Feb. 3, 2022 This is a Special Report: Newest report on Jews being able to pray on the Temple Mount a sign of the last days



For years I have been warning anyone who would listen to watch what takes place on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem.

You can download my prophecy book for free and read in detail about the coming Jewish Third Temple.

Why? Because Jesus warned us about a Third Temple that would be built in the last days. I have been telling people one of the major steps in seeing this Third Temple would be the Jews would begin to be able to pray on the Temple Mount. Below are just 3 of my warnings about this issue.  I am telling you this now because we see more news today showing us signs the Jews are beginning to pray on the Mount.

If I were you I would see what prophecy has to tell us about the rise of the Jewish Third Temple and than keep your eyes on this Mount as it will be a indicator how close you are to actually seeing the Man of Sin known as the Antichrist! If you have not asked Jesus Christ into your life yet do it now. Jesus has given us warnings to enable us to get ready to meet Him when He calls us home. If you are not covered with Christ’s blood that He shed for us on that cross you will not go up with Him when He calls us home.



Newest report on Jews being able to pray on the Temple Mount




December 31, 2022 Jesus warning to watch for skyrocketing food prices in the last days



Download Skyrocketing Food Prices a continuing report



Jan. 13, 2022 Who will be a real part of the 144,000 as seen in Rev. 7 and 14?


Jan. 11, 2022 Latest Edition of the prophecy book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth it is a FREE DOWNLOAD

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com

Jan. 11, 2022 Latest Edition of the prophecy book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth it is a FREE DOWNLOAD

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com

Newest Edition of Free Prophecy Book Entitled: The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 4, 2022 Edition

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com

Dec. 13, 2021 The Newest Edition of the Prophecy book (The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth)

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com

Dec. 8, 2021 DiMora’s Warning comes to pass via the news

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 5 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com 






December 8, 2021 Covid lies-coverups- road to Antichrist (Covid News) Keeping America FREE

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 5 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com 

Germany Effectively Puts The Unvaccinated On Lockdown, Bans Them From Nearly Every Aspect Of Public Life
Germany has announced that those who are unvaccinated against COVID-19 will be put on lockdown, with leaders in the European nation indicating that they will support making the COVID jabs mandatory in the future.

Proof of coronavirus vaccination required to board any plane or train in Canada as of today
Unvaccinated travellers over the age of 12 won’t be able to board a plane or train in Canada beginning today, and a negative COVID-19 test will no longer serve as a substitute for most people.

Joe Biden Officially Admits that Dr. Fauci is Actually President ‘But all kidding aside, I sincerely mean it’ 
As Fake President, Joe Biden, was speaking today he states that he’s seen Dr. Anthony Fauci, the man who helped create and spread the coronavirus, more than his own wife.
Then he slipped up and admitted the person actually calling the shots at the white house is actually Fauci, not him! “I’ve seen more of Dr. Fauci than I have my wife…Who’s President? Fauci! But all kidding aside, I sincerely mean it.”

Maryland County to Revaccinate 70 Children After Giving Them Expired Doses
The Maryland State Health Department has announced that they are going to re-vaccinate approximately 70 children in Prince George’s County after they were given expired doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

People Are Getting Vaccine Passport Microchips Embedded in Their Hands as COVID Advances the ‘Internet of Bodies’ 
The number of Swedish residents who have opted to implant microchips with their vaccine passport into their hands has risen since the country announced new COVID restrictions, according to local media.

80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill To Fund Federal Vax Surveillance State
Eighty House Republicans teamed up with Democrats on Tuesday to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which would fund and expand the powers of a federal vaccination database should it be passed into law.

WHO Scientist is Saying The Vaxxed Should All Be Quarantined To Protect the Purebloods
The numbers out of Israel is conclusive proof that not only does the Frankenshot not work to protect from Covid, but the jabbed are now walking bioweapons

Historic vaccination case has troubling ties to eugenics: Attorney 
The Supreme Court’s upholding of mandatory vaccines in Jacobson v. Massachusetts led to another case, Buck v. Bell, in which the Court defended and upheld forcible sterilization, writing: ‘Three generations of imbeciles are enough.’

Freedom Of Information Act Documents Prove FDA Covered Up Over 1,200 Deaths From Pfizer Vaccine In First 90 Days
The COVID vaccine from Pfizer and the others is the gateway drug that leads you to the Mark of the Beast, it absolutely changes your DNA, and the New World Order will do anything and everything to make you take it. Wake up, you’re living in Revelation, so act like it.

Mark of the Beast is here: Subcutaneous quantum dot “vaccine passports” from Bill Gates are ready to be injected into human subjects
Just as the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was being unveiled to the world back in late 2019, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) conveniently rolled out a new injectable marking method to label, identify and track people based on their “vaccination” status.

‘Lymphocyte riot’: Pathologists investigate deaths after Corona vaccination
Anyone who followed the press conference of German pathology professors Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang must be wondering how long the Covid-19 vaccines will still be on the market. The autopsy of ten people who died after Corona vaccinations speak for themselves.

EU Countries Set To Begin Fining And Jailing Citizens Who Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine 
For almost a year now, those who warned that EU countries would soon be enforcing vaccine mandates with fines or jail time were branded as ‘conspiracy theorists’. However, in what is becoming a noticeable trend, it seems they were correct as Austria and Greece move towards fines and custodial sentences for ‘vaccine hesitancy’.

THE GREAT ESCAPE from Australia’s COVID concentration death camps
If you live in the Northern Territory of Australia and you so much as walk near someone who is suspected of having Covid, you are immediately thrown into a concentration camp by the Australian SS police. It doesn’t matter if you test positive or negative for Covid, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve been vaccinated or not, because there is no proof that the PCR tests or the vaccines even work, nor is there actual scientific proof of Covid itself.

Federal Judge Expands Ban on Mandate 100% of States; 10.3M Health Workers Affected
In Wisconsin, a former state supreme court justice—who has been investigating allegations of election fraud for the last several months—recently made a statement, saying that some form of cover up is obviously taking place. Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for health care workers was just dealt another blow: a federal judge expanded the injunction against it.

If You Look At The Facts, ‘Omicron Variant’ Hype Is Ridiculous And Staged For Leftist Implementation Of More Control
We’ve written about it often here at CDMedia — the Left would have to ‘stage’ another virus in order to re-lockdown the country and install further control measures to stay in power and continue their destruction of the Western world. The new ‘Omicron Variant’ narrative would be comical if the consequences were not so serious to the nation.

Forbes Admits mRNA Vaccines Alter DNA Then Changes the Headline
In an article published by Forbes on Monday, the mainstream media admitted that COVID vaccines change your DNA but only indirectly and that is a good thing.

Smoking gun confidential Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up of VACCINE DEATHS… they knew the jab was killing people in early 2021… three times more WOMEN than MEN 

Thanks to the efforts of a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have smoking gun confidential documents that show Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing thousands of people and causing spontaneous abortions while damaging three times more women than men.

Story of the day noted by *

* It Begins. Austria and Greece to Fine Citizens Who Refuse to Get Vaccinated
The Austrian and Greek governments are now pushing a totalitarian agenda item to fine its citizens who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccines.

European Union Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen Calls For Implementation Of Forced COVID Vaccination For All EU Citizens
You know what Omicron actually is besides a COVID variant that cause mild, cold-like symptoms? It’s the perfect excuse to not simply mandate vaccinations but to force people to receive them against their own will. I believe that COVID-19 was created in the Wuhan lab with gain of function technology, and was released intentionally upon the whole world in order to perform gene editing experimentation on every human being. I believe this is all intentional, it has all been planned, and that the power of Antichrist is behind all of it.

Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that was filed by a government accountability group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency.

Top ICU doctor suspended after suing hospital for banning life-saving COVID treatments
Dr. Paul Marik, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and director of the ICU at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, learned about the 14-day suspension when he arrived to work on Saturday and found a letter on his desk.

Pfizer Documents Reveal Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths Over 90-Day Trial Period
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine program after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive FOIA request.

Swedish biohacker promotes implanted microchip COVID passports in your hands 
A Swedish biohacker and advocate for human augmentation is promoting the use of microchips implanted in the hand to record COVID certificate status.

Why Is Omicron Being Treated Like Ebola?
As I listened to ministers react nervously in recent days to the new Omicron Covid variant, I began to experience an all-too-familiar sinking feeling. the inevitable chorus of gloomy voices has begun to sing again: that unholy alliance of scientific ‘experts’ who have been given blanket coverage by the BBC and Left-wing media so often during this pandemic. The Government has used these voices as justification to impose fresh restrictions on our lives — as well as to threaten more in future.

Great Britain: Excess Mortality Among Children After Vaccine Rollout 
Is it just a coincidence that deaths among children have increased by 62% since the rollout of the mRNA shots (up to 400% in vulnerable children) against the five-year average?

BOMBSHELL: Biden Team – Vaccine Mandates for Domestic Travel ‘On the Table’ Covid Czar Jeff Zients says Biden is ‘pulling out all the stops’ to fight the Omicron variant, including a massive booster shot pressure campaign. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Covid Czar Jeff Zients have both made it clear: Vaccine mandates for domestic travel is “on the table.”

New York City Imposes Covid Vaccine Mandate For Employees of Private, Religious Schools
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced a Covid vaccine mandate for employees of private and religious schools.

Over 42,000 Adverse Reaction Reports Revealed In First Batch Of Pfizer Vax Docs
The FDA’s excruciatingly slow release of data related to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has already borne fruit, and it’s damning despite a trickle of just 500 pages per month out of 329,000 pages – which will take until 2076 to complete. As first reported by Kyle Becker, there were a total of 42,086 case reports for adverse reactions (25,379 medically confirmed, 16,707 non-medically confirmed), spanning 158,893 total events.

Those of us who know what the bible tells us about our future understands that the current events surrounding Covid-19 and, all of its variants are a vehicle  to force people into doing something they do not want to do. If you don’t know what I am speaking about just read Revelation chapter 3 where in the last days the world’s population will be told to take the mark of the beast or die. Why is it that hospital  administrators are bent on not giving drugs that are proven to stop patients from dying from Covid? Even after a hospital was given a court order to give a drug that would keep a patient alive that hospital refused that order by the court. Since when do American hospitals  have the right to over ride what the court orders? It has become obvious many in the medical field are more concerned with lining their pockets with cash than the safety and real health of their patients.   

On June 29, 2020 ABC news ran the following headline: 


We now know from many Doctors who the mainstream media has been trying to keep silent that the drug remdesivir is not helping patients recover and, is doing more harm than good. Yet a drug like Ivermectin which only cost around $29.72 and is actually saving people lives is being held back by doctors treating covid patients that are near death.  Check out https://www.goodrx.com/ivermectin and you will learn that IVERMECTIN is an anti-infective. It is used to treat infections of some parasites. The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of ivermectin is around $29.72, 71% off the average retail price of $105.58. Compare antiparasitics.  

Growing up I was taught that the U.S. government had the backs of its citizens but, when you see that your own government is in bed with big Pharma and, they are pushing a agenda that is no doubt leading to the mark of the beast you know something is majorly wrong!  Look, the facts speak for themselves. If you take the time to ready the news reports I have been posting at this site you should come to the same conclusion. Satan has begun to take down all the nations who claimed they were a free people. Keep in mind, all those nations who have been a free people have been Christian. America is the last great free nation but as you can see from the news our freedoms are being cut from under us. Welcome to the road leading to the Antichrist!! 

I will be adding new news reports concerning this issue as they come. 

Story of the day noted by *

Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital To Administer Ivermectin
An elderly COVID-19 patient has recovered after a court order allowed him to be treated with ivermectin, despite objections from the hospital in which he was staying, according to the family’s attorney After an Illinois hospital insisted on administering expensive remdesivir to the patient and the treatment failed, his life was saved after a court ordered that an outside medical doctor be allowed to use the inexpensive ivermectin to treat him, over the hospital’s strenuous objections.

Aussie Police Arrest Teen ‘Fugitives’ Who Escaped From COVID Internment Camp
Three teenagers who escaped a Northern Australian Covid internment camp were arrested by police,

‘Tool to Enforce Orwellian Rules’: 80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill to Fund Federal Vaccination Database
Eighty House Republicans voted with Democrats on Tuesday to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which if passed by the Senate and signed into law would fund a federal vaccination database.

Australia Uses Omicron Variant As Excuse To Further Medical Tyranny 
Australia has been at the forefront of ushering in global medical tyranny, with multiple lockdowns and making any appreciable dissension of the government’s edicts illegal. Indeed, many consider this turn towards authoritarianism from Down Under to be a very unpleasant surprise given the supposedly conservative government in power and the fact that Aussies have a slight genetic predisposition to rambunctiousness given its history as a prison colony.

‘Brown Shirts’ Are Silencing Medical Personnel on the Texas-Mexico Border – PJ Media
Todd Starnes reports that “Brown Shirts” who have been hired by the federal government are actively silencing medical personnel who are dealing with the flood of illegal aliens on the Texas-Mexico border. Medical personnel are under threat of arrest if they talk, but some are talking anyway.

Is Anyone Really Surprised That Bill Gates Had A Video Game Created For Microsoft Windows Called ‘Omikron’ In 1999 About Demons Harvesting Souls?
As if happening on cue from a Higher Power, (amen, brother, amen!) today comes the news that in 1999 Bill gates and Microsoft released a game called ‘Omikron’ that revolved around demons pretending to be human, and go around harvesting human souls.

Omicron Covid-19 variant: Compulsory masks in offices, QR codes, warns Catherine Bennett
Masks could once again be made compulsory in offices and QR codes return to most venues with the emergence of new ‘super-mutant’ Covid-19 variant Omicron, a leading expert has warned.

Highly vaccinated Israel closes borders amid fears of the omicron variant spreading
Israel has banned all foreigners from entering the country amid fears of the new post-vaccine variant of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

New York ER Closes As Employees Refuse To Comply With Vaccine Mandate 
An emergency room in a hospital in New York ceased operation as staff walked out, refusing to go along with the COVID vaccine mandate.

COVID Vaccine Intended To Reduce World’s Population Without Anyone Suspecting Says Leading Doctor 
The leading doctor credited with improving early treatment of COVID-19 said in a conference that the goal of vaccine transmission campaigns is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”

Germany Detects Four Cases of Omicron in the Fully Vaccinated 
Germany has detected four cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, all of whom were fully vaccinated.

Army Recruitment Solid Despite Pandemic, Mandates, Political Concerns
Army recruiters successfully adapted to online outreach during the pandemic, but it’s too soon to tell if the vaccine mandate and botched Afghanistan withdrawal will have an impact on future recruitment

Exclusive: Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies After Second Moderna Shot
A 49-year-old Texas man who recovered from COVID — but was required to be fully vaccinated against the virus before being approved for a life-saving lung transplant — died when he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart issues after his second Moderna vaccine.

Mark of the Beast? In Sweden, Get Your COVID-19 Certificate Linked to Your Chip Implant
Any arguments you hear on television or social media about Sweden being a “free” society absent of COVID tyranny are a farce. I took a big step in destroying that façade in this report last week. Now, here’s video proof that COVID-19 jab passports appear destined to be a normal part of Swedish society. As I noted in the previous report, microchip implants have gained notoriety in Sweden.

CLOWN WORLD on parade as covid tyrants “allow” you to use toilets again… government actions now resemble South Park episodes 
..Just yesterday, New Zealand leader Jacinda Ardern announced that government is now granting people the “luxury” of being able to use indoor restrooms in other people’s homes.

BREAKING: Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers Nationwide
Joe Biden wants his COVID vaccine mandate. The problem is it might not be legal. The mandate has now been soundly beaten in the courts regarding its constitutionality. The workplace mandate has been halted.

UK sees 44% increase in child deaths after jab rollout for young teens, data shows
U.K. reports on child deaths from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that, in the weeks since the COVID shot has been administered to children between ages 12 and 15, recorded deaths have risen by 44 percent above the 2015-2019 average for the same time period.

US defense sec. orders National Guard to get vaccinated or lose pay – report
All members of the US National Guard must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or face a loss of pay, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Tuesday, according to NBC News. This is a developing story.

California Town Becomes ‘Constitutional Republic’ to Protest Pandemic Mandates
The mayor of Oroville, California has found a revolutionary way to protest Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) vaccine mandate for school children. Mayor Scott Thomson led the charge, and “Oroville declared itself a constitutional republic,” the Los Angeles Times reported on Monday. “Any executive orders issued by the State of California or by the United States federal government that are overreaching or clearly violate our constitutionally protected rights will not be enforced by the City of Oroville against its citizens,” according to the declaration, which the City Council passed this month. Now that the mandates … (are) now shoving something inside your body that nobody knows the long-term effects of, that’s just like, OK, now you’re, in my opinion, crossing the line,” Thomson said.

Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers in 10 States
A federal judge issued a temporary injunction Monday citing multiple reasons. US District Judge Matthew Schelp said the mandate would result in staffing shortages without evidence that it would actually prevent the spread of the virus.

Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Used To Cover Up Effects of Covid Vaccines
Recently the Botswana Government announced that a new variant of Covid had arisen from the Vaccinated. One of the symptoms listed of the new Omicron Variant of Coronavirus; includes the following: A number of heart-related complications may occur, including heart failure, arrhythmias, heart inflammation, and blood clots

Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Slams ‘Hype,’ Travel Bans
National Chair of the South African Medical Association, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who made an early discovery of the Omicron variant amongst patients, says “the hype” that’s been created surrounding the variant is unwarranted. Coetzee told Reuters that in one of the “biggest hospitals” in her “area” and country of South Africa, there is only one patient who is COVID-positive on ventilation, and there has been no confirmation, as of Sunday, that Omicron is the cause.

31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die
The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 31,014 fatalities, and 2,890,600 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

Parents Angry As Schools Force Kids Nationwide To Undergo Mandatory Quarantines After Nearly Two Years of COVID Precautions
Some frustrated parents are upset because their children don’t have virtual learning options under mandatory COVID-19 quarantines despite low transmission risks. Others expressed fatigue from school COVID-19 precautions over the last two years.

Defense industry asks White House to allow COVID tests to substitute for vax mandate
Fearing a loss of highly skilled workers, groups representing large and small defense firms are pushing the Biden administration to allow employees to take periodic COVID tests instead of getting vaccinated. Currently, employees of companies that do work for the federal government must be fully vaccinated by Jan. 18. At least one company, Navy shipbuilder Huntington Ingalls Industries, said it would not enforce the mandate at shipyards in Mississippi and Virginia unless the requirement was included in a government contract.

Priest Slams ‘Gene Injection’ – ‘We Are Experiencing the Largest Medical Experiment in History’
Instead of most Church leaders supporting their flock during the coronavirus pandemic, they have aligned themselves with the government and big pharma narratives. However, there is resistance against compulsory “vaccinations” and blindly following the government within the Church. One who does not conform is Franciscan brother René Dorer.

‘We Are Lab Rats’: Israeli Vaccine Victims Want Their Lives Back
“I want my life back, but there is no turning back,” says a desperate Israeli woman. The coronavirus “vaccination,” which is mandatory in Israel, has destroyed her life. So Israeli journalist Avital Livny created the “The Testimonies Project” film to expose what the mainstream is hiding: the victims’ who the mRNA DNA gene-therapy injections have damaged.

UPRISING: Australian MP Calls on Citizens to Revolt – Compares Leaders to Hitler and Stalin 
Queensland MP George Robert Christensen has called on citizens to rise up against coronavirus lockdown measures and vaccination mandates. He compared governments promulgating such measures to totalitarian regimes responsible for the most horrific atrocities.

Vaccine Pass Being Programmed Into Phones
Physical vaccine cards may be losing legitimacy as more digital versions are being released. Samsung, one of the world’s top producers of electronic devices, now has what is often referred to as a “vaccine pass.”

Australia Lockdowns – Concentration Camps 
Australia Lockdowns have escalated to Australia’s Indigenous Taken to Covid Quarantine Camps – Just Another Conspiracy Theory Come True.

Over 100,000 reports of psychiatric disorders after COVID vaccination 
More than 100,000 reports of psychiatric symptoms following COVID shots include hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, sleep disorders, psychosis, and suicide

After watching this video you will see they know they are killing us via the Covid vaccine!!!


Rise in UK Non-COVID-19 Deaths Set to Continue: Cancer Expert
One of the world’s foremost cancer experts has said that British lockdown policies are still having an impact on excess mortality, describing it as a “national scandal.”

The Irony: Euthanasia Is Only For The Vaccinated Now
The euthanasia association says that “assisted death” is only for those who are vaccinated against COVID-19. Oh, the irony…

Dr. Peter McCullough: Booster Shot So Much Worse Than First 2 Doses 
Dr. Peter McCullough has been at the forefront of the battle for the truth surrounding COVID-19, Big Pharma’s jabs, and the government’s responses to the so-called pandemic since the beginning.

Flight attendants share about bad reactions to COVID-19 vaccine
“I sat down in the chair at the minute clinic, rolled up my sleeve, prayed, asked God to forgive me, and cried,” Williams told The Epoch Times. “The minute they stuck that needle in my arm, pain went up through my neck and I have not been the same since.”

Fauci Says That Discussions To Change The Definition Of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ To Now Include COVID Booster Shots Is Active With Everything ‘On The Table’
If you were part of the gay community in the late 1980’s that struggled with HIV/AIDS, then you likely remember someone you know who died from the medical practices advocated by Anthony Fauci. Flip-Flop Fauci pushed doctors to give their patients high dosages of AZT, which had the effect of killing the vast majority of them. My brother Bob was one of the tens of thousands who were murdered by Fauci’s criminal prescription. Don’t let Flip-Flop Fauci kill you with his Pfizer ‘happy hour’ COVID fully vaccinated cocktails here in 2021.

Christmas Celebrations Cancelled In Most COVID Jabbed Part Of The World
The government of Gibraltar canceled all official Christmas celebrations despite having very high rates of citizens taking the COVID-19 shot and zero reported deaths for almost an entire year

2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women
There have now been 2,433 fetal deaths recorded in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) from pregnant women who have been injected with one of the COVID-19 shots. The vast majority of these have been from the Pfizer shot (1,862 deaths) and the Moderna shot (656 deaths.)

Canada Rental Management Company To Require New Tenants To Show Proof Of COVID-19 Shot
An apartment management company out of Alberta with over 1,500 apartments in Edmonton and Calgary has become the first such company to mandate new tenants show proof of having received a COVID-19 shot.

EXPOSED! Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body
..The CDC has said receiving the ‘vaccine’ will not make you magnetic, including at the site of ‘vaccination’ which is usually your arm. Dr. Ruby says, “They’re lying”, and provided evidence in support of her claim, as well as a disturbing warning about the ingredients in the jab, directly from the source.

Australia: Army Forcibly Throws Covid-Exposed Citizens in Quarantine Camps 
…Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has deployed 28 Australian Defense Force soldiers and several army trucks to the region. People are only allowed to leave their homes “for medical treatment, in case of emergency or as required by law.” Meanwhile, temperatures in the region soar to 104 degrees, causing power outages in many residents’ homes.

Austria Enforces National Lockdown, Plans to Make COVID-19 Vaccinations Mandatory
Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg on Friday announced the country is enforcing a nationwide lockdown and also plans to require COVID-19 vaccinations for its entire population as of February.

Australia begins covid ETHNIC CLEANSING with military roundups of indigenous people… junk science “sewage” testing used to imprison entire communities at gunpoint 
The Australian government of the Northern Territories is now using military soldiers and army trucks to forcibly round up indigenous people who have merely been near someone else who tested “positive” for covid.

Australia builds COVID camps for ‘new class of lepers – the unvaccinated’
COVID measures are increasing beyond any reasonable expectations with quarantine camps in Australia and legally mandated universal vaccinations. The new measures are extreme, reminding some of the country’s history of leper colonies. One person tweeted an article in which an epidemiologist wrote that the COVID quarantine facilities would be “used for a new class of lepers – the unvaccinated.” One rabbi sees this as an ungodly determination to replace God.

FDA files: 26,000 ‘nervous system disorders’ from Pfizer vaccine in first 2.5 months
Files released by the Food and Drug Administration in a Freedom of Information lawsuit recorded 158,893 adverse events from the Pfizer vaccine in the first two and a half months of distribution, including 25,957 incidents of “nervous system disorders.”

CJ Hopkins: Pathologized Totalitarianism 101
The final phase of its transformation of society into a pathologized-totalitarian dystopia, where mandatory genetic-therapy injections and digital compliance papers are commonplace, is now officially underway. On November 19, 2021, the government of New Normal Austria decreed that, as of February, experimental mRNA injections will be mandatory for the entire population. This decree comes in the midst of Austria’s official persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” i.e., political dissidents and other persons of conscience who refuse to convert to the new official ideology and submit to a series of mRNA injections … Austria is just the tip of the New Normal spear. Prominent New-Normal fascists in Germany, like Der Führer of Bavaria, Markus Söder, and Minister of Propaganda Karl Lauterbach, are already calling for an allgemeine Impfpflicht (i.e., “compulsory vaccination requirement”),

Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps
The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night. So it wasn’t a conspiracy theory then …

What is the FAUCI Act? Why it’s a jab at nation’s top infectious disease doctor
A Utah congressman is taking aim at the nation’s top infectious disease doctor with a bill unflatteringly titled the FAUCI Act. Republican Rep. Chris Stewart introduced a bill Tuesday to ban federal funding for “gain-of-function” research in Chinese labs. Some claim bat coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, led to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Jacob’s Stone Altar of Beit El discovered in the City of David
The Stone of Israel was erected by Jacob at Bethel. The discovery of a matzevah, or standing pillar at the City of David coincides with archaeology that may prove its existence. (watch)

Head of German Hospital Commints Suicide-”There’s no virus, it’s a Dictatorship, disguised.”
Chemnitz mourns the loss of Dr. Thomas Jendges (55). The head of the Chemnitz hospital who “fell” from the hospital building on Flemmingstrasse Tuesday morning. He died from his injuries.

Disney Freezes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Florida Employees After DeSantis Signs New Legislation
Disney has reportedly paused its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Florida employees. The freeze on mandatory vaccinations purportedly stems from new state legislation signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week.

TSA screeners face vaccine deadline with up to 40% lacking shots
As many as 40% of U.S. airport security screeners haven’t been vaccinated for COVID-19 as an immunization deadline for federal employees and the busy holiday travel season converge.

Watch: Door-To-Door Covid Vaccine Census Caught On Camera
Home security footage shows a group of individuals from the Houston, Texas Health Department going door-to-door at an apartment complex to ask residents if they’ve taken an experimental Covid-19 jab.

“They Laughed At The Parents” – Leaked Audio Reveals How California Teachers Recruit Kids Into LGBTQ Clubs
A leaked audio recording revealed California teachers mocking parents over concerns about homosexual and transgender indoctrination at school, said a source who attended a recent teachers union conference in Palm Springs.

EXCLUSIVE: Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate Reaches Out to TGP – Shares Report on Mexican Bishops Blackmailing Priests to Get Vaccinated
…Patriach Elijah is concerned that the Mexican Bishops are blackmailing priests to get vaccinated. The monk released a video earlier warning against the vaccine mandates.

In The Netherlands, Dutch Police Open Fire On Citizens Protesting Against COVID-19 Mandatory Restrictions, Vaccinations And Lockdowns
Right now across Europe a battle is being waged, a battle to decide if people still have the right to determine their own futures, or will they become slaves and vassals of the state. This battle is not limited to Europe, but we see it in Australia, New Zealand, American and Australia. This is the New World Order attempting to stamp their boot on the necks of every living human being on earth. The Bible has already informed us who wins this battle.

Poll Shows French Grossly Exaggerate Threat of COVID 
A poll which correlates with results from other countries shows that the average French person grossly exaggerates the threat posed by COVID, believing the infection to fatality ratio is over 16 per cent, when it is actually 0.1-0.3 per cent.

Austria is first Western country to make COVID shot mandatory for all citizens 
The Austrian government announced Friday it will require all citizens to be vaccinated against COVID-19, starting February 2022. In the meantime, the country will go into a full lockdown starting Monday, as daily new cases have risen to record levels Thursday, even though all unvaccinated citizens are already locked down.

Nov. 18, 2021 Saying Goodbye Newest up-dated book

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