October 8, 2022 special report: prophecy fulfilled again Israel discovers massive amounts of gas


















Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 9 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


The following is my own quote from my 2012, edition of my prophecy book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth page 255 .  If you want to read my quote click this link. https://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/the-last-chronicles-of-planet-earth-june-21-2012-edition-by-frank-dimora-1.pdf 

My quote: “Since the Lord told us Israel would be blessed with these treasures of oil and gas, you can expect the economics of the Middle East to change in the very near future. The change in oil and gas powers could start a war, and that war could turn out to be the Ezekiel war, which I will cover in chapter 11. Let’s watch as Israel discovers even more oil than they have so far.” 

In 2012, I made that statement because God is truth and, if he tells us Israel will discover oil and gas all we had to do is watch the news to witness the oil and gas discoveries being reported in the news. Once again today that is exactly what has happened! Below you will see the prophecy and, then the news concerning a huge gas find for Israel. 


A sand





On Oct. 4, I said I would not be posting everyday but would report when some major event in prophecy takes place. Well today one of those events has taken place. 

Let me remind you Israel went from being dependent on other nations for their oil and gas needs to a major oil and gas exporter in a very short period of time. Why did this happen?  If you read the prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39 you will find out that Israel will be attacked by many nations. These nations go after Israel to take a spoil.  I believe part of what Israel’s enemies go after is their oil! Take a look at the world problems right now. Russia shut off the gas supply to Europe and just this past week we saw 4 places on the Nord gas line into Europe explode cutting off Europe’s supply. You can read that report at the following link”  https://news.yahoo.com/fourth-gas-leak-discovered-near-094600370.html.  Russia as you know is now on a war path and I do believe the control of the flow of oil is playing a huge role in this current war.  There is no doubt that Russia wants to control the flow of oil and gas, and if Israel who is now a oil and gas giant starts to export their gas to Europe, Russia may make a move to go after Israel’s oil and gas and, in doing so fulfill the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy. 

By the way, Israel is sending gas to Europe and there is no doubt in my mind this move has angered Russia. Read this news from Bloomberg entitled: “Israel Plans Gas Exports to Europe as Output Surges by 22%” I quote, “Israel’s natural gas production surged 22% in the first half of the year, as the government plans to ramp up exports that will make their way to Europe, where the worst energy crisis in decades is under way. Production rose to 10.85 billion cubic meters year-on-year through June, with exports to Israel’s neighbors rising by 35% to 4.59 billion cubic meters, according to the energy ministry. Much of the increase is due to production from the Tamar and Leviathan reservoirs in the eastern Mediterranean.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-24/israel-eyes-gas-exports-to-europe-as-production-surges-by-22

Here is another important element to consider. Russia goes to war against Ukraine so what does Israel do?  Israel starts to drill for gas again and finds the massive supply you read about in the above report. I quote from the report entitled: “Israel to Renew Gas Drilling Due to Ukraine War” “

“Energy Minister Karine Elharrar announced on Monday that she would approve renewing exploration for natural gas in Israel’s Mediterranean waters — just six months after committing to suspending any drilling for a year. 

Elharrar and Energy Ministry Director General Lior Schillat attributed the turnaround to the war in Ukraine, which caused the ministry to reconsider the situation. The new policy is in line with calls being made by energy companies to drill and enable Israel to export more gas.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on the Russians in response have exposed the degree to which Europe is reliant on Russian gas, arousing fears of an energy crisis.”


The bottom line is this. Those who have the oil and gas supply have the power to effect the world if they cut off the supply just as Russia has done. Two of the most powerful giants are Russia and Israel. Russia cuts the supply and Israel begins to supply the gas, where do you think this is going?  Russia will want to stop Israel from suppling the gas to Europe and, as I said, it could led to the Ezekiel 38-39 war prophecy.  Right now the world is in a gas crisis. Prices of gas are going through the roof. Here is California the price of gas today is close to $7.00 a gallon. What does prices like this do? It makes those who have the oil and gas that much more powerful which means Russia and Israel are headed for a power showdown. 

The video below gives you more info on  Russia and Israel 


The prayer

Oct. 4, 2022 Special report from Pastor Frank DiMora giving you info on change in the ministry



Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 30 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


Two years ago on this date I had a catastrophic event take place in my life that could have ended my life however, the Lord deemed it that I should remain for a little while longer and help people to see we are in the last days. Then again in 2022, I had another catastrophic event take place in my life which I am still facing to this day. 

Since 1977, I have been a blessed man that the Lord has allowed me to witness to millions of people around the world. The Lord knows I have done my best trying to lead as many as I can to the Lord Jesus Christ’s salvation. I have shown the people coming to my prophecy sites and my YouTube videos that the prophecies of the last days are taking place in our generation and we need to get ready for what is coming.

There’s  no question the birth pangs that Jesus warned about are getting stronger and stronger and we are moving closer to the beginning of the tribulation.

So what major prophecies have not been fulfilled yet? We have not seen the Psalm 83 war, we have not seen the Ezekiel 38 war, we have not seen Daniel 9:27 fulfilled which, is the Antichrist confirming a seven-year covenant between Israel and many people. We have not seen World War III yet, we have not seen the building of the third Jewish Temple and the Jews sacrificing animals as they did at the time of Jesus, we have not seen the Antichrist proclaim he is God from that rebuild Jewish temple, and we have not seen the prophecies written in the book of revelation take place yet.

From this day forward I will not be posting every day, when one of these major prophecies that I just wrote to you about takes place then, I will post again if the Lord decides to prolong my life.

I will however keep updating my book for anyone and keep putting up here at my prophecy site.  The book is free for those who want to see how fast we are moving towards the second coming of Christ. While I will not be posting every day if you have any questions you can email me your questions at this email address.  fjdimora@gmail.com. I will do my best to answer your questions in a timely manner. I will be making videos and when I do I will place them at my site as well.

If you have not been keeping on the watch as Jesus commanded us to do I would advise you begin to do so now as the Lord does not want you to be in the dark concerning the things that are about to take place.

I pray to our Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit that he would cause you a great desire to get close to Christ, may he richly bless you and keep you safe.

While I won’t be posting every day watch for the following prophecies you see below in the news because, without a doubt you will see more news concerning these last days signs.


What for the lawlessness to get much worse.



As nations find themselves in chaos watch the news as the drug problem will as with all the prophecies get worse. 





Watch for more news about Israel’s oil and gas finds.

A sand

Keep your eyes on what takes place between Israel and Syria because more than likely Israel will be forced to attack Syria and fulfill the below prophecies. 








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4901 weeks

Watch for more Jews around the world moving back to Israel.

The Dispersed Return

BornIsrael 71 GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYAs you will see from the scriptures below God told us that He was going to bring back to life the nation of Israel. Anyone alive today knows with out a doubt that this prophecy from God has also been fulfilled. Fact is not only is Israel a nation again but the prophecy stated Israel “stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army”.  Today, for such a small nation Israel has one of the strongest militaries on the planet.  When our generation witnessed the rebirth of Israel, we also began to witness the Jews returning to their Motherland just as was told in Isaiah 43:5-7 “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.  I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’  Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made”. I don’t see any prophecies showing that Jews returning to Israel would find it easy and without problems. The bottom line to the report below is Jews have and still are going back to Israel in these last days.











Over the years I have shown you countless reports that prices of food is skyrocketing watch for more of the same. 




Watch for the news Israel is going to build the Jewish Third Temple.




 Please remember you can read my prophecy book for FREE by clicking the link below.

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 30 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

I pray if you have not received Jesus as your Lord and savior that when you keep seeing these prophecies showing up in the news that you will ask Christ to come into your heart and give you His new birth. 


The prayer

 The guide to a healthy life in Jesus Christ

 Directive from Heaven - No. 33 - The Holy Bible, Part 1 given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady ...

 If you would like to invite me to speak to your Church you can contact me at: fjdimora@gmail.com




Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 30 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


Two years ago on this date I had a catastrophic event take place in my life that could have ended my life however, the Lord deemed it that I should remain for a little while longer and help people to see we are in the last days. Then again in 2022, I had another catastrophic event take place in my life which I am still facing to this day.


Since 1977, I have been a blessed man that the Lord has allowed me to witness to millions of people around the world. The Lord knows I have done my best trying to lead as many as I can to the Lord Jesus Christ’s salvation. I have shown the people coming to my prophecy sites and my YouTube videos that the prophecies of the last days are taking place in our generation and we need to get ready for what is coming.

There’s  no question the birth pangs that Jesus warned about are getting stronger and stronger and we are moving closer to the beginning of the tribulation.

So what major prophecies have not been fulfilled yet? We have not seen the Psalm 83 war, we have not seen the Ezekiel 38 war, we have not seen Daniel 9:27 fulfilled which, is the Antichrist confirming a seven-year covenant between Israel and many people. We have not seen World War III yet, we have not seen the building of the third Jewish Temple and the Jews sacrificing animals as they did at the time of Jesus, we have not seen the Antichrist proclaim he is God from that rebuild Jewish temple, and we have not seen the prophecies written in the book of revelation take place yet.

From this day forward I will not be posting every day, when one of these major prophecies that I just wrote to you about takes place then, I will post again if the Lord decides to prolong my life.

I will however keep updating my book for anyone that wants to see how fast we are moving towards the second coming of Christ. While I will not be posting every day if you have any questions you can email me your questions at this email address. fjdimora@gmail.com


I will do my best to answer your questions in a timely manner.

If you have not been keeping on the watch as Jesus commanded us to do I would advise you begin to do so now as the Lord does not want you to be in the dark concerning the things that are about to take place. 

I pray to our Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit that he would cause you a great desire to get close to Christ, may he richly bless you and keep you safe.

While I won’t be posting every day watch for the following prophecies you see below in the news because, without a doubt you will see more news concerning these last days signs.


What for the lawlessness to get much worse.



As nations find themselves in chaos watch  the news as the drug problem will as with all the prophecies get worse. 













Watch for more news about Israel’s oil and gas finds.

A sand


Keep your eyes on what takes place between Israel and Syria because more than likely Israel will be forced to attack Syria and fulfill the below prophecies. 

















A quake pic1







4901 weeks


Watch for more Jews around the world moving back to Israel.

The Dispersed Return

BornIsrael 71 GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYAs you will see from the scriptures below God told us that He was going to bring back to life the nation of Israel. Anyone alive today knows with out a doubt that this prophecy from God has also been fulfilled. Fact is not only is Israel a nation again but the prophecy stated Israel “stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army”.  Today, for such a small nation Israel has one of the strongest militaries on the planet.  When our generation witnessed the rebirth of Israel, we also began to witness the Jews returning to their Motherland just as was told in Isaiah 43:5-7 “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.  I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’  Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made”. I don’t see any prophecies showing that Jews returning to Israel would find it easy and without problems. The bottom line to the report below is Jews have and still are going back to Israel in these last days.



















Over the years I have shown you countless reports that prices of food is skyrocketing watch for more of the same. 







Watch for the news Israel is going to build the Jewish Third Temple.









 Please remember you can read my prophecy book for FREE by clicking the link below.

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 30 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

I pray if you have not received Jesus as your Lord and savior that when you keep seeing these prophecies showing up in the news that you will ask Christ to come into your heart and give you His new birth. 




The prayer


 The guide to a healthy life in Jesus Christ

 Directive from Heaven - No. 33 - The Holy Bible, Part 1 given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady ...

 If you would like to invite me to speak to your Church you can contact me at: fjdimora@gmail.com


October 1, 2022

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 30 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





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Newsom Signs Bill Making California “Sanctuary State” For Children Seeking ‘Gender Affirming’ Surgery – Without Parental Consent
Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday evening designating California a ‘sanctuary state’ for children seeking ‘gender affirming’ surgery without parental consent.




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A breakThis is where the storm goes next



 Jesus warned the  complex problems would comes with the roaring of the sea and waves. Hurricane  Ian is estimated at $250 billion worth of damage plus causing complex problems for the supply chains.


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Five Months to Kill: The horrifying relationship between Deaths, COVID Deaths & Covid-19 Vaccination
A peculiar pattern has now persisted in official UK Government data for some time. Approximately five months after each dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is administered to each age group, the mortality rates per 100,000 rise significantly among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated in each age group.



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 Take a look at all of the earthquakes just this past September. Keep in mind these are only the earthquakes that register 6.0 or greater.

  1. 6.5
    east of the South Sandwich Islands

    2022-09-29 03:03:24 UTC11.0 km
  2. 6.8Michoacan, Mexico
    2022-09-22 06:16:09 UTC24.1 km
  3. 7.635 km SW of Aguililla, Mexico
    2022-09-19 18:05:06 UTC16.2 km
  4. 6.986 km SE of Lugu, Taiwan
    2022-09-18 06:44:14 UTC10.0 km
  5. 6.5Taiwan
    2022-09-17 13:41:17 UTC10.0 km

  6. 7.0209 km SSE of Isangel, Vanuatu
    2022-09-14 11:04:06 UTC137.0 km
  8. 7.670 km E of Kainantu, Papua New Guinea
    2022-09-10 23:47:00 UTC116.0 km
  9. 6.643 km SE of Kangding, China
    2022-09-05 04:52:19 UTC12.0 km
  10. 6.9central Mid-Atlantic Ridge
    2022-09-04 09:42:18 UTC10.0 km

  11. 6.3Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
    2022-08-30 09:09:43 UTC




The prayer


September 30, 2022 the curse


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 30 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



 You can add us earthquake to the growing list of strong earthquakes in 2022.

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Shallow M6.5 earthquake hits east of the South Sandwich Islands 

A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.5, hit east of the South Sandwich Islands at 03:03 UTC on September 29, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.7 at a depth of 2 km (1.2 miles).



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Group Using West Virginia Model to Create “New California” Serves Gavin Newsom Notice of Constitutional Default
A massive group of concerned citizens and constitutionalists have had enough of the unconstitutional insanity taking place in the state of California.  This group is using the West Virginia model to create a new state that will abide by the US Constitution separate from the state of California.

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Unrelenting inflation is taking a toll, leaving more Americans living paycheck to paycheck






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Looting, other crimes amid former Hurricane Ian drive officials to enforce a curfew




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The Gates Foundation is Researching How to Manipulate You Into Taking ‘Future’ COVID Vaccines.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now funding studies on how to best manipulate people to receive “future” COVID-19 vaccines – including “targeted” messaging and financial compensation – despite studies continuing to show links between the vaccine and myocarditis.

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VACCINE HOLOCAUST: Hundreds of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people are dying WEEKLY, official government reports indicate
In case you have not figured it out yet, the real plandemic was never some airborne virus. It has always been the so-called “vaccines,” the contents of which are now killing hundreds of thousands of people weekly, according to the latest government data.

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England records another 1000 Excess Deaths in a single week bringing the total to 26k since April; Evidence suggests COVID Vaccines are to blame
The Office for National Statistics has revealed that England and Wales suffered another record-breaking week of deaths in the week ending 16th September 2022, with an extra 1,009 people dying compared to the five-year average.


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Leaked Video Shows Covid Lies Told by A Virgin Australia Doctor Urging Pregnant Airline Staff to Get Vaccinated – with Multiple Doses 
We previously published an article about Virgin Australia’s online conference held before mid-September 2021 to push employees to get vaccinated.   In another online event, held on 13 March 2022, Virgin’s Dr Rachel MacKellar, who was pregnant and vaccinated at the time, urged pregnant women to get vaccinated.



 We know from Revelation chapter 13 the Antichrist will control a global economy, at the present time nation after nation is experiencing economic upheavals we are definitely on the road to seeing a major collapse that will eventually bring on the man of sin the Antichrist warned by Jesus .


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Australia’s Central Bank Says It Is Bust
The central bank of Australia on Wednesday made the astonishing admission that it is, basically, bust. Its entire equity has been wiped out by pandemic-related bond buying.

  No gas flowing through the Nord pipeline will destroy economies across Europe.

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Fourth leak found in Nord Stream pipelines

The Swedish Coast Guard (SCG) said they found a fourth leak in Nord Stream pipelines on September 29, 2022, just 3 days after underwater explosions severely damaged two Nord Stream 1 pipes and one Nord Stream 2.1


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Europeans increasingly burning trees for energy after green policies, Russian war, leave countries hobbled
European consumers and businesses are increasingly turning to biomass energy sources, including wood-derived fuels for heating and cooling, as the energy crisis continues to wreak havoc across the continent.


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Janet Yellen Is Disturbingly Serious About Tax Hikes
Treasury Secretary Yellen has been out on the campaign trail, calling for higher taxes on individuals and US companies. The Secretary thinks the government needs to collect more taxes, even though her own Department just reported that federal tax collections are at record high levels.

The antichrist will not only control a global economy he will be controlling the people of the world and,  I’m sure that that will include controlling what is said on the Internet. The news below it’s only a prelude to what it’s coming.


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Marxist New Zealand PM Labels Internet Freedom and Free Speech a “Weapon of War” in This Week’s UN Speech (VIDEO)

New Zealand communist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern labeled internet freedom a “weapon of war” in her most recent UN speech before the General Assembly this week.



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Donbas Region Overwhelmingly Votes to Join Russia, International Observers Debunk Pro-War Media Narrative
The people of the Donbas region voted overwhelmingly in favor of joining Russia in referendums held this week, which concluded yesterday with over 90% of Donbas residents supporting the measure.


Iranians still fighting amongst them selves.

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US expands access to internet services for Iranians amid rising unrest
The U.S. announced on September 23 that it was easing export restrictions on Iran to expand access to Internet services which have been severely curbed by the government amid protests over the death of a woman following her arrest by the morality police.

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US spy planes seem to be searching for Russian nukes in European enclave
U.S. Air Force RC-135 Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft have been spotted flying around a Russian enclave in Europe, raising concerns they’re monitoring for any nuclear weapon activity.


 In my book on page 529 I have chapter 15 which deals with God’s curse. In that chapter I document the nations who have come against Israel and what has happened to them in a very short period of time. The Scriptures make it clear those who come against Israel will be cursed and, those who have come against Israel find themselves with mass destruction. As I said these events are documented in my book. I do not believe it is a coincidence that shortly after President  Biden and Canada‘s leader Justin Trudeau makes a speech saying they want to divide Israel, that mass destruction hit both the United States and Canada. Below you will see  four scriptures warning what will happen to people who come against Israel then, you will see the news showing you the leaders calling to divide Israel and finally the destruction that followed.


4EB51886-8454-4892-85E5-CD09D173654A “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

4EB51886-8454-4892-85E5-CD09D173654A“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

4EB51886-8454-4892-85E5-CD09D173654A“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).

4EB51886-8454-4892-85E5-CD09D173654A“In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou [wast] as one of them” (Obadiah 1:11). “For the day of the LORD [is] near upon all the


 To begin with Canada’s Trudeau tweets on September 22, 2022 he would like to divide up Israel. In his tweet he talks about bringing peace and security to that region I wonder if Trudeau knows that he even quoted a prophecy take a look at. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 3When people are saying, “Peace and security,” then sudden disaster comes upon them, like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.


 Apparently Trudeau doesn’t know that if you tried to divide Israel you don’t have peace you get destruction.






 Now that you have seen the scriptures and you saw the statements by these 2 Leaders look at what happened shortly after.


September 24, 2022 the destruction hits Canada.





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Hurricane “Ian” – Major disaster declared, possibly the deadliest hurricane in Florida’s history

Hurricane “Ian” made landfall along the southwestern coast of Florida near Cayo Costa, an island off the coast of Fort Myers, around 19:05 UTC (15:05 EDT) on September 28, 2022, with maximum sustained winds of 240 km/h (150 mph), placing it at the upper end of the Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

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Exactly 7 Days After Israel And The United States Agreed To The Two State Solution, Hurricane Ian Smashes Florida Causing Catastrophic Destruction

As I write this, Hurricane Ian is howling directly overhead, the power in our condo flickers on and off, and I am grateful for the battery backup that keeps my computer running uninterrupted. It was exactly one week ago yesterday that the prime minister of Israel said the Jews are ready to divide their land to create a Palestinian state.


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Woke airline will apparently allow men to wear skirts
Virgin Atlantic will apparently allow male workers to sport skirts. The airline announced on Wednesday that it has updated its gender identity policy to allow people to wear whichever of the company’s uniforms that they prefer.

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Newsom Signs Package of Abortion Laws That Critics Decry as Enabling Infanticide
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday signed into law a package of abortion-related bills, some of which immunize women and doctors from criminal and civil liability for what critics have called infanticide.

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U.S. Army’s First Openly Transgender Officer Indicted for Trying to Give U.S. Military Medical Info to Russia
The Army’s first openly transgender officer was indicted this week on charges of trying to give American service members medical information to the Russian government.


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Switzerland Mulls ‘Gender-Neutral’ Compulsory Military Service For Women
The Swiss government has considered mandatory military service for women to boost the number of army personnel amid a soldier shortage, according to the Swiss daily newspaper Tribune de Genève. Currently, military service for men is compulsory once they reach adulthood.


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Planned Parenthood Stealth Edits Fetal Heartbeat Fact Sheet
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood reportedly issued a stealth-edit of its fact sheet on fetal development to alter language appearing to support the idea that fetuses indeed have a heartbeat after six weeks in the womb.




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Abbas brags about scolding Anthony Blinken: “You little boy, don’t do that”
In a recording of a September 22 meeting with Palestinian Americans, PA President Mahmoud Abbas reportedly scolded US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “I told Blinken, ‘You little boy, don’t do that,’”Abbas told Blinken, instructing him to strongarm Israel into doing as told. He claimed the US deals with “190 countries” in this manner, but not Israel. he used to believe the US claims that Israel was the obstacle to negotiations. “It’s not that the Israelis don’t want peace but the Americans don’t want peace,” Abbas said.




The prayer


September 29, 2022 September 29, 2022 September 29, 2022Don’t worry you didn’t miss the rapture

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 28 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


 If you have questions or you would like to leave a comment you can do so at this email address fjdimora@gmail.com



 I wrote to you before the feast of trumpets ended that those who taught the church would be taken out at the beginning of the tribulation would be waiting a very long time because that’s not what Paul taught.  The feast of trumpets just ended on the 27th of this month. Now that the feast of trumpets as it is also known as Rosh Hashanah is over many are scratching their heads trying to figure out why the rapture did not take place. All you have to do is read

Second Thessalonians chapter 2:3.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 

The rapture could not have taken place because the man of sin the Antichrist has not been revealed yet and, we know from scripture that the Antichrist will not be revealed until  3 1/2 years into the seven year tribulation. See Daniel 9: 27 for further details. So don’t worry you did not miss the rapture yet. When  you see the Man  of sin confirm a covenant between Israel and many people for a period of seven years you know the revealing of the Antichrist is 3 1/2 years away. It will be at that point in the middle of the tribulation where the Antichrist will go into the rebuild temple and tell the world he is God to reveal his true nature Satan  incarnated into a man.




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12 mins ago

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Hurricane Ian left a path of destruction in southwest Florida, trapping people in flooded homes, damaging the roof of a hospital intensive care unit and knocking out power to 2.5 million people as it dumped rain across the peninsula on Thursday.

One of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit the United States threatened catastrophic flooding around the state. Ians tropicalstormforce winds extended outward up to 415 miles (665 km), and nearly all of Florida was getting drenched.

The National Hurricane Center said Ian became a tropical storm over land early Thursday and was expected to regain nearhurricane strength after emerging over Atlantic waters near the Kennedy Space Center later in the day, with South Carolina in its sights for a second U.S. landfall.


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Hurricane Ian Slams Into Florida As 155 MPH Monster Causing Over A Million People To Lose Power, People Watch Houses Float Down The Street 
Pray for all the souls in the path of Hurricane Ian, it has hit the southwest coast of Florida much harder than anyone was anticipating. At 155 miles per hour, Hurricane Ian is a legitimate monster, swallowing everything in his path. I experienced Hurricane Matthew in 2017 as well as Hurricane Irma in 2018, but we on the east coast of Florida didn’t see damage like the west coast is now seeing.

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Hurricane Ian storm surge floods homes, sends boats floating down streets of Southwest Florida
Conditions continued to deteriorate Wednesday in southwest Florida after Hurricane Ian made landfall with 150 mph winds and a forecast 18-foot storm surge.


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Tampa beach sucked away by Hurricane Ian
An eerie video shared on Twitter on Wednesday shows the ocean in Tampa Bay rapidly disappearing from the shore as Hurricane Ian makes its way toward the Florida coast.


 Keep this part of the scripture in Luke 21:25 in mind when you read the next report below. “and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity”

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Cuba’s electrical grid collapses after Hurricane “Ian” 
Category 3 Hurricane “Ian” made landfall just southwest of the town of La Coloma in the Pinar del Rio Province of Cuba at 08:30 UTC on September 27, 2022, with maximum sustained winds of 205 km/h (125 mph) and a minimum central pressure of 952 hPa.


 The next report is a reflection of two prophecies that you will see below.



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Massive planned famines are coming in the very near future! American farmers warn of massive unmet food supply needs!
Biden has purposely engineered a food shortage. Do you really think that the destruction of 108 food processing plants, since he came into office is a coincidence? Biden’s policies are purposely designed to dramatically drive up the price of shipping food. Changes in fertilizer regulations will yield substantially less food . Biden’s people do nothing about the food shortage. And so the story goes without end. It is clear that Biden is serving the World Economic Forum who want you to eat nothing but bugs.

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United Nations Food Chief Warns Of ‘Chaos,’ ‘Hell’ And Wide Spread Food Shortage Next Year: The World Is Facing ‘A Perfect Storm On Top Of A Perfect Storm’
The United Nations’ Food chief is urging the public to prepare for famine and widespread food shortage next year amid an severe fertilizer supply shortage.



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Top doctor who once promoted COVID vaccines on TV, now says they should be halted
A highly respected cardiologist and expert in evidence-based medicine was prompted to take a critical look at the vaccine data after the unexpected death of his father 6 months after vaccination. He spent 6 months carefully studying the data and consulting with other top scientists. He’s now calling for a halt to the vaccines based on the data. He called it “the greatest miscarriage of medical science that we will see in our lifetime.”

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COVID-19 relief fraud likely ‘biggest fraud’ in US history, tax watchdog warns
While the federal government has allotted more than $5 trillion to COVID-19 economic relief and stimulus, undetermined billions in taxpayer dollars have been fraudulently siphoned from the aid spending, likely amounting to the “biggest fraud that the country’s seen,” according to Americans for Tax Reform.

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India: Court Date Set for Bill Gates to Answer to Victims’ Family for Daughter’s Murder by Vaccine
In November 2021, the World’s first Covid injection murder case against Bill Gates was filed in India. It was the case of a 23-year-old who had died after taking a Covishield “vaccine” because the railways mandated it as a condition to travel.  The two named defendants were Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India.

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Spike Protein mRNA From Covid Injections Gets into Breastmilk, A New Study Says
A new study was published on Monday that admitted the mRNA “vaccine” clinical trials excluded several vulnerable groups, including children and breastfeeding mothers. These tests should have been done before rolling out a mass vaccination program – but hey, this is the new way of practicing experimental medicine, Dr. Byram Bridle wrote.


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Pedophiles Celebrate: Spanish Minister Declares Children Can Have Sex ‘With Whomever They Want’ If They ‘Consent’
On September 21, during a hearing in Congress on the pro-trans and abortion law, Spain’s Minister of Equality called pedophilia a “right.” The communist Minister, Irene Montero, shocked her fellow politicians when she chose sexual deviants over minors and declared, “Children should have the right to have sexual relations with whomever they want, as long as they consent.”

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NJ Department Of Education Threatens Schools That Refuse To Promote Gender Identity To Minors 
New Jersey teaching standards now require second graders to learn about transgenderism and gender identity.



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 What we know from the book of Revelation and other prophecies, in the end days things around the world will get so bad that the world will look for someone to take them out of mini crisis. Jesus tells us who this man will be he is called the Man  of sin and many who know the Bible know him as the Antichrist. The reports below reflect some in the global crisis.

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Guardian: Leaked Plans for a Global Carbon Tax
According to The Guardian, poor countries will demand a global carbon tax this week on airline travel, shipping fuel and fossil fuel extraction.

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One of the last remaining gas pipelines into Europe may be SHUT DOWN in legal dispute, unleashing “End of Days” energy crisis without precedent
Yet another gas pipeline to Europe – one of the last that is still online, just to be clear – faces closure due to an ongoing legal spat between Russia and Ukraine.

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Nord Stream pipeline SABOTAGE clearly orchestrated by ruthless Biden regime: Nuland, Biden and Sen. Johnson all demanded “ending it permanently” by any means necessary
The demolition of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea is one of the most outrageous and evil acts of terrorism and sabotage in the history of our world. Now that the sabotage has been confirmed by numerous nations, the blame game has begun as everyone is wondering, “Who did it?”



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Fleeing Russians worry border will ‘close forever’



Flag Israel Animated Flag Gif

A NATION REBORN: The Dispersed Return

“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:3). “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:5-7).








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Tesla AI Day: Will Optimus Robot Come To Life Friday?


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Amazon Wants Its Home Robot, Astro, to Anticipate Your Every Need






The prayer

Sept. 28, 2022 Massive storm- Red Heifer and Third Temple news- Are you following sound doctrine?


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





Before I get to the news today I need to give you some information if you have not read the bible yet. I know there are many of you who have read the bible but my ministry is not only to keep the believers on the watch in these last days but to hopefully bring in new believers as they see the current events are fulfilling bible prophecy. When Jesus came the first time the Jewish Temple was standing in East Jerusalem.  In the Jewish temple, the veil served as the barrier to the Holy of Holies. IThe Holy of Holies was said to be where God’s presence rested and it housed the Ark of the Covenant. Only the high priest could enter this area, and then only one time per year, to make atonement for the sins of Israel (Exodus 30:10).  In other words if you the average person there was no way you could ever enter the Holy of Holies.  /Here is some information about the Temple and the veil in the Holy of Holies. Stay with me because when I get to the news you will see the importance. 

First Kings 6:2 records that Solomon’s temple was 30 cubits high. This would have been 45 feet tall. The first century Jewish historian Josephus records that Herod extended the temple’s height to 40 cubits high, about 60 feet tall. He also records that the veil was four inches thick.

When Jesus went to the cross to die for us something major took place in the Holy of Holies at the time of his death. Matthew 27:50-51 says, “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” Notice the details: 1) Jesus died, 2) the enormous 45 to 60-foot high, four inch thick curtain was torn in half, and 3) the tear was from top to bottom, clearly indicating the destruction was not man-made, but came from God.

This connection between the death of Jesus and the torn veil is not just about God’s power, but is demonstrative of who Jesus is, what the cross accomplished, and the access we have to God through Christ. Hebrews 8:1-2 notes, “Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man.” Jesus Himself now serves as our high priest. There is no longer a need for a Jewish high priest to stand before the Lord and make atonement for our sins. Jesus has provided for our atonement through His death on the cross.

In addition, the tearing of the veil also helped to mark the beginning of a new covenant. Hebrews 8:13 states, “In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”  Again I want to make it clear that when Jesus died he gave everyone access to him for salvation. The new Holy of Holies is Jesus Christ and that veil being torn told the world come to Christ for atonement of your sins you no longer need to sacrifice any animals to have your sins forgiven. 

Now here is the problem. Jews do not believe Jesus Christ is their God and savior. Most of the Jews living now are just like the religious people during the time Jesus was alive they rejected Jesus and in the end they had him killed. In other words, Jews today disregard the veil in the Holy of Holies being torn from top to bottom. To the Jews there is no new covenant because to the Jews the old covenant is still intact not obsolete as we stated in Hebrews 8:13. 
The news report below which talks about the 5 new Red Heifers gives us information about Byron Stinson a rancher who helped the Jews get the Red Heifers to Israel. If you don’t know the importance of the Red Heifers the report will explain. 
Here is a quote in the report about Stinson. “As a Christian, Stinson believes that it is his obligation to support the Jewish sacrifice even if that is not what he believes himself, because the “purpose of the red heifer is to let the veil be lifted.”  How anyone who claims to know Jesus and what he did on the cross and, says the purpose of the red heifer is to let the veil be lifted is not standing on sound doctrine.  The veil was torn almost 2 thousand years ago and since that day it was torn nothing has changed.  The Red heifers can never take the place of the veil being torn and today just because the Red heifers has shown up does not even suggest the heifer is used to let the veil be lifted.   This is misleading people! 
Here is a statement by Stinson which I do agree with that has to do with building the Jewish Third Temple. I quote, ““The red heifer does not mean you have to immediately build. However, I think it’s like a key that turns on the engine,” he added.”   For those of us who follow sound doctrine there is no need to support building the Jewish Temple again.  There is no need to kill any animals for our sins as Jesus took care of this once and for all.  To the Christian who follows sound doctrine the only purpose of building the Third Temple and starting up those animals sacrifices again is to fulfill bible prophecy, it has nothing to do with how our sins are forgiven!!!  As to the report below, this news does show that we are in the last days and there will be a Third Temple built soon. 

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The sacrifice of a red heifer could take place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem as early as 13 months from now.

Texas businessman Byron Stinson – the man instrumental in locating and helping get five red heifers from the United States to Israel – told ALL ISRAEL NEWS that finding the sacrifice-ready cows was not the only objective. Boneh Israel, the organization Stinson is involved with, has also purchased land on the Mount of Olives that meets the requirements for a biblical sacrifice outside of a temple. 

Stinson explained that a sacrifice does not necessitate a new temple. It can also be conducted at a certain height and direction – and the plot on the Mount of Olives meets these requirements.

“This is a big step – this is a huge sign. If we’re able to do the ceremony in a year and a half, to two years,” he said. “It doesn’t mean that the temple is going to be built within one year, 10 years or 40 years, 100 years… because you have the ashes. Solomon had the ashes of the red heifer and then lasted 1000 years.”

“The red heifer does not mean you have to immediately build. However, I think it’s like a key that turns on the engine,” he added.

Byron Stinson (Photo: All Israel News)

The five red heifers landed in Israel about two weeks ago to much fanfare, celebration, end-times speculation and a health dose of cynicism as well. The cows have all been determined by certain rabbis to be ritually pure for sacrifice – for now. They must stay unblemished and red in order to be sacrificed when they are older than 2 years.

Currently, the calves are all just under one year and are about to be released from a 10-day quarantine after arriving from Texas on Sept. 15.

The search for such a heifer has been going on and, in recent times, only a few have come close to meeting the requirements. These particular cows are the closest documented in recent history so far that meet the requirements.

The ashes of a red heifer are needed in order to purify the priests who would serve in the temple, according to Numbers 19. Because the entire animal is burned and the ashes stored and used sparingly – sprinkled into water from the Gihon spring – only nine such sacrifices had been performed throughout history.

[Read: What does the Bible say about the importance of the red heifer, the Third Temple and the coming of the Messiah? by Joel Rosenberg]

An Israeli rabbi uses a magnifying glass to examine a cow named Zippora, trying to determine whether the animal is a “red heifer,” in 1997 (Photo: Reuters)

About this time next year would be the earliest time that one of them – the tenth in history – could be sacrificed. But, Stinson explained, this also leaves plenty of time for any of the five to grow non-red hairs or develop any sort of blemish that would render them imperfect for the sacrifice.

As a Christian, Stinson believes that it is his obligation to support the Jewish sacrifice even if that is not what he believes himself, because the “purpose of the red heifer is to let the veil be lifted.”

“We can support them in having this ceremony of the red heifer, the temple being built and a daily sacrifice, weekly sacrifice,” he said. “We have to have a better understanding of what God is putting into place.”

“All these things, (God) designed as a mirror image of heaven,” he said.

Stinson said he is motivated by one mail purpose: to foster unity between Christians and Jews. 

Five red heifers arrived in Israel on Sept. 15, 2022. (Photo: Boneh Israel)

He worked with rabbis from the Temple Mount Institute – an organization working to restore a future temple by crafting the physical elements as outlined in scripture and raising up priests as well. The red heifer is a big piece of that puzzle.

Nevertheless, a majority of Israelis – secular and religious alike – didn’t even hear the news that the red heifers are in the country because it was barely reported by the mainstream media. Many Israelis consider the Temple Institute to be on the fringes of mainstream Orthodox Jewry and do not align with its practices.

Christians were also galvanized by the news as it put a spotlight on end-times teachings. While Jewish sacrifices ended with the destruction of the Second Temple and Christians believe sacrifices are unnecessary because Jesus took the place of animal sacrifice when he died on the cross, the Bible does point to a temple and sacrifices reinstituted in the last days. 

This is significant for many Jews who believe that one needs to be sacrificed in order to restore Levitical priesthood, build the temple and perform ongoing sacrifices in Jerusalem. For them, it means that redemption is drawing near.










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Live  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as5ktgoPLJc


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Switzerland’s glaciers are melting more than ever before, report says


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The prayer




September 26, 2022 No one knows the day or hour what does it mean?

September 26, 2022 No one knows the day or hour what does it mean?


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Lord Jesus promised us that He would come again, however, before he would come again there would be certain things that would happen. He tells us what these certain things are in Matthew 24 for example. It is in Matthew chapter 24 where Jesus outlines all of the last day birth pangs that would take place all at the same time.  Our generation is the one who is now witnessing all these last day birth pangs all at the same time.

Within those birth pangs Jesus told us about the fig tree.  The fig tree is the nation Israel and,  just as the Lord revealed to us in Matt. 24 Israel has been born again as a nation and, is still a very young nation but growing just as Jesus told us. Keep in mind, two very important facts concerning this Matthew 24 teaching by Jesus. The first fact is Jesus told us the generation who saw all these things including Israel’s rebirth that would be the generation who would not pass away until all these things took place.  The second fact is just as Jesus pointed out our generation has become just like Noah’s generation at the same time when Israel was born again and all the birth pangs are taking place.  Jesus also made it a point to point out our generation would be not only like Noah’s generation but Lot’s as well, Look at what Christ stated in Luke 1726 And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27 They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29 but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

I am telling you this to establish the point that we are the people who not only will witness Jesus second coming but, that we are also the generation who will be the ones who are raptured to heaven before Jesus pours out his wrath on the generation who is now a copy of both Noah’s and Lot’s.   Now to a very important teaching concerning the rapture of the Church which is found in Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.  We know what day Jesus is taking about because in chapter 25 of Matthew he goes on to tell the story of the 10 virgins which is an illustration of the coming rapture of the Church. It is not a story of his second coming physically on planet Earth which takes place at the end the 7 years after the Daniel 9:27 prophecy is completed. Daniel 9:27 tells us that the Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel and many people for 7 years. When the Antichrists’ confirms that covenant it will show us the 7 years have started. Then 3 1/2 years into that covenant the Antichrist will break the covenant go into the rebuilt Jewish Temple and tell the world he is God.  Read the following verses in Matt. 25

Matthew 25 1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.


Did Jesus leave us any hints as to when the rapture would take place? Answer is yes. Why you think Christ made sure Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21 and Mark chapter 13 were written?  These chapters are the end time signs just prior to the rapture of the Church. So, if you on doing as Jesus told us to do in verse 13 above (Watch therefore) you will know that the rapture is very near. If ever there was a time to make sure you have oil in your lamp now is that time.  There many other last day signs besides the three chapters I gave you that would make sure you understood who the last days generation would be. For example it was God who told Daniel  about the Daniel 9:27 covenant and, it was also God who told Daniel who who would understand his message. Read Daniel 12:But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.  The generation who has become the copy of Noah’s and Lot’s generation is the same generation who have become the generation who has increased in knowledge more than any before it and, we are the same generation who is traveling to and fro.  The book of Daniel is no longer a sealed book. Daniel’s book has become a beacon of light informing that Christ’s  coming for the Church is very near.   One other major event that will happen soon is to watch for the Jews to begin building that Third Temple in East Jerusalem. Anyone who is keeping on the watch will know from this major last days sign the rapture is right around the corner.  Of course when you see that Third Temple go up look for the day you see a man standing in the Temple telling the world his is God. At that point you will definitely know your about to fly with Christ in the clouds shortly.  

Do you now understand what Jesus is telling you?  In the above teaching Jesus is showing us there will be those who are not ready for the Lord’s calling this bride the Church at the rapture.  There will be many who where like the 5 virgins who were not ready when the Lord did call at midnight. Millions upon millions of people around the world right now who heard the message of Christ’s salvation and refuse it will be like the 5 virgins who came back and asked to be let in but, the answer will be just as it is in verse 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. We know Jesus is calling people to his salvation. Read  Revelation 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.”  If you continue to refuse the Lord’s call you will be left behind to deal with the the man of sin.  Let me make it clear for you, understand that the man of sin is Satan incarnate in a man. That’s right, Lucifer (Satan) as a fallen angel will live inside a man during the tribulation period on Earth.  Is that who you want to deal with? Why place yourself in that position when you can embrace  Jesus’ free gift of salvation now and be taken away with the rest of the believers at the rapture and, if you die before the rapture you will go into heaven where all the rest of the dead in Christ are already. 

It has been my blessing to teach you these many years. I will be announcing a change in my ministry via a video within the next few days  so please come back to this site to see if the video is posted yet.


The prayer

September 25, 2022 When can the church be Raptured



Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


 Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1-3 reads as follows: 1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

In verse 1 you see Paul talks about two events the first event is the coming of Christ and, the second event is the gathering together to him.  Why would the church be shaking at the thought of the coming of Christ? The two events Paul refers to, the coming of Christ was the church thought that the tribulation had already started and that they missed the gathering onto him or what is known as the rapture of the church.

The coming of Christ referring to the day of the Lord as I said deals with the tribulation God judging the world. There are 86 verses that talk about the day of the Lord here are a few of those verses.

Joel 3:12-14

Let the nations be aroused

And come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat,

For there I will sit to judge

All the surrounding nations.

Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.

Come, tread, for the wine press is full;

The vats overflow, for their wickedness is great.

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!

For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.


Revelation 6:15-17

Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they *said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”


 So second Thessalonians chapter 2 deals with false teachings that were going on that Paul had to address .The occasion for the new revelation was the rise of false teaching in the Thessalonian church. Because of their persecutions, some of the Thessalonians had begun to wonder whether they were not already in the Day of the Lord, the predicted time of divine judgment. If so, they realized that they were already in the time of tribulation, from which they had been promised deliverance ie the rapture.

Now that you understand these two events  one being the tribulation or the day of the Lord beginning and, the other the rapture of the church, Paul reveals to us that the day of the Lord will not come until 2 things take place  these two things are given to us in verse 3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Now the most important question to ask is when does the Bible tell us the Man of sin will be revealed? We know from Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 that the antichrist will confirm a covenant for seven years and then he will break the covenant exactly 1260 days into the seven year covenant that is when the antichrist will go in to the Jewish temple that is rebuilt and tell the world he is god that is the revealing of the men of sin. So according to what Paul tells us there cannot be a rapture of the church this Rosh Hashanah because the antichrist has not been revealed yet. Since there is no third temple yet and the antichrist has not made a seven-year covenant nor has he entered in to a rebuild temple to claim he is God. If you’re waiting for the rapture this Rosh Hashanah you’ll be waiting a very long time. If you are teaching the church can get rapture this Rosh Hashanah prove to the church the antichrist is here.  Show us this third temple has been rebuilt and prove that the antichrist has been revealed as indicated in the scripture in Daniel  9:27 and in   Second Thessalonians 2:4

4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.


This week I received a video of a preacher saying that he believed his message about the rapture would be his last because he believed the rapture would take place this Rosh Hashanah but that is impossible to happen because the man of sin has not been revealed as Paul stated he has to be as one of the two events that have to take place before the Day of the Lord or, if you will before the tribulation begins and, as I said that tribulation does not begin until 3 1/2 years after the seven year covenant is confirmed.


September 24, 2022 justice Jesus one more great earthquakes and much more



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

 Here we go again just yesterday in my video I talked about the number of earthquakes that have been coming and today in the news two more great earthquake struck.


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Shallow M6.1 earthquake hits off the coast of Los Lagos, Chile 
A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit off the coast of Los Lagos, Chile, at 22:53 UTC (18:53 LT) on September 23, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles). EMSC reports M6.1 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

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M6.2 earthquake hits off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia 
A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.2, hit off the west coast of northern Sumatra at 20:52 UTC on September 23, 2022 (02:52 LT, September 24). The agency is reporting a depth of 48 km (30 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.2 at a depth of 30 km (18 miles). BMKG is reporting M6.4 at a depth of 22 km (13 miles).


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Will Colombia legalize cocaine? South American nation’s president declares the War on Drugs has been LOST and proposes sweeping changes – sparking fears cartels could flood the US with even more drugs



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New tropical cyclone brewing in the Caribbean Sea, could strengthen into a major hurricane before threatening the U.S. 
A new tropical cyclone is brewing in the Caribbean Sea and forecast models call for rapid strengthening in the Gulf of Mexico, starting on September 27, 2022, before threatening the United States.

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Hurricane warnings issued for Atlantic Canada, significant impacts from high winds, storm surge, and heavy rainfall are likely 
Fiona is expected to affect portions of Atlantic Canada as a powerful hurricane-force cyclone late Friday and Saturday, September 23 and 24, 2022, and significant impacts from high winds, storm surge, and heavy rainfall are likely, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) warns. Hurricane and Tropical Storm Warnings have now been issued for much of Atlantic Canada.


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McDonald’s CEO Warns That More Companies Will Leave Crime Ridden Chicago
McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski says exploding crime has made his employees feel unsafe to go to work and has made it impossible to hire new talent for the company’s Chicago offices.  The Illinois city has seen over 494 homicides so far in 2022, which is at least 100 more deaths that it saw in the first 8 months of 2019.  Burglary is up at least 36% and theft overall is up 70% from a year ago.


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New York’s Plum Island Animal Disease Center accused of weaponizing ticks, spreading LYME disease
The Plum Island Animal Disease Center – located a mile off Long Island, New York – is the center of controversy in regards to the development and release of Lyme disease, among other known infectious diseases that could escape from the lab and transmit between animals and humans.

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Big Pharma says most adults have mental illness and require prescriptions for expensive pharmaceutical “cures” 
To keep the gravy train moving, the pharmaceutical industry has teamed up with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to recommend that all adults in the United States under the age of 65 be screened for anxiety disorders.


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Italian Data Used to Shut Down the World in Spring 2020 Shows Excess Deaths Were Not Caused by the Spread of a Virus

There is growing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in populations before the purported date of the start of the “pandemic.”  However, no excess death was reported … until the health emergency was declared.

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Federal judge strikes down federal school mask and vaccine mandate
Today, a federal judge in Louisiana ruled that the federal government cannot require Head Start program teachers, staff and volunteers be vaccinated against COVID-19, nor can they require that adults and students wear masks. In December 2021, teacher Sandy Brick filed a lawsuit in federal court Louisiana to stop the mandate and are represented by the national law firm Liberty Justice Center and the Louisiana-based Pelican Institute for Public Policy.

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UK spends 10 Days mourning death of 1 person but remains silent over 607k deaths following COVID Vaccination 
How can it be that the UK recently spent 10 days officially mourning the death of one person, Queen Elizabeth II, with the mainstream media providing 24/7 media coverage of the Royal Family, but both the UK and the mainstream media remain silent over the deaths of 607,000 people in England following Covid-19 vaccination?

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UK Gov. data proves COVID Vaccine is to blame for 25k excess deaths & counting since April; as England suffers yet another record-breaking week of Deaths 
The UK Government institution known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has confirmed that England and Wales have recorded another record-breaking week of excess deaths against the five-year-average, bringing the total to just under 25,000 since the end of April 2022.

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How Safe Is It to Fly? Not Very, According to This Helicopter Pilot

Did you know that aviation regulations expressly forbid pilots from participating in medical experiments? So why, then, have pilots around the world been coerced into taking the experimental Covid injections? Regulatory authorities such as the European Aviation Standards Authority, the US Federal Aviation Administration and Australia’s Civil Aviation Authority are quite literally breaking their own rules.

 In my video yesterday I talked about the digital dollar please watch my video I made yesterday the link is below that will help you make the connection.


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Biden regime pushing ‘digital dollar’ so government can seize assets at will, control population
It’s a safe bet to believe that anytime Democrats propose something, the real purpose behind it is to gain more control over Americans because, at its heart, the Democratic Party is really Marxist and counterrevolutionary.



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SICK: Radical California Legislature Passes Bill Allowing State to Subvert Parental Rights and Take Custody of Out-of-State Minors Seeking Trans Surgeries – Awaits Gov. Newsom’s Signature
Late last month, the California legislature voted to pass a bill that would allow the State to take custody of out-of-state minors seeking gender transition surgeries and cross-sex hormones – even if these actions go against the wishes of the child’s parents.

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World War III has already begun, but the truth is being withheld from the public until the very last moment
World War III has already begun. You simply aren’t being told this because your government and dishonest media outlets are dedicated to keeping you in the dark. After all, they want to use the remaining time to stockpile food, ammunition, medical supplies and precious metals for themselves, and this can only be accomplished by withholding the truth about the situation for as long as possible.

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How Safe Is It to Fly? Not Very, According to This Helicopter Pilot

Did you know that aviation regulations expressly forbid pilots from participating in medical experiments? So why, then, have pilots around the world been coerced into taking the experimental Covid injections? Regulatory authorities such as the European Aviation Standards Authority, the US Federal Aviation Administration and Australia’s Civil Aviation Authority are quite literally breaking their own rules.