China in prophecy-Pastors not teaching the entire Word of God!-Ezekiel war and Pslams war signs-Peace process breaking down-Famine, drought, water shortages, disease, earthquakes-Do you know what the Feasts of Trumpets is, if not why not?-Sept. 18, 2009


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You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show has been set for this Friday September 18, 2009 at 6pm EST

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Prophecy Sign: For time sake let me inform you that in chapter 12 of my book I give you specific details concerning China’s rule in the last days.  The reason why I have brought this up is because China’s goal is to take over the world.  Today’s headline from Newsmax read as follows: “Ex-Chinese Official Details Plan for World Domination” If you click to the link below you will see how China aims to take over the world.  In Revelation 9: 14-16 and Revelation 16:12 Jesus shows us that China will march to war in the last days.  Here is a short section from the report today. “It seems to the rulers of China that its strategy should not be concealed but, on the contrary, should scare a potential victim. The United States has freedom, not slavery. The result of slavery in China is the conversion of population into slave soldiers ready to die if necessary. The result of freedom, according to Chinese like Chi, is the people’s search for private happiness and, especially, safety. Therefore, free countries should be terrorized to make them surrender, which Chi has been doing for years. At the same time, Chi declares the Chinese to be the superior race, and promises them American property, the murder of Americans and other inferior races by Chinese biological weapons, and the People’s Republic of China a truly global empire in history.”  One thing many people do not know is that China has a army that numbers 200 million men.  This is the exact number Jesus give to us in Revelation chapter 9.  China has been sitting back getting ready to march for world domination.  Are you going to insult Jesus’ warning by saying these things are nothing but a coincidence, or are you hearing and seeing what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you?

Prophecy Sign: Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. These week I wrote to you showing you how Satan has been trying to kill Jesus out of the U.S..  This is part the spiritual warfare we see taking place right now.  Here is another example of how America is turning its back on Christ and the Word of God.  “The Texas State Board of Education is gearing up for another curriculum battle. Kelly Shackelford, president of Plano-based Liberty Legal Institute, says the Texas State Board of Education is currently reviewing social studies curriculum. He explains that in a suprising move the writing committee, in its review of religious holidays, has decided to replace Christmas and Rosh Hashana with the Hindu holiday of Diwali. "Some of this stuff is really getting out of hand," says Shackelford, "and I think the people are going to take it back into their own hands and say, cut it out we are not replacing Christmas with Diwali. I hope and expect that will be the result, but right now that's what we've got."  America is showing every trait of the Noe generation.  This is one of the reasons why America is going down!

Prophecy Sign:  A warning from God to the Prophet Ezekiel tells us Iran will join with Russia to invade Israel in the last days.  There will be more nations who will also join with Russia in this coming invasion, but I want to focus on Iran. I believe the Ezekiel war will begin when Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  If you click to the second link below it will take you to a report that said Israel will attack Iran by this December.  One of the reasons why Israel will have to move on Iran quickly is because they are now ready to build the bomb, and Ahmadinejad said he was not going to stop his quest for nuclear power.  Ahmadinejad hates Israel and has been hoping Israel will attack them.  He wants Israel to attack because he say said, he believes he was born to bring out their hidden Messiah.  Ahmadinejad believes once Israel attacks them it will cause his Muslims Brothers to join forces and make an counter attack against Israel that will wipe Israel off the map.  Ahmadinejad believes it will be at this point that the Muslim hidden Messiah will come and lead the attack on Israel.  Today’s news showed us that Ahmadinejad is again taunting Israel. I quote, “Ahmadinejad has raised the stakes against Israel by describing the Holocaust as a lie, just as world powers are trying to decide how to deal with the nuclear ambitions of an Iran in political turmoil. "The pretext (Holocaust) for the creation of the Zionist regime (Israel) is false … It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim," he told worshippers at Tehran University at the end of an annual anti-Israel "Qods (Jerusalem) Day" rally.”  "This regime (Israel) will not last long. Do not tie your fate to it … This regime has no future. Its life has come to an end," he said in a speech broadcast live on state radio.”  What do you think the Israeli’s think Ahmadinejad means by this statement?  To the Jews Ahmadinejad’s message is very clear.  Ahmadinejad is telling them he is going to use the nuclear bomb against them and kill them all!  I won’t be surprised at all if Israel strikes at Iran before December.  If this does happen and Russia leads the invasion with Iran it will fulfill the Ezekiel prophecy.  I can assure everyone who is going to read this next report, that Israel is getting ready to strike at Iran.  I quote, "The urgency of dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat was underscored today when a leaked report revealed that the UN inspection agency believes the Islamic republic has "sufficient information" to make a nuclear weapon and has "probably tested" a key component. A day after Barack Obama scrapped plans to deploy missile defence technology in eastern Europe, the Associated Press said it had obtained material from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which suggests that it was more convinced Iran had been trying to make a bomb than its outgoing director, Mohamed ElBaradei, had admitted."  I can not make it any clearer that the Ezekiel war is on its way!

What will this war mean to you?  It will be a signal to anyone who knows God’s Word that the tribulation is about to begin.  This also means that the Antichrist is going to come and make a peace covenant with Israel and many nations, and this is when the time clock for the seven year tribulation starts.  What I am telling you, you probably aren’t going to hear from most of your pastors, because the majority of the pastors are not keeping on the watch.  If the pastors aren’t keeping their flocks safe and the Church doesn’t know what signs to keep on the watch for, who do you think is going to come to the sheep and deceive them?  This even at sunset will begin the Feast of Trumpets. Most of the Church members across the U.S. don’t even know what the Feast of Trumpets is!  If you don’t know what it is how in the world are you going to be ready?  Do me a favor and ask your pastor why he doesn’t teach his on the book of Daniel so his flock knows exactly what is suppose to happen.  Ask them why he doesn’t teach on the entire book of Revelation?  Whatever the reason is, I can assure you it won’t line up with what Jesus asked us to do.  Jesus tells us over and over again to make sure we are on the watch!  I am not saying pastors should just teach on prophecy, what I am say is the same thing Jesus would say, “TEACH MY WORD”.  The Word in includes prophecy.  Today’s Churches have become so watered down many of the Church members hardly hear a message about hell.  Why is this?  Are pastors afraid of teaching things of the Word that may scare the flock, or may cause many to leave the Church?    If you are a pastor remember why you became one. Remember the first day you had a chance to speak to your flock.  Remember your call was to teach the entire Word of God so the people will be strong in the Lord knowing what Christ desires of them.  Did you forget that Jesus died on the cross to make sure people had the chance not to go to hell.  Why did he come here to Earth in the first place?  If He didn’t die for us we would all go to hell, so why is it that this message is void in many Churches everywhere?  I am going to say some things that many of you may not like to hear, but somebody needs to say these things.  If you will not preach the entire Word of God, stop calling yourself a pastor.  By not preaching the entire Word of God all you are doing is setting up your flock to be killed by the Lord’s enemy.  Are you a man of God, or are you collecting a paycheck?  Are you willing to take a stand and tell your flock straight out if they do not receive Jesus Christ this Sunday as their Lord and Savior that they will be going to hell!  If you are not willing to tell the entire truth you leave Jesus hanging on the cross, because many in your Churches don’t understand why God had to come and die for us.  Now is the time for them to fully understand the reason God’s own blood dripped down the cross, now is the time the people need to understand why Jesus allowed the Romans to kill Him.  Remember your calling if your really had one, tell them why these things had to take place!   The door to hell has been sealed to those who receive Jesus Christ, but the gates of hell are wide opened, and hells road is the only road for anyone who does not take the Lord’s gift of Salvation.  This Sunday Churches throughout the world will hold services.  Many of these Churches never even give the members a chance to accept Jesus as Lord.  Let this Sunday renew your heart for Christ, begin preaching the entire Word without fear of what your members may think.  Give an alter call and make sure everyone has a chance to give their lives over to Jesus. Do this now while we still have time.   If you claim to be a Christian and you are not getting the entire Word of God ask why?  These times we are in are to important not to be on guard for Christ.  The only way any of us will be able to tell what is true and what is false is by knowing the Word.  Soon many false prophets will be coming to deceive you.  I am telling you this because Jesus told us this was going to take place.  When these false prophets come how are you going to protect yourself from being deceived if you don’t know what to look for?  Soon you will hear news about more men claiming to be the Christ.  When you see these things take place, you will understand that the message I have given to you today has come as a warning from the Holy Spirit.


Is the Holy Spirit really showing us the signs of the last days?  Is anyone paying attention to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you?  Christ Jesus warned you that the Antichrist would come to control the world.  We know his man will take hold of the world’s economy because in Revelation 13:16-17 no one is going to be able to buy or sell anything unless they take the mark of the Antichrist.  This by itself shows us this man has taken control of everything and you will not be able to partake in his New World Order unless you take his mark and worship him.  Is this New World Order coming and is it almost here?  The stage has already been set!  This morning I was watching Fox news.  Fox had a special on how the United Nations is pushing to dump the U.S. dollar and bring on a global currency. On Sept. 7th I gave you some information about this and more news came out today on this same issue. If you get a chance today watch Fox News and I am sure you will see this report.  A few days ago this is what was said from a news report from the UK. “ The dollar should be replaced with a global currency, the United Nations has said, proposing the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since the Second World War.  Are you now paying attention to what the Holy Spirit is showing us?  We are well on our way to witnessing a major change in how the world as a whole does business.  Jesus warned of such things almost 2,000 years ago and we are the chosen generation to not only see a global system put in place, but to also see Christ’s second coming.  Either you will be ready or you won’t, which is it?

Prophecy Sign: The call for Peace and safety as warned in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.  Do you really think that at the very same time we are seeing the call for a global currency, and hearing the Middle East calling for Peace and safety that these things are just a coincidence?  Christ gave us these warnings so we would know our time is short, and that this would be the season of His return.  The Word of God makes it very clear that while they are calling for peace and safety that is when sudden destruction will come.  I have been warning you from God’s Word where to keep on the watch.  The sudden destruction is coming very soon and it will probably happen do to the Middle East peace talks breaking down.  I have warned you ahead of time that when the Arabs realize the peace process isn’t going anywhere they will join forces and attack Israel.  In doing so the Arabs will fulfill Psalms 83.  Today we saw more news that the so called peace talks are in fact breaking down. I quote,  US envoy George Mitchell appeared Friday to have failed to secure a key deal on Jewish settlements aimed at paving the way for a resumption of Middle East peace negotiations. The former senator shuttled between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Friday, after having met with both leaders earlier this week.”  “Netanyahu has so far rebuffed US calls to freeze settlement construction in the West Bank, including annexed east Jerusalem, and Palestinians are sticking to their demand for such a halt before negotiations can resume. “ At least 2 or 3 times a week I warn you that the peace talks center around 3 main issues. 1. construction freeze in Israel.  2. Israel must give back East Jerusalem to the PLO.   3. Israel must be divided into two nations.  Anyone who has come to my site now I that have warned Israel will not give up Jerusalem and once again today’s news confirms what I am telling you.  There is a reason for this.  God told us in Zechariah 12:3 that it would be the issue of Jerusalem that would be the major burden to all nations in the last days.  Everyone is turning away from Israel because Israel is unyielding on this issue.  Are you now seeing what the Holy Spirit is showing you?  Get ready for war in the Middle East, because the second part of Paul’s warning is about to take place.  If you were wondering when the last days would begin, don’t wonder any longer, all these signs shows us we are already in the last days and are just about to enter the last seven year before Jesus comes back to Jerusalem to take His seat as King of Kings.

Prophecy Sign: Some of the other end time signs Jesus asked us to keep on the watch for famines, droughts, civil unrest, lack of fresh water, and diseases.  If you read Matthew 24:7, Luke 21: 11, Revelation 7:15-16 you will see all these things mentioned.  I am not going to give you every detail on these signs here, that is what my prophecy book is for, however, I do want to show you that these signs are here.  For example, the headline from news out of Africa reads as follows: “Kenya's pain: famine, drought, government ambivalence cripples once stable nation”.  I quote, “Kenya was once considered one of Sub-Saharan Africa's success stories: the country possessed a relatively stable government, a good economy, a thriving tourist industry due to a beautiful landscape and abundant wildlife. But violent protests following a disputed election in 2007 hurt the country's reputation, and then—even worse—drought and famine struck the country this year. The government response has been lackluster, the international community has been distracted by the economic crisis, and suddenly Kenya seems no longer to be the light of East Africa, but a warning to the world about the perils of ignoring climate change, government corruption, and the global food and water shortages.”  Are you hearing what the Holy Spirit is saying to you?  If not maybe you need to read more. I quote, “Children are starving, cattle are dropping dead, crops are withered, lakes are empty, and still the rains haven't come. Kenya is on the verge of a catastrophe of Biblical proportions. Estimates put the number of hungry around 3.8 million—one in ten Kenyans, so far. However the Minister of Environment said that the number is more likely over 10 million. It is the worst drought since 2000.”

Let us take a look at the sign of disease for a moment.  Today’s news stated, “Mexico could see up to 5 million cases of swine flu during this winter's flu season, a higher projection than officials had previously given, the health secretary said Thursday. Secretary Jose Angel Cordova said that in the worst-case scenario, deaths could reach 2,000.”  Everyday we are hearing news that this swine flu is going to over run the nations.  At the present time there are reports out informing us the government is going to force everyone to take the swine flu shoot or else they will round the people up and send them to a detention center. I know of two states who have already passed bills that will do just state.  Some are even saying this swine flu was a man made virus.  Whatever it is and where ever it came from it doesn’t really matter. What really is important is the fact that Jesus said these pestilences (diseases) would come.  This is what I can see taking place very shortly.  People start to get sick from the swine flu in greater numbers; the government steps in and tells the people they have to take the shot or everyone safety.  I pray I am wrong, but all the signs point to this taking place.  I am sure millions of people will object to being forced into taking a shot and civil unrest will begin as a result.  If there was very a time to fast and pray, it is now.

After posting some information today on disease I received this information and I am passing it on to you.  I know this material is scary but if it is true Americans are in very deep trouble. Please click to this link:


I got a video alert from youtuber regarding the quarantine form for IOWA state. Refuse the Swine Flu shot and you are going to be presented with this form.  This is real!  If Iowa can do this so will the rest of the nation.


Anyone who is doing the Lord’s will, will be on the watch for everything Jesus warned us about.  In Matthew 24:33-34 Jesus said, “So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.  Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”  The reason I started this site was to show you that there is no other generation who has seen all these things take place all at the same time.  Jesus didn’t say watch for some of these things, He said “all these things”. Part of all these things is many earthquakes in varies places and “great earth quakes.  I wanted to bring you up to date on where the earthquakes hitting 5.0 and higher have struck. See below.

MAP  5.4   2009/09/18 11:53:51    6.505    124.700  27.3   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.1   2009/09/18 07:02:13    37.633    95.589  10.0   NORTHERN QINGHAI, CHINA
MAP  5.0   2009/09/18 06:53:50    37.715    95.593  10.0   NORTHERN QINGHAI, CHINA
MAP  6.0   2009/09/18 06:23:58    12.573    120.469  50.1   MINDORO, PHILIPPINES

MAP  5.9   2009/09/17 23:21:40   -29.118   -112.325  10.0   EASTER ISLAND REGION
MAP  5.0   2009/09/17 09:24:20    37.661    95.902  10.0   NORTHERN QINGHAI, CHINA
MAP  5.3   2009/09/17 04:52:26    1.651    128.243  82.2   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA

MAP  5.2   2009/09/16 23:47:01    -4.515    102.654  72.1   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.1   2009/09/16 20:50:17    52.291   -169.363  35.0   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA

MAP  5.1   2009/09/13 05:14:45   -14.645    167.281  233.6   VANUATU

Prophecy Sign: Luke warned in Luke 21:25 that during these last days the sea and waves would be roaring.  What pushes the sea and waves, huge earthquakes, and huge storms?   A few years ago there was a 9.0 earthquake that sent waves rushing at 500mph to many Asian nations.  In the near future there is going to be more of these types of quakes.  As far as storms are concerned we are seeing nation after nation getting hit by recorded breaking storms.  Today’s news gives you just one example. I quote, “NAIROBI (AlertNet) – More than 50,000 people have been uprooted by what aid agencies have described as the worst flooding in years in Sudan's Khartoum State, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said on Friday. Twenty people were killed and 30 more injured in the flooding, according to Sudanese authorities, when unusual torrential rain in August caused flash floods which swept through thousands of informal settlements in the state that hosts Sudan's capital.”  Are you seeing a common theme in the news concerning all these events?  We are hearing these are the worse quakes, the worse storms, the worse droughts, and so on.  This is not a coincidence!  Christ predicted and warned us that this is what was going to happen in these last days.  Jesus said this generation would see these signs as birth pains. Read Mark 13:8 and 1 Thessalonians 5:3.  All these signs are going to increase in their intensity.  There is nothing you can do to stop it, or get out of the way, unless you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  No one can stop what is coming, but Jesus can save you from it.  Do you believe these Words from Christ? I quote, “Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”  Did Jesus say you will escape some of these things?  No.  There is a group of people that who is standing on the watch and ready for Jesus second coming.  This group of people are those who love the Lord and who have been waiting for the blessed hope of the Lord return.  They are the ones who have poured out their heart and soul to Christ and are abiding in Him and are walking in His ways.  This group of Christians are they which are on fire for Christ, and are not part of the lukewarm Church as mentioned in Revelation 3:14-18.  I leave you with these Words spoken by Christ in Mark 13:35-37. “Watch you therefore:foryou know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all Watch.”  Are you hear what the Holy Spirit has said to you today?  If so and you want to give your life over to Christ read the following below.

The very first part of your new life will have to begin by asking Jesus in your life.  You can begin to walk with Christ today by praying to Christ. “Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

Don't forget today at sunset starts the Feast of Trumpets! Below is a great video on the teaching of Fesst of Trumpets. part 1 part 2 part 3



    • Wayne on September 18, 2009 at 5:17 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Frank,
    Just wanted to challenge something that you have said a number of times. You quoted that the chinese army is 200 million strong, and to be honest I have heard this figure many many times from multiple other sites. Unfortunately some basic research shows that it is completely wrong. I have no doubt that China (and India for that matter) have the POTENTIAL to raise an army of 200 million, but currently according to's_Liberation_Army the chinese peoples army consists of around 3 million people. This figure is obviously western in origin but simple calculations tell you that a 200 million army is not a figure which is sustainable for any length of time (therefore can’t be in existance now). The current chinese population is 1.3 billion ( or Of that around 51.5% are male (previous links or This means the male population is around 670 million. Of this 67.7% of the population is in the 15 to 60 year age range (same links) which means around 454 million men are of fighting age. If the army is composed exclusively of men then one in 2.27 men would need to be in the army on an ongoing basis for the figure to be true now. Obviously this figure is incorrect and is not something which any society could sustain for anything other than a short period (during a world war for instance when all men are called up). Now the figures could be reduced by including women and older men in the calculations, but even then the figures just don’t stack up to a sustainable ongoing operation.
    While China *could* raise such a large army for a small time it does not have one now and we should stop saying it has. While tying this I was googling for statistics, and found this link which I think has a much more balanced view on what the 200 million in the bible could mean –
    By the way Frank – Don’t feel like I’m trying to attack you with my comments over the last few days. Jesus told us to watch and prove all things.. thats all I’m trying to do when I read some of the information on your blog.

    • Gina on September 18, 2009 at 5:53 pm
    • Reply

    Frank, I read the post regarding Ahmadinajad and I am wondering if you are talking about Israel’s hidden messiah? Israel has yet to accept Christ so I am wondering if you are referring to them. Thanks, Gina

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