Satan fighting against the Church/Predictioning earthquakes was he correct?/The Storms/Gold and silver/September 2, 2011


The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Aug. 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

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FrankDiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: luke 21:25 is getting a lot of attention as new storms make their way across the ocean. This past week in the United States the words Jesus warned us are ringing loud and clear. I quote, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea."  Do you realize the anguish and perplexity these storms are bringing?  Billions of dollars are lost and the storms bring on destruction and millions of people are displaced.  At a time when the US is in an economic crisis she can not afford to help all the people who have been affected by the storms. ABC News is now warning that a new storm may drop 20 inches of rain!

"A slow-moving tropical depression was slogging toward the Gulf coast Friday, packing walloping rains that could drench the region with up to 20 inches. Louisiana's governor declared a state of emergency Thursday because of the threat of flash flooding." For a complete look at the coming storms watch the video below.

Now let me give you the news concerning the part of Luke's warning concerning the signs in the sun, moon and stars.  Last week I posted a video where you saw information concerning the comet Elenin and her discharges that causes huge earthquakes to occur on Earth.  If you go to the video below and start to watch the video at the 15 minute mark you will see the experts warning to watch for a earthquake on September 2, 2011. Was he correct? Scroll down to today's news and you will see there was a 6.8 quake today!

"A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Alaska early Friday morning, the USGS reported, leading to a brief tsunami warning for parts of the Aleutian Islands. The warning was canceled after only a small wave was recorded in the community of Atka, Alaska. "In Atka, they had a little bump of a wave, but nothing of any kind of a destructive power. Just a wave," said Jeremy Zidek, a spokesman for the Alaska Department of Homeland Security."

I hope you take the time to watch the entire video above, because if he is correct as he was for the September 2nd date, then you might want to pay very close attention to September 27 through to the 29th! This year the Feast of Trumpets will fall on September 28th through the 29th.

Now let's take another look at yet another quake that has hit on September 2, 2011. I quote, "6.4 quake shakes northern Argentina, capital".  "A magnitude-6.4 earthquake struck north-central Argentina Friday, shaking things up enough to cause evacuations in the capital and be felt in much of the country's population centers. But people living near the epicenter didn't even notice it. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 80 miles (130 kilometers) southeast of Santiago del Estero, a provincial capital of 250,000 people and the 12th-largest city in Argentina. Magnitude-6 earthquakes can cause severe damage, but this one was centered nearly 400 miles (600 kilometers) below the surface – so far underground that its effects were minimized."

These past few weeks I have been on the phone will many people who are asking me if I believe a major earthquake will happen on September 27-29 that will be far worse than the 9.0 quake in Japan?  All I can say is I have been seeking the Lord on this, and I truly believe between now and the Feast of Trumpets we will see more signs that will tell us we need to prepare for a big one. I can not help to think that Jesus put both the signs of the seas and waves roaring in the same verse with the signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars for a reason. For the past few years we have seen huge quakes that have cause major destruction from the waves that have been caused by these quakes.  My spirit is telling me that get ready to see some of the biggest quakes we have ever seen, and get ready to see massives amounts of water moved because of these quakes.  In the first part of the video you watched above he talked about the ocean and the signs he can see from the ocean concerning the comet and sea levels.  If you didn't watch the video this information is given to you with in the first 5 minutes in the video. Yesterday I went to the ocean and viewed the waves for myself. I can tell you that I have never seen the waves so big since living in California.  Fact is, yesterday the waves were so big there was even a surfers warning!

I must admit, that in 35 years of my ministry I have never seen so many things point to this September!  Jesus pointed out that there would be blood moons just prior to His coming. Here is just one of those warnings. "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord" (Acts 2:20). What I find very interesting is not only are we seeing events suppose to take place on this Feast of Trumpets but we are also in a time period that will bring on these blood moons.  For example, if, and I say if the tribulation started in 2011 we would see these types of moons 3 and a half years later as pointed out in the video below.  Are all these things coincidences?  As I said, I have never seen so many signs pointing to the coming of the Lord for His Church.  Ask me now, am I getting ready to meet the Lord?  The question should be, are you getting ready to meet Jesus?  What if Jesus has chosen this September to take the Church away during the time of 3 days of darkness when Elenen arrives?  Here is the bottom line. If you haven't taken Jesus Christ as your savior yet now is the time to do so. It doesn't matter if none of these things they are warning us about happen or not, you need to be saved and ready to meet the Lord reguardless.

I can assure you this, if you ask me what I will be doing from now until the Feast of Trumpets, I will tell you, I will be praying, fasting and repeating the prayer Jesus asked me to pray in Luke 21:36, which says the following: "36Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man".  I can also tell you I am extremely excited about September, because just the thought that I just may be raptured soon gives me great joy. If the Lord doesn't remove the Church this September I will love Him just as much and do the work of the Lord just as hard as I did prior to September's Feast of Trumpets.

Prophecy Sign: Jesus shows us in Revelation 18:12 that when He takes the gold and silver away from the people living during the tribulation period they will weep. Of course they will weep because these metal will be worth a great deal of money.  What does this tell us?  That's easy, it tells us that gold and silver will no doubt rise to levels we have not seen. If you have payed any attention to the metals market you would have noticed the sky rocketing prices of both gold and silver. Here is what happened today concerning gold and silver.







        Week Ago


          Month Ago


        Year Ago

Gold $1,875.95






















Prophecy Sign: Do you think you still have reliegious freedoms in the good old USA? Think again. Watch the video. Satan is doing a number on the Church who is preaching and trying to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.


My question is this. What would happen if someone preaching Isalm near a Church did the same thing this man did? Would they arrest him?

Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” August 10, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 30, 2011 Edition By Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

IMG_0270 July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf

Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.



    • Mark Miller on September 3, 2011 at 6:06 am
    • Reply

    It is my hope, from the bottom of my heart, that there would be earthquakes, hard and numerous enough, at the end of September, and the sun and moon darkening, that would be a wake-up call to my friends and family members. Rise and Shine! Up and at’ em! It really weighs down on my heart that there are still people out there who just decide to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ- the Hard way. If my friends and family notice many “11.0”, if you will (exaggeration) earthquakes all over the earth, and the sun and moon darkening, and they notice I’m gone, asking: “Where’s Mark? Did he just decide to crawl into a hole and commit suicide or something?”, hopefully they will come to their senses and figure out that I have been raptured, and the Bible is real after all, and maybe they will give their hearts to Jesus.

    • Patricia on September 3, 2011 at 11:42 am
    • Reply

    Mark, That is my hope as well.

  1. Mark and Patricia i agree as well!! My family and friends arent bulging a step!! Get ready for the glory to come to the church is the next major event for the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit told me 2011 took the world into a major shift of NO return! What we couldnt do in 40 years the Holy Spirit will do in this “Birth Pains Era”. Just like the children of Israel was protected from the plagues we will too if the saints are sold-out to God Almighty. My prayer right now is getting my house in order which the Holy Spirit gave me this direction in December 2009. Having intimacy with Him on a daily basics so so important right now!!! So many lukewarm christians that dont know God is bringing it!! ~ Rev.Sean

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