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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora
Are you really searching to know the truth?
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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I want to say thank you to Lisa Bernstein, Tina Holloway, Amy Nehme, Mary Hogenson, and James Mcilvoy for being so kind to this ministry.
Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus told us nations in the last days would fight against themselves. Jesus says kingdom will rise against kingdom. If you have watched any news from the past two years you have noticed the number of nations fighting against themselves. Lack of jobs, high debt, and being unable to feed their familes has lead to nations around the world to go into this civil unrest. As you read this post you will see that America has fallen under the Lord's curse. You will see why. What you may not know or believe is that the same type of rioting we have seen in the Middle East and in Europe is coming to the US. I have been warning you about this for some time and I can see the civil unrest coming to America. Now even one of top Democratic strategist has pointed out what I have been warning you. Read the report below and watch the video. You will hear James Carville talk about what is wrong in America and where it is leading. Keep in mind, Carville is a Democratic, so what he is saying is not going to help Obama's bid to get another 4 years. This makes what he is saying that much more important because he is telling it the way it really is.
"If the bleak job market doesn’t improve soon, both the country and President Barack Obama will suffer the consequences, says star Democratic strategist James Carville. The country could even end up with citizen uprisings, the man who played a key role in much of former President Bill Clinton’s political success told radio talker Don Imus in an interview simulcast on Fox Business. Carville bluntly told Imus: “You know, look — this is a humanitarian — you know, you’re smart enough to see this . . . People, you know, if it continues, we’re going to start to see civil unrest in this country. I hate to say that, but I think it’s imminently possible.”
Prophecy Sign: In Zechariah 12:3 God tells us the following: "And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." If you have been coming to this site you would have seen a lot of news showing you nation after nation is turning against Israel. What we see taking place is exactly what God told the Prophet Zechariah. At one time America was Israel's strongest ally, but even that has changed over the past two years. Since Obama took office you can see his policies are more in line with the PLO than Israel. At the end of George Bush's Presidency he began to push for a two state deal in Israel, which would give the PLO their own nation inside Israeli land. Obama has taken this to the next level in his demands on Israel and Jerusalem. There is no question any longer that Obama is fulfilling Zechariah 12:3 in his attempts to divide up Israel and to hand East Jerusalem over to the PLO. Now the leaders in Israel are striking back at Obama. Last week the Prime Minister of Israel was in Washington and confronted the President over his policy concerning giving the PLO back the land they lost in the 1967 war, which includes East Jerusalem. When you read what another leader in Israel just said you will see the heart of the matter as it shows the United States is no doubt burdening themselves over Israel and Jerusalem, which can only lead to one thing, that is the Lord's promise that anyone who does this will be cut into pieces.
"Serving as keynote speaker at the 34th annual Ateret Cohanim/Jerusalem Chai dinner on June 1st, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Danny Danon assumed an obdurate posture on the recent dramatic shift in US foreign policy as it pertains to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In a direct reference to President Obama’s controversial address to the State Department on May 19th, in which he called on Israel to retreat to the ‘1967 boundaries’ [the 1949 armistice lines –ed.] in a gesture towards the creation of an independent Palestinian state, Mr. Danon declared, “President Obama: Take your hands off Jerusalem, take your hands off of Israel.”
What is in store for the United States? You better turn to Jesus for that answer. All I can tell you is this, if the Lord said He would cut you into pieces if you mess with Israel, you can count on disaster after disaster to keep striking the nation. I am not sure if you noticed yet but since Obama's speech last week the US has been hit with massive flooding, recorded number of tornadoes including the category 5 tornado that wiped out much of Joplin, and weird tornadoes that hit Maine and Massachusetts, and now the Missouri River is getting ready to wipe out more land.
Fact is, news today reports, "The National Weather Service, Federal Emergency Management Agency and Army Corps of Engineers are constantly monitoring the Missouri River from Montana to Missouri as they anticipate historic flooding." "The runoff from the Missouri River in May was 10.5 million acre feet of water — enough to cover 10.5 million acres of land one-foot-deep. (Each acre-foot equals 325,851 gallons.) That’s 3 million more than the historic runoff in 1995. Kevin Grody with the Corps of Engineers says the runoff was measured at 7.2 million acre feet in 1995, which was the most in 114 years of record keeping." It appears State after State is coming under some type of disaster which is destroying not only much of America's land but it is also helping wipe out the US economy and is pushing the US further into debt as the price from all these disasters has hit in the billions of dollars. Keep in mind, this is happening when the government is broke!
Many of you may recall I said we should watch the earthquake fault in Missouri. I often wonder that the Lord may use some powerful earthquakes to help cut America in pieces for cutting, or attemping to cut Israel in two parts. There is a huge fault line in the Mid section of America and there was a huge earthquake there in the past. I am sure many in the area of today's quake may have wondered if this was going to be the big one.
"A minor earthquake shook southeast Missouri early today (Tuesday), according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake, which occurred at 3:10 a.m., measured at a magnitude of 4.2. It was recorded 14 miles east-southeast of Sullivan, Mo. Citizens reported feeling the quake in various towns in Illinois and across Missouri, including Jefferson City, Holts Summit, Camdenton, Eldon, Freeburg, Hermann, Ashland, Springfield and St. Louis. Jefferson City Police Department personnel reported feeling the quake at the police station at McCarty and Monroe Streets. Numerous calls were received at the city's 911 center with people saying they felt it or saying it sounded like thunder." Let's keep on the watch because as long as Obama works to divide up Israel the more we will see the huge disasters fall on the US.
Prophecy Sign: As you know the Book of Daniel gives an outline of every world empire from the time the Prophet Daniel was living all the way up to the last world empire that would be standing at the time of Christ's second coming. No where in the Book of Daniel is the US mentioned! Daniel also told us in Daniel 12:4 that our generation would increase in knowledge. Since we are the last generation we can now see why the US was not given one sentence as a world empire for the last days. By leaving out any information about the US it shows us that she would not play an important rule as a mighty nation during the time of the end. We who are living can now see why America was brought down to the place that she no doubt lost her superpower status. One thing has become very clear to us these past two years. The Lord's curse on America for messing with Israel and Jerusalem is taking America out of the picture as her blessing of wealth, and prosperity are turning to food stamp lines growing in record number, and the dollar is declining along with her economy. America's death as a world power has begun. Did you read the news today? America has debt that can never be paid off! I quote, "The government added $5.3 trillion in new financial obligations in 2010, largely for retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security. That brings to a record $61.6 trillion the total of financial promises not paid for." Not only is America in the pit of debt, but she is in the midst of a power shift as the once mighty dollar dies off, and other currencies begin to take the leading roll on the world stage. There is a reason why all this is taking place. First read the rest of the report and I will fill in the blanks for you.
"The dollar fell to a one-month low against a basket of currencies on Tuesday and a record low against the Swiss franc after a Chinese official said the greenback would continue to weaken versus other major currencies. The head of the international payment department at the Chinese forex regulator also warned about the risks of excessive holdings of U.S. dollars.
The dollar index
[.DXY 73.63 -0.32 (-0.43%)
fell to a low of 73.601, the lowest since May 5, while the greenback fell to 0.8328 Swiss francs on trading platform EBS a record low.
"China has been growing its share of U.S. securities quite aggressively in the past, and the threat that they will be selling these holdings has always been there," said Adam Myers, senior forex strategist at Credit Agricole. "But this is not a credible threat as a sell-off will lead to a steepening of the U.S. yield curve which will hurt the U.S. and the Chinese, who are dependent on the U.S. economy. But I do agree that the dollar is headed lower in the long term." The euro rose to its highest in a month, climbing to $1.4666 on EBS, up nearly 0.6 percent on the day. Traders cited option barriers at $1.47 which could check gains in the near term."
The common currency had got a boost in early European trade after a senior government official said the Greek government expects parliament to vote on its medium-term austerity plan by the end of June, a move which will fulfil a condition to receive new international funding. The euro has gained more than 4 percent from its May 23 trough. The immediate target for the common currency is $1.4732, a 78.6 percent retracement of its May 4 to May 23 fall."
I have said this a thousand times. Why do you think America is falling away from power? It is because the last world empire Jesus and Daniel warned us about are in the process of taking center stage for the last days. Keep in mind, the euro is the currency of the European Union, which is the Western leg of the old Roman Empire. Since Jesus told us the old Roman Empire would rise again in the last days it doesn't suprise me at all to see the euro get stronger. Yes, the EU has had it's share of problems lately, but in the end the Antichrist will rise up from the revived Roman Empire to take over the world's economy when the dollar dies! If the euro fails and breaks up we need to look for one of two things to happen.
First, we will need to see if ten of the EU nations stay togethrer with the euro. If they do then these may be the ten nations, (horns) Jesus warned us about that would give up all their power over to the Antichrist so he could rule the empire.
Second, if the euro dies look for the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire to take the lead. These Eastern nations of the old Roman Empire are the Islamic nations that control most of the world's wealth via their oil. Whatever happens, the Anitichrist will rise from one of these legs soon!
Here is the bottom line. If you watch the news and you keep seeing Obama press for a two state soluation for a Middle East peace, know that America's decline will speed up until the Lord fully cuts the nation into pieces. I just came back from Kansas and will be putting pictures of Joplin in my new book. All I can say is this. From the pictures I have seen there is no doubt that America is already being cut into pieces for not following God's will for the Israeli nation.
Prophecy Sign: When you read Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, and Luke chapter 21 you read about the last day signs about droughts, famines, and hungry. The Book of Revelation chapters 7 and 16 you see the signs from the sun and its intense heat that brings on thirst. Not only is America being flooded out and her crops distroyed but she is also seeing some of the worse droughts, and heat waves. Here is one example. "Heat that has been building in the mid-South in recent weeks was reached the Midwest Monday and will expand into the East through midweek. Intense June sunshine combined with building humidity and hot air will push AccuWeather RealFeel® temperatures to dangerous levels during the heat wave. The worst of the heat will be Wednesday and Thursday. Caution is always advised during hot, sunny days. However, extreme caution is urged Wednesday and Thursday. The heat will be hard on the very young, elderly and those who must work outdoors."
Like the United States Syria has also fallen under the same curse as they do what the Americans are doing. The only difference between the US and Syria is Syria is out and out attacking Israel. The US is only attacking Israel on paper via the peace process in their working to divide Israel. Syria not only is working to give the PLO East Jerusalem but they are working to wipe Israel off the map along side their ally Iran. It is for this reason that I believe we see Syria destroyed. Isaiah 17:1 is a prophecy about the burden of Damascus. Here in this verse we see the Lord showing us that Damascus will be left in ruins! The Lord's curse can come in many ways. As for dealing with Syria, we know that when the Psalm 83 begins Syria will join in on this attack against Israel. When that happens you will no doubt see the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49: 24-27 come to pass. As I watch the current events I can see the stones being laid down to these prophecies as Syria is one of the most aggressive nations against Israel. On June 5 of this month Syria was again one of the nations that march on Israel to show the world they want their way with Israel.
Will Syria actually do what the Psalm 83 says? Will syria actually see its ruin as Isaiah and Jeremaiah predict from God? You can see the answer to these questions is yes by what they are doing.
"Damascus Syria (AP) — A Syrian government newspaper said Tuesday there will be more marches of Syrians and Palestinians to the Israeli border, warning Israel the day will come when thousands return to their occupied villages.Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinian and Syrian protesters Sunday, killing as many as 23 people who tried to cross into the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights.The article referred to Palestinian refugees in camps in Syria, as well as Syrians who fled the Golan Heights when Israel captured the strategic plateau in the 1967 Mideast war."
Look, I know there are many who still do not belive in what the Lord has warned us. I understand where you are at as I to was at a place you are right now in your unbelief. However, I know that shortly you will see things that you were warned about and when you see these things, I know the Holy Spirit will tug at your hearts again and again trying to lead you to the one and most important truth on this planet. Jesus Christ is the Lord and He is coming soon to pass judgment on everyone who denies He is the Christ. He is coming to pass judgment on all those who believe and trust in strange gods and any other god except Him. I know these are hard words for many of you but the day is coming that you will see everything He had warned you was and is the truth. Alway keep in mind this very important information. Jesus gave you all the details about the last days to show you that only He could tell what would happen in the future and then you see it take place just as He warned. Today is a great day to be saved in Christ. I would knock on His door today because when He opens the door to take His children home, and you are not one of His own, you will be left standing outside the door knowing you will have to now face the Devil in the form of a man who will be called the Antichrist. What are you waiting for?
Prophecy Sign: As I said above, Iran is Syria's main ally. Iran will not be attacking Israel in the Psalm 83 war as they are not listed in Psalm 83. However, we know from Ezekiel chapter 38 that Iran will meet the curse of God at the Ezekiel battle which will follow the Psalm 83 war. Like Syria who is showing us signs that the Psalm war will take place soon, Iran is always getting in Israel's face threatening to wipe Israel off the map. Once again Iran is doing things to press the issue. I quote, "Iran has sent submarines to the Red Sea, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Tuesday, citing an unidentified source, in a move that could anger Israel. "Iranian military submarines entered the Red Sea waters with the goal of collecting information and identifying other countries combat vessels," Fars said. It did not specify the number or type of vessels involved but said they were sailing alongside warships of the Navy's 14th fleet."
If you have the Holy Spirit living in you, I wouldn't need to tell you that what you are witnessing are the events leading up to the Ezekiel war of which Iran will be wiped off the map! What Iran has warned they will do to Israel we see God doing to them in the Ezekiel battle. For anyone who thinks this will not happen, just remember what you read here. The time is coming when you will see these both the words in Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38 jump off the pages and on to just about every news agency in the world. Only God knows how the headlines will read, but I imagine they may say something like this: "Israel out numbered 5 to 1 wins another war!", or "God protects Israel again-defeats massive invasion".
Something I have been watching is what Israel will do about Iran's quest to get their hands on a nuclear bomb. The Prime Minister of Israel said he would move against Iran to ensure that they won't be able to use this bomb against them. In the Prime Minister's speech last week in Washington he again addressed the issued of Iran and stated they have the right to defend themselves against Iran. Today's news stated, "The Iranian regime is closer than ever before to creating a nuclear bomb, according to RAND Corporation researcher Gregory S. Jones. At its current rate of uranium enrichment, Tehran could have enough for its first bomb within eight weeks, Jones said in a report published this week."
Let's keep our eyes and ears open to any news from Israel about this as I do believe Israel will have to make a move soon. This news is just another sign showing the road to the Ezekiel war!
Prophecy Sign: One of the pieces to the Psalm 83 prophecy war, which God shows us Egypt will be involved in against Israel has been clearing up for us. People couldn't figure out why Egypt would attack Israel in that war if Egypt has a signed peace treaty with Israel. Well, things have suddenly changed and the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel is all but gone. I warned you when President Mubarak was gone look for the Muslim Brotherhood to take control. This Muslim Brotherhood has plans of killing off Israel. What is happening in Egypt is exactly what I expected to happen. I quote, "Egypt's long-banned Muslim Brotherhood has been legally recognized as the Freedom and Justice Party, Egypt's official news agency reported on Tuesday. The announcement would allow the group to run in parliamentary elections set for September. The Brotherhood is considered one of Egypt's best organized blocs following the fall of longtime President Hosni Mubarak in February. It was founded in 1928 but outlawed since 1954."
Can't you see what is happening? The people who are suppose to attack Israel in that Psalm 83 war are being put in place! This is no coincidence! Not only is Egypt going to help fulfill the Psalm war, but by rejecting Israel as a friend, and turning on them they are also fulfilling Zechariah 12:3 where we see nation after nation turning on Israel.
You may be more on your guard after you watch the video below. This is one of the reasons why I keep telling people to watch what happens in September. You will see why when you watch the video. You need to pass this on to as many as you can, because September just might turn out to be major in prophecy!
Further information: Second Coming of Christ .Human beings will not miss the chance to get into heaven due to failing to in his hands and feet that he gained from the Crucifixion when he returns. Beginning of the construction of the Temple of the New Jerusalem in Independence, Missouri .