Please read this post and then Watch the Glenn Beck show tonight at 6PM Pacific time & again at 9 PM. Program is on CNN at 9PM (April 21, 2008)


What are current events today telling us about Bible prophecy?  Read my past post on the warning about watching the nation of Libya.  Why is this import?  The Word of God tells us Libya will attack Israel in the last days with a host of other nations.  “Libya:  Libya is known as Put in the Old Testament.  In Genesis chapter 10:6 we learn that Put was the third son of Ham.  We are also taught from Josephus an ancient historian that the descendants of Put migrated to the land west of Egypt, these people became what we call the North African Arab nations, which today consists of Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria.  When the attack takes place Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria will be included in this attack since they are all made up the descendants of Ham and Put”.  In the last week Libya has been popping up in the news again and any person knowing the Word of God should have their eyes open to this nation and the others listed in prophecy.  It was just announced that the Leader of Russia, another nation on that list to attack Israel, has just signed a huge arms deal with Libya.   Let me tell you the future of this deal.  God’s Word told us a massive attack would come against Israel in the end times, at a time Israel is calling for peace and safety.  Libya is buying billions worth in arms to prepare themselves for this coming attack.  When you do a study in prophecy you will discover that so far the Word of God has been100% correct in fulfilling prophecy.  There are only a handful of prophecies left for this generation before Jesus returns, and I guarantee these remaining prophecies will take place just as God warned us they would.  It’s okay if you don’t believe what I am telling you.  Why? Because soon you will see this attack as it is being reported on the news and, then hopefully you will come to except God’s warnings and believe in Him.  Click to news report below.

“Putin in Libya to close $2.5b arms deal” April 16, 2008

Bible history reveals Ethiopia of was located to the south of Egypt, and was comprised of Ethiopia and Sudan at the time. Why is this important?   Ethiopia is another nation on that list to attack Israel with Russia, Libya and other nations.   Any person knowing the Word of God should be paying attention for the signs of the last days, they will know to keep their eyes on all these nations listed to attack Israel.  Currently Ethiopia is a war with Somalia. “The death-toll from battles between Islamist-led insurgents and allied Ethiopian-Somali troops rose to 85 on Monday, leaving corpses on the streets and deepening the Horn of Africa nation’s humanitarian crisis.”  Let me tell you the final outcome of things currently taking place in this region.  Notice the Islamic-lead insurgents are fighting with Ethiopia.  Soon Ethiopia and these Islamic partners will be contacted by the other nations listed to attack Israel.  They will agree to all invade Israel all at the same time. Russia will be at the head of this invasion.  I hope you understand by now this is why Russia is currently in the Middle East giving all these arms deals to the nations listed in that coming attack against Israel. Russia just a few days ago wiped out Libya’s debt, which was in the billions, do you think Russia isn’t looking for something in return?  It is like the God Father, I give you something, and you will be required to do something for me when I ask you later!  All this will be played out in the near future when Russia tells Libya it is time to attack Israel.  This current news about the war on Somalia isn’t just a sign of the future attack on Israel, it is fulfilling the Words of Christ when He said you would see wars and rumors of wars. Click to news report below.

“Death-toll in Somalia battles rises to 85” April 21, 2008

The are signs all over the Middle East that soon Israel will be engaged in another conflict with Syria.  Yesterday the Prime Ministry of Israel said he doesn’t think Syria will hit them with a nuke, and he is right!  You see, God told us in Isaiah 17:1 that Syria’s city of Damascus will be destroyed.  If Syria and Israel some how make peace, it won’t be long after that fake peace that a new conflict between these two nations will break out.  The end result will be a fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1.  You must remember the Islamic leaders will never give in to any peace with Israel, and any agreement made will not last.  I know this may sound terrible to you but, God already has shown us the future, we already know the outcome.  If you don’t like this news and have a problem with it, you have a problem with God.  I’m only telling you what is written!   Also of importance in this same report is some news about Silvio Berlusconi.  Silvio Berlusconi, who had just been elected Italy’s prime minister once again. Berlusconi proclaimed his love for Israel and promised it would be the first country he would visit, as a guest at the State’s 60th anniversary celebrations.  You don’t see many world leaders come out and say they love Israel these days.  If you go to my April 11, 2008 post you will understand why this statement becomes so important.  This post deals with the signs of the Antichrist. Click to report below on Syria, Israel and Berlusconi.

“Olmert: Israel not under Syrian nuclear threat” April 20, 2008-,7340,L-3533720,00.html

“Carter: Hamas is willing to accept Israel as its neighbor”

Currently there is still a lot of tension in Israel.  After reading the news about what is taking place you would conclude Israel will be going to war again very soon.  We are not sure when this will happen.  Some Middle East leaders think it is soon, and they are preparing for it.  All I know is this, every time a rocket hits in Israel I wonder if this was the attack that will spark the next conflict?  This weekend another round of attacks took place against Israel.  The birth pains of the end times are getting stronger and I do believe war is coming soon.  What are we to do about it?  Jesus wants those who really love Him to KEEP ON THE WATCH, just as He said to do!  Are you one of those people are doing the will of the Father? Link below:

“Lack of Intelligence Enables First Armored Terror Attack on Regular Army” April 21 2008

When will the attack take place? Here is another sign of the end. “BUT of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape  (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). This attack against Israel will come when they are talking peace and safety.  Just so happens, as all the rest of the prophecies are being fulfilled so is this one.  Right now in the Middle East they are doing exactly what was written in 1 Thessalonians, they are call for this peace. Click to report below:

“Middle East Efforts by Rice, Carter Spark More Violence” 

Will there be peace in the Middle East.  Yes, but it will be a false peace.  Leaders from Hamas like Khaled Mash’al will never give up the fight to destroy Israel.  I would look for them to agree on some form of peace, but it will only be a tactic to move in closer to Israel so they can destroy her. What I present next is an “excerpts from an address given by Hamas leader Khaled Mash’al at the Al-Murabit Mosque in Damascus. The address was delivered following the Friday sermon at the mosque and was aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 3, 2006” ( Click on the link below and you will read the final goal of Hamas.  You will see there is no peace, only the goal to wipe out Israel, the European Union and America.   There is one problem with their plans, God warned when Israel’s enemies came to wipe them out, He would destroy 5/6 of all the armies who come down on Israel, read Ezekiel 39:2,  “And I will turn thee back and leave but the sixth part of thee”.  These men do not know what they are in store for!  The while not be fighting Israel in this next war, they will be fighting God.  All I can say to this is this,  just watch the news, this war is coming.  Watch the Gleen Beck show on CNN all this week. Mr. Beck will have a guest on his show all week talking about everything I have been warning you.  Gleen’s show airs 6PM  Pacific time and again at 9PM.

What other signs did Jesus tell us to watch for? Read what He said in Matthew’s book. "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places."  All these are the beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:6-7). Since 1977 I have been warning people about every issue you have read about.  Last month I warned unrest is coming do to lack of food, and higher prices of food and items such as gas, oil, rice and wheat.  Today the news is full of warnings from my governments telling us social unrest is going to spread because of the very reason I warned you all about.  All these signs are the beginning of the birth pain Jesus told us about.  Read the book of Revelation and you will see just how bad our future looks, then you will know where these present birth pains are going to lead.  Of course if you don’t know Jesus this is all bad news and you should worry, but if you are in the will of the Father you will have His peace and you will be ready to go home with the Lord when He calls us.  By the look of things it may not be that far off. If you click to the links below you will read in the news what Jesus was talking about.

“IMF head warns that food shortages can topple governments, even spark war” April 18

“Guyana gives away seeds amid food crisis” April 17, 2008

“UN chief warns world must urgently increase food production” April 20, 2008

More signs in the news as they relate to Bible prophecy.  First the Word of God and the warnings. “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a "DEPRAVED MIND" to do what ought not be done" (Romans 8:28). “Because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt. 24:12).  Here are only a few of the reports showing the fulfillment of these signs. If you live outside the U.S just take a look at where you live.  You will see that this type of news is being reported just about everywhere. Even people who call themselves Christian’s have waxed cold. Click to reports below.

“Police break up unholy brawl in revered Jerusalem church” April 20, 2008

“Burglaries Have Surged 21 Percent” April 20, 2008

“Bloody Weekend: 32 Shot, 2 Stabbed, 6 Dead” April 20, 2008

Please go back and read my posts. You will see why I warned a shift in superpowers must take place. America is falling and European Union rising, just as it must be.  The news you see below is signs of what will help to bring about this shift in power. Read my March 12th post, or read chapter 2 from my book, which you can download here for free to understand fully why America will decline.  Click to links below:

“Amid strong farm economy, some dire signs” April 20, 2008

“Wall St. braces for thousands of pink slips” April 18, 2008

“Oil prices spike to record above $117” April 21, 2008

“Bank of England facilitates bank debt swap” April 21, 2008

Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World April 21, 2008

"Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased: (Daniel 12:4)  This one prophecy tells us exactly who the generation would be that would see Jesus Christ return.  We are that generation and are known as the generation of knowledge. Read chapter 3 for in-depth-details. The report below gives you a preview of what you will be reading in that chapter.  Point is this, this prophecy has been fulfilled now, we are the people who will soon see Christ. Click to link.

“Surgeons give hope to blind with successful ‘bionic eye’ operations” April 21, 2008

I pray to God that my writings will help you see what is really happening in this generation. We are witnessing every Word come true concerning all these prophecies. My question to you is this, can you see it?  Read what Jesus said in Matthew.16: 3 “ And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? Get ready to meet the Lord!

Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf for FREE


If you would like the Author to speak at your church you may contact me at the e-mail address given at this site.

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