December 12, 2022 Keeping on the watch who is the Antichrist?
Rav Shlomo Yehudah?
Who is Rav Shlomo Yehudah? Well current events taking place in Israel are pushing the narrative Rav Shlomo Yehudah is their messiah. Rav Shlomo Yehudah was born in Eretz Yisrael in 1988, an only child born after many years. His paternal grandfather, Rav Shlomo, was a scion of the sages of Yemen and learned with the great mekubalim of Jerusalem after he arrived in the Holy Land. His maternal grandfather, Rav Yehudah, made aliyah from Aleppo, Syria. Why is it important to know Yehudah’s Grandfather is from Syria? Keep reading to find out.
If you check the internet you will see hundreds of thousands of Jews are flocking to get a glimpse of Rabbi Rav Shlomo Yehudah. Even the most respected highest ranking Rabbis in Israel have put Yehudah at the forefront. One of the things Jesus told us to do in the last days or if you will, the end times was to keep on the watch. Why? Because for those who read the bible they would know who the Antichrist will be. How would we know? First of all Daniel 9:27 reveals that the Antichrist is going to confirm a 7 year covenant with Israel and many people which are no doubt the Arabs who are presently trying to make peace with Israel. However, Daniel in that same chapter also reveals that the Antichrist who confirmed that 7 year covenant is going to break the covenant exactly 1,260 days after it is made. Daniel also tells us where this man of sin (Antichrist) will come from. Daniel points to SYRIA.
By Ken Blue wrote a piece using many scriptures showing WHY WE BELIEVE ANTICHRIST COMES FROM SYRIA.
In the book of Daniel we have several accounts of coming world history in relation to Israel. The account in Daniel is from his time to the end of the age. Daniel is shown an image that represented Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the revised Roman Empire consisting of ten kings. (Dan. 2:37-43).
These same kingdoms are shown again, except they are represented as animals. (8:5-9). The third kingdom in Daniel 2, the breast and arms of silver, is the he goat in Daniel 8. One should note that the he goat, Alexander the Great, conquers the Medes and Persians, and from the head of the he goat comes four horns. These four horns represent the four kingdoms formed in his empire by his four Generals. These four, we know today are Greece, Turkey, Syria, and Egypt. In verse 9, a “little horn” comes out of one of the four horns. The task is to find out from which of the four the “little horn” comes.
In Daniel 11:40, we read, “at the time of the end (the end of this age) shall the king of the south (Egypt) push at him: and the king of the north (Syria) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships.” See (Dan. 11:40; 8:19; 9:27; 11:35,45; 12:1,7-13).
- Dake’s Reference Bible: The vision concerns the very end of the Gentile world powers symbolized by the image of Dan. 2 and the beasts of Dan. 7 and Dan. 8; Rev. 13; 17:8-17. At the time of the end of this age in which we live, “shall the king of the south (Egypt) push at him (that is, the king of the north); and the king of the north (Syria) shall come against him (that is, the king of the south) like a whirlwind” with his armies and navies and conquer many countries (Dan. 11:40).
- Dake: the little horn or Antichrist comes from Syria, one of the 4 divisions of the Grecian empire… He thus revives the old Grecian empire, which is symbolized by a leopard (Dan. 7:6; rev. 13:1-2). The other 6 kingdoms of the old Roman Empire submit to him, making him their leader in a war with the north and east (dan. 11:44; rev. 17:12-17). If the wars of dan. 11:5-34 are only between Syria and Egypt, and if the last-day war of dan. 11:40-43 is between Syria and Egypt, ending with the overthrow of Egypt (the king of the south) by Syria (the king of the north), then it settles the question as to where antichrist comes from. He arises from Syria and will fulfill dan. 7:8,19-27; 8:9-14,22-25; 9:27; 11:40-45; 12:1-7; rev. 6:1-8; 13:1-18; 16:13-16; 17:8-17; 19:19-21.
We have quoted extensively from Dake, since we believe he has the best argument for Antichrist coming from Syria. Also, most commentators agree that this is the area he will come from. We are living in exciting days. Christians should be able to see the “unthawing” of the old Roman Empire, and the stage that is being set for new leaders, and a military genius who will be able, with the help of Satan, to conquer and lead his armies against the surrounding nations.
Could it be that this Syrian blood line of Rav Shlomo Yehudah’s Grandfather is telling us he just may be the Antichrist? There is two way those of us know bible prophecy will be able to tell for sure. The first way is if this Rabbi Rav Shlomo Yehudah is the one who confirms a 7 year covenant with Israel and the Arabs. This is a most. If he does confirm the Daniel 9:27 covenant than according to Zechariah 11:17 the following must happen to him. “Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded! Look at what REVELATION 13:3 tells us. “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.” So, from these two prophets we know it will appear the Antichrist is wounded in the head but will come back to life and when he does that wound will has taken a toll on his arm and right eyes. If you are watching the news and you see this type of news being reported you will know for sure that person to which these things have happen to is in fact the man of sin Jesus talked to us about. For Rabbi Yehudah’s sake I pray he is not either the false messiah or, the false prophet Jesus warned us about. If you read the book of Revelation you know the horrible ending for them both in the lake of fire with never ever being able to get out! In any case, be faithful to Christ Jesus and stay on the watch as there is no doubt now we have reached the latter years Ezekiel warned us about and the last days Joel talks about and of course all the information Jesus himself left us in the gospels and, book of Revelation.
In closing I want to leave you with this and, this is me just thinking. What is Yehudah is autistic? If he is he could memorize huge amounts of information that would make him look like the boy wonder! Not only that but, many autistic people play instruments as Yehudah does. If this is the case and Yehudah is autistic he may not even realize much of Israel see him as their messiah. As I said, just thinking out loud.
Here is some info on Rav Shlomo Yehudah