July 27, 2023 The warning Jesus gave us concerning DRUGS



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 21 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora






6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70There is a report out today from Israel about a Fox at the Temple Mount. We don’t need a fox to let us know the Third Jewish Temple is going to be built as you will see from the report below. In the report below they cite that “The Prophet Micah described the total destruction of Jerusalem.” However, they left out the fact that Jesus Christ prophesied what was going to happen to the second Jewish Temple. This is what our Lord said. Matthew 24:1 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”  Christ’s prophecy came to pass exactly as he said it would in 70AD when the Romans destroyed the Temple and took down every stone.  Also what was not mentioned in the report below was the fact that Jesus prophesied that the Jews would build a Third Jewish Temple in the last days and that Temple would also be destroyed during the tribulation period when the Antichrist is ruling this world.  This is what Christ said in Matthew 24:15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.  You will see below Jesus pointed to what He as God told Daniel in Daniel 9:27.  So, we don’t need any fox to show this Third Temple is coming soon as the word of God stands alone and everything said in the prophecies below will come to pass shortly. 



Coming soonDec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.comEzekiel 43:8 In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.


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Prophecy fulfilled? Foxes spotted in Jerusalem’s Old City on Tisha B’av

“In a clear sign of the imminent rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, a fox was spotted near the Zion Gate in the Old City on the evening of Tisha B’Av, the day commemorating the destruction of the two Temples.

While not miraculous, foxes generally avoid cities and populated areas. Indeed, the sighting comes when Jerusalem was full of people coming to commemorate the day. In 2019, several foxes were spotted on the Temple Mount during the nine days of austerity leading up to the Ninth of Av.

Wild foxes at the site of the destroyed Temple are described specifically in the Talmud.

This story in the Talmud describes foxes on the Temple Mount as a sign that Jerusalem will be rebuilt. This precise scenario was discussed in the Talmud (Makkot 24b). Rabban Gamliel, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria, Rabbi Joshua and Rabbi Akiva went up to Jerusalem.

When they reached the Temple Mount, they saw a fox emerging from the place of the Holy of Holies.

The others started weeping, but Rabbi Akiva laughed. Rabbi Akiva asked the rabbis why they cried and they explained that to see a wild animal in such a holy place, a place which was forbidden to unfit men, was distressing. Rabbi Akiva noted that this was precisely the reason he laughed. He explained that the fact that the prophecy of Uriah related by the Prophet Micah had come to be was proof that the prophecy of Zechariah would also come to be.

The Prophet Micah described the total destruction of Jerusalem.

Assuredly, because of you, Tzion shall be plowed as a field, And Yerushalayim shall become heaps of ruins, And the Har Habayit A shrine in the woods. Micah 3:12

The Prophet Zechariah described the return of Jerusalem to its days of glory.

Thus said the lord of Hosts: There shall yet be old men and women in the squares of Yerushalayim, each with staff in hand because of their great age. And the squares of the city shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the squares. Zechariah 8-4

Indeed, the fox was witnessing the manifestation of the prophecy as the city was full of Jews, young and old, enjoying what had historically been a day of austerity.”  https://www.israel365news.com/373961/prophecy-fulfilled-foxes-spotted-in-jerusalems-old-city-on-tisha-bav/


Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;


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Super Typhoon “Doksuri” moves through the Luzon Strait, heads toward southern China
Typhoon “Doksuri” — known as Egay in the Philippines — intensified into a super typhoon on Wednesday, July 25, 2023, having reached a maximum sustained wind speed of 240 km/h (150 mph) — the equivalent of a category 4 hurricane in the Atlantic. The typhoon left at least 1 person dead and 2 injured in the Philippines and is now heading toward mainland China.




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Strong and shallow M6.4 earthquake hits Vanuatu 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 hit Vanuatu at 12:44 UTC on July 26, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.4 at a depth of 41 km (25.5 miles).




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From “America The Beautiful” To “America Smeared With Feces”.
Once upon a time, it was quite rare to see human feces right in the middle of the street. But now in cities that have severe drug problems authorities are constantly battling to keep things clean. For example, San Francisco has become world famous for the human feces that is seemingly “everywhere”… But residents say the problem is much bigger than what the data shows. 55 percent of America’s beaches had unsafe levels of feces in their waters at some point within the last year…



Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


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Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

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Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

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Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

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July 26,2023 nature is going wild



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 21 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



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With Florida ocean temperatures topping 100, experts warn of damage to marine life

In this image provide by NOAA, a fish swims near coral showing signs of bleaching at Cheeca Rocks off the coast of Islamorada, Fla., on July 23.

Andrew Ibarra/AP

It’s so hot in Florida right now that the ocean temperature in one area just crossed into the triple digits.

On Monday, a water temperature sensor in Manatee Bay near Everglades National Park recorded a temperature of 101.1 degrees, according to a park spokesperson.

The startling data matched high water temperatures observed elsewhere in the Florida Bay recently, and the scorching conditions could pose a major risk to coral and other marine life, experts warn.


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Widespread forest fires wreak havoc in Algeria, 34 confirmed dead 
Destructive forest fires have been burning along Algeria’s Mediterranean coast over the past couple of days, leading to at least 34 fatalities. The fires, which were fueled by strong winds and intense heatwave, spread across multiple provinces and even extended to neighboring Tunisia.

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Storms and wildfires kill seven in Italy as extreme weather continues

Three people killed in Sicily fires and four in northern storms as hundreds forced to flee homes

Lorenzo Tondo in Palermo and Angela Giuffrida in Rome

Seven people have died in the past 24 hours as two extreme weather events split Italybetween wildfires in the south and violent storms in the north.

Fires in Sicily caused the temporary closure of Palermo airport after temperatures in the city climbed to 47C on Monday.

An 88-year-old woman was reported to have died on Tuesday in San Martino delle Scale, a few miles from the Sicilian capital, after disruption caused by the fires prevented emergency services from reaching her in time. In the afternoon, the bodies of two people, aged around 75 and 77, were found in a house hit by a wildfire in Cinisi, near the airport.


Authorities closed part of the motorway as more than 55 wildfires were reported on the island. Hundreds of firefighters from other regions in Italy were due to arrive to help battle the flames.



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Revelation 21 And there fell upon men a great ahail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.



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New European hail record set as Italy witnesses second record-breaking hailstone in less than a week
Europe’s record for the largest hailstone has been broken again within a mere five days as a massive 19 cm (7.48 inches) hailstone was confirmed in Azzano Decimo, Italy, just 1.3 cm (0.52 inches) smaller than the world record.

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Violent thunderstorms spawn unprecedented tornadoes, produce giant hail in Italy 
Italy confronts contrasting weather extremes as violent thunderstorms, accompanied by giant hailstones, struck northern parts of the country on July 24, 2023, leaving two people dead and causing widespread destruction. In contrast, southern Italy grapples with persistent heatwaves, causing wildfires and the temporary closure of Palermo airport. Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci described the current conditions as some of the most complicated Italy has faced in recent decades.



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India imposes major rice export ban, triggering inflation fears
India on Thursday ordered a halt to its largest rice export category in a move that will roughly halve shipments by the world’s largest exporter of the grain, triggering fears of further inflation on global food markets.





The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
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Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

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Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

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July 25, 2023 War!

July 24, 2023 Who are you going to following in these last days?



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 21 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

A breakThe Last Days: Prophecies of Jesus Christ and their Relevance to Our Generation

The concept of the “last days” has intrigued humanity for millennia, and many religious traditions have prophesied the end of the world. Among these prophecies, the teachings of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Bible, hold significant importance for Christians worldwide. While there have been many religions and prophets in those religions there is only one religion that has proved to be the truth.  The only religion that has stood the test of truth is found in Jesus Christ. Fact is, those who follow the way of Christ know what they follow is more than just a religion, it is a personal relationship with God in the form of Jesus Christ.  The bible makes it very clear that God left His kingdom to free mankind from not being able to enter into heaven. Read Philippians 2:6-7, where it is written that Jesus, “who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.”  So God emptied himself and took that form as a servant and, after Jesus (God) rose again from the dead He again returned to heaven and was in His fulness. Read Colossians 2:9-14 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

As I said, following Jesus (God) is the only faith who has proved everything that the Lord warned us about in prophecy  have we seen most of the prophecies fulfilled just as the Lord said they would.  When it comes to the last days prophecies we are now witnessing the birth pangs of those prophecies just as Jesus warned. 

This report aims to examine some of the key prophecies made by Jesus Christ and analyze their potential relevance to our generation, warning you we are indeed living in the last days.

                                                            Some of the Signs of the End Times:
In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus provides insights into the signs that will herald the end times. These include wars, famines, earthquakes, and various natural disasters (Matthew 24:6-7; Mark 13:7-8; Luke 21:10-11). Our generation has witnessed a surge in global conflicts, environmental challenges, and a rise in natural calamities, indicating parallels with the predicted signs. If you have been watching the news you know you are now being exposed to all of these signs almost on a daily bases now. 

Spread of the Gospel: Jesus foretold that before the end, the Gospel would be preached to all nations (Matthew 24:14). With the advent of technology and globalization, the message of Christianity has reached corners of the earth that were once inaccessible. The global spread of the Gospel in our generation aligns with Jesus’ prophecy and, let us not forget now that AI is here AI can take any language and translate that language into the word of God the bible.

Increase in Wickedness: In Matthew 24:12, Jesus warned that as the end approaches, lawlessness and wickedness would abound. Our generation has witnessed a surge in crime, corruption, and moral decay on a global scale, proving the warnings of Christ should be taken seriously .

Persecution of Believers: Jesus spoke of persecution and hatred towards His followers (Matthew 24:9-10). In recent times, there has been a rise in religious intolerance and violence against Christians in various parts of the world, supporting Jesus’ prophecy.

Deception and False Prophets: Jesus emphasized the rise of false prophets and deceivers who would mislead people (Matthew 24:11, 24). Our generation has seen the spread of misinformation, cults, and various ideologies that contradict biblical teachings, reinforcing Jesus’ warning.

Jerusalem and Israel: Jesus prophesied about the significance of Jerusalem and Israel in the end times (Luke 21:24). The events surrounding Jerusalem’s status and the nation of Israel in contemporary politics and global affairs suggest a potential fulfillment of this prophecy.

Global Unrest and Fear: In Luke 21:25-26, Jesus described a time of distress with people experiencing fear and anxiety due to “the roaring of the sea and the waves.” This imagery could be metaphorical, indicating global unrest and instability, which resonate with the prevailing uncertainties and fears of our generation.

Conclusion: Interpreting prophecies is not complex all you have to do is read the bible and watch the news because what was written will show up just as warned. The signs described by Jesus Christ concerning the last days  find echoes in the current state of the world. The wars, natural disasters, global evangelism, moral decline, persecution of believers, deception, a generation  of increase in knowledge, China having a army of 200 million, countless rumors of war, and geopolitical events allude to the reality our generation is living in the prophesied last days.  Therefore, irrespective of the predictions, our focus should be on living with faith, love, and hope, fostering peace, and contributing to a better world for future generations. As I stated there are many religions and many leaders of those religions who have made prophecies which never came to pass. This is not the case with Jesus Christ or the prophecies found in the bible. Who do you want to follow in these last days leaders who fail in their prophecies or with Christ Jesus who has a perfect record?

In closing Jesus’ warnings about keeping watch in the last days hold timeless significance for believers. The signs of the end times serve as reminders of the need for vigilance, prayer, and spiritual preparedness. As followers of Christ, we are called to remain faithful, watchful, and steadfast in our commitment to God’s Word and His will. The uncertainty of the timing of Jesus’ return underscores the importance of living each day with a sense of urgency, seeking to honor God in all aspects of our lives. By embracing Jesus’ teachings on watchfulness, believers can navigate the complexities of the last days with hope, faith, and a steadfast focus on our eternal destination.  In the book of Luke 17 Jesus gives you a very important message that I pray you never forget. I quote Luke 17: 26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.28 It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.”  

What does this show us? First of all we already know the condition of the world when Jesus comes back will be just like Noah and Lot’s generation. However, the  real importance of the text above is telling you the people of Noah and Lot did not have a clue disaster was to be fall them until it happened. Why didn’t they know? Because they were unrighteous people who abandoned the God who created them.  In the text above the one person in bed who was taken was that person who had Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. The person in bed which was not taken was to be left behind to face the Antichrist rule during the tribulation period.  In the same manner  one of the women grinding the grain was taken to heaven while the other left to face the Antichrist.  If you are keeping on the watch as Jesus commanded us to do more than likely you are already in that personal relationship with the true Messiah of the world Jesus Christ and, will be the one taken home to heaven when He call us. You may be one of the people who still refuse to believe what you read here today and, you will find yourself as one of the people who didn’t have a clue to the disaster to befall you just is with the people of Noah and Lots generation.  Jesus is waiting for you to receive Him with no strings attached. Christ’s salvation to you is a free gift, all you have to do is ask Him!



Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

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Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
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Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

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July 22, 2023 Euphrates river drying up at the same time. China has an army of 200 million.



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 21 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East” (Revelation 16:12).

Prophecy Sign: 200,000,000 Million-Man Army from the East

“It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, ‘Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.’  And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.  The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million.  I heard their number” (Revelation 9:14-16).

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East” (Revelation 16:12).

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Before you read the report below you need to know this report was not supporting the bible. This is evident by the following statement in the report. “Although the Bible’s predictions of the Euphrates’ fate should be taken with a bucket of salt, perhaps it’s forecasting of monumental change wasn’t far wrong.”

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Fact is, if you know bible prophecy and all of the last day signs, you would understand that what you see happening to the Euphrates River is in fact the truth spoken via Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation.

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Euphrates River Is Drying Up And Crisis Looms, Just As The Bible Warned

A government report warned that the Tigris and Euphrates rivers could run dry by 2040.

Senior Journalist

A traditional Marsh Arab canoe known as a Mashoof abandoned on the dry earth of the southern marshes of Iraq during a harsh summer drought caused by climate change and political instability

For decades, the Euphrates has been losing water. Image credit: John Wreford/Shutterstock.com

In the Bible, it’s said when the Euphrates river runs dry then immense things are on the horizon, perhaps even the foretelling of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the rapture. Revelation 16:12 reads: “The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.”

Well, not to sound dramatic or anything, but it looks like that time is nigh.

Together with the Tigris, the Euphrates carves through present-day Syria and Iraq before emptying into the Persian Gulf. For thousands of years, the twin rivers have allowed farming communities and grand cities to flourish in Mesopotamia, which is considered the cradle of some of the world’s earliest civilizations.

However, for several decades, it’s become increasingly apparent that the Tigris–Euphrates river system is drying out. A government report in 2021 warned that the rivers could run dry by 2040 due to declining water levels and droughts driven by climate change.

NASA’s twin Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites collected images of this area in 2013 and found that the Tigris and Euphrates river basins had lost 144 cubic kilometers (34 cubic miles) of freshwater since 2003.

“GRACE data show an alarming rate of decrease in total water storage in the Tigris and Euphrates river basins, which currently have the second fastest rate of groundwater storage loss on Earth, after India,” said Jay Famiglietti, principal investigator of the study and a hydrologist and professor at UC Irvine in a statement.

A map of Iraq showing the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates.
A map of Iraq showing the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates. Image credit: olenadesign/Shutterstock.com


“The rate was especially striking after the 2007 drought. Meanwhile, demand for freshwater continues to rise, and the region does not coordinate its water management because of different interpretations of international laws,” explained Famiglietti.

The strain is already starting to show, but a total collapse of the river system would spell disaster for the region. Millions of people across Turkey, Syria, and Iraq rely on the Tigris-Euphrates for water. As the rivers start to struggle, international disputes over access to water are already heating up. These arguments have also prevented governments from effectively reaching any solution to the problem.

Parched for water, these countries could also be facing a looming public health crisis. A recent report published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) investigated how a myriad of health emergencies are building in Iraq because people are struggling to get their hands on clean water.

“Diarrhoea, chicken pox, measles, typhoid fever, and cholera are currently spreading across Iraq because of the water crisis, and the government no longer provides vaccines to its citizens,” Naseer Baqar, climate activist and field coordinator at Tigris River Protectors Association in Iraq, told the BMJ.

Although the Bible’s predictions of the Euphrates’ fate should be taken with a bucket of salt, perhaps it’s forecasting of monumental change wasn’t far wrong.



Maybe you should check to see how big China’s army is! Why? Because China’s army numbers 200 million the exact number Jesus warned us about.

July 22, 2023 more Christian persecution






Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 21 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


A psalm


The report below is a prelude to the psalm 83 war prophecy of which Hamas is one of the people who join forces in attacking Israel.

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Hamas reveals new anti-tank weaponry against Israel in West Bank
‘Shawaz 1’ appears to level the playing field in the asymmetrical war between superior Israeli tank forces and the outgunned Hamas operatives



2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

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 The Percentage Of Americans That Believe In God Has Fallen To An All-Time Low

Do you believe in God?  If so, you belong to a portion of the population that is steadily shrinking.  Yes, a majority of Americans still think that God exists, but the trend is clearly going in one direction.  So are we headed down the same road that so many post-Christian nations in western Europe have already gone down?  According to a shocking new survey that Gallup has just released, the percentage of Americans that believe in God has plunged to the lowest level that they have ever recorded…





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Christians arrested for maskless outdoor church service to get payout from liberal college town
A liberal college town in Idaho is paying $300,000 to three Christian churchgoers who sued the city after being arrested for not wearing masks at an outside service during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.




Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;




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Violent thunderstorms, large hail and damaging tornado hit Italy 
On the morning of July 21, 2023, northern Italy was hit by violent thunderstorms, causing severe damage in the province of Milan. Heavy rainfall, large hail, and at least one destructive tornado were reported in the region.


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Severe storms, baseball-sized hail cause widespread power outages from the southern Plains to the Northeast, U.S.
Severe storms, characterized by high winds and large hail, swept across the United States from the southern Plains to the Northeast on Thursday, July 20, 2023, resulting in one fatality and leaving more than 500 000 customers without power. The storms, which reached their height in the evening, caused widespread damage to crops, trees, and buildings.



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62 new forest fires ignite across Greece, evacuations underway in West Attica, Laconia, and Rhodes 
Over the last 24 hours, 62 new forest fires have erupted across Greece, resulting in further evacuations in several regions. The Greek Civil Protection has reported that the main fire outbreaks are located in West Attica, Laconia in the southern Peloponnese, and on the island of Rhodes.





Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

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Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN


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Sean connors1


July 21, 2023 Can you see Jesus’ warnings in the news?

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Do you believe yet?




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Europe battles heat and fires; sweltering temperatures scorch China, US
The heat wave has hit southern Europe during the peak summer tourist season, breaking records – including in Rome – and bringing warnings about an increased risk of deaths. Wildfires burned for a third day west of the Greek capital, Athens, and firefighters raced to keep flames away from coastal refineries. Fanned by erratic winds, the fires have gutted dozens of homes, forced hundreds of people to flee and blanketed the area in thick smoke. In China, which was hosting U.S. climate envoy John Kerry for talks, tourists defied the heat to visit a giant thermometer showing surface temperatures of 80 Celsius (176 Fahrenheit).


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Phoenix shatters heat record that has stood for almost 50 years
For the past 21 days, Phoenix has sweltered under temperatures at or above 110 degrees Fahrenheit amid an unrelenting heat wave, shattering a record that has stood for nearly 50 years. Around noon, local time, on Thursday, the mercury in The Valley of the Sun hit 111 degrees, and it didn’t stop there. The temperature in Phoenix had climbed to 118 F by 3 p.m., continuing the streak that started on June 30 in the city. The old record for the number of consecutive 110-degree days was 18 set from June 12-29, 1974.



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Deadly heat claims first life in Italy and Spain faces 44C as heatwave hits tourist hotspots
A deadly heatwave hitting Europe has claimed its first life in Italy as British tourists across the Mediterranean brace themselves for temperatures as high as 45 degrees Celsius.

A break

More than 100 million under heat advisories as deadly heat wave continues coast to coast
The broken records sound like a broken record, but triple digit or even 110-plus degree heat persists across the southern tier of the U.S. and the long-term outlook for the region shows the heat wave persisting into next week. … millions of people being urged to stay out of the sun and stay cool as record-breaking triple-digit temperatures continue to bake the southern U.S.





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora





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Grassley Releases Bombshell FBI Doc Discussing $10MM Biden Bribe; Burisma Boss Said Hunter ‘Dumber Than His Dog’
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has released a bombshell FBI document dated July 30,2020, in which a respected confidential human source (CHS) alleged that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden received $10 million in bribes. a Ukrainian energy firm which employed Hunter Biden to the tune of $80,000 per month, thought Hunter was a moron.



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Russia bombs Ukraine ports, threatens ships, as Kyiv deploys cluster munitions
Russia jolted world grain markets with an escalation in the Black Sea, mounting a third straight night of air strikes on Ukrainian ports and issuing a threat against Ukraine-bound vessels to which Kyiv responded in kind. At least 27 civilians were reported hurt in the air strikes on the ports, which set buildings ablaze and damaged China’s consulate in Odesa.


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North Korea threatens nuclear retaliation over US displays of military force
North Korea said on Thursday deployment of U.S. aircraft carriers, bombers or missile submarines in South Korea could meet criteria for its use of nuclear weapons, state media KCNA reported, citing the country’s defence minister, Kang Sun Nam. The comments raise the stakes as each side steps up displays of military force in a standoff over the isolated country’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes.






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Worldview with Amir Tsarfati: Escalation Will Continue Until One Side Or The Other Goes All In
An attempt by Hezbollah to damage the security fence last Friday resulted in the wounding of several members of the terrorist organization when Israeli security employed non-lethal means to repel them. These incidents will continue to escalate until one side or the other goes all in. Prime Minister Netanyahu should be the one to make a preemptive first strike.



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Islamic Jihad terrorists attack worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb
One person was reported dead and several wounded in clashes that erupted in Shechem (Nablus) on Wednesday night after Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists attacked Jewish worshippers and their military escort at Joseph’s Tomb. In addition to being fired upon, Israeli forces were attacked with explosives and stones, according to the Israel Defense Forces.




Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring; 

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Look at what Revelation 16:21 says about the coming hail. “From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.”  The people who refuse Jesus Christ salvation will see for themselves there really is such a thing as 100 lb hail!!  Over the years we have seen the hail stones increase in size.



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Michigan residents stunned by largest hailstorm they’ve ever witnessed in town of Davison
A severe thunderstorm that marched through a community east of Flint, Michigan, on Thursday produced some of the largest hailstones that locals ever recall seeing. The storm moved through about 2:30 p.m. and, according to estimates, produced hail that was likely upwards of the size of tennis balls and even baseballs. The ice chunks were large enough to damage homes, vehicles and any outdoor object that was not protected from the elements.


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Walmart soaked as tennis-ball-sized hail blasts through roof of Wisconsin store
The National Weather Service received reports of tennis-bail size hail from inside the Walmart in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, Wednesday as the massive stones broke through the roof.


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Rare, powerful thunderstorm in Croatia, likened to Texas-style weather, claims four lives, leaves over 2 000 injured
A powerful, fast-moving thunderstorm swept over northern Croatia on July 19, 2023, bringing winds up to 180 km/h and leaving massive damage in its wake. According to preliminary analyses, this event was one of the most severe thunderstorms in Zagreb’s recorded history. Unfortunately, the storm claimed the lives of 4 people and left over 2 000 others injured.


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Record rainfall, massive flooding in Kentucky prompts evacuation and state of emergency
On July 19, 2023, slow-moving thunderstorms dumped over 254 mm (10 inches) of rain in western Kentucky, prompting a state of emergency declaration due to severe flooding that instigated multiple evacuations and led to extensive road damage.


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16 injured as North Carolina experiences rare July EF-3 tornado 
A devastating EF-3 tornado ravaged central North Carolina, severely damaging a Pfizer plant and other structures, injuring 16 people, and halting traffic on a major interstate on July 19, 2023. This is the first event of its kind recorded in this region in the month of July.






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Russia Terminates Black Sea Grain Deal, Wheat Prices Spike, As Extent Of Crimea Bridge Terrorist Attack Revealed
Wheat prices jumped as news broke Monday that Russia let the UN-brokered grain deal lapse at midnight, Istanbul time, marking the end of the Turkey-administered humanitarian corridor which let Ukrainian grains get exported to global markets. Russia since confirmed the deal has been “terminated”. According to the latest from Moscow, as well as the US reaction:







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Health Department released thousands of illegal immigrant kids with latent tuberculosis infections
Nearly 2,500 children with latent infections were released into 44 states over the past year, according to a court-ordered report on how the Health and Human Services Department is treating the children.



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CDC confirms COVID Vaccination caused shocking 338x increase in Cancers & AIDS-Associated Diseases
Official data made available by the U.S. Government and Centers for Disease Control strongly suggests that fully vaccinated Americans may be developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or a similar disease that is decimating the innate immune system.



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Google Is Testing An AI Tool Named ‘Genesis’ That Will Create News Stories Using Artificial Intelligence And Be Disseminated Through The Legacy Media
Of course, the old joke about the legacy news media has long been that the stories are written with artificial intelligence because it’s not real news, going all the way back to the original fake news known as ‘Yellow Journalism’. But all that is about to change. The global dominators at Google are working on a new project, codenamed ‘Genesis’, that will use AI technology like ChatGPT to write news stories and articles for all the main fake news merchants. And the fact they’ve named it ‘Genesis’? Don’t get me started.




Featured ImageProfessor Richard WernerYouTube

(LifeSiteNews) — A prominent German economist says central banks plan to concretize central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the form of microchips implanted under the skin, a technology that would enable absolute government control over personal finances.

“I was taught by a central banker [that] the CBDCs look like a small grain of rice that they want to put under your skin,” said professor Richard Werner, who devised the now widely used (and according to Werner, abused) bank practice of quantitative easing, in a recent interview with Ivor Cummins.







Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN


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July 20, 2023 Bible prophecy signs in the news



A break

Strong M6.5 earthquake hits near the coast of El Salvador

A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.5 hit near the coast of El Salvador at 00:22 UTC on July 19, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 69.7 km (43.4 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.5 at a depth of 68.8 km (42.7 miles).



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;


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Tornado Destroys Pfizer Facility in North Carolina, One of the Largest Sterile Injectable Facilities in the World
God has a sense of humor. A tornado wreaked havoc on a Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on Wednesday, causing extensive damage to the facility known for its production of medical supplies for hospitals worldwide.

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Tropical Storm “Calvin” impacting Hawaii
Tropical Storm “Calvin” formed on July 12, 2023, as the 3rd named storm of the 2023 Pacific hurricane season. The system is now passing south of the Big Island, Hawaii while weakening, but still bringing heavy to excessive rains, life-threatening surf in exposed areas, and strong winds.

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Britain on lockdown alert as new killer virus which kills 40% of victims ‘certain’ to reach UK
…Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) – which kills between 10–40% of people infected – has been identified as a major threat to public health. The World Health Organisation says the virus – which kills 500 people every year – is mainly transmitted to people from ticks and livestock animals.

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More COVID-19 “Surge” Warnings
According to media reports, the United States has entered another COVID-19 “surge.” Wastewater levels, emergency room visits for COVID-19, and test positivity rates are all on the rise across much of the country.


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WATCH: ‘Zombified’ Tranq Addicts Swarm Streets of Democrat-Run Philadelphia

Registered nurse Jazmyna Fanini cleans the wound of drug user Crystal Mojica in a park in New York City on April 24, 2023. The tranquillizer, approved for veterinary use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has infiltrated the illegal drugs market in the US, with producers increasingly using …

A recent video clip shows tranq addicts who appear to be completely zoned out on the streets of Democrat-run Philadelphia.



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Almost 600 Wildfires In Canada Are “Out Of Control” 
Canada has been having its worst year of wildfires in history. Of he over 900 wildfires raging in Canada, 599 have been “out of control” as it has already recorded its worst year ever.

CooltextprophecysignA Generation With Depraved Minds

Romans chapter 1:26-28 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. 

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Conservative Party Suspends Christian Councillor for Calling Pride a Sin
The Conservative Party has been accused of engaging in cancel culture after a councillor was suspended for expressing the Christian belief that “pride is a sin” on social media.

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Seattle public schools will offer ‘gender affirming care’ to students at no cost
Schools in Seattle are offering free ‘gender affirming care’ to students as young as 11, a prominent parental rights organization has found.


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Here Come The Grasshoppers…

It was just a matter of time before the grasshoppers joined the party.  In 2023, global crops have been devastated by plague after plague.  Farmers in the U.S. and elsewhere have had to deal with seemingly endless drought, unprecedented heat, nightmarish flooding and horrifying outbreaks of disease.  In fact, citrus greening disease is one of the primary reasons why the orange harvest in Florida is only going to be about half as large as it was last year.  It has just been one thing after another for our farmers, but ravenous hordes of insects has been one plague that has been noticeably absent from the list.  Unfortunately, that has now changed.



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Whole Foods Rolls Out Palm-Reading Payment Options at Select Denver Stores

Maia Jenkins

Maia Jenkins profile picture
whole foods interior

Whole Foods Markets in the greater Denver area will soon be taking contactless payments to another level, offering shoppers the option to purchase groceries with just the palm of their hands. 




Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN

Click on the photo below to enlarge

Sean connors1

July 18, 2023 Jesus showing us the last day signs





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

Signs of the psalm 83 war

A psalmNotice the list of names in the photo who the Lord said would attack Israel. The reports below show these same people.

A breakHamas is the Palestinian Wagner Group
Consider Hezbollah as Iran’s Wagner Group. Operating under no international constraints, they now control the country in which they are based, Lebanon. They also operate freely in Syria, a country led by a dictator who has mass murdered his own people and is in need of additional muscle. In his case Iran’s Wagner Group – Hezbollah. Which brings us to the Palestinian Arab Wagner Group – Hamas.

A breakHezbollah gearing up for showdown with Israel
Hezbollah is intensifying preparations for an imminent confrontation with Israel, drawing global attention and raising concerns about regional stability. Under the guise of the battle over an Israeli border barrier, the Lebanese terrorist group aims to preserve its option of invading the Galilee, while also serving Iran’s interests in establishing a foothold in Syria.




A breakCBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin


A quake pic1

 A break

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70You can add this 6.6 quake to the growing number of earthquakes we are witnessing.

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Strong M6.6 earthquake hits Neuquen, Argentina at intermediate depth

neuquen argentina m6.6 earthquake location map f

A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.6 hit Neuquen, Argentina at 03:05 UTC on July 17, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 171.4 km (106 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.



A break

14th June 2023 – Tens of thousands of dead fish wash up on the coast of Texas, AmericaLink

2nd June 2023 – Hundreds of dead sea birds wash up on beach in ChileLink



Romans chapter 1:26-28 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. 

A break

INSANE: Democrats Want To Ban Words “Husband” And “Wife”
Democrats in the House of Representatives are so bent on transforming reality that they have introduced new legislation, the “Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act,” put forth by California Democrat Julia Brownley, that would remove the terms “husband” and “wife” from federal law, replacing them with gender-neutral alternatives such as “spouse.”



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Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses FBI of targeting Catholics while ignoring pro-abortion extremists
“They target conservatives. They target Trump supporters. And the proof is there,” Greene said. “The FBI targeted Catholics attending Latin Mass, putting agents inside a Latin Mass but yet not going after Jane’s Revenge, the radical group that was firebombing pregnancy resource centers. This is who the FBI is, and that is why they have to be held accountable.”


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PETA produces an AI Vegan Bible
(PETA), an animal rights nonprofit organization, has taken altruism one step further and used artificial intelligence to rewrite Genesis as a vegan manifesto, leading Bible scholars to fume over whether vegetarianism is indeed a Biblical concept. The PETA Bible is barely recognizable, bearing few similarities to the original.



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Southwest Heat Dome Expected to Break Dozens of Record Highs
Heat alerts are in effect for millions of people. The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued excessive heat warnings and heat advisories for more than a dozen states in the West and South. That means outdoor activities should be limited in these areas either right now or in the coming days because of the possibility of heat-related illnesses.



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Gigantic swarm of grasshoppers flying into Utah is so large it is picked up by weather RADAR 

A swarm of grasshoppers invading Tooele, Utah was so large it registered by the National Weather Service
A swarm of grasshoppers invading Tooele, Utah was so large it registered on weather radar systems.




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Sean connors1

July 17, 2023 Red Heifer, Israel the gas and oil giant, the heat, the storms, Psalm 83 war signs










Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



Below are the prophecies that show us the Third Jewish Temple will be built. When you scroll down you will see a video I made 4 years ago that shows you all the things the Jews have done to get ready for the building of the Third Jewish Temple. The last thing the Jews were waiting for was to see a pure Red Heifer that would be used in their services at the Temple. Keep in mind, the Jews have not seen a pure Red Heifer in almost 2,000 years. This appearance  of the Red Heifer would signal to the world via prophecy that we are very close to the beginning of the 7 year tribulation that Jesus warned us about in the book of Daniel chapter 9 and in Matthew chapter 24. As you will see from the report that came out yesterday the Red Heifers are back! This is huge news in this last generation. Now that the Red Heifers are back the only thing the Jews are waiting for is for someone in the government to make a move to allow the Jews to start building that Third Temple. In the past few years we have seen more Israeli government officials come out and say they want the Third Temple to be build now. Below are examples of this. 

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Feiglin says he wants to build Third Temple right away

Chairman of far-right party, which is enjoying growing popularity, is a longtime advocate of Jews’ rights on Temple Mount and has called for increased Israeli control over site

Zehut party chairman Moshe Feiglin speaks during a Maariv/Jerusalem Post Conference, in Tel Aviv on April 3, 2019. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

Zehut party chairman Moshe Feiglin speaks during a Maariv/Jerusalem Post Conference, in Tel Aviv on April 3, 2019. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

The head of the far-right quasi-libertarian Zehut party said Wednesday that he wants to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem immediately.

“I don’t want to build a (Third) Temple in one or two years, I want to build it now,” Moshe Feiglin said at a Maariv/Jerusalem Post conference in Tel Aviv, referring to the site that currently houses the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque and where both Jewish Temples stood in the past.


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Israeli Media: Preparations for Construction of 3rd Temple to Begin



For years I have been telling you the status quo on the Temple Mount is going to change to allow the Jews full access to the Temple Mount to pray just as the Muslims are allowed to pray on the T. Mount.  Since the prophecies below show us there will be a Third Temple count on the status quo to change in favor of the Jews. 

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com



Coming soonDec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.comEzekiel 43:8 In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.

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Biblical red heifer could bring million visitors to Samaria

This is the ritual law that Hashem has commanded: Instruct B’nei Yisrael to bring you a red cow without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which no yoke has been laid.


JULY 16, 2023

Home » Biblical red heifer could bring million visitors to Samaria

Hundreds of visitors flocked to Shiloh in Samaria’s Binyamin region on Thursday to welcome a biblically pure red heifer.



Below is the video showing the Jews are getting ready to build the Third Temple. 




A sandIn my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth you will see on page 356, I show you the news how Israel went from a nation with no gas or oil to being oil and gas rich to the point they now have become exporting these natural resources. Deuteronomy’s prophecy has already come to pass in these last days.

A breakFour groups bid in latest Israel offshore gas exploration tender

The ministry said the groups include a total of nine companies, five of which were new to the Israeli market. It did not name which companies took part.

Huge deposits of natural gas have been found over the last 15 years in the eastern Mediterranean, turning Israel into an energy exporter. Hoping to add to its reserves, Israel offered licences for four exploration zones made up of 20 blocks in its fourth offshore bidding round.




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‘Heat storm’ stretches into southern Europe, health alerts issued
Italy issued hot weather red alerts for 16 cities on Sunday, … a new anticyclone dubbed Charon, who in Greek mythology was the ferryman of the dead, pushed into the region from north Africa on Sunday and could lift temperatures above 45 Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) in parts of Italy early this week.



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Dangerous heat wave expected to set record highs throughout US South and Southwest
Last month may have been the hottest June on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, but July is already on track to set a similar record. Right now, the U.S. south and southwest, which are already suffering excessive heat, are preparing for conditions to get even worse as a record-breaking heat wave approaches.

A psalmHezbollah is one of the people the Lord warned they would join in on an attack against Israel in the Psalm 83 war. 

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Hezbollah preparing for imminent confrontation with Israel
As tensions escalate on the border, Lebanon has backed Hezbollah’s claims, rejecting any negotiations with Israel.



Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.comLuke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;


A break

Rapid rainfall overwhelms Pennsylvania storm sewers, causing fatal floods, U.S.
South Korea faced severe devastation from torrential rain starting from July 9, 2023, causing extensive flooding and landslides. The catastrophic event led to over 30 deaths nationwide, with nine others reported missing. The death toll includes at least nine people who died after a bus became trapped in a flooded underground tunnel located in Cheongju City. The number of casualties from the underpass flooding is expected to rise further as major search and rescue operations continue.


A break

Over 35 lives lost to severe flooding and landslides in South Korea, major SAR operation underway 
South Korea faced severe devastation from torrential rain starting from July 9, 2023, causing extensive flooding and landslides. The catastrophic event led to over 30 deaths nationwide, with nine others reported missing. The death toll includes at least nine people who died after a bus became trapped in a flooded underground tunnel located in Cheongju City. The number of casualties from the underpass flooding is expected to rise further as major search and rescue operations continue.




Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Best computer tech I have ever had!


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