Dollar falls against the Euro! See what God created March 12, 2008 post. DiMora

Img_3403_2You will be blown away by these pictures and the music, just click to link below.

This same God who created our Earth for us has been in heaven preparing a place for you in His mansion. Will you be going when He calls us home?  If you are unsure how to get there please e-mail at the email address given at my site. I will be happy to give you directions.

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:2-3). 

If you have been coming to my site you have read my posts warning you the dollar will continue to fall against the Euro. Today the (AP) again reported the Euro’s rise. March 12, 2008 a new record was set. The Euro hit a high of $1.55 against the U.S. dollar. Click to link below to read report.

Last week I had someone contact me who remembered 10 years ago I told them the European Union would rise to a Superpower status and that the U.S. economy would fall. They remembered I warned them the Euro which wasn’t even around in Europe yet, would crush the American dollar.  Ten years later the laughs have halted.  Understand this, ten years ago I didn’t know the European currency would be called the Euro, all I knew is that Europe would end up using the same currency. The reason I knew this would occur was because the first Roman Empire had a single currency. Since Jesus warned us the Roman Empire would rise again in the last days, I knew this new Roman Empire would also have one currency.  If you want to fully understand why the Euro is rising so fast, read chapter 2 from my book, which you can download for free at my site. Will the Euro pass the new record of $1.55 set today?  Yes.  If you don’t understand why this is happening, email me at the address given at my site and I will explain it. For now, here is my advice, pay off your bills if you can, get out of as much debt as you can, America is going to take a big hit in our economy.

Record low for dollar against the Euro-signs of the Antichrist are here! March 8, 2008 new up-date to my warning!

Img_3403_2For years I have been trying to warn people Jesus’ prophecies are coming to pass. In my 2000 book I wrote the following. "The new European currency called the euro will be another step advancing European power. So, the new Roman Empire is a makeup of many nations, and now the single European currency will become the most serious competitor to the American dollar since early this century." In the year 2000 the Euro just hit the market place. Below this new up-date of March 8, 2008 you will find a post I put up on Feb. 27, 2008 again warning the Euro would continue to rise against the dollar.  This of course has taken place and now for the first time the Euro has hit $154 against the dollar. You will find two links below that give you the news about the new record high. In order to fully understand why the Euro is crushing the U.S. dollar you will have to read chapter 2 of my book. It has all the bible scriptures and a detailed explanation about the prophecy. You can download a free book right here at my site, or just read chapter 2 if you like,  just look for the download post. It is a free download with no strings attached.

ATTENTION – UPDATES rates, ADDS Asian currencies ///

TOKYO, March 7, 2008 (AFP) – The euro hit a fresh record high against the dollar in Asian trade Friday as the market braced for pivotal US jobs data, dealers said. The euro hit a record high of 1.5405 dollars in Tokyo afternoon trade, breaking through the symbolic 1.54-dollar barrier for the first time.


February 27 2008 15:21 | Last updated: February 28 2008 00:23Img_3403_2

Two weeks ago I posted a warning what you should keep your eyes on. Part of my warning was that you will continue to see the dollar fall against the Euro. Well another sign has appeared in the news today in the, (World U.S. & Canada). Part of that report stated that, "The dollar fell to a fresh record low against the euro on Wednesday as Ben Bernanke signalled that the Federal Reserve is likely to cut interest rates again next month. The single European currency breached $1.51 after the Fed chairman made it clear that the US central bank remained firmly focused on the risks to growth, in spite of some increase in inflation risk following a run of bad price reports"(Feb. 27, 2008). To view links for news report please copy and paste to address bar.

If you have visited my prophecy site before you would have read my post that the price of gas will hit $4.00 a gallon, well this is what the Herald tribune had to report today Feb. 27, 2008. "Gasoline prices, which for months lagged the big run-up in the price of oil, are suddenly rising quickly, with some experts fearing they could hit $4 a gallon by spring. Diesel is hitting new records daily and oil closed at an all-time high on Tuesday of $100.88 a barrel". Why are we seeing this warnings come to pass? If you read chapter 2 of my book which you can download for free at my site, you will learn there has to take place a shift in power, and that is what we are beginning to see take place.

In chapter 2 of my book I talk about the gang of 3 which is often mentioned in the European press. I warned people reading my book to keep your eyes on the Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi. Silvio Berlusconi has a big chip on his shoulders when it comes to the nations of Britian, Germany, and France. The Bible informs us in Daniel 7:24 that when the Antichrist comes he will subdue 3 kings. The Word of God also states that Rome will be the seat of power during the reign of the Antichrist, see Revelation chapter 17: 9. When Jesus came the first time there was a Italian in power in Rome, and we are told, when Jesus comes against Rome will be standing again and there will be another Italian in power. The Bible also makes it very clear what we should look for in the man of sin when he comes. 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2:4 tells us this man will exalt himself. In the next few weeks Italy will be holding elections. "Italians will elect a new parliament April 13-14, and if polls are correct, Der Spiegel reports that Silvio Berlusconi will return to office only 20 months after his last defeat. Immediately after today’s announced poll date, PM Romano Prodi announced he won’t stand European’s know very well how Berlusconi has been exhalting himself and he doesn’t have any problems letting the people know how he feels about himself. The following is just one example of some of the things the press has reported, "The the leader of the Forza Italia party and head of the centre-right coalition known as Casa delle Libertà (House of liberties) sees himself as the "best political leader in Europe and in the world." "Because of my personal history, my professional skills and my business achievements, I am a man nobody can expect to compare himself with" ( Feb 6, 2008). In 2004 the had a report with this headline, "All hail Berlusconi, in that 10 page report "John Carlin profiles Silvio Berlusconi, a Roman emperor for the 21st centry" We should keep our eyes on this man because he holds the treats the Antichrist is suppose to have. At this point it appears Berlusconi will be elected again in Italy. Watch these events with me! Let us not forget Berlusconi has a problem with the 3 nations I mentioned above. It just may be the 3 nations (kings) that this Antichrist will subdue as Daniel warned us. There is a definate pattern here between what God warned about the Antichrist and what Berlusconi is doing. Here me out, I am not saying Silvio is the Antichrist, what I am saying is, we should keeps tabs on him and see what he does, because he could turn out to be. Believe me, you will know!,12576,1126448,00.html 

If you aren’t sure if you are saved please e-mail and I will show you how to become what Jesus say’s is (born again). We are moving closer to the tribulation period (7 years) and you will want to be in Jesus hands before this 7 year period begins. My e-mail address is listed at my site. Make sure you write the name of my book in the subject box when you e-mail me. God Bless.


Prophecy warnings from DiMora come true! See the facts.

Img_3403_2DiMora’s warning to watch for food prices to climb begins to come true 9 days after his warning. If you read my post on Revelation chapter 18 which is still posted you will find what I said to keep on the watch for. Head lines to the report is, "Shoppers warned bigger bills on way" / In depthShoppers warned bigger bills on way

Who is going to attack Israel? The signs are in our face.March 3, 2008 Special Report, What will happen next!


It’s to bad more people don’t read the Bible. If you knew what we are to look for you would understand current events are pointing to a national friendship between Iraq and Iran.  Ezekiel chapter 38:5 warns us Persia would unite with other nations to attack Israel. At the time this passage was written Persia is what we now call Iraq and Iran. Steps are now being taken which will forge a close relationship between these nations. Today March 2, 2008 the President of Iran made his first trip to Iraq. This is the first time a President of Iran has visited Iraq since the 1980s when Iraq and Iran were at war with one another. Now they are becoming the best of friends. Why is this taking place now? The Bible told us these nations would join forces to attack Israel.  President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has been telling the world he is going to destroy Israel. They will try to wipe out Israel, but in the end the Bible tells us, Israel will not be destroyed. As a matter of fact, the Word of God tells us that 5/6 of the army that invades Israel will be destroyed. These two nations are among the last nations to form this friendship. The rest of the nations mentioned in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel are all ready allies, and are now being armed by Russia. The links below will take you to the breaking news concerning the President of Iran’s visit to Iraq. If you would like to help speed up prophecy vote for Clinton or Obama. Both of these candidates promise to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, which in the end will cause Iran and Iraq to become much closer. At that point the extremists will move on Israel and fulfilled Ezekiel chapter 38-39. Who do you think is suppying Iraq with men and weapons to fight the U.S. and Israel? It is Iran. Iran has been sending rockets to the PLO and these rockets have been used to hit targets inside Israel, near the Gaza boarder. News today inform us that, "The Israeli army on Monday said that all the long-range rockets fired by Gaza militants against southern Israel during the latest round of violence were manufactured in arch-foe Iran" ( March 3, 2008). Many of you will not believe this this coming attack on Israel can or will happen, that I understand. Only those who receive Jesus as their Savior will be safe from the events that will soon fall on Planet Earth. All I ask from those who at this point don’t believe is that you keep coming to this site. I will tell you the things of the future before that occur so that when you see these specific events come to pass you will turn to Christ. It is Christ who has given us all the details of the future, all I am doing is connecting the dots for you with current events. I welcome your questions and comments. If you want a detailed look at what will happen in the Middle East, just download my free book and read chapter 10. War is coming to the Middle East soon! By the way, if you like corn, bread, and wheat I would buy a lot of it now! You will see the prices of all these continue to rise.  If you eat a lot of chicken, I would buy a lot of frozen chicken now becasue the price of these birds is going to climb as well. Just watch the news, it may take a month of so but you will come back to this site and read how the prices have gone up.

Long-range rockets fired from Gaza ‘are Iranian’…

Jesus said watch for you will see nation rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, Matthew 24:7. Watch South America it appears this will be the next hot spot.   USA could intervene… 

Prophecy warnings are all coming true on gold, cashless society, North American Union, Rise of the EU’s Euro, fall of the U.S. dollar and more- Feb. 28, 2008 report.


Note: If links don’t take you to news reports you may have to copy and paste the link to your address bar. I am working on this problem.

Since 1978 I have been trying to warn as many people as I can that America will lose her position as the number one superpower. In my book which you can download on this site for free, I explain in detail why the U.S. will fall to the European Union (EU). In short God gave us the warning signs which I am now showing you. On Feb 7, 2008 I warned you all that you should keep your eyes on the U.S. dollar, because you are going to see it fall in the marketplace. I also warned you that the Euro which is the European Union’s currency will climb. This has to happen because the EU is the (reborn Roman Empire) who we are told would stand at the time Jesus returns. In my Feb. 15, 2008 post which, is also still up on my site, I told you to keep your eyes on the price of Gold. I said we have only begun to see the price of gold climb, and I tell you why the price will rise. In my book I warn that the world will move to a cashless society. I also warn you in chapter 2 of my book that the U.S. has made plans to form a North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Keep in mind, I made the warnings but I didn’t come up with these future events, God did. The Lord has given us the future in detail so those who were watching would know we are very close to seeing Him return again. There is no question prophecy is now being fulfilled and is beginning to speed up. Today’s news we see the price of gold has reached $976.32 a once which is again a new record high. You can go to the links below and read the entire reports. Will gold keep climbing? Yes!
Gold sets new high:

Also in the news today we are told the U.S. dollar has taken another hit and for the first time the Euro reached $1.52 against the dollar. The Euro is killing the dollar. See link below.

Dollar Sinks:

Part of forming a one world government will be to forge many National Unions. I explain who and what these Unions are in chapter 2 of my book. The North American Union will be one of the last Unions to be formed. The Union will be between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Bush on Feb. 14, 2008 again went behind the U.S. Congress and signed a military agreement which will allow the “armed forces from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a domestic civil emergency, even one that does not involve a cross-border crisis” (WorldNetDaily Feb. 28, 2008). This means if Bush were to declare a national emergency he could call on Canada to have their troops come to his aid in the United States. Bush under Presidential Directive 51 which is the National Security Directive, now has the power to do just that. When could Bush use the Directive 51? If we get another major hit by terrorists Bush could simply take over. Once all these national Unions are in place the next step will be to forge all these Unions into one. The Antichrist is waiting in the wings to head this one world government.

North American Army created without OK by Congress:

In chapter 1 of my book I also warn you about the coming Mark of the Beast. I give you samples of the technology currently being used to ID people. In today’s news there is a new type of technology that is able to be placed under the skin, just as Jesus warned us! I suggest you read the report. You may have to copy and paste the report to your address bar.

Technology that could bring the mark of the beast:

In the news Feb. 25, 2008 there is a report informing us that many stores are not taking hard cash anymore. The report also gives a look into the future and shows us plastic money is taking over. In chapter one of my book I cover this issue in detail. Here is a short section from the report. “In Canada, the latest data point to a future similar to that of our American neighbors, as cash withdrawals steadily decline and shop prefer to pay with plastic.” We are being programmed to think anyone using cash in lines at stores, is looked upon as old fashioned and a burden. I know many of you have seen the TV commercials where people are in line buying things very fast as they swipe there credit cards, then someone comes up and digs for cash in their hand bag. In those commercials they show you everything comes to a fast halt as the person searches for the cash, then seeing the people upset in line the person, breaks out their credit card and the line and music begin to move again! These are all signs for you, they are signs that point to very Word Jesus warned us about future prophecy being fulfilled. If you don’t believe me now, all I ask is keep watching the news, because you are going to witness everything I have warned you come to pass. Then at the right time, you may choice to take Christ as your Savior. I ask nothing from you, I don’t ask you for money, I don’t want your pledges; all I want is for you to see the truth about what is going on. Do you want to escape all the things that are coming to pass on this world? Jesus told us, the only way to escape will be through Him.

Why cash is no longer king:


ISRAEL AT WAR! Future headline story (Israel at war). Signs of handwriting on the wall Feb. 22, 2008

Img_3403_2Another warning sign that war is coming to the Middle East soon.  There is the chance that what Nasrallah warns and what Syria and Iran see coming is the conflict the prophet Ezekiel warned us about. For complete details of Ezekiel’s prophecy go the post on the Coming Attack Against Israel, or download entire prophecy book and read chp. 10. It is a free download.

"Syrian and Iranian officials believe there will be a serious military confrontation with Israel in the near future, according to Al-Akhbar, a Lebanese daily affiliated with Hezbollah. Hezbollah’s response to the assassination of Imad Mughniyah, the organization’s operations chief, will force Israel to make a "difficult decision," the newspaper stated in an editorial. Hezbollah blames Israel for Mughniyah’s assassination in Damascus last week" ( Feb.18, 2008). Today Feb. 21, 2008 another warning appears. The headline to the following report is as follows: "Iranian official: Countdown to Israel’s destruction has begun" "Iranian Parliament Speaker Gholam Hadad has warned that the "countdown to Israel’s destruction has begun," in an interview published Thursday in an Iranian newspaper. Hadad’s comment was one of a number of scathing remarks made by Iranian officials regarding Israel this week, a trend apparently escalated by the assassination of Hezbollah’s second-in-command Imad Mugniyah earlier this month." (Haaretz Service and News Agencies) Again on Friday Feb. 22, 2008 stated, "Hizbullah head Hassan Nasrallah on Friday said Israel’s "disappearance" is an inevitable fact.   "It is an historical process in the region which will come to an end in several years," . Those of us who know prophecy are very aware this war is coming. You will see headlines like these appearing soon. Israel and Syria at war Damascus threatened to be destroyed, or Israel fights for her life.  Is Israel ready to attack Iran? The Jerusalem Post on Jan 15, 2006 ran a report with this following headline: "IAF trained for Iran attack". In that report they write, " IAF pilots have completed their mission training and fighter jets have been prepared for an Israeli attack on Iran, the British Sunday Times reported." Believe me, if you know the history of Israel you will know there will be a point of no return. What does that mean? As soon as the Israeli government sees the UN can’t stop Iran’s nuclear plans and the U.S. is helpless to do anything to stop them, Israel will attack. We are close to the point of no return right now! All we do know is this, the Islamic nations Ezekiel told us would attack Israel are preparing themselves for that attack. These are not peaceful men, and no matter how much you want to talk to them, they have one purpose in mind, destroy Israel.

Ezekiel chapter 38-39 tells of how Russia and her allies which includes Iran, are going to attack Israel to destroy her and retake Jerusalem, or at least try to destroy her. Most of the nations named in the Ezekiel prophecy worship Mohammad  and are Islamic.  Is it fact that these Islamic men hate Israel  They don’t hide the fact and are very willing to tell the world they will destroy Israel and anyone who doesn’t worship Alla.

I would like to give out a warning to anyone who thinks they will destroy Israel in the next war. God made it clear, when the Ezekiel war begins 5/6 of the entire army that comes against Israel will be wiped out! I pray for the men who hate Israel, I hope that some of them will take heed to what the Word of God says about this battle and they refuse to engage in this war. No matter how powerful Russia and her allies are they will not defeat the Lord who says the world will know that it was I who saved Israel.


Last update  Feb. 23, 2008

Keeping on the watch! Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) — A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck northeastern Nevada early today, collapsing some buildings and causing gas and water leaks. No injuries were reported. Jesus warned one sign would be earthquakes. He also said watch, you will see civil war and nation against nation. News this week, Belgrade looting and rioting. (Feb, 2008).

DiMora’s warning of rise in wheat prices comes true 5 days later!

Img_3194_2On Feb .15, 2008 I wrote a post telling everyone what will rise in the near future. I covered a host of things such as gold, silver, diamonds and yes, the price of wheat. Tonights  ABC News reported on the increase of wheat products, and the reasons for the increases which are being felt worldwide. ABC news stated, "Blame it on the price of wheat. Demand for alternative energy has farmers planting less wheat and more corn, the key ingredient of ethanol. According to the USDA, since 1997, the amount of farmland dedicated to planting wheat has dropped from 70.4 million acres to 60.4 million, while corn acreage has risen from 79.5 million to 99.6 million." "U.S. wheat stockpiles have hit a 60-year low, and wheat prices have never been higher, which means pasta prices have doubled. And that loaf of bread will cost you an extra 20 cents. Economists say food inflation is as high as it has been in nearly 15 years. "The price spike is being felt across the globe. In Italy, the cost of pasta is spiraling — up 20 percent since September. Malaysia no longer allows anyone to take flour out of the country. And in Pakistan, they now stockpile wheat and use their military to guard flour mills." (AP Feb. 8 2008). The price of wheat has never hit $11 a bushel, not until now, and it won’t stop at $11.00. The U.S. government has  already reported and  confirmed dwindling stockpiles of the grain used to make brea pasta and other foods.

I know many of you may have not read the entire Feb. 15 post becasue it is alittle long, however what I said was now confirmed 5 days later. This is only the beginning of things to come! Please go back and read the entire post on Revelation chapter 18. If you want to know how to prepare for your future you need to read what we will be facing. Click to link to see entire report concerning the increase in the price of wheat.

(No title)

In todays news we see more of the same for the United States. Our economey is taking a hit and it isn’t over yet. Here is the latest news from Washington: "The Federal Reserve on Wednesday lowered its projection for economic growth this year, citing damage from the double blows of a housing slump and credit crunch. It said it also expects higher unemployment and inflation." Yahoo News Feb. 20th, 2008. If they tell you things will get  better for America you had better read chapter 2 from my book. While the forecast for America keeps looking at grim figures what is happening in the EU (European Union). ? Projections for the EU show there is more growth expected for the Union.

Spring economic forecast 2007-2008

The European Union economy is expected to grow by 2.9% in 2007 and 2.7% in 2008 (2.6% and 2.5%, respectively, in the euro area) on the back of solid investment and stronger private consumption, according to the Commission’s spring economic forecasts. Such growth levels imply an upward revision of ½ percentage point in 2007 for both areas compared to the autumn.

Jesus told us to keep on the watch for the rebirth of the Old Roman Empire to be reborn. The EU (European Union) is that reborn Roman Empire!  In the near future you will see more signs coming from the European Union, showing how the scales of power are moving toward the EU and away from The U.S. To read specifics on what is going to take place in the near future, you can download my entire book from this web site. Look for the  post which says download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. The book is free to anyone who wants proof Jesus’s Words, (all of them), are coming to pass.

New Signs Of The Coming Attack Against Israel Feb. 20, 2008

Click to link below to open up Feb. 20th post.

Download one_of_the_next_prophecies_to_be_fulfilled_is_the_coming_attack_on_israel.doc

To download Free Prophecy book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" click to link below.

Signs of Revelation chapter 18 beginning to take shape! U.S. decline- dollar fall- EU Euro surge-


About a month ago I put up a post warning people to please keep their eyes on the U.S.economy. I gave a warning that you should look for the U.S. dollar to keep dropping while the Euro from the European Union (reborn Roman Empire) keeps surging. I also told you to prepare for the United Stateseconomy to tank, and there are signs everywhere it is coming, it appears people have their heads in the sand and can’t see the reality of what is coming. Let me give you some proof that what Jesus warned is in fact starting to take shape.  If you want to read the documentation how the EU is becoming the new Superpower go to chapter 2 of my book which you can click to,  on my web site:


Let’s see what Jesus showed us in Revelation Chapter 18:11-12 “The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more. cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble. And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men”. Jesus gives us a list of things that would become precious to the world during the last generation just before He returned to Earth.  During the 7 year tribulation all these things will be taken away from those who do not take the Antichrist’s ID number which, Jesus said would be 666.  In Revelation chp.18 we see a picture of the world weeping because all the things they counted as wealth have been taken away. I assure you, by the time the Great Tribulation begins the price of every thing on the list Jesus gave us will be out of sight, and it is by no accident that the prices of things on that list are already climbing.  Look, Jesus gets very specific in prophecy and He is always correct, His prophecy record has already proved that!  Here is one example.  In Revelation chapter 9 Jesus gives us a warning about the great river Euphrates

that has been prepared for an army of 200 million men, then in chapter 16 of Revelation, Jesus tells us, the army comes from the EAST.  It is a well-known fact today, that Chinathe nation to the EAST has an exact army of 200 million men. You can see this documentation by going to chapter 12 of my book.  If Jesus can give an exact number of an army in China some 2000 before it is ever formed, then He can for sure give us warnings about the items on His list in Revelation chapter 18.  If you did your own search you would find the items on Christ’s list are all making surges in the market place.   I want to cover some of these items Jesus listed in this post, after all, He told us to “keep on the watch”. Let’s start off with gold. I will cover other items on Jesus’ list as well, such as the precious metals and precious stones, but first click to the link below, it will show you what the price of gold looked like from the years 1800-2000.  You will notice that the gold price pecked in 1980, but then really began to climb in the past few years.

Below is a chart that shows you how gold has been climbing, click on the picture to enlarge.

Last update: 8:35 a.m. EST Feb. 8, 2008

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Gold futures rose early Friday, as the U.S. dollar traded lower against most of its major rivals, boosting investment demand for the precious metal. Gold for April delivery gained $7.20 at $917.20 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The Finfacts Business News has most interesting facts about the price of gold and what is happening in the market place. I placed to quotes for you as well as the link for the entire report. Finfacts Business News Centre   Feb. 6, 2007 Gold “returned 24.75% in 2006, rising from $497 to $620 per ounce. It completed its 5th year of gains and is up by more than 140% in the last 5 years. It has thus outperformed all other asset classes in that period as can be seen in the performance table and chart.” “Among the world’s biggest financial institutions. Deutsche Bank AG’s chief metals economist, Peter Richardson, made gold his favorite pick for 2007. JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts John Normand and Jon Bergtheil on Dec. 7 said only corn might rival gold as the best bet while Merrill Lynch & Co. analyst Michael Jalonen elevated gold’s value through 2010. “If you can only make one commodity investment,” gold is the “choice for 2007,” said Deutsche Bank AG’s Richardson from his office in Melbourne.”

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Feb. 8, 2008 “Gold futures rose early Friday, as the U.S. dollar traded lower against most of its major rivals, boosting investment demand for the precious metal. Gold for April delivery gained $7.20 at $917.20 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange”

FOREX-Dollar drops as Bernanke cites growth risks Thu Feb 14, 2008. NEW YORK, Feb 14 (Reuters) – “The dollar fell against the euro and yen on Thursday after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the U.S. economic outlook had worsened and that the central bank would act as needed to support growth.”  This is just one sign of the EU beginning to surpass the U.S.  Right now the Euro is killing the dollar.

Here is just one reason why the U.S. is falling, but notice what it says about the precious metals which are on Jesus list in Rev. 18.  “A lackluster holiday season and less-than-exuberant start to 2006 has resulted in an estimated $2 billion worth of excess inventory – mainly polished diamonds – and a cumulative industry debt hovering at $11 billion. At the same time, margins are falling, precious metals prices are soaring to 15-year highs and interest rates are climbing – with each point adding about $100 million to industry debt” (Feb. 14, 2008 GIA). GIA is the world’s largest and most respected nonprofit institute of gemological research and learning

Gold News- Gold Market Analysis & Investment Research Jan. 2007

“Gold suddenly seems all-too popular. But does Wall Street’s love of the metal mean the bull market is finished…?  Both the Times and the Telegraph in London just ran bullish reports on the metal. The Financial Times notes that institutional money has a “growing love affair with gold…”Deutsche Bank AG, the world’s largest securities firm, expects gold to rise as the US dollar falls further, and individual traders and dealers are also backing gold to go higher this year. Bloomberg says that 22 out of 31 finance professionals surveyed last week all advise buying the metal.”  As you read this keep in mind these are the preicious metals on the Lord’s list!

Fact is, these precious metals at booming right now and they are making a lot of people rich. The article below gives some information for you in a report called “The Scrap Metal Boom”.“The second largest US export to China? Old scrap including scrap metals like gold…SLANG IN YORKSHIRE, England, has it that “Where there’s muck there’s brass.” ” And these days, with a booming scrap metal market worldwide, “Where there’s brass, there’s brass,” too. Last week the estimated New York dealer buying price for scrap yellow brass solids, delivered to the scrap yard, ranged from $1.25 per lb to $1.35 per lb; the price for scrap red brass solids was 12% higher.”2nd quote: “Scrap Metal: Why the Current Boom    Two major factors are driving the current boom in scrap metals. First, a strong market for metals per se; and second, a growing concern for the global environment”  Click to link to read entire report.

This next report is from Living in Peru, Feb. 12, 2008. In a section of the report it states, “As predicted by analysts last week, the value of the US dollar has decreased below 2.9 soles in Peru’s banks.  With the tenth consecutive decline in value on Monday, the US dollar dropped in appreciation against Peru’s sol to 2.908 by the end of the trading day.” If you would like to read the entire report you can go below and click to link. Economy |

Cnews from Canada on November 2, 2007 reported their loonie (dollar) has set a new record against the dollar. “The loonie, already soaring on high commodity prices, hit new records Friday, surging more than 1.9 cents to end the day at 107.04 cents US, its highest close on record.” Link to full report is below.

Jesus also had precious stones on His list. In today’s global economy these stones are big business and getting bigger. In the December 7, 2006 they site that there is a “$60-billion-a-year diamond industry, which has built its growth on dreams of love rather than of raw


Just how big is the diamond business. Read this short piece from the A&C News. The report is out of Johannesburg and it states, “Diamonds are forever,’ Shirley Bassey once sang, and the diamond industry wants it to stay that way. The potential threat now is the film Blood Diamond, which has revived controversy over so-called ‘conflict diamonds’ used to fund civil wars in Africa. Fearing harm to their business – annual sales of nearly 10 billion euros (12.9 billion dollars) for rough diamonds and 14 billion euros for polished ones – the industry’s public-relations and marketing specialists quickly manned their battle stations” (Jan 30, 2007). Link is below.

Jesus also had vessels of ivory on his list in Rev chp. 18.  Does it surprise you that Ivory is now in high demand?  As a matter of fact the activity in the black market is huge, and if not stopped altogether, there won’t be any elephants left.  The cost of Ivory is skyrocketing just as indicated by Christ.  Read just one report that talks about the illegal ivory trade, “nearly a decade-long suspension of trade in elephant ivory is not enough. Consumer demand is booming, and domestic trade is out of control. Until this is addressed, we will not see an end to the bloodshed.” “Just a few months ago, in October 2007, 93.9 kg (207 lbs) of elephant ivory was confiscated in Zambia. And, again, a few days later, 22 tusks were seized in Zimbabwe. Also, in that same week, a man in British Columbia was prosecuted for illegally importing 30,000 pieces of African elephant ivory. These are just a few of the numerous cases of ivory trade interceptions; Customs authorities estimate that only 10 per cent of contraband is caught in transit. In both 2005 and 2006, IFAW conducted investigations into China’s ivory trade regulations. Such reports concluded that domestic trade control mechanisms in China are far from adequate and it is impossible to ensure that continued trade in ivory will not negatively impact African and Asian elephant populations” (FinancialaContentInc. Jan. 2008).  Jesus stated the world will weep over the lose of their ivory vessels, by his own words we can conclude ivory will be a costly item at the time Jesus returns. The cost of ivory is headed right in the direction Jesus said it would. Click to link below for full report.

Also included in the list Jesus gave us in Revelation 18 are wine, oil, flour, wheat, floor, beast (animals) sheep, horses and chariots.  Are we seeing the price of these items listed increasing? You bet!   If there is one thing you are probably familiar with it is the price of food.  Currently our food prices are out of control. There are many reasons for they increase.  Oil prices are out of sight and it costs more too more the products. Global warming has affected crops around the world. In the past few years our planet has faced some of the worse storms we have ever seen and these massive storms have destroyed the crops, which has raised the prices.  Another major problems increasing the price of food is over population and war. Let us not forget plagues.  We are seeing hundreds of thousands of livestock killed each year because of plagues like the bird flu and mad cow. By the way all of these reasons I just listed are all signs Jesus told us to watch for. If you don’t believe the warning made by Christ, just keep your eyes on your food bills in the coming years, then I am sure you will think twice about what Jesus told you. I know as well as you do the cost of everything has gone up. Below is a current report entitled “Development: Food Prices Climbing, With No End in Sight”. Here is a section from the report, which came out of Washington on December 15, 2008. (IPS) Globalization, climate change, and the mass production of biofuels are pushing up food prices worldwide, which could jeopardize the livelihoods of the world’s poorest, according to a report released Tuesday by the International Food Policy Research Institute.”  Link to entire report is to the right. What are the chariots in the list?  These are the automobiles.  You must understand that during the 7 year tribulation everything is going to change, mostly everything will be destroyed including means of transportation use as chariots (automobiles).  Please love their cars but they will weep for them when they are no longer!

Jesus gave us insights on these things to help us prepare to meet him, and to prove His Words never fail. If you still doubt this is all true, just keep your eyes on the market place. All of these items are going to rise in price just the way Jesus showed us.  Now, as all these prices are rising, America ‘s dollar is falling and she is beginning to fall just like the dollar. Don’t expect a new American President will be able to solve our problems. Prophecy is clear, the European Union is going to become (The) major Superpower and America will take a back seat to her.  If you know what prophecy states you will understand the coming Superpowers that will play a major rule in end time prophecy are the nations of, Russia, China, and of course the European Union which, will soon be lead by the Antichrist.  The coming fall of the U.S. economy is not that far off. I for one, am preparing myself for what is coming, I hope to God you do the same. I think you should see the video below; it is very interesting and talks about where the U.S. is headed.  The name of the video is “The U.S. Economy is Unsustainable”.

Finally, Jesus said these following words, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19). You can buy all the gold, diamonds, brass, or anything else on Jesus list, but your real treasure will be waiting for you in heaven. I hope to see you all there. God Bless

As you can see from the reports below gold is affecting the way people are doing business and investing. The headline to this report is entitled, “The Gold futures gain, as dollar drops vs. rivals.” I placed a section of that report below, but it would do you good to read the entire report, just click to link below.