What is the big deal about Australia remaining in the Middleeast?
In chapter 10 of my book on p. 146 I note who are the nations in the MiddleEast at the time Israel is attacked. This attack on Israel is a major prophecy, and when it takes place all who know God’s Word will realize we have entered in the final stage or the beginning of the tribulation period, which is recorded in the book of Revelation. The following is the quote from my book. “Ezekiel Chapter 38:13 tells us that Great Britain who is the (lion), the United States, Canada, and Australia, who are the (young lions) are in the area of Saudi Arabia at the time the attack against Israel breaks out. These nations will do nothing to help Israel, except to give their formal protest to the massive invasion. Are these nations in the area right now? Yes they are. When the United States attacked Iraq in 2004 the nations who joined forces with America were, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia. These nations are still in Iraq today, and they have military bases in Saudi Arabia. When the attack against Israel begins there will be millions of men who come against Israel. America and her allies will not be able to do anything to help Israel; all they will be able to do is give their protest. Now that we know who will not help Israel when they are attacked, let us review what nations are listed that will attack Israel.” Recently there has been speculation that the new Prime Minister of Australia was going to pull all of his Australian troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq. The press has been waiting for Rudd’s announcement. Well, this morning on CNN President Bush had a news conference with the new Prime Minister of Australia. Rudd told reporters that he would leave troops in Afghanistan. Rudd also told reporters he plans to keep hundreds of others in Iraq in supporting roles. Why is this so important? One of the young lions mentioned in the scripture above is Australia. I believe that is why Rudd did not taken all his troops out of the Middleast. Currently, nations fighting in the Middleast along side of the United States are Canada, and Australia. Great Britain or as the scripture states (Tarshish) is also a major player in the Middleeast war. So what is the big deal about Australia staying in the region? If you read the prophecy it says, “all the young lions” will be there. If the U.S, Canada, and Australia are the young lions the bible speaks about, then they all have to stay there, and they are! News links below report on the current events in regard to these nations listed in the Ezekiel prophecy. When this attack on Israel takes place our fighting force will be so weak we won’t be able to do anything to stop it, except give a formal protect. Please keep in mind; I have been warning people since 1977 that these young lions, (Canada, the U.S. and Australia) would go to the Middleeast prior to the attack on Israel. Here we are in 2008 and the very nations mentioned in Ezekiel’s prophecy are in the exact place they are suppose to be! Is this just a coincidence? No it is not! Everything taking place in the Middleeast right now is leading up to fulfilling this major prophecy. All I can say is, keep your eyes on this region and become a believer in what God has written. I pray you take Christ as your Savior before this attack takes place, otherwise you may be one of the ones left behind when Jesus calls His church home. If you don’t know how to meet Christ, e-mail me and I will be honored to walk you into the Kingdom of God.
Australian Premier to Meet With Bush
News covering what nations are fighting in the MiddleEast U.K news.
On March 26, I posted this quote: “Everyone who has read my book since 1997 knows I waned them the U.S. dollar would fall, the European Union would take over as the last superpower, there would be a rise in plagues, the Earth would heat up and the glaciers would melt as record rates, we would see nations struggle to feed their people because the plant’s weather conditions would change, I warned food prices would increase causing extreme hardships and cause conflicts between nations, I warned that Russia would comeback as a world power and focus their attention on the Middle East, I warned you the price of Gold, Silver and a host of other items recorded in Revelation chapter 18 would skyrocket, such as the price of wheat.” Since I posted that warning recent news confirms what I told you would happen. Food prices have gone up again and nations are beginning to have conflicts because of this problem! Since 1977 I have been warning that huge storms would begin to destroy crops around the world and I have this recorded in my book in chapter 4 and 5. Recent news gives some details on how many crops have been destroyed by all these storms I warned about. Read what a new United Nations report had to say,”The United Nations warned yesterday that it no longer has enough money to keep global malnutrition at bay this year in the face of a dramatic upward surge in world commodity prices, which have created a "new face of hunger". If you have read any of my earlier posts you would know I warned you that this would happen, I warned you prices will rise, and there was going to be huge problmes steming from this. This is only the beginning! What you must understand is this, according to the warnings Jesus give us concerning these times, your situtition is going to get worse from here on out. When you read chapter 4 and 5 of my book you will get complete details on all these issues which planet Earth will be facing in the near future. Now for the good news! Before Christ returns to take His seat as King in Jerusalem, He promised to remove anyone who believed in Him from the 7 year tribulation period. If you don’t understand what this means you need to read the book of Revelation. There is a period of 7 years of which will be the worse time this planet has ever gone through. Billions will dies during this time frame. There will be very little food left, prices for everything will be so high people will die because they can’t afford to buy it. Thinks these storms are bad now? Jesus warned the nations of Earth would be preplexed at how violent the seas would become. Think the glaciers are melting fast now? According to Christ, the sun will be scorching hot, and there will be very little drinking water left. Even now many nations are saving water shortages because of global warming. The point is this, there is a safe way out of all this. The only way to protect yourself and your family will be through Christ. If you take His free gift of salvation now, the Lord will keep His promise to remove you from the tribulation which is heading for us. When I give prophecy seminars I ask this question. If you lived during Noah’s generation and Noah warned you that the world would be destroyed by a flood what would you do? Almost everyone I asked that question to told me they would have entered the ark for safety with Naoh. What is taking place is the exact same thing. Jesus has been warning you about what is coming soon and the only way to safetly is in Christ. In closing I want to quote what Jesus Christ said in Luke 17: 26-30, “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.” Now let me ask you the question? Knowing what you now know, what are you going to do? Are you going to be like the ones who heard the Word, refused to believe and later died trying to get on Noah’s ark, or are you going to enter in Jesus who is the new ark of safety? I pray this material helps you make the right choice. Please pass this information on to as many as will listen, we are running out of time. Jump in rice price fuels fears of unrest
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