Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

There is no question. Our generation is living in the days as Jesus warned, just like Noah’s generation and lots generation, who before they were destroyed or worn, were worn, but they did not listen in soul as we read in Romans 1:29 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a depraved mind, to do those things that are not proper,” For sure as we witness people who have joined the Woke movement and Trans movement we see what Paul wrote taking place in our generation. Not only do we see the Romans 1:29 warning but the warning Jesus give us that the last generation would be just like Lot’s and Noah’s generation. See the prophecies below.

Support For Transgenderism Is Cratering
Support for gay marriage continues to climb steadily over time, according to Gallup survey data, while public support for transgenderism appears to be cratering.

Girl Scouts Encouraged To Earn Rainbow Patch By Reading LGBT Books, Attending ‘Pride Parade’
Girl Scouts as young as kindergarten age can earn a rainbow-striped “fun patch” by celebrating Pride Month through activities such as drawing, creating an LGBTQ+ music playlist, or attending a Gay Pride parade.

BBC Radio 4 promotes witchcraft for ‘personal growth’
The BBC has told listeners to “embrace” pagan rituals and spells in a radio series promoting the use of witchcraft in the UK. India Rakusen, who presents BBC Radio 4’s ‘Witch’, spoke to those who identify as witches and joined in their practices. Rakusen attempted to normalise pagan “sabbats” by equating them with societal events such as “baby showers, stag dos, football chants and dinner party speeches”.

San Francisco Megachurch Targets Children With “Drag Queen Bible Story Hour”
The most troubling thing about the Drag Queen Story Hour phenomenon, now popping up all around the world, isn’t that it’s merely lost people acting like lost people. Rather, it’s that it masquerades as something good—they claim it’s all about love and acceptance—when, in reality, it’s leading our kids down a twisted path, far away from the God who created them and right into the hands of Satan

Over 5,000 congregations break away from United Methodist Church over pro-LGBT stance
Resistance to the LGBT agenda now spans legislatures, schools, and churches across the country and world, bringing division among Catholic and Anglican bishops, and now among Methodist pastors as well.

Young Adult ‘Magic’ Mushroom Use Nearly Doubles in 3 Years
The use of “magic” mushrooms by young adults has nearly doubled in three years along with other hallucinogenic drugs.

Back-to-back earthquakes shake Southern Colorado
Two earthquakes shook towns in Southern Colorado on Monday morning, only five minutes and seven miles apart, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. At 8:13 a.m., the USGS recorded a 3.8 magnitude earthquake near El Moro, The USGS recorded a second earthquake just five minutes later. The 4.3 magnitude earthquake hit seven miles north of El Moro
The report below shows two end times signs. The first as seen in Luke:21:25 and the second as seen in the book of Revelation. You will see both the prophecies below.

Mississippi tornado claims a life, causes widespread damage amid record southern heat
Severe storms, including reported tornadoes, have wrought havoc in Jasper County, Mississippi, resulting in one fatality and 18 injuries, while the South contends with record-high temperatures.

Crime so out of control in San Francisco, stores are locking up candy
San Francisco residents that are looking to satisy a sweet tooth will have to go through a series of extra steps as candy is now being locked up in stores amid rising crime in the not so ‘golden
Just because we see the number 7 we should not get side tracked. In the report above he talks about the tribulation. That 7 year tribulation starts with the Antichrist confirming a covenant with Israel and many people as seen in Daniel 9:27. The headline to the next report reads as follows: “The United Nations calls for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society using accelerated, sustained, and transformative action” would make some believe the last 7 years is tied in with climate change. The Daniel 9:27 prophecy is between Israel and it’s enemies it has nothing to do with climate change. As you can see from the news Israel is major conflicts with it’s enemies on its boarders such as this report today. “At least four Israelis dead, four wounded in West Bank terror attack” There has to be that Daniel 9:27 covenant to bring on a time of peace and safety for Israel as seen in Ezekiel’s prophecy which shows a major attack on Israel at the time Israel in living in what they feel as safe with no walls, bars, or gates. There are two places were we see Israel in living in safety. Here is the 2 prophecies from Ezekiel 38 7 “‘Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. 8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. Ezekiel 38: 9 You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.” 10 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. 11 You will say, “I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.” As you can see from the news Israel is not living in the requirements of either Daniel’s or Ezekiel’s prophecy. War is coming again to Israel and the time is coming were the Jews will feel safe to take down the walls, bars, and gates that are currently protecting them. So, this should clear up any thinking that the 7 years is linked to a climate change plan.
Below is the link to the report on the 7-year rescue plan.
“The United Nations calls for a 7-year ‘rescue plan’ to save our global society using accelerated, sustained, and transformative action”

Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)
The Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE
Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)
Download DANISH
Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- FrenchDownload
Download Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night
Download Urdu Thief in the Night (1)
Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu
Download ISIZULU
Download Malay TUHAN

Pastor Frank here with Pastor Jonathan Ball the Pastor of the Church BLESSED HOPE in Ensenada Mexico. Pastor Ball is a very good friend and great Brother in the Lord. I am doing what I can to help Pastor Ball spread the gospel in Ensenada. I am reaching out to all you who have be coming to my prophecy site in the hope that you will help Pastor Ball with your Blessed Gifts so he can keep on doing the Lord’s work. I was with Pastor Ball last week and heard all the great things Jesus is doing with Pastor Ball’s Church in Mexico. People are getting saved and I am asking you to get in touch with Jonathan and help support his ministry. At the end of Jonathan’s latest news letter to me is all the information you need to reach out and bless him with your gifts.
Pastor Jonathan Ball news letter

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus 
Christ! Time is passing quick, and this
world is getting darker. This means that the
Lord’s return is closer than ever!
Hallelujah. What are you using your life
for? Will your current lifestyle have any
impact on eternity? These are things to
consider. I have an app on my phone, that
calculates the days of my life. If I make it to
70, I have 11, 574 days, or 380 months left.
That’s not very long, and that’s if I even
make it to 70. Scripture tells us this:
“As for the days of our life, they contain seventy
years, or if due to strength, eighty years, yet
their pride is but labor and sorrow; for soon it is
gone and we fly away. Who understands the
power of Your anger, and Your fury, according
to the fear that is due You? So teach us to
number our days, that we may gain a heart of
wisdom.” (Psalms 90:10- 12)
So, the wisest thing any of us can do is to seriously consider the shortness of life, and ponder
what comes next, and how best to use our time. Everything we have will be left behind,
including our aging bodies. Even Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple, died in his 50s. His final
words were his thoughts on the value of life, that morality was important and money was not.
Leonard Ravenhill would always say, “only one life, will soon be past; only what’s done for
Christ will last.” Let us use our lives to do the will of God. He is our Creator and is worthy of
our worship. Remember the words of the Apostle John, “He who does the will of God abides
forever!” (1 John 2:15- 17).
Ok, before we turn our attention to the actual newsletter, I want to ask you this. If war came to
your country tomorrow, and your entire world was turned upside down, what would be
important to you? War is common all through history, and no nation, not even Rome, was
invincible. Look at pictures of Ukraine. They had nice cities, gyms, banks, regular life. Now
much of it is blown to pieces and lives are scattered. What would be important then? Consider
what you are living for.

Now to the most important part of this ministry: people! All that we are doing here is to serve
God by serving the people for whom Christ died. The picture above is of our second youth
meeting. A youth group might seem like no big deal, but we have waited for over 4 years before
we cultivated this group. We don’t want to follow the normal standard for “youth groups”, for
which we don’t even see mention of in Scripture. But, as the need grew to give the next
generation our undivided attention, we prayerfully fashioned the group to be edifying and
enjoyable, investing in these important souls.
We decided that at every event we will have two adult leaders present, including someone’s
wife, so that there will always be accountability in what is done and taught. Too many times in
our day, youth are manipulated and sexually abused by supposed “youth pastors”. We never
want that to happen. We take the young adults to enjoy themselves, whether bowling or eating
at a restaurant (we pay for all, as they can’t all afford it), so they can know that Christians enjoy
themselves, to the glory of God, who gave us all things richly to enjoy. Then we end at a coffee
shop, and while they enjoy their fancy frappes, we speak to their hearts about real life struggle
that they will face in today’s world. We also started a Q and A so they can ask whatever they
want. They had good questions. So far, they have all expressed joy and given their full

June 13, 2023
Kneeling to the left is our brother David,
instructing a guitar class. What a blessing! He and his
wife have been blossoming since they have been at
the fellowship, growing in the word, prayer, and also
the praise team. I prayed for 2 1⁄2 years for God to
form a worship group, and He literally turned David
back to us, a few months after he moved away.
Even though David is quiet by nature, he is confident
while teaching. He and his wife also visit the saints
regularly (without telling anyone), and they bring
organic veggies to bless the brethren. What a
beautiful work Jesus has done in their hearts.
Below we have Tenisha, who is a young lady who
feels called as a missionary. She has moved to Mexico
by herself, learned Spanish fluently and has bounced
around from ministry to ministry until now. It seems
the Lord brought her here to truly be taught foundational principles that she will need to be an
effective missionary for Jesus. At this time, she lives by the church and has been completing the
same biblical studies that Nathan completed.
Tenisha herself was adopted, and has a big heart for the suffering and broken. She has been
ministering to young children with broken families, and the children practically live at her
home. One of the girls in the picture suffered abuse at an
orphanage, and a few months back was delivered from
demonic possession.

If you believe the gospels, you must believe possession is
real, even in children. During her suffering, a spirit came to
her in the form of a girl, and would talk to her regularly.
The problem was
the spirit was anti-
Christ. It literally
took hours of
prayer, (and my health was terrible ha ha), but after
contorting and growling, the spirit left her, and now she
is praying and learning about her Savior, Christ Jesus!
What a Deliverer!

I am excited to tell you about the
family on the right. A while back,
Antonio and Betsy came to Christ,
repented of fornication, and I had the
pleasure of performing their
wedding. After that they were
baptized, and they are both growing
in the Lord, evangelizing and being
conformed to the image of Christ!
Now, after much prayer, and an
answer to pray, a new chapter is
starting in their lives. They know
how to live humbly, and they are
willing to use their lives for God’s
In faith, we have taken him on to be
discipled along with our beloved
Nathan. Antonio quit his warehouse
job, and between Isaac and I, we are
paying Antonio to work for us, so
that he can provide for his family and still be trained in ministry. He will work 3 days with
Isaac the mechanic, and 3 days with us at the Church. He spends the first 4 hours studying the
word, doing a New Testament Survey, learning English, and memorizing Scripture. We have a
prayer meeting each day at lunch, and for the second portion of the day, he is learning life skills
and work ethic. This also gives Nathan leadership training, as he oversees Antonio.
As of now, we are working on the church solar system, building a new septic system for the
property (Old one failed!), and many other projects. Antonio will also join Nathan and I as we
do projects for other people, visit people with food and the gospel, and he is now more
available for all the ministry events and evangelistic endeavors.
This is huge to me, because Jesus Himself told us that the harvest was plentiful, yet the laborers
few. He said to pray for laborers. This is the will of God. Because of this, I look for people whose
hearts are entirely surrendered and willing to labor for Jesus. It is a beautiful blessing to now
have the opportunity to train and equip Antonio for the work of ministry.
Lord, may this camp continue to be a training ground for pastors and evangelists, for labors of
the gospel, until Your return! Amen.

On to current projects. Here you can 
see a huge hole, and no its not for a
bunker. The previous septic system
has failed us, and now I am in a
hurry to build a new septic system,
except correctly this time.
Sometimes it’s costly to listen to
people’s ideas. Never again will I
put plastic tanks in the ground.
Until I am finished building this
concrete septic tank, the church
can’t use the restroom! Lord help
me! I’m not the greatest with
concrete, but will do whatever I
have to. I am also blessed to have
helping hands in this work.
I never thought I would be so
excited about a poop tank, but
when this is built right, the water
will drain, and I won’t have to
empty it for a good 15 years or so.
As of now, I pay a truck every 2
months! (Lots of church folk ha ha)
As far as evangelism here, it continues marching on, and should always be at the forefront of
any biblical Church. Tomorrow, we have a team coming from the US, and we plan to minister
in the city one day, and the hills the next. What does Paul say in Romans 10? “How will they call
on Him whom they have not believed? And how will they believe on Him in whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?”
God considers beautiful the feet of those who bring the good news to the world. And what is
the end of that news? That whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (10:13).

Well, page 6 and I’m still 
not done. I’m trying to
hurry, really. There is just
much to tell!
On to stories of Arizona
and beyond. Recently I was
able to travel in the US
with brother Nathan. We
went to help my old
discipler in the mountains
of AZ. This man invested 6
years of his life into mine
when I first came to Christ.
God used him to give me a
foundation on His word, and instill in me many foundational necessities that I would need in
the Christian life and the mission field. I am forever grateful.
Nathan and I were able to help move a huge solar system from one location to another. Dominic
has been on this mountain for years, faithfully preparing the campus as a missionary training
center. Although he is the most capable man I know, we all need help, as the Scripture says,
“from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the
proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.”
(Ephesians 4:16)
We are also told to notice those who labor for Christ, (1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13) “And we urge
you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you,
and to esteem them very highly for their work”
And the apostle John says, “For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from
the Gentiles. Therefore, we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the
truth.” (3 John 1:7, 8).
To the left are 62

deep cycle
batteries that
weigh a ton! To
the right is a
mobile inverter
system for solar
power at the
I am certain of one thing, that God placed me under
this man for those years of my life, and because of
those very difficult lessons, I have a foundation for
what I am doing today. For example, look at the
pictures of the restroom there, and the bunk houses.
You might not want to see a picture of an
outhouse, but where we live in Mexico, this is
exactly what many use for a restroom (and this is a
nice one.) Many in our church still use these. If you
would like to bless them, drive down, and help me
install a toilet! I have seen tears in people’s eyes
when we arrived with a porcelain toilet! Oh, what
we take for granted!
How many are unwilling to humble themselves
and use a smelly hole in the ground! But, to
minister to much of the world, you must be willing.
How will they listen to your message of love, if you do not show love in your actions? Love is 
sacrificial, and these are the practical lessons
Dominic poured into our lives. Thank you, brother.
Now look at the bunk house. These are so similar to
what cover the hills of Maneadero, Mexico. All that
Dominic taught us had purpose, and was to equip
us to serve any nation that God sends us to.
If you are a believer today, consider your life, and
what you are doing for Christ. I urge you, as do the
Scriptures, for forget what is behind, and set your
eyes on the invisible things of God’s kingdom (Phil.
3:13, 14; Colossians 3:1-3). Put aside your personal
preferences and work for God, or help those who
We are always open to visiting groups, and host
them all year round. If you want to be discipled
and trained for missions, contact us. Time is
running out, and our world is getting dark so fast.
Scripture says to work while it is called today.
June 13, 2023
Ok, I must end here or you will never read my newsletters again. I feel like Paul when he says,
“Finally brethren” and writes two more chapters, or when he preaches till midnight and a man
falls out of the window from being weary, ha ha. But the life in Jesus is an urgent one, and
praise God that Paul prayed for the dead man, brought him to life, and continued to preach
until sunrise.
So here is your sun below!

I love you all, and may the Lord bless you and keep you, and make His face shine upon you
and be gracious unto you, and give you peace, who are in Christ Jesus. If you are not in Christ,
run to Him!
With God’s love,
Jonathan Ball
Website: www.blessedhopeensenada.org
resources: www.goodfight.org