bleak picture of the current housing downturn, pegging it as possibly being "the worst in a generation" in its "The State of the Nation’s Housing 2008” report.” All these things are factors which will help cause the shift in power that Jesus warned us about. In order for the European Union to be that last world superpower Jesus and Daniel wrote about, America must decline and there is no doubt we are in the falling process right now.
1. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080623/oil_prices.html?.v=3
2. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D91FV8P04&show_article=1
Prophecy sign: Luke 21:25 storms & nations in trouble, Revelation 16:8-9 says, “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat” Matthew 24 warns of droughts. I want you all to keep this in mind, what we are witnessing on the earth today are just the beginning signs of what it will be like during the tribulation. You heard me say it before but it is important to note that Jesus told us the end time events (signs) would take place like a women in labor. The pains will increase, in this case all these signs will increase, or intensify. Year after year I have been pointing out how extreme the weather is getting. We have begun on the path to fulfilled these labor pains Jesus warned about. Here is an example. The title to this MSNBC report read as follows, “U.S. experts: Forecast is more extreme weather”, the subtitle to this report read, “Rare events likely to become commonplace, climate report says” Droughts will get drier, storms will get stormier and floods will get deeper with a warming climate across North America, U.S. government experts said in a report billed as the first continental assessment of extreme events. Events that have seemed relatively rare will become commonplace, said the latest report from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, a joint effort of more than a dozen government agencies.” According to the report here are some projections for the future.
“Sea ice extent in the Arctic Ocean is expected to continue to decrease and may even disappear in summer in coming decades;
Precipitation, on average, is likely to be less frequent but more intense;
Droughts will likely be more frequent and severe in some areas;
Hurricanes will likely spawn increased precipitation and wind;
The strongest cold-season Atlantic and Pacific storms are likely to create stronger winds and higher extreme wave heights”.
The only thing this report was wrong about was the timing. These events according to the warnings made by Jesus show us when, they begin it will take place very fast.
Here is another report warning of things to come concerning our food and higher prices. “Western countries have upgraded the food and fuel crisis into a national security concern as they fear record high energy and agriculture commodity costs are destabilising key developing regions of the world. The concerns come as the world suffers for the first time since 1973 from the confluence of record oil and food prices. Corn, soyabean and meat prices jumped “
In the past 10 years world disasters have the attention of most of the people on this planet. Even news agencies are writing about how weird things are getting, case in point, this is what was just reported, “Is everything spinning out of control? Midwestern levees are bursting. Polar bears are adrift. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Home values are abysmal. Air fares, college tuition and health care border on unaffordable. Wars without end rage in Iraq, Afghanistan and against terrorism.” I hope you are beginning to understand? These events are all warnings to us all to get us ready to meet Jesus.
I keep asking you to watch for the signs that are adding to the burdens of the U.S. and I have explained in my book and posts that all these disasters will begin to raise the price of everything. Everything I have warned you to watch for has taken place. Why am I always correct? I am just repeating the Words of Christ and His warnings to us. I am paying attention to detail and I know God’s Word is Truth and everything He warned us about is and will take place. I can not go wrong as long as I quote Jesus’ Words. In the news this weekend is a reported that gives some details of what I have warned you over these past months. “Raging Midwest floodwaters that swallowed crops and sent corn and soybean prices soaring are about to give consumers more grief at the grocery store. In the latest bout of food inflation, beef, pork, poultry and even eggs, cheese and milk are expected to get more expensive as livestock owners go out of business or are forced to slaughter more cattle, hogs, turkeys and chickens to cope with rocketing costs for corn-based animal feed. The floods engulfed an estimated 2 million or more acres of corn and soybean fields in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois and other key growing states, sending world grain prices skyward on fears of a substantially smaller corn crop. The government will give a partial idea of how many corn acres were lost before the end of the month, but experts say that the trickle-down effect could be more dramatic later this year, affecting everything from Thanksgiving turkeys to Christmas hams.” Please, pay attention to our God and Lord Christ! All these signs were given to you to draw you to Him. His Word is Truth and Jesus wants you to come with Him when He calls His church home soon. By the way if you are new to my site, you can download my book for free. Look for the link at the end of the post.
Year after year we see record breaking heat waves that are killing not only people but thousands and thousands of crops around the world. In Matthew Jesus said the droughts would come and there would be famines. This weekends news prove Jesus warning to be true again. ““A blistering heat wave blanketing much of the California coast over the past week showed no signs of letting up Saturday as temperatures headed back toward triple digits.” “Temperatures hit record highs up and down the state Friday, including 103 degrees at San Jose, 105 at Escondido, 106 at Burbank and 108 at San Luis Obispo”. The heat wave has been caused by northeasterly wind preventing sea breezes from penetrating a high-pressure system that has settled over the West.” In the town I live in, in California the average temperature is 68-78 most of the year but this weekend we hit 109 and 103.
California has been in a major drought and this weekend this state had added burdens when a storm blew hit Northern California. 400 fires broke out because of the lighting.
Lightning sparks nearly 400 fires across Northern California
While the Midwest states in America are still under water the Philippines this weekend was hit by a typhoon, this bring to mind the warning about the raging seas and waves Jesus warned us about. The news reported that, “700 missing after Philippines typhoon sinks ferry” “The storm left at least 155 dead, submerging entire communities and setting off landslides, said Sen. Richard Gordon, head of the national Red Cross, but there were concerns the death toll would jump dramatically. This weekend I heard someone state that the news is like watching a science fiction horror movie. Fact is they are not far off. If you study the warnings in the entire book of Revelation you will learn that the horror, real horror, is on the way. Picture the worse horror disaster movie released from Hollywood, then make that 100 times worse in real life. This is how it is going to be during the 7 year tribulation period after Jesus removes His church before the tribulation begins.
1. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080622/ap_on_re_as/philippines_typhoon
If you are new to my site please go back and read my previous warnings. Since Jan. of 2008 I have listed specific things (signs) which would take place very soon. One of the warnings was more earthquakes are on their way. Since issuing that warning we have seen a rush of major earthquakes such as seen in Japan and China. This weekend Greece had their share of quakes. The news informed us,” Three strong quakes hit Greece; no casualties or damages” “The first earthquake, of 5.4 magnitude, occurred at 0857 local time (0557 GMT). The second, a magnitude 5.9 quake occurred at 1436 local (1136 GMT). A third earthquake, of magnitude 5.0. occurred at 1645 local (1345 GMT), the Athens Geodynamic Institute said.” I am warning you again, more quakes are now the way.
Jesus in the book of Matthew also warned us about the wars that would begin during the time of the end at the time that all the signs were taking place at once. This is the only generation which has seen all the signs occurring all at the same time. One of the warning was rumors of war. This weekend read about the possible war involving Iran, Israel, and the U.S. News Yahoo had a report with this headline, “How Iran would retaliate if it comes to war” “Iranian networks in Iraq and Afghanistan could imperil US interests there; American forces throughout the Gulf region could be targeted by asymmetric methods and lethal rocket barrages; and Iranian partners across the region – such as Hezbollah in Lebanon – could be mobilized to engage in an anti-US fight”
Speaking of war, we who know prophecy know a war is coming and it will be centered on Israel. Ezekiel chapter 38-39 teach us about this short lived battle. I have been posting signs that this war will take place very soon. Iran will be one of the nations who attack Israel. Right now Israel and Iran are showing signs that war is coming. Ezekiel’s war may begin if Israel bomb Iran’s nuclear power plant this September. This weekend Iran fired back at Israel, not with rockets but with words. "Iran will not initiate any conflict but will punish any aggressor with the greatest possible force. With determination and using all the options — without limits in terms of time and space– we will give a crushing response to any hostile action," he said, adding that Iran will not be intimidated by these threats and will not renounce its right.” Let me make this clear for you. Iran has warned if Israel attacks that plant they will mount a huge force and go after Israel. Russia has already warned Israel against an attack on Iran. The Russian leader stated that an attack on Iran as the same as an attack on Russia. In my book I show you why Russia will lead the Ezekiel war and why Iran and other allies of Russia and Iran will join in on the attack.
This weekend Russia was in the news again and once again warned about Israel attacking Iran. The headline to a Middle East report read, “Russia warns Israel against Tehran attack” “Russia, one of the world's major powers, has warned of "disastrous consequences" if Israel attacked Iran's nuclear facilities. "If things happen like threats of force and unilateral sanctions outside the framework of the [UN] Security Council, it is distracting from the negotiating process," Vitaly Churkin, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, said when asked to comment on a newspaper report about a large military exercise carried out by Israel this month as a rehearsal for a bombing attack on Iran.” What will happen when Israel attacks that plant?
In Ezekiel’s book we see the war will end when fire coming down on Israel’s attackers. It was interesting to me what was reported this weekend in a report watch was entitled: ‘Ball of fire’ if Iran attacked: “The UN atomic watchdog chief warned on Saturday that an attack on Iran over its controversial nuclear programme would turn the region into a fireball, as Tehran rejected an Israeli strike as "impossible." Mohamed ElBaradei also warned that he would not be able to continue in his role as International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director general should the Islamic republic be attacked. His stark comments came as Iran stressed yet again that it will not negotiate with world powers over its nuclear programme if it is required to suspend its controversial uranium enrichment. "A military strike (against Iran) would in my opinion be worse than anything else … It would transform the Middle East region into a ball of fire," ElBaradei said in an interview with Al-Arabiya television. A report by the New York Times on Friday cited US officials as saying a major Israeli military exercise earlier this month seemed to be a practice for any potential strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.
It would be wise to pay attention to the above report because that is exactly what will happened and it is all recorded in Ezekiel 38-39. We also know from Ezekiel that this attack will take place when Israel feel secure. Apostle Paul in 1st Thessalonians warned that when they are calling for peace and safety sudden destruction comes”. Those who know prophecy were aware we must hear the peace calls in this generation from Israel. It is taking place right now while every one of the other signs of the end are taking place. We know that it is a fake peace and it will not last. We see hints of this in the news all the time, for example, “Terrorists boast truce 'victory for resistance' Disclose cease-fire in Gaza will be used to rearm, prepare for battle. The Gaza cease-fire agreed to yesterday by Hamas and Israel is a "victory" for Palestinian "resistance" and will be used by local terrorist groups to rearm and prepare for battle against the Jewish state, top Gaza-based terror leaders told WND. "We are humiliating the Israelis. They kept threatening to make a huge operation in Gaza, but they were the ones who begged us to go into the cease-fire," said Muhammad Abdel-Al, a leader and spokesman for the Hamas-allied, Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees terror group. Along with Hamas, the Committees took responsibility for firing nearly 30 mortars and rockets from Gaza into nearby Jewish communities Wednesday, lightly injuring one Israeli woman just hours before the truce went into effect.” The Word of God let no fact out concerning this coming attack on Israel. We hear and see the peace process taking place in the Middle East and we also see the hidden agenda by Israel’s enemies, which is to make peace in order to get closer to Israel.
In a new editorial published by AntiWar.com, former CIA officer Ray McGovern states that he believes "a perfect storm seems to be gathering in late summer or early fall," when the Bush administration and allies in Israel will launch attacks against Iran.” McGovern points out in his report that when President Bush was asked in Feb. of this year about gas going up to $4.00 a gallon, Bush stated, “ That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard that,” Bush knew long before February that the gas prices would be raised. Does our President think we are that stupid to believe he knew nothing? Now that Bush is asked about attacking Iran with Israel I promise you he will make people think his is just as uninformed as he was with the gas prices rising. Make no mistake, whatever this government tells the people it will be the opposite of what they say. Plans have been worked out to attack Iran’s power site and this one act may set off the war Ezekiel said was coming on Israel during the latter days, or last days! I said this before but I want to repeat this for you who refuse to believe the Words of God. Keep watching the news, soon you will watch this war being fulfilled. It is coming!
Jesus also showed us that in the end times one man would control everything and he would be able to monitor all that you do. Steps have been taken place in nations around this globe to keep tabs on every person on this planet. Jesus told us that just before He returns this man of sin (Antichrist) would mark you in your right hand or in your forehead. When you read chapter 1 of my book I outline all the steps that have taken place to bring us to a cashless society. Soon we will enter the final stage which new technology that will enable all governments to chip every person on this planet. It is already being used in many nations. Not only will they be able to tract your every move but if you don’t take the ID you will not be able to buy or sell anything. Here in America the Real ID Act passed by Bush has brought us to the next step. Everyone in America will be forced to get a new drivers license with all your detailed chipped information on it. Don’t believe me? Go and do a Google search, put in Real ID ACT passed in 2005. That bill states that is you do not take the new ID you can not and will not be allowed any benefits offered by the Feds. That means you can’t get on a plane, train, open an account, and won’t be able to enter any Federal Building. I put up video which is a short video giving you some facts about this ID bill that was passed in 2005. This isn’t something that may take place, this will soon be enforced. I cover this topic in detail in my book. We are only one stage from getting to where Jesus said we would go, and that in the mark in the hand stage. Please watch the 2 short videos. Jesus is calling you home, Jesus wants you to believe Him, Jesus will welcome you today into His Kingdom if you only ask Him to come into your life and allow Him to be your Lord. If you do not do this you will find yourself case into the 7 year tribulation where there you will have to die for Christ in order to enter His Kingdom. Please give your life over to Him now while the Church is still on earth. For God’s sake don’t allow Satan to blind you any longer to the truth, we are in the last days and soon Jesus will come for all those who have received Him as their Lord!
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qVPeXq-PqU
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eH95xjhXyQ
Let me show you some of the ways this Antichrist will be able to monitor you. Here is some recent news about all the ways governments are keeping tabs on their people. ”EU endorses new border security rules – European Union leaders want their nations to fingerprint all foreign visitors and take other new steps to keep out illegal immigrants as part of a sweeping security overhaul proposed Friday.
Keeping an Eye on Your Living Room
“Councils Told: Stop Spying On The Public”
“Bosses have been warned by the head of the Local Government Association (LGA) that they risk alienating the public for so-called snooping. They may also be stripped of the right to use spying methods. But Sir Simon Milton defended councils that used surveillance to tackle fly tippers, rogue traders and tax and benefit fraudsters. There has been growing anger about the methods used by councils to probe minor crimes, such as dog fouling. The powers were introduced under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act as part of the Government's anti-terror drive but it is claimed some councils are abusing the powers. Sir Simon has now written to every council in the country urging them to review their use of the Act.”
ID Cards 'Could Be Used To Spy On You'
Updated:11:35, Sunday June 08, 2008
UK authorities may be able to spy on people using information gathered for the planned compulsory ID card scheme, a group of MPs have warned.
National database to be made
Ministers say they have no plans to carry out individual surveillance using details stored on a national database.
But the Home Affairs Select Committee said it was worried about "function creep".
Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “
The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time.
Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf FREE
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Part 1 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY
Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE
F. DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=506f09075f6ab891e865
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements