Now for the prophecy up-dates for today April 17, 2008
In 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 God’s Words tells us what the people will be like in the end times.
This is what was written: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” Our world has been turning violent. I can’t site every case around the world but if you are watching the news you see it very night! Our kids are killing kids, they have become disobedient to parents, and more kids are joining gangs then ever before. What I write here is only the tip of the iceberg, if you read chapter 6 of my book I go into great detail about this subject. A few weeks ago I put up a post about how Jesus warned people would become fierce and brutal. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:12 that because of all the lawlessness peoples hearts would wax cold and that is exactly what we see happening now. We see so much blood being poured out in our news that it doesn’t even affect people anymore, at least not the way it used to. Timothy said people in the end times would be without natural affection and we see those signs in almost every nation on this planet. The Pope is in the U.S. today and in his speech he talks about the breakdown of our society. The Pope talked about his priests who were involved in all the sex scandals. Here is a section from what was reported today. “Pope Benedict XVI chided Americans for a moral breakdown he said had fueled the church’s child sex abuse scandal, ahead of an open-air mass before tens of thousands here Thursday.” What happened to all these so-called men of God? It is exactly as is written in Timothy Chp3. these priests were lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (Tim3: 4). I see these priests fulfilling verse 5 where it states, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” The Popes church had to pay out about 1 billion in damages to families who were a product of these priests’ sexual pleasures, and by their own actions they deny the way of the truth. Does this mean these men can’t still be saved? Jesus said anyone who repents will be saved, and for their sake I pray that is what they do. The Lord wants none to perish, please remember that. Keep this in mind also, our society will get worse much worse. It will get so bad during the tribulation period that you will not be able to even trust anyone, not even your own family members. If you want to escape this type of society receive Jesus Christ right now. Stop reading this post and ask the one any only Savior to enter into your life, ask him to forgive you, and it will be done! Let this moment be the new beginning for you. Find a fellowship of brothers and sisters for Jesus said, don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24). That day is approaching fast.
“Pope blames church sex scandal on breakdown of society”
“Orangetown police say fights among 40 to 50 people broke out Wednesday afternoon”. These people were serious about doing harm; they used bats, claw hammers, knives, and even an ax.
“Dozens Involved In Wild Brawl In Nyack” April 17, 2008
Criminal Justice Analysis on gangs No. Carolina
“The second annual International Chiefs of Police Summit on Transnational Gangs will be held this week over a three-day period at the Universal Hilton Hotel in Hollywood, California. A press conference will be held today by law enforcement representing Los Angeles and other countries to officially start the Summit. During the Summit, local leaders and many international Chiefs of Police from Central America, Europe and North America will gather to renew discussions on how best to combat the global spread of gang-related criminal activity. The summit will conclude on Wednesday, March 5 th.”
Los Angeles International Chiefs Of Police Summit on Transnational Gangs. March 3, 2008
“The number of violent crimes in the United States rose for a second straight year in 2006, marking the first sustained increase in homicides, robberies and other serious offenses since the early 1990s, according to an FBI report to be released Monday.”
The murder rate rose slightly in the United States last year, but the number of robberies skyrocketed by 6 percent, preliminary FBI data released Monday show “Violent crime increasing in US, FBI reports”
“Violent Crime Up For Second Year”
“The department’s figures compared only the fourth quarter statistics from 2006 and 2007, not the full-year figures. The raw numbers show a 25 percent jump in reported violent crime in the last three months of 2007 when compared with the previous year. Nonviolent crime increased about 8 percent, and total crime rose nearly 11 percent.”
“Raw stats show rise in violent N.O. crime” Feb. 14, 2008
A study has confirmed what many law enforcement officials have long felt: Street gangs are responsible for the rising homicide rate in New Jersey”.
“Gang-style killings account for increase in NJ homicides, study says”
“Two of the driving forces in Santa Barbara County’s economy – tourism and retirees – could be in jeopardy from rising violent crime and gang activity, according the executive director of the UCSB Economic Forecast Project”.
“Gangs, crime threaten SB County’s economy” April 17, 2008
“According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, released by the US Department of Justice last June, gang members committed about 373,000 of the 6.6 million violent victimizations. Nonfatal violent acts measured include rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. Victims believed that perpetrators were not gang members in 55% of all nonfatal violent crimes between 1998 and 2003, and victims were unsure of gang affiliation in 37%”.
“Illegal Alien Gang Violence in US Increasing”
The following facts were published in the Criminal Justice Analysis Center on March 2008. “Key findings from a survey of law enforcement personnel include the following: 80 percent reported that one or more gangs were currently active in their jurisdictions. The number of active gangs ranged from one to 219 with an average of eleven different gangs per jurisdiction. A total of 1,446 gangs were reported in 64 counties.”
“Weekly jobless claims rise more than expected” April 17, 2008
“Oil hits another record high as dollar tumbles to record low”
“At the pump, the average national price of a gallon of unleaded gas rose 1.9 cents overnight to $3.418 a gallon, according to a survey of stations by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service. Diesel fuel also hit a new record of $4.146 a gallon after jumping 1.7 cents overnight, the survey said. The soaring cost of both fuels is pressuring consumers, who gas up their cars and buy goods that grow more expensive because of rising transportation costs”
“Gas prices pass $3.40 a gallon, are expected to rise higher”
Jesus in Matthew, Luke, Revelation and in Mark’s Gospel warn of droughts that will come during the time on the end, a time when all the other signs would be seen together. We see major drought’s in many places around our globe and it is getting worse. Read what the news had to say today. “The drought’s effect on rice has produced the greatest impact on the rest of the world, so far. It is one factor contributing to skyrocketing prices, and many scientists believe it is among the earliest signs that a warming planet is starting to affect food production.
“As Australia dries, a global shortage of rice”(April 17, 2008
Crime is on the minds of everyone everywhere these days and it is hitting the hardest in the City of Rome where the Pope is. “The top crime neighborhood in the world isn’t in Sao Paulo or Lagos. It’s not the Bronx in New York, or even Wedding in Berlin. It’s the small city ruled by Pope Benedict XVI, which apparently sees more criminal cases per capita than any other part of the world.”
“The Vatican Has World’s Highest Crime Rate” Jan. 22, 2007
What are your kids thinking when they attack a police officer. Again today a student went after a officer with a bat. Here is a section of the news report which you can click to below, “The officer fired at the student shortly before noon, after the Roosevelt High School sophomore allegedly came from behind and struck the officer in the head with a crude wooden baseball bat, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said.”
“Fresno Student Shot, Killed by Police Officer After Bat Attack” April 17, 2008
Here is another report.
“Police: Okla. Sheriff Ran Sex-Slave Operation From Jail”
In one of my posts of a week ago I warn to watch how you will begin to hear more reports of people getting sick. This is a warning of plagues that will come upon us during the end times. “ATLANTA (AP) – This year’s flu season has shaped up to be the worst in three years, partly because the vaccine didn’t work well against the viruses that made most people sick, health officials said Thursday.” We you read chapter 4 of my book I give you a detailed list of all the new diseases our planet is now faced with. I can’t list them all in this short post, but this sign has hit us. Please take these words to heart, they are the Words of Jesus. “And what I say unto you I say unto all Watch” (Mark 13:37). Jesus doesn’t want you to be blind sided by what is coming. If you consider yourself to be a true follower of Christ you must be on the Watch! Jesus stated over and over again to keep on the Watch, I would take His words to heart.
“CDC: Flu season worst in 3 years; vaccine didn’t work well”
Jesus made it a point to tell everyone what the signs of His second coming would be. Just about everywhere I go now I hear people talking about how bad things have gotten. I hear saying things like “what is going on with this world”, “Things are different now, more so then they have ever been”, “People don’t care if they kill someone nowadays”, “Kids are much different then ever before”, “People are turning into animals”, “What’s up with all this weird weather”, “Isn’t there any good leaders anymore? “I feel something in the air and it bothers me”, and “it seems as the world is going crazy.” If you are honest, I know you will say you are hearing your friends talking about the same kinds of things. Why is this? People are taking notice of current events and they are very disturbed at what they are looking at. Most people don’t realize that just about everything they are seeing in the news is a sign of the end, signs foretold before they happened. It is true people can feel something is wrong but, they can’t make the connection as to what is going on.. I call what is happening, The Wake Up Call. Jesus is calling people to attention to His signs so they will turn to Him before He returns to remove His church. For those of us who have already have received Christ as our Savior, this time should be considered a blessing. Why? Because we see the truth in every Word Jesus warned us about these final days just before He comes back. We count it a blessing because we know soon we will see Jesus face to face in heaven. We count it a blessing because we are the chosen generation picked to see all prophecy fulfilled, and to live in these exciting times. We find it a blessing because through these signs Jesus has opened the door for us to lead others to His truths about His love for them, and that He desires to all to come to Him. If on the other hand you don’t know Jesus as your Savior yet you will take these signs as Doom and Gloom and see no hope, or you may be one of those people who just don’t care either way, yet you are upset at how the world is going. If you aren’t ready to meet Christ today, you should expect Doom and Gloom because the message Jesus has given us speaks of no hope for those who reject Him as the one and only Savior. I’m not going to water down the message in hopes I can keep you coming to my site. I must warn you of what you are about to face if you keep rejecting the free gift of Salvation from our Lord. We are about to enter a time soon that will be hell on earth! Jesus told us that this would be the worse time anyone will face and if He didn’t cut the time short no one would be left on earth when He came back. Those people who reject Christ’s calling will be forced to enter into the 7-year tribulation. Your only way to Christ during this time will be to die for Christ, or be one of those very very luck ones who make it through the enter 7 years. Since Jesus warned there wouldn’t be many left at the end of 7 years, your odds of that happening are almost 0. Am I bringing a message of Doom and Gloom? Yes I am, but only to those who have chosen to walk their life without Jesus in it. My message can at time even be scary for Christians because it makes them think, am I walking with the Lord like He wants me to, and am I watching for the signs like Jesus told me to? Read Luke 21:36 Jesus told us to watch for the signs of the times of His coming again. Not only does he tell us to WATCH, but also He tells us of our way out of the hell that is coming on this earth. In that same verse Jesus said, “pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Here is the bottom line. Jesus has paved a way for all to come to him before the tribulation begins. All anyone has to do to enter that path is say yes to Christ. You have the free well to refuse His message of Salvation. If you refuse, you will be walking on another road that will lead you to a place you wish to God you never yet! I pray you will read my posts and see what they Lord told us to watch for. Every sign Jesus foretold is already upon us with the exception of a few prophecies. You can read a free copy of my book by clicking to the link below. If you want proof Jesus’ Words are all coming true you will want to read this book. Because you have come to this site and read my words you no longer have an excuse! You are now faced with a decision that you are forced to make. You must say yes to Jesus and take Him as Savior, or deny him and wait for the judgment seat of Christ. No one can go to the Father unless they come to Christ. I pray you make the right decision. One leads to heaven, the other leads to hell. If you want to see what hell will be like click to the videos 1-8 under the title, “23 Minutes in Hell.
Below you will find videos. The first 2 you will see how Jesus came to me to start this ministry. The next 8 have to do with what hell will look like. Please watch them all and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart, then contact me using the e-mail address at this site and let me know what the Holy Spirit has shown you. God be with you all and may the love of Jesus Christ drive you into His arms.
How book came to be part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY
How book came to be part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE
23Minutes in Hell:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HdugdTIS74
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1CRRqH-Fmk&feature=related
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj_JZo0Pbhk&feature=related
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFsKp9AVlC0
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwKEpuOfBRE&feature=related
Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QOtx0cJlhU&feature=related
Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxKHoR9mZg&feature=related
Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agS6XBzloxY&feature=related
FREE: Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf

I have tried to do my best to show you how and why America will take second seat to the European Union. Please read my past posts to fully understand this issue. In short prophecy shows us the Roman Empire will be reborn just before Christ returns and it already has in the form of the European Union (EU). Read chapter 2 of my book and you will clearly understand why I am saying that. Here are some of the signs that will help bring about the superpower shifts. This news is from Washington- “The number of newly laid off workers filing claims for unemployment benefits last week increased by more than had been expected, reflecting pressure from the weak economy. “The euro hit an all-time high of $1.5982 on Thursday” Read my March 13th & 18th, 2008 post and warnings and you will get a better understand of this issue if this is your first time to my site..