Pestilence/America and China/Stalled peace talks/Sept. 30, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21: 11 Jesus shows us many last days signs to look for.  I want to focus on the sign of pestilence.   First, read exactly what was written from Luke 21:11 “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”

I have gotten many emails from people telling me they have just found my prophecy site, so I am sure there are many who haven’t seen this news that deals with pestilence. We have seen China over run with rats and strange worms. 

“Mystery Worms Invade Northwest China”

Seemingly part of the special effects of a bad horror movie, an invasion of long, thorny, green worms with black stripes (ugh) in northwest China has forced the evacuation of some 50 herdsmen and their families from their grassland homes. The species of worm is unknown and samples of the 2-centimeter (1-inch) long critters have been sent to Xinjiang Agricultural University for further study.

worms1 300x224 Mystery Worms Invade Northwest China picture

Farmers have fled the worst plague to befall this area in three decades, taking some 20,000 head of livestock with them. The affected section lies in northwest China’s Xinjiang region, which is about 175 miles west of the Xinjiang capital, Urumqi. News reports claim that these worms are packed up to 3,000 per square meter and chew through the grass like hungry lawnmowers, leaving only brown soil in their wake. “The pasture was green a week ago. But now the worms are creeping around, and they even come into my house. I have to sweep them out several times an hour,” one herdsman told the press.”

Recently we have been watching the plague of bed bugs that are making their way across America.  These bugs were almost wiped out but as the labor pains get worse we are seeing more plague like this springing up.

“Bronx Psychiatric Center is battling bedbug bedlam.” “Union workers at the state hospital filed a complaint with the state Department of Labor months ago, when the center tried to rid patients' beds and clothes of the parasites. Since then, wards at the 360-bed Morris Park facility have been evacuated and treated, but the bedbugs keep creeping back”.

I can’t cite every nation and every plague because I just don’t have the time, but as you can see from the reports below the plagues are in many nations. If you think these plagues are getting bad now you will not like what you see during the 7 year tribulation, where these types of plagues will reach the max.

See full size image “Victorian Premier John Brumby says he is shocked to see how quickly locusts are emerging from the ground in north-western Victoria. Plague locust hatchings were confirmed in the state last thursday, and there are now 30 hatching sites logged with the Department of Primary Industries. Mr Brumby inspected egg beds near Mildura this morning. He says some of the hatchings are well advanced. "They'll come through at different times in different parts of the State depending on climatic conditions," he said. "These have come out in the last few days but are already thick on the ground. "They continue to hatch out and grow very, very quickly indeed, you can see what a huge effort it is going to be across the state." Hatchings are now being reported from areas around Mildura, Swan Hill and Sea Lake.”

I beg you to listen to what Jesus has warned!

See full size imageHere is another headline:MADAGASCAR: Fears of another locust plague”

09 Sep 2010 17:40:05 GMT

Source: IRIN

In case you don’t know where Madagascar is, it is a island off of Africa.

JOHANNESBURG, 9 September 2010 (IRIN) – The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned of an "imminent and severe threat from the increasing number of swarms of Migratory Locusts" in Madagascar, requiring "immediate response assistance to prevent a humanitarian disaster".

"There is a likelihood of extensive breeding … Should that occur, Madagascar will experience one of the most severe locust outbreaks in recent years, and will need to launch large-scale control interventions through mid-2011," the FAO said.

The warning was issued at an Emergency Assistance to Locust Control meeting on 8 September in the capital, Antananarivo, a few days after an Emergency Transboundary Outbreak Pest (ETOP) Situation Report for August with a Forecast till mid-October, was published by USAID.

Dealing with the locust threat will cost about US$14.5 million; so far $4.7 million has been received from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and $490,000 from the FAO Technical Cooperation Emergency programme.

Annie Monard, the Rome-based FAO locust officer who will be arriving in Madagascar in the next few days, told IRIN that the indicators were of "serious concern", as the locust population was "so high" that they had been able to "escape the traditional area" [in southwestern Madagascar] and swarms had been observed along the east coast and in the whole mid-west.

See full size imageHere is news about Egypt’s locust plague.

“The locust came up over all the land of Egypt and settled in all the territory; they were very numerous. There had never been so many locust, for they covered the surface of the whole land, so that the land was darkened; and they ate every plant of the land and all the fruit of the trees that the land of Egypt had to offer.”

We are beginning to see some pretty strange things take place with plagues and here are a few examples.



“Scientists recently discovered the world's largest web-spinning spider, a monster with a leg span up to 5 inches. Here are some of the creepiest spiders crawling our planet.”

Woman Says She Found Venomous Spider in Her NYC Apartment

Go to link below to watch video.



Now the stink bugs are swarming. Go to link below to watch the video.

 Prophecy Sign: Just a few days ago I posted news concerning the decline of America. By now most of you know how bad the US economy is and it is getting worse.  In many of my previous posts I have give you proof that China is the main nation holding the US.  One of the things I warned you about is what would happen if China pulled back from helping the US. Without China America would collapse in a heart beat and look at what the US is voting on concerning China.  Could the Obama Administration be that crazy to go after the hand that feeds them?  It appears so. Watch the video below, it has information you will want to know.  Remember the civil unrest I pointed out in scripture found in Matthew 24:7?  I can assure everyone living in the US that the riots they are seeing again in the European Union are headed to the US as the dollar dies off, and China is one of the key to making this happen. 


 See full size image Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:3, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” You may not know this but the peace talks are at a stand still again and this is a sign of the birth pains.  These birth pains concerning the call for peace and safety have been getting worse and we are waiting for the second part of Paul’s warning which is the (sudden destruction) that will come while they are still calling for peace and safety.  Read the latest on this and I will connect the dots. “The constantly changing sands in the Middle East have left Abbas roasting under diplomatic heat as he faces blame for “freezing” talks with Israel. He has frozen discussions with Israel while giving Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu five days to reinstate the building freeze on Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria. If Israel does not comply, Abbas said he will turn to the Arab League to consider the next step.”So what will be the next step? According to Psalm 83 war will come against Israel, and it will come from the very same nations who have warned Israel that if no peace plan is agreed on it will cause another war. If is possible that the Arab League who considers the next step will order that strike on Israel for not giving the PLO what they want, which is their own State with in Israel,East Jerusalem as their Capital, and stop building on what the PLO says is their land?  Watch the news because war is coming just as the Psalm shows us.


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    • carol-ann on September 30, 2010 at 12:24 pm
    • Reply

    frank if you didnt post all this information i would not know.british news dont give us the information about what you posted about bed bugs etc.really horrible stuff.wonder if thats what i had a couple of months ago.thought it was heat spots or flea bites dont have them now though.thanks glad we can rely on you to keep us informed.

  1. I am honored to be part of your life in this way. Thak you for allowing me
    to keep you informed. You are a blessing.

    • Mrs Jennifer Tucker on October 1, 2010 at 7:36 am
    • Reply

    Frank i did not have any idea that these locusts could form that size! its getting worse these truly are sighns of wonders from heaven. are mission now is to witness to the lost and warn them of the dangers that will fall on this unbelieving world if they do not accept the Lord Jesus

    • bob on October 26, 2010 at 9:29 pm
    • Reply

    you are spot on but did not mention how most Americans are infected with deadly nematodes as well as people in India,Austrailia,the UK,Canada and many other parts of the world or how the Catholic church will steer people or has been steering people to accept Lucifer as god.Have you ever seen David de Rothchild or the heraldic achievement of Prince Charles?Ever see Isreals supreme court? The Nematodes are geneticly altered strongyloides.

    • Bob on November 10, 2010 at 4:54 am
    • Reply

    You know, this is most popular topic today. I’ll read your book immediately!

  2. cool! 🙂

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