I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …
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Prophecy Sign: From the prophecy found in Psalm 83 we know another war between Israel and her neighboring nations is coming. In January 2009 I warned you after Israel had attack the PLO in the Gaza that when Israel pulled out of the Gaza more rocket would begin to fall on Israel. I warned this would lead to more conflicts and would probably help bring about the war found in Psalm 83. About two weeks ago I warned you the next war would be a religious war over Jerusalem. Today’s news shows you my warnings are comng true and a new round of violence is about to happen. “Israel warned
of a harsh response on Thursday afternoon after a Thai greenhouse worker was killed when a Kassam rocket fired by Gaza terrorists exploded in the Netiv Ha’asara area. The man, in his 30s, was evacuated to Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital, where doctors were forced to pronounce him dead. A small Islamist faction calling itself Ansar al-Sunna claimed responsibility for the attack. In a statement e-mailed to reporters in Gaza, the al-Qaida-inspired faction said the attack was a response to Israel's "Judaization" of Islamic holy places in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the West Bank. A second group, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, also later claimed responsibility. Vice Premier Silvan Shalom warned that the attack would lead to a strong reaction, and said that Hamas was ultimately responsible. “It is severe escalation,” said Shalom in remarks broadcast on Army Radio. “Israel will not return to the situation of before Operation Cast Lead. The response will be particularly fierce…I hope Hamas will learn a lesson.”
What did Shalom mean when he stated, “Israel will not return to the situation of before Operation Cast Lead”? Israel attacked the PLO in the Gaza after enduring over 7,000 rockets falling on their citizins, and Shalom is saying they are not going to wait this time to deal with the problem! I can not stress enough that the Psalm 83 war is coming upon us and this means we are very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation. Do you have Christ in your life as your savior yet? If not you are taking the chance of missing His rapture and being cast into the tribulation.
When is war suppose to break out? Paul tells us in 1Thessalonians 5:3 that destruction will come when they are calling for what, (Peace and safety). While Israel is getting ready to respond to the rocket that just fell on them we hear the call for Peace and safety again at the same time. “The United Nations and Russia vowed Thursday to resuscitate Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, whose prospects collapsed after Israel announced that it plans on building new homes in east Jerusalem. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said a meeting between the so-called Quartet of international mediators in Moscow should help restart talks. "There is no other alternative to direct peace talks," Ban said after a meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.” Once again Jerusalem is linked to both of these reports. The rocket fell on Israel because Israel’s ownership of East Jerusalem and the holy cites, and the peace talks are also stalled over ownership of this same city. Read Zechariah 12:3 again and you will see God warned us about this city being a burden to the world in the last days, and that is exactly what is happening. You would have to be spiritually dead not to see what is happening!
When talking about Peace and safety we need to keep our eyes open to who gets involved in these peace talks. Why? Because in Daniel chapter 9 God shows us that the Antichrist will come from the revived Roman Empire and he will make a seven year covenant with not only Israel but with many nations. Since the European Union is the Western leg of the old Roman Empire we need to watch any sign that this revived Roman Empire is getting involved in the peace process. I read today that the PLO is now pushing for the EU to take a stronger role in the stalled peace talks, and I quote, “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on the European Union (EU) on Wednesday to play a more active role in the Middle East peace process. Abbas made the appeal during a meeting with new EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton at his office in the West Bank Ramallah. Ashton will be visiting several states in the region including Israel. Abbas urged Ashton to continue the European economic aid offered to the Palestinians "to contribute to building the Palestinian establishments," according to the state-run Palestinian news agency Wafa. The report said that President Abbas briefed Ashton over the developments in the region, mainly the stalled peace process and the Palestinian position concerning the resumption of the stalled peace talks with Israel.” Everyone wants to know who the Antichrist is? The only sure way to find out is to watch the news and see who confirms this seven year covenant with Israel. The man who does this is the Antichrist.
Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I wrote to you concerning droughts and the intense heat that Jesus warned us about in the following verses. "And there shall be signs in the sun" (Luke 21:25a). “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). “Therefore are they before the throne of God; and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat” (Revelation 7:15-16).
If Christ warned us to look at the sun for signs we should expect to see these signs and the affects that will fulfill the scriptures above. Today I read news about the new solar cycle that is coming upon Earth. I quote, “As a new solar cycle of activity begins this year, the Earth will once again be bombarded with increased radiation from the sun. This effect may damage satellites and interfere with GPS, television and communications.” That isn’t all that is suppose to happen when this next solar activity hits. I was reading a
“Other effects, solar activity also contributes to climate change. When ativitas sun rises, the sun will heat up. As a result, rising world temperatures and climate change. Solar particles penetrating the layers of the earth’s atmosphere will affect the earth’s weather and climate. The impact of the extreme increase in solar activity may cause the expected long drought. However, this is still under review by the researchers.” The affects of this solar activity can cause the same things Jesus warned us about. The sunspot cycles have already caused droughts and have affected peoples lives in the past.
I read a warning about what happened with a previous cycle and here is some of that information below:
“Sunspot Cycles and the Drought of 2001-2002
Two Years of Dryness?
The drought began in November 2000. PNW seasonal precipitation totals have averaged 40% to 90% of normal since October 1st, 2000.
Federal managers were advised on the drought on January 10, 2001, but ignored CRITFC input. NOAA’s NCEP keeps insisting “near normal” precipitation in their climate forecasts, despite being wrong since November 2000.
Winter reservoir levels were 10-35 feet lower than in 1977, the worst drought in 70 years.
New research suggests that sunspot cycles can cause short-term variation in solar radiation reaching the Earth, and trigger El Nino events. Dr. Landscheidt of Nova Scotia predicted, using sunspot cycle analysis in 1998, that the next El Nino could start in early 2001 and peak in the summer of 2002. His paper, “Solar Activity Controls El Nino and La Nina” is located at http://www.microtech.com.au/daly/sun-enso/sun-enso.htm”
What I find interesting is these events are all linked together. The Sun kicks off solar radiation reaching the Earth which also triggers a new El Nino affect, which causes droughts! These are the very things Jesus speaks to us about in the above Bible verses. If Jesus said man would be scorched by the sun and they would become thirsty, and see droughts and roaring seas and waves and you see the sun bring on the same results as was warned, doesn’t that make you think there is something going on?
Yesterday I warned you about what Jesus showed us in Revelation 6:6, where He shows us a person will work all day long to buy one very small meal for him or her self. This shows us the price of food will skyrocket in the last days, which it has already begun to do!. Now read this report. “A new El Nino has started, bringing a change in weather patterns and the increased threat of drought in many parts of the world. The phenomenon, which happens every two to seven years, occurs when the surface ocean waters of the Eastern Pacific are unusually warm. Officially known as the El Nino Southern Oscillation, it affects wind patterns around the world and can cause drought and heavy rains. “The latest El Nino brings fears of drought in Australia and the prospect of floods in South America. Robert Stefanski, from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), warned that El Nino could disrupt the rains in crop areas. Typically, El Nino has the potential to disrupt the rainy seasons and cause lower rainfall in India, Australia, Southeast Asia – the Philippines and Indonesia – southern Africa and Central America," he said. "In past El Nino events, droughts have occurred and lowered food production in many of these regions."
Lower food production means food prices climb. It also mean more people will go without food and this to is a warning from Christ found in Matthew 24:7, where He said we would see famines come in the last days. While all these strange events are going on the population of the world is also climbing adding to the problem who to feed everyone. Things are getting so bad that they are now beginnning to believe what Pastor Malthus warned.
“In 1798 Reverend Thomas Malthus published a pamphlet entitled An Essay on the Principle of Population. In it, he argued that population growth would eventually be stopped by a widespread and catastrophic famine as the world could no longer feed all the mouths it contained. It was an apocalyptic doomsday scenario. The United Nations expects that the world population will hit 7bn in early 2012 – and rise above 9bn by 2050. Despite the technical innovations of the so-called "green revolution" after the Second World War which increased crop yields through fertilisers and large-scale farming, worries still persist that population growth is putting the global food chain under too much pressure. The possibility of a Malthusian catastrophe is once again being discussed.” I am sure Malthus warned the people based on what Jesus had written down for us in these last days.
So what should we expect? I started you off giving you information about the sun and the next round of solar activity and I will end this section with news about this issue. Read this report. “In the last few years the world has experienced a "cooler period" since record high temperatures in summer 1998. This has been used by global warming sceptics as proof that greenhouse gases are not causing a rise in temperatures. However a new study by Nasa said the warming effect of greenhouse gases has been masked since 1998 because of a downward phase in the cycles of the sun that means there is less incoming sunlight and the El Nino weather pattern causing a cooling period over the Pacific. But from this year solar activity will begin to pick up again and the El Nino phenomenon will cause storms and heatwaves. The research, to be published in Geophysical Research Letters, was carried out by Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies the US Naval Research Laboratory. It adds to existing data from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that predicted temperatures will rise because of an increase in greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere.” Here is the bottom line. Jesus warned you of famines, starvation, intence heat, prices of food would be high, droughts, and roaring seas and waves. All of these things have already been caused by affects from the sun. In chapter 5 of my free prophecy book I give you specific details on the sun’s affects, droughts, famine, and he affects from El Nino. One very important thing to keep in mind. These events have already been seen and according to Christ in Mark chapter 13 the end time signs will take place like birth pains. This means that all these signs are going to get much much worse. If you don’t believe Christ’s warnings, just want the news this next year, because you are going to see some pretty strange weather.
I’m not going to give you stats on all the nations but take a look at what they are telling us about droughts. “Severe droughts could devastate sub-Saharan Africa following a recent decades-long drought that killed 100,000 people in Africa's Sahel region, scientists say. Sub-Saharan Africa often suffers droughts, but the group of specialists reported on Thursday that global climate change will make these dry periods more severe and more difficult for the people who live there. The prediction is contained in a study published in the journal of Science by the scientits at the University of Arizona, US. "Clearly, much of West Africa is already on the edge of sustainability, and the situation could become much more dire in the future with increased global warming," said Jonathan Overpeck, a climatologist and co-author of the study. Rise in temperatures Temperatures in the Sahel region are expected to rise by five to 10 degrees this century, the scientists said, despite some curbing of the greenhouse emissions that cause climate change. "We might actually proceed into the future … we could cross a threshold driving the [climate] system into one of those big droughts without even knowing it's coming," Overpeck said.”
I think you should read this news. “A "perfect storm" of circumstances is coming together that is leading many agriculture experts to predict that we will soon be experiencing a worldwide food crisis of unprecedented magnitude. Will 2010 be the year that the world runs out of food? Record setting droughts, exploding populations and crippling crop failures all over the world are combining to set the stage for a potentially devastating food crisis in the coming year. Even in such technologically advanced times, the reality is that the food supply is not immune to droughts and plagues. Even the United States has been dramatically affected. Just consider the following examples…..*All time record breaking heat and drought continues to plague the state of Texas. In fact, extreme drought conditions can be found in many agricultural areas throughout the United States this summer. *If the drought conditions were not bad enough, a disease known as "late blight" is absolutely devastating tomato and potato plants in the eastern half of the United States. The prices for those two staple foods could shoot through the roof, hitting already hurting American consumers really hard. *In addition, farmers all over the United States are reporting very disappointing harvests. For example, the very weak wheat harvest this year is seriously disappointing farmers across the state of Illinois. But it is not just the U.S. that is experiencing serious agricultural problems. In fact, the news from the rest of the world is even more troubling. *Agricultural scientists fear that Ug99, a devastating wheat fungus also known as stem rust, could wipe out over 80 percent of the world's wheat crop as it spreads out from Africa.”
Speaking about droughts, I had someone email me today who lives in Trinidad. This is what I was sent. "“Just want you to know as well that in my country Trinidad we have not had rain for 31 days straight. This is a strange occurrence for us. The days are terribly hot. The last time this happened was in 1946. Just walking outside of the house and staying in the sun for 5 minutes to long, you get sunburns. It is becoming worse. Our water situation to is bad.” I was also sent a report showing me water is a huge problem The link below will take you to a report that address their drought. Things are bad in in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Meteorological Service as you will find out just reported no rain is in sight for two or three more months. One thing that is clear from the report is they described the water situation as critical.
Anyone who doesn’t have Jesus as his or her savior will feel like hell after reading all this depressing news. However, Jesus showed us that those who trust in His Word and receive Him as their Lord would be escaping all these things that are come upon the Earth. How are we who love the Lord going to escape? Jesus promised us that He would come for us and take us with Him to miss the seven year tribulation. This is good news! If you want the details about the rapture of the Church please read chapter 14 of my free prophecy book.
Prophecy Sign: God showed Daniel in the last days the old Roman Empire would again be revived and the Antichrist will rule over this new empire for seven years. When you read chapter two and chapter seven in Daniel’s book you see how the man of sin rises up into ten nations and from these nations he begins to rule the entire world. Jesus shows us that when the Antichrist comes he will take charge of the world’s economic system and control what everyone can buy or sell. This information is found in Revelation 13:16-17. One of the ways which the man of sin is going to be able to take control is when the global economic system fails and people around the world are thrown into turmoil. At this point the world will be looking for someone to get the world out of the crisis and guess who steps on the scene? That’s right, the Antichrist. America will play a role in the last days, but not as a superpower or as Babylon, but her role will be to help lift the revived Roman Empire to power when the dollar dies and the U.S. can’t pay off her over 12 and a half trillion in debt. How bad is it getting?
Things in the U.S. are getting really bad, so bad that many U.S. States can’t even give their citizens their tax refunds. Here are a few reports showing you what I am writing about. I quote, “For hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, the check won't be in the mail — at least not on time. New York State has stopped paying tax refunds and won't start again until next month. The tax refund delay is part of a bigger cash crunch. Message to New Yorkers: don't start spending your tax refund money because it's going to be delayed. A half billion dollars' worth of refund checks were put on hold last Friday, and state beancounters won't start sending you your money until at least April 1. "I apologize that we had to do this. I hope it serves notice on the public of how serious our financial situation is," Gov. David Paterson said.”
Alabama tax refunds are being delayed again this year as the state grapples with the recession, although the state finance director said he thinks taxpayers will get their refunds more quickly than they did last year. Economic conditions are slowing the process of issuing refunds because tax refunds are sent out as funds are available, said Carla Snellgrove, a spokeswoman for the Department of Revenue. If tax collections are slow, tax refund payments are slow. "They're going out, but they are going out slowly," Snellgrove said.
Residents eager to get their state tax refunds may have a long wait this year: The recession has tied up cash and caused officials in half a dozen states to consider freezing refunds, in one case for as long as five months. States from New York to Hawaii that have been hard-hit by the economic downturn say they have either delayed refunds or are considering doing so because of budget shortfalls. "It's an indicator of how bad it is," says Scott Pattison, executive director of the National Association of State Budget Officers. "You know things are bad when you have to do that." New York, hit with a $9 billion deficit, may delay $500 million in refunds to keep the state from running out of cash, says Gov. David Paterson.”
The White House is telling Americans the jobs bill will bring some 250,000 new jobs. I quote, “WASHINGTON — Companies that hire unemployed workers will get a temporary payroll tax holiday under a bill that easily won congressional approval Wednesday in what Democrats hope is just the first of several election-year measures aimed at boosting hiring. The 68-29 bipartisan vote in the Senate sent the legislation to the White House, where President Barack Obama was expected to sign it into law Thursday. Eleven Republicans voted for the legislation, an impressive tally considering the politically charged atmosphere on Capitol Hill. It was the first of several jobs bills promised by Democrats, though there's plenty of skepticism that the measure will do much to actually create jobs. Optimistic estimates predict the tax break could generate perhaps 250,000 jobs through the end of the year, but that would be just a tiny fraction of the 8.4 million jobs lost since the start of the recession.” What they don’t want to remind people is the fact that each month 250,000 plus are still losing their jobs.
Below is a good site that shows why America is not Babylon of the Bible.
Prophecy Sign: Do you remember what Timothy showed us about people living in the last days? He said, “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Jesus goes on to say in Matthew that one of the major end times signs will be the last generation will turn to homosexuality just like Noah’s generation day. The other day I showed you how many Catholic Priests who have the form of being holy men turned out to be nothing but lovers of pleasure and they assaulted kids. It has been disclosed that many of these men were really homosexuals. Now take a look at what has happened in another religion.
“The Episcopal Church has confirmed the election of an Annapolis priest as the first openly lesbian bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool, who has served in the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland since 1992, said Wednesday that she was "overjoyed and overwhelmed" by news that a majority of bishops and diocesan committees had approved her election as assistant bishop in the Diocese of Los Angeles."And grateful," she added. "I'm grateful to so many people, and to God." Satan is doing a good job of trying to bring down Christ’s Church. Little by little he is infecting the Church with people who are not following sound doctrine. 1 Timothy 4:1 warns us of these types of things. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” No where in the Bible do you read that it is sanctioned to allow homosexuals running any true Church. Fact is, if a person is sinning in this way they are to be confronted with this type of sin. If they refuse to given up this practice they are to leave the church. The people who are allowing homosexuals to take over or even to stay in church have fallen away from sound doctrine exactly as we were warned.
Hear me out on this. If someone comes into your church and you know they are following a homosexual life style, give a chance to hear the Word of God. After they hear the Word, and they continue to refuse to repent from this type of sin that is when you should confront them. Give them time. There are many homosexuals who are unsaved and if they do come into church it may take time to hear the word. The best way to help someone find the truth about the Word of God is by showing them you love them enough to give them time to change. Here is the bottom line to all this. Our generation has turned away from Christ and has copied Noah’s generation. This is one of the major end time signs showing the church that they will be raptured shortly.
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen
yeah right ^
goodbye america
you sinned enough
Warm message full of happiness is to cherish the memory, never fade color, because you are happy, deep feelings about condensing sincere! Anyone with a sunny place, is my sincere blessing. Where the moon shines place, is my deep thoughts. I sincerely wish you had better than me! I wish you happiness!