November 23, 2022






Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



 I hope you are taking notice how fast these huge earthquakes are now coming. Not only are they coming faster but it appears they’re much bigger. Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 tells us in the last days these end time signs would come as a woman and labor these birth pains are definitely increasing.

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Powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake hits Solomon Islands, triggering tsunami warning

An earthquake of magnitude 7 has hit the Solomon Islands, triggering tsunami warnings near coastlines over the region. “People are advised to move to higher ground now,” a spokesman from prime minister Manasseh Sogavare’s office said.


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Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits Baja California, Mexico
A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.2, hit Baja California, Mexico at 16:39 UTC on November 22, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.2 at a depth of 2 km (1.2 miles).



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50 homes damaged after strong tornado hits Marpingen, Germany 
At least 50 homes were damaged after a strong tornado swept through the town of Marpigen, Saarland, Germany on November 17, 2022.





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Bright daylight fireball over Kanagawa, Japan
A bright daylight fireball was recorded over Japan at 20:27 UTC on



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ABC Legal Analyst Sunny Hostin Told Her Co-Hosts On ‘The View’ That Jesus Christ Would Be The Grand Marshal At The Gay Pride Parade
This lost world does not want God, they don’t want His perfect, sinless and only begotten Son, and they actively quench the Spirit on a minute by minute basis. But what they do want is a worldly Jesus with a powerless form of godliness, who will confirm them in their sins. Such was the case on ‘The View’ yesterday where co-host Sunny Hostin boldly announced that if Jesus was on the earth in bodily form right now, He would love to be the Grand Marshall at the next gay and transgender Pride parade.

 If you went to the report above and watched what they said on the view it might be a good idea for you to read the following.

Because salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone and we are not saved by our works good or bad, yes, a homosexual person can go to heaven. Having said this, however, there is always the question of whether such a person has faced their sin and truly put their trust in Christ. If they have, then to continue with a homosexual lifestyle is living in rebellion and a believer will eventually experience misery and divine discipline.

The Scripture, which is God-breathed and accurate, gives us God’s declaration concerning this issue. It clearly states that it is sinful and contrary to man’s basic nature and the way God created us. Scripture gives us God’s revelation on this, not to keep us from having fun or from enjoying life, but to protect us from ourselves and the depravity to which we can all go when we seek to live our lives apart from a relationship with Him in the light of the Bible as His index and authority for both belief (doctrine) and practice (behavior).


The Scripture also gives us some strong warnings about having sin (any sin) as the practice, characterization, habit of our lives.

1 John 3:4-9 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; indeed, sin is lawlessness. And you know that Jesus was revealed to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. Everyone who resides in him does not sin; everyone who sins has neither seen him nor known him. Little children, let no one deceive you: The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Jesus is righteous. The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil. Everyone who has been fathered by God does not practice sin, because God’s seed resides in him, and thus he is not able to sin, because he has been fathered by God.




 Luke 21:11 Jesus warns us in the last days Kingdom will fight against kingdom a example of that is taking place in China.


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23 mins ago

CHESAPEAKE, Va. (AP) — A Walmart manager opened fire on fellow employees in the break room of a Virginia store, killing six people in the country’s second highprofile mass shooting in four days, police and a witness said Wednesday.

The gunman, who apparently shot himself, was dead when police found him, Chesapeake Police Chief Mark G. Solesky said. There was no clear motive for the shooting, which also put four people in the hospital.

Nov. 21, 2022



Nov. 18, 2022




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



Anyone who tells you you need a board game to talk to Jesus is sending you on the wrong road! 1 Timothy 1:5 tell us the following: “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,”. When you are filled with the Lord’s Holy Spirit you can speak to the Lord any time you want and, if you are looking for answers to life he gave us the bible for the answers. Fact is, even before you receive Jesus as your Lord you can talk to Christ and he will answer you.  Let me give you an example. While I was unsaved I spoke to Jesus and ask him to save me. He answered me by saving me and giving me a new life. How do I know for sure. Because he wrote down in the bible what would happen if I receive his Holy Spirit. It is called being born again and Christ told me that in John 3:16-17  16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 

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Just In Time For Saturnalia, Umm, I Mean Christmas, It’s The Holy Spirit Talking Board For You To Have A ‘Guaranteed Demon-Free’ Séance With Jesus


I really wish this article today on the Holy Spirit Board was something from the Babylon Bee, but sadly, it is not. It’s hard to say what’s more demonic, the original Ouija board with its satanic gothic styling cues, or this one that presents Jesus in a mocking way, and drags the Holy Spirit into just for fun. The worst part is the number of Laodicean Christian churches that have already ordered it and are planning to have Fall Festival family fun nights. On sale at Amazon right now.

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJB)

This straight from the boardroom of Hell board game tells you how you can “communicate directly with Jesus Christ!” and “get all the answers straight from the man himself!”. Just for fun it comes complete with something called a ‘Magic Cross planchette’ shaped, of course, not like the biblical cross that the Romans crucified Jesus on, but styled after the Babylonian cross dating back to the rule of everyone’s favorite type of Antichrist, King Nebuchadnezzar.

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Maryland probe finds 158 abusive priests, over 600 victims

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Judge Rules Georgia Abortion Ban Invalid 
A judge in Georgia on Nov. 15 found the state’s ban on abortions unconstitutional and ordered authorities to stop enforcing it.

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Canada to Euthanize Disabled Homeless Woman 
The Canadian government is preparing to euthanize a disabled woman because she can’t afford housing that is suitable for her condition.

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Senate Republicans Side With Democrats To Help Pass The ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ That Forces States To Recognize Same-Sex Marriages 
It’s one thing to get hyped up on the marketing of political parties, like the ‘Red Wave’ that wasn’t, and it’s another thing completely to wake up the next morning and face the grim reality that nothing has changed. Here we are after the Midterms, and what do we see? Senate Republicans siding with Democrats to pass the ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ that protects same-sex marriage. Yay!!! Make America Great Again!! Umm, no.


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Small earthquakes and ground deformation continue at Taupo volcano, New Zealand 
Minor volcanic unrest continues at New Zealand’s Taupō volcano, as shown by continued small earthquakes and ground deformation. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at 1. While Volcano Alert Level 1 is mostly associated with environmental hazards, the potential for eruption hazards also exists.

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Human-induced M5.3 earthquake, series of aftershocks hit western Texas, U.S. 
A shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M5.3, hit western Texas at 21:32 UTC on November 16, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 8.3 km (5.1 miles). The quake was followed by a series of aftershocks, with magnitudes ranging from 2.6 to 4.1.



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Algeria forced 16 Evangelical churches to close: USCIRF
A new report from a U.S. government watchdog warns that the Algerian government has closed down as many as 16 Evangelical churches in recent years, enforcing strict regulations on religion to arrest individuals on blasphemy and proselytization charges.




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Dwindling US Cattle Herd Implies Supermarket Beef Prices May Rise Even More
The US Department of Agriculture will release a report Friday that might show ranchers sent the fewest cattle to feedlots in a decade. Cattle generally spend several months at feedlots while they grow and gain body fat and muscle before being transported to a meat packing plant. Fewer cattle at feedlots may only imply dwindling beef supplies and high prices at the supermarket.



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Cancer curse: HUNDREDS of soldiers stationed at California base develop rare terminal tumors  

A Californian army base is to be investigated after nearly a thousand soldiers stationed there developed rare blood cancers……At least 40 dangerous chemicals have been detected in the base’s water, including tricholoroethylene, or TCE, a ‘miracle’ degreaser linked to several cancers.



We know that in the last days the United States will decline in power. We know this how? First of all there is only one place in the bible where we see even a glimpse of the U.S. and that is in the Ezekiel war prophecy where the U.S. is viewed as the young lions. I quote Ezekiel. “Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13, KJV) When you read this prophecy you see that the young lions just give a protest to the invading armies however, there is no mention of them even helping Israel during the attack on the Jewish State. For more information on the young lions download my book for free and read the chapter on the attack against Israel. Why am I telling you all this?  Because we are watching the decline of the United States right now. We ran away from the war in Afghanistan and left billions of dollars worth of military equipment and, even left Americans and people who were helping America fight that war.  What we saw the U.S. do in Afghanistan they will no doubt repeat in the Ezekiel 38 war where they will not engage in the army attacking Israel. America is getting so bad right now that she can’t even get police enforcers. These are signs of the decline of the U.S. ! 


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Philadelphia hires citizens to do police work due to staffing shortages
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney announced on Tuesday that the city will be moving to have civilians take on some roles of police officers as Philadelphia struggles with an officer shortage.



Not sure you noticed but even the main stream media is helping in America’s decline. The main stream media is helping divide America by pushing the left wing agenda. Now they are pushing the vaccinations to split people apart. Keep in mind, they are pushing people to get the vaccinations even after all the countless reports that people are dying from the shots. 

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NBC News tells parents to vaccinate their kids and shun the unvaccinated over the holidays
NBC’s medical correspondent Dr. John Torres provided his medical insight on an appearance this week, where the network posted a graphic that families should keep their children away from unvaccinated individuals.

The report below is just another sign of the U.S. in decline!


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FedEx Freight To Begin Driver Furloughs Next Month
FedEx Freight, the less-than-truckload arm of FedEx Corp. and the nation’s largest LTL carrier, said Saturday it will furlough an undetermined number of drivers starting in early December.

IIn order to give rise to the Antichrist our present global economic system has to go under. It’s not just he U.S. that is in decline but many others nations are dealing with the same economic crisis. One example is Germany. 


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Exclusive: Germany steps up emergency cash plans to cope in blackout | Reuters
German authorities are stepping up preparations for emergency cash deliveries in case of a blackout to keep the economy running, four people involved said, as the nation braces for possible power cuts arising from the war in Ukraine.


Controlling people will be on the list of what the Antichrist will be doing when he takes the lead. We see the foot steps of this now via the Covid scare. Nations are using the Covid to control their people. Case in point the report below.

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Mask mandate returns on cruise ships after Covid outbreak – as Australians are urged to wear them indoors and on public transport and Jimmy Barnes cancels a concert because of rising cases

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Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ideology
One Health is a scheme dreamed up at the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and Davos to effect ‘The Great Reset’ by taking over management of agriculture – both livestock and plants – wild lands and the animals that live in them, and pet health and human health – by defining all these entities as “One Health.”


You want to see a nation in decline just start watching the number of people getting pink slips!

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Amazon To Fire 10,000 Employees, Largest Layoff In Company History
Over the past month, technology companies have laid off tens of thousands of employees. And the momentum in layoffs only appears to be worsening.


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Twitter could lose 75 PERCENT of its remaining 3,700 workers as hundreds resign overnight: Ruthless Elon Musk locks staff out of offices to stop potential ‘sabotage’ and trolls critics including AOC


EXCLUSIVE Russian software disguised as American finds its way into U.S. Army, CDC apps
Thousands of smartphone applications in Apple (AAPL.O) and Google’s (GOOGL.O) online stores contain computer code developed by a technology company, Pushwoosh, that presents itself as based in the United States, but is actually Russian, Reuters has found.

Sen. Schumer is just one of many from the left who are helping in the decline of America. You will see what I am talking about when you read the report below.

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Sen. Schumer calls for REPLACEMENT of Americans who can’t have babies after mRNA depopulation jabs 
Yes, you are being replaced. Once derided as a racist conspiracy theory, “replacement theory” is not only confirmed but even touted by Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer who yesterday claimed that millions of illegals must be granted amnesty because the US population “is not reproducing on its own.”

U.S. decline sign:

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Target blames criminal networks for up to $600M in lost profits


The prayer

November 17, 2022












Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

Take a close look at our society and you be lying to yourself if you say our generation is not like Noah’s as warned by Jesus.


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Transgender Biological Male Wins Local ‘Miss America’ Beauty Pageant


Now that Benjamin Netanyahu has won the election in Israel we should keep our eyes on the two men in the report below. These men are part of the Religious Zionist Party. To those who don’t know bible prophecy these two men could be very important in Israel building their Third Jewish Temple that Jesus warned us about in the scriptures in the above photo. When you see talk about building the Temple you will understand the Antichrist is about to take control of our world to fulfill all the prophecies that have not be fulfilled yet.

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Flag Israel Animated Flag GifReligious Zionist Party to US: Do not interfere in formation of Israeli government

The statement came after reports emerged Wednesday night of the alleged contents of a meeting held on Wednesday between Likud Leader Benjamin Netanyahu and US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides.

 ITAMAR BEN-GVIR and Bezalel Smotrich attend an election campaign event, last month. Let’s see how Benjamin Netanyahu manages the conflict when Ben-Gvir sets the region on fire, says the writer (photo credit: FLASH90)
ITAMAR BEN-GVIR and Bezalel Smotrich attend an election campaign event, last month. Let’s see how Benjamin Netanyahu manages the conflict when Ben-Gvir sets the region on fire, says the writer
(photo credit: FLASH90)

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 reveals in the last days kingdoms will be fighting against themselves. Iran is a prime example of this. 

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Iran’s regime worried protests entering an ‘armed phase’ -analysis




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Unusually strong earthquake rattles Lone Star State
A magnitude-5.4 earthquake rattled much of Texas Wednesday afternoon, leaving seismologists wondering what triggered the event.




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Florida plans to relaunch manatee feeding program to fend off mortality event
Biologists will once again try a supplemental feeding program meant to stem the tide of manatee deaths in the warm waters of Central Florida after the disappearance of essential seagrass along the state’s east coast.



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Scientists Studied 12 Masks — Every One Contained This Cancer-Causing Compound 
In a study of 12 face masks, every mask contained titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles in at least one layer, at levels that “exceeded the acceptable exposure level.”


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CDC Study confirms COVID Vaccination increases risk of suffering Autoimmune Disease affecting Heart by 13,200%
A study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population. This means Covid vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns of DEATH TSUNAMI caused by COVID-19 vaccines 
“Since March of 2020, every single thing I’ve said was going to happen has. This death tsunami that I’ve been talking about for the last two years — it’s arriving right now,” she said. “I don’t know if that was the Holy Spirit moving me – I think it was part Holy Spirit and part scientific knowledge, and what I was able to study and learn and see along the way.”


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EXCESS MORTALITY: Over 2400 Americans are DYING each day following vaccine mandates… Ed Dowd unveils alarming, evidence-based data 
…sooner or later, the medical and scientific community will be unable to ignore the fact that over 2,400 Americans are dying each day — almost certainly from vaccines — which comes to about 900,000 Americans killed in a year.


55555 America rights under the Biden Admin. are closely being removed.

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Oregon’s Controversial Anti-gun Measure Passes; Still Faces Hurdles 
A constitutionally questionable anti-gun measure appears to have passed in Oregon with a narrow margin supplied primarily by the West Coast population centers in the state. Measure 114, which will, among other things, require state residents to obtain a permit prior to purchasing a firearm, passed by 74 percent in Multnomah County, where Portland is located. Eastern portions of the state voted overwhelmingly against the measure.

55555 American law is not being enforced under the Biden Admin.

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Illegals Camping Out in El Paso Airport after City Ends Busing Program
Illegal immigrants have been overwhelming the El Paso, Texas, airport ever since the city ended its charter bus program, which transferred thousands of migrants to big cities like New York City every month.


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Fed’s Bullard says rate hikes have had ‘only limited effects’ on inflation so far

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Reuters wants DEPOPULATION to achieve “climate justice” – says there are just too many people alive
The corporate-controlled media is reporting that the total world population has now surpassed eight billion people, which Reuters says is too many to maintain “climate justice.”

A new type of currency is coming which is just another step in the road to Revelation chapter 13


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Mastercard, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and Others Launch 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot Program with New York Fed
Mastercard, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and others launched a 12-week digital dollar pilot program with the New York Fed.

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Unelected World Leader Klaus Schwab Shows Up To At G20 In Indonesia To Give The Orders For The ‘Deep Systemic Restructuring Of Our World’ 
Every year, the leaders of G20 members meet to discuss mainly economic and financial matters and coordinate policy on some other issues of mutual interest, or so says the Council on Foreign Relations web site. This is a gathering of the most-powerful nations with the most-influential economies. Pretty easy to understand, right? So can someone please tell me what the architect of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Klaus Schwab was doing there?



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Did Russia Just Strike Poland? No, Ukraine Did!
Today (Tuesday) marks the largest Russian bombardment of Ukraine with precision guided missiles and drones. The Ukrainian equivalent of the Pentagon reported was struck in Kiev. And Western media now is reporting frantically that Russia fired a missile at a target in Poland. Russia denies it vehemently and initial pictures of the “device” that landed in Poland appear to show a S-300 anti-air defense missile.

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Ticking Time Bomb: 500,000 Armed Foreign ‘Soldiers’ Are Hiding Inside Germany Awaiting Their Attack Orders
Hundred of thousands of foreign fighters, many of who are armed, have invaded Germany and are waiting for the signal to attack. The German government can no longer protect its citizens, that have been left armed and helpless by their policies.

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Judicial Watch: Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine 
Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018. Dozens of pages are completely redacted, and many others are heavily redacted. The records show over $11 million in funding for the Ukraine biolabs program in 2019.




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Polish Government Notified of Their Crime of Attempting to Legalise Genocide
On 1 October 2022, Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak served notice on ten Polish government officials including the Prosecutor General, Poland’s President and the President of the Council of Ministers. She has also published it as an open letter to all Polish citizens.  By doing so, she has notified government officials of an attempted crime to legalise crimes of genocide against Polish citizens.  The attempt is being made through a draft law should it be passed by parliament.

It isn’t just the U.S. that is facing a recession  Europe’s economy is struggling as well. How will the Antichrist rise to power? Many people including myself believe the present world economy will tank. As a result the world will look for a new leader to bring the global economic crisis  under control. As a result this one man who is known as the Antichrist will force his new laws of which will include a new money system that will lead to the fulfillment of Revelation chapter 13.


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UK finance minister announces tax hikes and spending cuts, says country is in recession

November 16, 2022 Afternoon prophecy up-date



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus warned us to watch for false prophets and false Christs. As of late Israel has a person they are going nuts over. Some are saying he is the false prophet while other are saying he is the false messiah. I hope he is neither for his sake. I say this because we know the end is not going to go well for either the false prophet or the false messiah known as the Antichrist. In any case here is a video that will give you a up-date on the one man thousands of Israelis are going crazy over. 


Ezekiel chapter 38 tells us in the latter years Iran will be one of the many nations who will attack Israel.  News below shows the footsteps leading up to that 38 war.




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“Well, there is a shortage, and many people don’t have it. It’s with turkeys, it’s with chicken, it’s with eggs, you know? Many pieces are affected by it,” Phillips said. ” Inflation has been widespread through many industries. Unfortunately, grocery is one of the hardest hit. There’s also problems on the farms themselves where they don’t have staff and feed prices have gone through the roof.”

With Thanksgiving around the corner, Phillips said the cost of turkeys this year compared to last year has skyrocketed.

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 Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 reveals a last days attack on  Israel and two of the participants in this war or Russia and Iran along with other Muslim nations, the current news shows the developments leading to the Ezekiel war.


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BREAKING—Russia Warns Israel of “Destruction”

Recent breaking news has revealed how Russia has warned Israel of destruction of their relationship as Russia links up with Iran on the battle field in Ukraine. And now because of this, there are Israeli officials saying that Israel should now provide Ukraine with weapons.

As Russia’s war intensifies on Ukraine, Russia’s issues with Israel at the same time are also intensifying. Since Russia has now turned to its ally of Iran, who is Israel’s no.1 enemy, for military weapons in Ukraine.



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Matthew chapter 24 verse seven talks about the last days signs of pestilence.

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 35 cows out of 200 died immediately, if this is what’s happening with cattle don’t you think that it is a good possibility that people getting the vaccinations are also dying off like the cattle? Is this the real reason why the drug companies wanted what was in the vaccination shield for over 50 years? As you can see from the second report today in Europe it is reported that 300,000 people died from the vaccination. This is what our governments are telling us is safe?

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Australian government says vaccine risk too high for people under 30
Australian government says vaccine risk too high for people under 30. “In males aged 16-40 years, it is uncertain whether the risk following COVID-19 remains higher than the risk following vaccination,” the government said.



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SARS-CoV-2 detected in white-tailed deer in Canada



 What the Australian bank is doing is just laying another stone on the road to the mark of the beast. The next five reports below deal with the stones being set for the Mark of the beast in the one world government.


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Australia’s Banks have introduced a Social Credit System by linking Publics transactions to their Carbon Footprint
Banks that turn green, yes, but at what cost? Commonwealth Bank, an Australian bank also known as CBA, that already refuses to allow its clients to support The Expose, has teamed up for the first time with CoGo, a startup that specializes in “carbon management solutions”, to create a feature that monitors the carbon footprint of its customers through their transactions.


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Church Leaders Call Out Globalists’ Plans
“What we’ve just seen in England is a globalist coup d’etat.  The globalists … have operated a skilful manoeuvre by which they have got their puppets into power, the puppets they want in power.” These were the words of Bishop Richard Williamson during a sermon at the end of October:


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UK’s NHS Hires US ‘Spy-Tech’ Firm Palantir To Extract Patient Data Without Patient Consent
Palantir, with intimate ties to defense, intelligence and security industries around the world, is set to play an even larger role in the UK’s crisis-ridden National Health System (NHS).


Ireland going full woke, plans to criminalize possession of materials deemed ‘hateful’ by authorities


(Natural News) The country of Ireland is increasingly proving how ‘gone’ Western culture really is, as lawmakers there are considering a new piece of legislation that would punish citizens for ‘wrongthink.’

According to constitutional scholar and Georgetown Law School professor Jonathan Turley, the Irish legislators want to criminalize the possession of so-called “hateful materials” — that is, materials that are simply deemed hateful by left-wing government bureaucrats.



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Global Banking Conglomerates To Join With Federal Reserve Bank of New York To Conduct A 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot Program 
Back in March, we told you how pretend president Joe Biden signed an Executive Order to set the table to create a United States Central Bank Digital Currency. Today comes the announcement that the New World Order is sending representatives from assorted global banking conglomerates to begin as 12-week pilot program at the Federal Reserve of New York. What does all this mean? It means we just got another giant step closer to the biblical Mark of the Beast which will control all financial transactions.


 Revelation chapter 17 Jesus shows us in the last days there will be false church that will ride along with the Antichrist. This one world religion has been developing via the Pope and his interfaith movement.

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.


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Spiritual ecological partnership smashes Tablets on Mount Sinai claiming “broken promises”


A group of religious leaders held a ceremony in the Sinai Peninsula to call on the world to pay more attention to the environment by smashing a pair of tablets on the ground earlier this week.

In an initiative called The Sinai Climate Partnership, The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), The Elijah Interfaith Institute, the Peace Department,  the United Nations Faith for Earth Initiative, Gigawatt Global, and the Israeli environmental advocacy organization, Adam Teva V’Din took part in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), which is taking place in the Sinai Peninsula, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

The miracles of our Lord from the past and what it means today.



It has been made clear that our generation is the one Jesus said would turn out like the one in Sodom and, Noah’s generation. As each year passes we see the gay agenda advice more and more. The gay movement  has a disregard for what Jesus teaches and, as of late this movement has taken their agenda to our young in schools and even so called churches.  By the way, this is one of the last signs we were instructed to look for and, when we saw this sign we would know for sure Jesus Christ was going to come again for his people. I want to make one thing very clear. We as true Christians are never to hate anyone! If you call yourself a Christian and you hate anyone including the gay people, I would question if you really know Jesus?  Christ told us to pray for our enemies. It was good in Christ’s time and his words never change.  I ask you to please pray for the gay population as they are about to face the tribulation Jesus warned us about.  Love is the way the only way to live.  If you are a true believer in Christ don’t expect things to get better. This is not what we read about our future in the scriptures. From here on the road to the tribulation will be speeding up not slowing down. Expect the gay agenda to increase in all aspects of our society. I want to close this section off and give the the gay population the warning Jesus gave. I issue this warning because the gay agenda is now going after the little one. I quote Jesus from Luke 12 1:2 1Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! 2It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.



The prayer



November 15, 2022 The last day of birth pangs in the news


Monday, November 14, 2022



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 8 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



  If you missed my post Saturday and Sunday you missed the news concerning many great earthquakes. Monday continues the trend with another major earthquake.

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Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits near the coast of Bio-Bio, Chile 
A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by Chile’s National Seismological Center (CSN) as M6.2, hit near the coast of Bio-Bio, Chile at 02:24 UTC on November 13, 2022 (23:25 LT on November 12). The agency is reporting a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles). USGS is reporting M6.2 at a depth of 18 km (11.1 miles), and EMSC M6.3 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).


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Cracks Are Appearing in the “Vaccines Are Safe and Effective” False Narrative

Amidst the bleak background of covid “vaccine”-induced harms is some light; a light that’s breaking through the cracks in the narrative. The sands are now definitely shifting, with increasing numbers who were previously steadfast advocates of the unquestionable safety of covid-19 “vaccines” doing U-turns. That’s mainly a function of the available science and the fact so many have either directly experienced adverse effects or know people close to them who have.

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COVID Deaths are up 82% in the past 3 months compared to 2020 despite roll-out of 3rd Booster to Over 50’s & Vulnerable 
Data supplied by the Office for National Statistics confirms that significantly more people have died of Covid-19 in England and Wales over the past three months compared to the same period in 2020.

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Official Data confirms the COVID Vaccine is killing Children – Europe has suffered a 552% increase in Excess Deaths among Children ever since EMA first approved the Pfizer Jab for Kids
On the 28th of May 2021, the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA injection to children aged 12 to 15. Six months later they extended the emergency use authorisation to 5 to 11-year-olds.

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China Shutters Schools as ‘Complicated and Severe’ Coronavirus Outbreak Hits Record Highs
China’s mega-city of Guangzhou, which became the “epicenter” of the current Chinese coronavirus outbreak this week, announced on Thursday it would shutter schools and universities.

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California hospitals using overflow tents for rising number of flu patients
Several Southern California hospitals have begun using overflow tents outside emergency rooms to cope with a rising number of patients with flu and other respiratory illnesses.


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There is nothing natural or safe about it’: Women share what happened next after taking abortion pills Years ago, two girls in their late teens became pregnant and sought help for their unplanned pregnancies. What they were told was that a chemical abortion was a fast, easy and effective way to end their pregnancies and carry on with their young lives. That lie and the scant information about what they were about to endure, they said, left them unprepared for the emotional and physical trauma that was to follow

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LGBTQ-Friendly Votes Signal Progressive Shift for Methodists 
The United Methodist Church moved toward becoming more progressive and LGBTQ-affirming during U.S. regional meetings this month that included the election of its second openly gay bishop. Conservatives say the developments only will accelerate their exit from one of the nation’s largest Protestant denominations


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The prayer

November 12, 2022





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 8 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora Droughts and Famines

Normally I won’t post Saturday or Sunday but I wanted to give you a heads up on one of the many warnings Jesus gave to us. Jesus told us to watch for many earthquakes and great earthquakes. In 2022, we have seen a rash of huge earthquakes. In the news we see two more massive earthquakes that are not listed in my book yet. Below the two earthquakes I reported on today are a list of the 2022 earthquakes today I have already placed in my prophecy books. Please keep in mind Jesus shows us in Matthew chapter 24 earthquakes would be one of many of the last days signs. The most important thing you need to take away from this post is the Lord’s warning when we shall see all these things you know if it is near even at the door. Our generation is witnessing all of the last day birth pang signs all at once, this is a specific warning to tell you to get ready for the Lords second coming. Since Jesus also told us the end time eventually would happen as a woman in labor you can expect more of these huge earthquakes to be reported in the news soon. You can download my free prophecy book and look at just how many great earthquakes there have been over the previous years not just 2022. With all of these last days signs right before us I advise you to get right with Christ now because we know his church will be taken away from the wrath that is coming on this unrighteous world.







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Very strong M7.3 earthquake hits Tonga Islands region, Tsunami Advisory issued 

A very strong earthquake, registered by the USGS as M7.3, hit the Tonga Islands region at 10:48 UTC on November 11, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 24.8 km (15.4 miles). EMSC is reporting M7.3 at a depth of 60 km (37 miles).

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Stats for 2022

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Vanuatu January 3, 2022 A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Taiwan January 3, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake struck the Mid Atlantic Ridge January 4, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 quake struck SE of Nikkolski Alaska January 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake struck WNW of Polis, Cyprus January 11, 2022 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck SE of Nikkolski Alaska January 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck the Fox Islands January 11, 2022 A magnitude 6.8 quake stuck the Fox Islands January 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Australia February 1, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck SSE of Nueva Concepcion, Guatemala February 15, 2022 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck South of Fiji Islands February 16, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake struck the Balleny Islands region February 21, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake stuck NNW of Bukittinggi, Indonesia on February 25, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck Kermadec Islands, New Zealand February 25, 2022 A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck WNW of Cabra, Philippines, March 13, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck W of Pariaman, Indonesia March 13, 2022 A magnitude 6.5 quake stuck Japan March 16, 2022

A magnitude 7.3 quake stuck Japan March 16, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Fiji Islands March 19, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge March 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck S of Hualien City, Taiwan March 22, 2022 A magnitude 6.9 quake stuck New Caledonia March 30, 2022

A magnitude 7.0 quake stuck New Caledonia March 31, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck So. E. of Loyalty Islands March 31, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck WSW of Norsup, Vanuatu April 9, 2022



A magnitude 6.7 quake stuck Nicaragua April 23, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake stuck Bosnia and Herzegovina April 22, 2022 A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Papua New Guinea April 28, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Papua New Guinea May 1, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Papua New Guinea May 9, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck SW of Yonakuni, Japan May 9, 2022 A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Bismarck Sea May 10, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 quake struck Argentina May 10, 2022

A magnitude 6.5 quake struck Jujuy, Argentina May 11, 2022 A magnitude 6.9 quake struck Macquarie Island May 19, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake struck ENE of Bungahan, Philippines May 21, 2022 A magnitude 6.3 quake struck So. of Fiji Islands May 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake struck East coast of Hachijojima Island, Japan May 22, 2022 A magnitude 7.2 quake struck Peru May 26, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck Loyalty Islands May 26, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 quake stuck Afghanistan June 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Iran July 22, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 quake stuck Easter Island region July 22, 2022 A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck Easter Island region July 22, 2022

A magnitude 7.1 quake stuck Philippines July 27, 2022 A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Chile, July 27, 2022

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Chile, July 28, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck South of the Kermadec Islands August 14, 2022

A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Indonesia August 23, 2022

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck Loyalty Islands August 14, 2022

A magnitude 6.0 quake stuck Indonesia August 23, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Pacific Antarctic Ridge August 30, 2022 A magnitude 6.9 quake stuck Pacific Antarctic Ridge September 4, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Sierra Leone September 4, 2022

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck China, September 5, 2022

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck South Sandwich Islands September 6, 2022

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Papua New Guinea September 10, 2022 A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Vanuatu, September 14, 2022

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Mexico September 19, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck East Michoacan, Mexico September 22, 2022 A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck East Sandwich Islands September 29, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck the Mid Atlantic Ridge October 9, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck the New Ireland Region October 13, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake struck the Central America October 16, 2022 A magnitude 6.7 quake struck the Central America October 16, 2022

A magnitude 6.7 quake struck the Boca Chica, Panama October 20, 2022 A magnitude 6.4 quake struck the Philippines October 25, 2022

A magnitude 6.3 quake struck the So. Sandwich Islands October 25, 2022

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck the Gulf of Ca. November 4, 2022

November 11, 2022 status quo on the Temple Mount will change




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 8 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


 I will continue to post my previous warning  concerning the status quo changing on the Temple Mount . You will see why when you read  the report  below my warning.


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“We have some 10 demands for the new coalition government. We want to make some big improvements related to the Temple Mount,” he explains. “Some of them involve extending the hours that we can visit as Jews and tourists also, and fixing the law considering holy places in Israel that until today does not include the Temple Mount unfortunately.”

“The big issue is of the holiest place to Judaism – the most important place – and the right to go to the Temple Mount and pray. When they build the Third Temple one day,”



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Category 1 Hurricane “Nicole” makes landfall just south of Vero Beach, Florida
Radar imagery from Miami and Melbourne shows the center of Category 1 Hurricane “Nicole” has made landfall on the east coast of the Florida peninsula on North Hutchinson Island just south of Vero Beach at 08:00 UTC on November 10, 2022. Nicole is the latest calendar year hurricane to make landfall on the east coast of Florida on record, breaking the old record set by the Yankee on November 4, 1935.


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4 deaths in Florida attributed to Tropical Storm Nicole, officials say
Tropical Storm Nicole has now been blamed for at least four deaths in Florida. Officials at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said two people were electrocuted by a downed power line early Thursday in Orlando.

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Record rains hit California, leaving 1 person dead and several missing

A powerful storm hit California on November 8, 2022, bringing record-breaking rains, snow, and at least 1 tornado. The storm left one person dead and several others missing. This was the wettest start of November in nearly 20 years for many locations across the state.



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Disabled By Choice – Transabled Movement Lays Bare The Dangers Of Trans Theology
…This movement is made up of people who feel themselves to be disabled but are in fact physically healthy. Many of them wish to have a limb removed or to be otherwise mutilated so that their appearance and ability will match how they “feel”; a medical community which has embraced the practice of cutting off penises and surgically removing healthy breasts for the gender dysphoric doesn’t have any compelling grounds to refuse.

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HUGE Trans Man Wins New Hampshire Beauty Contest – Weighs Twice as Much as Closest Competitor
A HUGE trans man won a recent beauty contest in New Hampshire. Biological male ‘Brian’ won “Miss Greater Derry” a pageant under the Miss America organization.

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SHOCKING: Corporations to start running GENDER COMPLIANCE AUDITS and “blackness checks” to qualify for lower loan rates from “woke” finance giants
Large corporations are signing loan agreements with finance giants that demand “LGBT quotas” and “black quotas” be met in order to receive beneficial interest rates on lines of credit. In essence, the more gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, Blacks or Hispanics a corporation hires, the more favorable the terms become for their borrowing.



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Two eyewitness citizen accounts of maricopa county voting corruption and incompetence! 
I was one of the few private people who researched the 2020 Maricopa County fraudulent election. I will have a lot to say about Maricopa County corruption and incompetence in an article I am preparing for release. This will be perhaps my most important article and it will certainly be my most dangerous venture.

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Trudeau was warned by top intelligence that China was funding 2019 election candidates: report
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who once said he admired China’s “basic dictatorship,” was reportedly warned by top intelligence that agents of the Chinese Communist regime had been allegedly funding candidates in the 2019 federal election.




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Pfizer profits from COVID vaccines and treatments, reaping almost $100 billion in sales
The pharmaceutical company Pfizer is reported to have grossed nearly $100 billion from its sales of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, and has recently announced it plans to triple or quadruple the price once it hits the commercial market next year.

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England Suffered 300k Deaths Since May Resulting in Over 34k Excess Deaths
England has been suffering under the weight of excess deaths since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. Since May, over 34,000 excess deaths have been recorded.


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Government publishes horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in every 310 people died within 1.5 months of receiving the COVID Vaccine Booster
Official figures published by the UK Government confirm 1 in every 310 people who received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection in England by 31st December 2021, sadly died within 48 days.



According to the prophet Daniel in the last days the fourth kingdom would be a 45 to Roman empire. The European Union is the western side of the old Roman Empire which has already risen. As you will see from the prophecy below in the last days this revised Roman empire will be partly strong and partly weak as we see in the news today.


 Daniel 2:43 “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” King James Version (KJV)

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Wow! Holland says enough is enough and becomes first European country to withdraw sanctions against Russia, without permission from EU – Strange Sounds

Wow! Holland has said enough is
enough! They become the first European country to withdraw sanctions against Russia, without permission from EU. This is the first example we see of a European country acting in the best interest of their own country. Now who is next?



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“Give Kremlin A Warning”: US ‘Nuclear Apocalypse’ Submarine Enters Mediterranean Sea 

“Rhode Island emerges in Gibraltar, armed with intercontinental missiles and hundreds of nuclear warheads. On a mission to give the Kremlin a warning,” La Repubblica wrote.


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The prayer



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November 10, 2022 can you recognize Jesus warnings concerning signs of the last days?





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 8 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





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Report: Israel attacks Iranian convoy in Syria




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6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Jolts Nepal, Strong Tremors Felt In Delhi-NCR

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 on the Ritcher scale jolted Nepal with severe tremors felt in parts of North-Northeastern India at around 1.57 am on Wednesday, November 9. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the depth of the earthquake was 10 km below the ground and the epicentre was in Nepal. This is the third earthquake to hit Nepal in the 24-hour cycle.


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Very deep M6.8, M7.0 and M6.6 earthquakes hit south of the Fiji Islands 
A very deep earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.8, hit south of the Fiji Islands at 09:38 UTC on November 9, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 630 km (391 miles). The quake was followed by M7.0 earthquake at 09:51 UTC at a depth of 670 km (416 miles). EMSC reports M6.8 at a depth of 629 km (390 miles) and M6.8 at 655 km (406 miles).


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At least 6 people killed after M6.6 earthquake hits Nepal 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by Nepal’s National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Center (NEMRC) as M6.6 hit the Doti district in the Sudurpaschim Province, Nepal at 20:27 UTC on November 8, 2022 (02:12 LT, November 9). The National Center for Seismology in India is reporting M6.3 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The USGS and EMSC are reporting M5.6 at a depth of 15.7 km (9.7 miles) / 10 km (6.2 miles).


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M5.6 earthquake and series of aftershocks hit near the coast of Rimini, Italy
A shallow earthquake registered by the EMSC as M5.6 hit near the coast of Rimini, central Italy at 06:07 UTC on November 9, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The USGS is reporting the same magnitude and depth.



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Potential Hurricane Nicole could threaten Artemis I rocket on launch pad
NASA made the decision to roll out its Artemis I rocket to the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center aiming for a liftoff as early as next Monday, but what is now Subtropical Storm Nicole is predicted to transform and grow into Hurricane Nicole by Wednesday, and that could affect launch plans.



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Another 28 Reports in October From China of People Imprisoned for Their Spiritual Belief: Report

The Chinese communist regime has been persecuting a group of spiritual believers across China since 1999, and the massive suppression is still going on.




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Navy raises enlistment age limit to 41 as recruiting problems continue
The U.S. Navy has raised its maximum age for general enlistment from 39 to 41, after the U.S. military saw historic struggles with recruiting in the 2022 fiscal year and signs of continued struggles ahead. Under the new change, recruits must now report to boot camp before their 42nd birthday.


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2 Catastrophic Things Are About to Happen to Our Supply Chain
If you think things are bad economically now, hang on to your halo. We are facing a perfect storm for our supply chain within the next month unless several things change dramatically.


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BIDEN ECONOMY: With Inflation at 40-Year Highs, 4.5 Million hi Americans Turn to Second Job
The number one issue in today’s midterms may be the economy.  This is not because it is good, it’s because the Biden economy is terrible.


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Cash-strapped Americans hit by high inflation are turning to second jobs to supplement their incomes
More Americans are turning to second jobs as the holidays approach and inflation rates continue to soar, making many pinch pennies.


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Fuel supply emergency declarations issued in Nebraska and South Dakota
Authorities in two states are relaxing certain trucking regulations in order to address fuel supply shortages.


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Israel’s GOP chairman: Obama is the real boss in the White House
Zell scolds US President Biden for taking six days to congratulate Israel’s projected Prime Minister-elect, Benjamin Netanyahu. “Almost every major leader in the Western world immediately called to congratulate Netanyahu but he waited…and I think that was on purpose.” “Biden is a very weak president,” continues Zell. “Most people understand that he serves as a front for a few very accomplished politicians including Obama.


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“How Do People Know the Truth?”: Biden Unleashes Tirade Over Musk Restoring Free Speech Protections on Twitter 
…President Biden has previously accused social media companies of “killing people” by refusing to impose robust censorship over a wide range of subjects. Many of those banned or censored were doctors with opposing views on the data and the science related to the pandemic.


Europe Ramps Up Renewable Capacity Amid War In Ukraine

The Ukraine War has had a dramatic impact on Europe’s energy security. The bloc has doubled down on its renewable energy initiatives as a result. Tax breaks included in America’s Inflation Reduction Act, particularly those who manufacture EVs, could place Europe at a disadvantage amid an already serious energy crisis.

DeSantis Halts Biden Election Monitors In Florida Polling Locations
“Section 102.031(3)(a) of the Florida Statutes lists the people who ‘may enter any polling room or polling place.’ Department of Justice personnel are not included on the list. Even if they could qualify as ‘law enforcement’ under section 102.031(3)(a)6. of the Florida Statutes, absent some evidence concerning the need for federal intrusion, or some federal statute that preempts Florida law, the presence of federal law enforcement inside polling places would be counterproductive and could potentially undermine confidence in the election.” In short, pound sand.




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“Yup”: Elon Musk Seemingly Confirms Twitter Employees Sold Verification Badges ‘Behind the Scenes’
“Twitter employees were selling verification for upwards of $15,000. For certain accounts, mine included, they would refuse to verify you through the standard application and then privately offer to verify you for $$ behind the scenes. Investigation needed,” WSBChairman—a user with 900,000 followers—claimed on the platform on Nov. 5. Musk confirmed that user’s claim, responding: “Yup.” Democrat lawmakers have already set their sights on Twitter and Musk.


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Email Points to Pritzker Wanting to Require Covid Vax for School

…internal emails from the Illinois Department of Public Health1 suggest Prtizker is looking into adding the covid shot to the list of school vaccines through a process that doesn’t involve full Legislative approval.


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Report: Pedophiles Can Exploit Trans ‘Loophole’ To Hide Criminal History When Applying To Work With Children
Criminals who identify as transgender can use a “loophole” in the UK’s background check system to hide their previous convictions when applying to work with children, according to a report by a watchdog group.


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State Department gives intelligence agencies unrestricted access to personal data of US citizens
According to a letter US Senator Ron Wyden has sent State Secretary Antony Blinken, in excess of 145 million Americans have their personal data exposed to unfettered access of a variety of law enforcement and federal intelligence agencies.


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Finland Exposes Massive Covid Reporting Scandal: Nearly 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fraudulent
Finland has become one of the first countries to uncover evidence that state agencies around the world committed fraud in their Covid deaths reporting during the pandemic.


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Pfizer Appears to have Corrupted the Entire Western World
The people have been lied to. It was a gigantic lie. And on this lie, everything that governments, especially in the Western democracies did to infringe on people’s rights, to take away their freedom, to lock them in their homes, imposing curfews, all of this was based on that gigantic lie.


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Democrats want to ban security cameras EVERYWHERE so nobody can videotape their crimes in motion
…suddenly the person videotaping is the criminal, not the actual criminal committing a crime. How about, then should all security cameras everywhere be banned by Democrats? Or maybe ban all police body cams?


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As The Beaver Blood Moon Rises, Dozens Of Voting Machines In Democrat Counties Are Suddenly ‘Not Working’ Prompting Cries Of Foul Play


Election Day isn’t even halfway over, and already reports of ‘technical problems’ with dozens of voting machines in heavily-Democrat Maricopa County in Arizona are flooding in. Not only that, the Biden administration is attempting to force the state of Florida to accept 64 voting monitors to 3 large counties, something that Gov. Ron DeSantis says is a violation of state law. If you think the Democrats, who are helplessly watching the Red Tsunami rising, are going to play fair then you are highly deceived.


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Ukraine will continue to fight ‘even if we are stabbed in the back’ by allies
The comment follows a Washington Post report that the White House has been privately urging Ukraine to show a willingness to negotiate with Russia. But in an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica on Tuesday, Ukrainian presidential advisor Mykhailo Podolyak said that “Negotiating with Putin would mean giving up, and we would never give him this gift”.


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Russian activists meet in Poland, plot Putin’s removal
Former Russian politicians and anti-Putin activists have been gathering in Poland to plot ways to remove Russian President Vladimir Putin from office, including by staging a coup that would involve “physically eliminating” him, according to multiple reports. The figures have discussed different ways of regime change, including putting together an armed group to kill Putin and fomenting civil war in Russia, according to European media network Euractiv. “The main goal is to physically eliminate Putin,” said opposition activist Viacheslav Maltsev, who fled Russia in 2017.


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Some truth about what is happening in Ukraine
I have finally reached my limit and am incensed with the Western news media, which has never bothered to do its homework regarding the wars raging in Ukraine. They appear to only write for the sensational value of the tales they tell and not the truth. The truth in the news seems to be the most difficult commodity to come by today.


 We keep seeing news showing us the ties between Russia and Iran which are two nations listed in the Zico prophecy that will be attacking Israel in the near future.





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Russia gave stolen Western weapons, cash to Iran

Russia flew over $140 million in cash and seized Western anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Tehran in late August, an anonymous security source told Sky News on Tuesday. The seized munitions include a British NLAW anti-tank missile, a US Javelin anti-tank missile and a Stinger anti-aircraft missile, according to the report. The munitions had been part of a shipment intended for the Ukrainian military that “fell into Russian hands.”



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Bahrain Expected Netanyahu to Win, Will Continue Building Ties
The kingdom’s top diplomatic adviser says his country will abide by the Abraham Accords and “continue building our partnership together.”


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“Sinful Smile” – Why the Arab World Is Again in an Uproar Over Israel
President Herzog set off a storm in the Arab world by merely being himself. And what that says about the prospect of further normalization. The Abraham Accords have been successful not only at a diplomatic level, but also in fostering coexistence between Israel and some Arab populations. The key word there: Some. The others apparently remain wholehearted enemies of the Jewish state.

 Revelation chapter 17 talks about a one world religion.

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Mount Sinai preparing to host climate summit – a new global ‘religion’
Egypt’s Mount Sinai – just a hop, skip and a jump from Israel – is the site most commonly known as the place where God appeared to Moses to give him the Ten Commandments – the primary covenant in Judaism, as well as the foundation for most other religions and many modern-day laws.


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“Returning to Sinai” — A Prophetic Call for Climate Justice and Ceremony of Repentance
Between November 6th and 18th, 2022, the UN climate conference COP 27 will take place on the Sinai Peninsula, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Religious communities and religious leaders have a key role to play in addressing climate change and climate justice, which requires deep transformation within society. The knowledge of what changes are critically needed to diminish long-term harm to the planet is readily available. However, bringing about change in action demands deeper changes in attitude, a change of heart. This has been the domain of religions for millennia. Religions are sources of inspiration for the transformation of heart and the ensuing changes of attitude.



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Aldi, Walmart Unleash ‘Thanksgiving Price Rewind’ As Battle For Consumer Begins

Consumers are receiving a much-needed break this holiday season as multiple retailers are rolling back the prices on Thanksgiving items. This move is in response to the highest inflation in forty years, crushing household finances as negative real wage growth for 18 months wipes out personal savings and balloons credit card balances.


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Turkey’s inflation hits 24-year high of 85.5% after rate cuts
Turkish annual inflation climbed to a new 24-year high of 85.51% in October, official data showed on Thursday, slightly below forecast, after the central bank cut its policy rate despite surging prices.




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UK Gov. “Nudge Unit” is working with Banks to implement Social Credit System disguised as ‘Carbon Guilt Trip Tracker’


Imagine you just filled up at the petrol station and you get a message on your phone saying: “Did you know this purchase is equivalent to over 200 kg of carbon? If you used public transport more, you’d save over half.” This is a service that Cogo, a carbon impact platform is providing for mobile banking apps, such as NatWest with the aim to inform and change behaviours.


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Impact Investing – The UN’s Global Social Credit System

Social finance or impact investing reduces human beings to the status of potential investments, sources of profit for wealthy ruling vampires, Winter Oak surmised. It is a digital slave trade.  It wants to own and control us – our bodies and every moment of our lives – and it wants to own and control every square inch of our world.




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SADS? – England has now suffered 300k Deaths since May resulting in over 34k Excess Deaths – Why are so many people dying? 

…With further ONS figures proving 94% of all Covid-19 deaths since April have been among the triple/quadruple vaccinated, and also proving mortality rates per 100,000 are highest among the vaccinated population in all age groups, this strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccines are to blame for why so many people are dying.



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First RSV Emergency Declared as Pfizer and GSK Race to Get Vaccines Approved 
Southern California’s Orange County Health Department this month declared a local health emergency over concerns around the rising number of pediatric cases of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).




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