First off let me say this, everything I am writing about is centered on the warnings of Jesus Christ for the end times generation. The warnings I am posting are not prophecies of mine! I have taken what Jesus told us to watch for in these last days and showed you how these (Christ’s) prophecies are unfolding. If you know the Word of God you know what to expect before you see it in the news. Each day I pray and ask Christ to reveal to me what I should write, and it just so happens when I write these things down, with in a week or two, sometimes days, these things begin to be reported in the news.
Everything you are going to read today I have been warning people about since 1977 when the Lord first sent me out. Since January 2008 I told you things you should pay attention to in the news. On Jan 21, 2008 I warned about the U.S. decline in power. I explained if the European Union (New Roman Empire) is to take the lead as a world power there has to be a shift, which will cause the EU to take center stage. Anyone who knows prophecy knows that the shift has already begun. America will decline and you can see the evidence everywhere in our economy and in what is happening with the U.S. dollar. You will hear more news like what WaMu is experiencing.
Right now this nation is losing jobs by the thousands and thousand are being added to the food stamp program. Just today we learn that WaMu is going to cut 3,000 jobs. On April 4, I showed you that Employers slashed jobs for the third straight month while unemployment jumped to 5.1%, a nearly three-year high. For months I have been telling you to keep watching the U.S. dollar because it will fall again! Today’s news again reports the dollar fell again against the euro and the yen. These events are part of the process that will cause the European Union (New Roman Empire) to be seated as the number 1 world leader. To fully understand this issue read chapter 2 from my book, which you can download for free at my site.
In my post of Jan., Feb., and April 4, 2008 I warned to watch for food to increase. I told you to expect major problems as a result of all these price increases. I told you social unrest would begin as people had a hard time buying food. Again, in today’s news we learned the price of rice has jumped to new record levels and they expect to see social unrest. Read Matthew chapter 24, Jesus warned people would go hungry and many would die due to the lack of food. Oil prices are still climbing which will keep adding to stress to the American way of life, job are going to be cut, more jobs as a result of these increases. As it stands right now, truckers can’t afford to keep their trunks on the road, and many are going bankrupt. Expect higher prices in the stores because it is going to cost more money for the truckers to carry their loads.
On March 20, 2008 I warned to focus your attention on plagues. Jesus told us that in the end times events would take place as a woman with birth pains. While praying about what to write, I had a strong feeling the Lord wanted me to point to his warning on plagues. What I got was, soon you will begin to hear more news about these plagues in the news. That day I issued the warning. On April 4th I started to see new reports about the bird flu disease, which for the first time has been passed on from human too human. The first case of human-to-human transmission of avian flu was reported in Pakistan, and yes the news said it was confirmed. Then on April 7, 2008 there was another report of human-to-human transmission of the bird flu, only this time the report came in from China. What follows is a short section from that report. “A 24-year-old Chinese man who died of bird flu in December passed the virus directly to his father in a rare case of human-to-human transmission of the virus, doctors reported on Monday.” Officials in both counties have told us don’t be concerned it hasn’t spread, but medical experts has warned if this bird flu takes it will begin to kill millions of people all around this planet.
Jesus didn’t give the exact names of the plagues that would kill millions during the end times but this could be one of those plagues Jesus was referring to. All I know is this; they are coming, so keep watching the news. Today in India they began to kill off thousands of chickens because they have be infected with bird flu. I believe as soon as you see warmer weather you will begin to hear more reports like this.
Another sign of the last days is that people will become brutal, abusive, without love, and unforgiving. Read my post of April 1, 2008. I pointed out how 11 children had plotted to kill their teacher. Read 2n Timothy 3:1-5, there is gives a detailed list of how people are going to be in the end times. Almost every night we see acts of just how brutal people are becoming. There are so many news reports I can’t cite them all but here is a good example of what I am talking about. WFTV released a story today showing how 8 kids, 6 girls and 2 boys brutally beat a girl. The kids doing the beating captured this beating on video. Why? They wanted to post the beating on the Internet. You see more kids all over this nation killing each other! Christ warned the love of many would wax cold, and it is as he said.
On Feb. 20, 2008 I posted a warning to keep your eyes on the European Union, because you are going to see signs of their growing power and influence in the world. Over the past two months I warned that the dollar would drop against the euro and it has and still is. As the dollar is falling to the waste side the euro is growing in strength and now there are more European Union nations signing on to drop their own currency to switch to the euro. Yesterday the euobserver reported that most Danes want the euro and have made a bid to take on the euro as their new currency. The euobserver article stated that, “A majority of Danes favor adopting the euro, a fresh survey has suggested while Slovakia has officially filed its application to become the 16th eurozone member state in 2009, just as the EU's monetary union is due to celebrate its tenth anniversary”. A report out of Europe from DW-World.DE today had this to say, “Despite facing considerable political and financial hurdles to meet the tough criteria for adopting the euro, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have moved to firm up plans for joining Europe's currency union by laying out road maps for euro membership by the early part of the new decade at the latest.”
Europe is getting stronger and stronger and one by one the nations are switching to the euro. At the same time nations around the world are talking about dropping the dollar as the bench mark. No nation would dare talk about dropping the U.S. dollar but in February 2008 that changed. The Wall Street Journal reported on the change when they wrote, “The possibility that OPEC would make an active decision to price oil barrels in a currency other than the dollar has been bandied about, but never spoken of by anyone with any real power. That changed today, after OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah al-Badri was quoted in the Middle East Economic Digest, saying “maybe we can price the oil in the euro.” Are nations jumping ship on the U.S. dollar? See for yourself, so far China, Japan Kuwait, Syria, Iran, Libya, Russia, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland, Norway, and currently the Arab Gulf stated, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Sudan have switched away from the U.S. dollar! This is only the beginning. What currency have these nations turned to? The euro! Jesus made it very clear that the Roman Empire would return and be the final world empire established at the time of His 2nd coming.
The main reason why you are seeing the U.S. decline is to make way for this new Roman Empire to fulfill its place in prophecy, which they are doing, and they are doing it very fast indead. I know everyone who hasn’t studied the Bible thinks America will never fall away from power, but they are mistaken. Just keep watching the news and you will see more signs pointing to the fulfillment of the Word of God. These signs will begin to come faster and faster! One of the most important signs coming in the European Union (new Roman Empire) is the fact that this union is getting ready to pick their first full time President, which will head all of the European Union members. This will be the first time one man rules all of Europe since Ceasear. In the link below there is a article entitled “Who will be EU president and what will they think of Turkey?” In that article it explains the Union is in the process of screening for the person who will take the seat as the 1st President of the EU, or (new Roman Empire). It gives a list of people they are currently looking at as possible choices.
The main point is this. The position for this new Ceasear is being set up, and it looks like it may be fulfilled in 2009 once the EU treaty is signed. This is the seat that the Antichrist will sit in when he makes his way up the latter. Jesus said, “when you see all these things take place look up for your redeptation drews close”. Every thing that is taking place in this new Roman Empire has been set in place with perfect timing. A man is coming, who will deceive the world in thinking he has the answers to the global problems. Jesus is warning you, unless you are on the watch you will fall prey to this mans lies.
According to prophecy the New Roman Empire would be born again at a time that a generation is known for their increase in knowledge and travel. Read chaper 3 from my book and you will see this prophecy has come to pass only by our generation! Jesus even warned that a false prophet would come during the end times and set up an image of the beast (Antichrist) and make this image come to life so it would speak. Anyone who doesn’t worship this image will be killed. Read page. 53 of my book I give complete details there as will a scripture. See Revelation 13: 13-15. Let me give you an example of both our increase knowledge and a possible way this image can come to life and speak at the will of the false prophet. In today’s news there is a report entitled “Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan”. There is a picture of one of these robots. They look exactly like a real person, they speak and move just like a real person, and they can be made in the image of anyone! At the end of chapter 3 of my book I have links directing you to videos which you will allow you to see these robots in action. Will the false prophet use a robot like you see in the news today?
It is very possible, point is this, Jesus said to look for it to happen, the technology is here right now, this is the generation Jesus spoke about. Since January I have been warning you about two wars that have not been fulfilled yet. I have been giving you all kinds of signs these two wars will soon come to pass. The current Middle East war is just one of the signs showing us these wars are coming. In Chapter 10 of my book I told you watch Iran because they are going to join with Russia and attack Israel. For the past year Israel has kept telling the United Nations they will be forced to attack Iran and destroy their nuclear plant if they don’t stop Iran’s progress. Today it was report that, “Iran announced Tuesday it had begun installing 6,000 new centrifuges at its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, drawing swift condemnation from Western nations for expanding its nuclear activities in defiance of U.N. demands.” Israel is going to have to make a decision soon whether to attack Iran and wipe out the nuclear site, or wait for the Iranians to finish their plans and then launch nukes at Israel. What did Israel have to say about Iran today? “National Infrastructures Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said Monday "an Iranian attack will lead to a harsh response by Israel, which will cause the destruction of the Iranian nation.”
This end time war is on the way, and the signs of its coming are everywhere to be seen. Mind you, Jesus told us about the time this attack will occur and what they will be saying at the time of this war. I quote, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape (1st Thessalonians 5: 1-6). At this very moment leaders from many nations are in the Middle East working on a final peace plan for Israel and the PLO. When is this war going to take place? The Middle East is a time bomb waiting to go off, and they are doing exactly as God said they would when this war broke out, they are call for peace and safety! Put all the pieces of the puzzle together and you get a very clear picture of the end times. The last link I put up shows how the Middle East peace plan may be signed before this year ends. Keep in mind, God told Daniel the man who comes out of the New Roman Empire will confirm a covenant in the end times. This agreement or covenant will be for a period of 7 years. I believe these nations are working toward that covenant right now. You are going to hear a lot of news about these peace talks in the coming months. All I can say is this, God help you if after all these signs you still don’t believe we are in the last days and are running out of time before the great tribulation begins. I pray for your soul. In the mean time just pay attention to the news, Jesus is speaking to many through current events.
Now for the good news! There is a way out of this mess. Take Christ, as your Savior today, and He will write your name in His book of life. The Word of God says, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) Once you have done that be ready for your coming trip to heaven when Christ calls His church home. If you decide not to take Christ’s free gift of eternal life, you will walk to the gates of hell, and you will be doing it with the tears of Christ. Jesus made it known that he doesn’t want anyone to perish that way. What are you going to do? Let me know that answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WaMu gets $7billion infusion, cuts jobs, sees big loss (April 8, 2008)
Dollar falls versus yen, euro in Asia trading (April
Rice jumps to Record on Philippine Imports, Curbs on Exports (April 8, 2008)
Oil prices approach record heights (April 8, 2008)
China confirms human H5N1 transmission (Bird Flu) April 7, 2008
Chinese son likely gave bird flu to father: (April 7, 2008)
India begins culling chickens in bird flu-hit Tripura (April 8, 2008)
Girls Record Brutal Attack On Teen To Allegedly Post On YouTube (April 8, 2008)
Most Danes want euro, Slovakia bids for 2009 eurozone entry (April 7, 2008)
New EU Members Step Up Drive to Join Euro Zone (April 4, 2008)
OPEC Rattles the Dollar (Feb. 8, 2008)
Numerous Countries Have Recently Dropped The Dollar as Their Reserve Currency (March 18, 2008)
Who will be EU president and what will they think of Turkey? (April 8, 2008)
Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan (April 8, 2008)
Ben Eliezer: Strike by Iran Would Spell its End (April 8, 2008)
Iran begins installing more centrifuges (April 8, 2008)
Insider leaks plans for Palestinian state (April 7, 2008)