Seminar Tonight- Prophecy Signs for Wednesday September 10, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 2, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Seminar Sign

  • Trinity Church of the Nazarene
    Address: Lompoc, CA
  • Phone:(805) 736-6415
    The Seminar will begin at 6:45 PM Wed. Sept. 10, 2014 and run to 8:15 PM Pacific Standard Time. All are welcome to come. There is no cost!  I will be posting again on Thursday.


caution-signI must caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.  


Fatah Official Tirawi: No Difference between Hamas Executions and ISIS Beheadings

Erdogan Compares Israel to Hitler, Says: They Will Drown in the Blood They Shed

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”

phase 2

Headline: Al Qaeda Captures Syrian Town on Border with Israel

The Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, released footage on Tuesday showing the capture of the town of Naba Al-Sakhr in Quneitra, along the border with Israel. It comes as rebel groups, including the Nusra Front, continue to make gains against regime positions along the border, in fierce clashes which have spilled over into Israel territory with increasing frequency. Although until now the fire into Israel has been inadvertent spillover, there is concern that some Islamist rebel groups, like the Nusra Front – which frequently talk of “liberating Al Quds (Jerusalem)” – could use such positions to launch attacks on Israel in the future.
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: Terrorist Prisoners to Start Hunger Strike

Palestinian Arab terrorists announced they are starting a hunger strike in response to the suicide of an Arab terrorist jailed in Israel. Palestinian Arab terrorists who are serving time in Israeli jails announced on Tuesday night that they will start a hunger strike on Wednesday. The mass hunger strike is a response to the death of an Arab terrorist jailed in Israel, who committed suicide by hanging himself at the Eshel prison in Be’er Sheva. The terrorist, 35-year-old Raed Abdel Salam al-Jaabari, was arrested near the Kfar Etzion Junction in Judea after a car accident in which he attempted to run over several Jewish residents. Al-Jaabari was arrested during Operation Brother’s Keeper, which the IDF launched following the kidnap and murder of teenagers Eyal Yifrah, Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Sha’ar. Palestinian Authority (PA) officials claimed Israel committed a “war crime” after Al-Jaabari’s suicide. PA Prisoners’ Affairs Union chairman Qadura Fares “cast doubt on the occupation’s claims that the prisoner committed suicide and asked international organizations to investigate his death,” according to a statement from his office. “Israel is responsible for his death,”  PA Minister of Prisoner Affairs Issa Qaraqa claimed to AFP. “The Israelis say he tried to hang himself but it is not true. It is a lie. This is a war crime.”
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: Arab Rioter Shot Dead Trying to Kill IDF Soldiers

An Arab rioter was shot dead early Wednesday morning as he took part in clashes attacking IDF troops in Al-Amari north of Ramallah, with Palestinian Authority (PA) sources decrying the incident, even as the IDF reports he was shot while trying to kill soldiers. The rioter, 22-year-old Taysir Qatari according to PA medics cited by AFP, was shot while trying to throw an explosive at IDF forces according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. IDF forces were in the area to conduct an arrest of wanted terrorists. During the ensuing clashes, at least 50 Arab rioters threw molotov cocktails and rocks at the soldiers, and also rolled burning tires at them. An IDF spokesperson said the forces “identified one Palestinian who tried to throw an explosive device at them so in response they opened fire.” She added that he was evacuated for medical treatment but died of his wounds. The target of the operation, a wanted Hamas terrorist named as Allah Jalita, was arrested in the operation. An M1 Carbine semi-automatic rifle was found in his house, along with pipe bombs and dozens of bullets. Overnight arrests also saw the IDF capture another Hamas terrorist in Bethlehem. Aside from the two, four others were arrested for disturbing public order and throwing rocks and IDF forces and civilians. All six arrested were brought in for investigation by security forces.
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: UN mulling separate inquiry into Israeli attacks on its Gaza facilities

The top official at the United Nations said the agency was considering an inquiry into the attacks on its facilities and staff during Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s seven-week conflict with Hamas in Gaza. Speaking with the Arabic daily Al-Hayat, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that such a probe would aim to “investigate the killing and wounding of U.N. personnel and to hold accountable those responsible, whoever they are.” He told the paper that he had discussed the prospect of the probe with Israeli authorities. The inquiry would be separate from one being conducted by the U.N. Human Rights Council, which is investigating whether Israel committed war crimes in Gaza. The Israeli government has condemned the formation of that panel, saying that Hamas should be the subject of the inquiry. Ban also said the new inquiry would look into the storage of weapons at U.N. facilities. The U.N. Relief and Works Agency said more than once during the conflict that it found rockets stored at schools it runs. “Those responsible are turning schools into potential military targets, and endangering the lives of innocent children,” UN staff and anyone seeking shelter, a late-July statement from Ban’s spokesman said.
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: Hamas: Cairo truce talks to resume mid-September

Hamas’s exiled deputy leader said Wednesday that indirect talks with Israel to consolidate a Gaza ceasefire are to resume in Cairo in mid-September. Fifty days of deadly fighting between Israel and Gaza militants which killed more than 2,140 Palestinians and 73 on the Israeli side, ended on August 26 with an open-ended truce agreement. Under terms of the deal, the parties agreed to resume Egyptian-brokered negotiations within a month to discuss key issues, including a Hamas demand for a port and an airport, a prisoner swap and Israel’s insistence on Gaza militants disarming. Speaking to reporters in Gaza City during a visit from his base in Cairo, Mussa Abu Marzuq said it was “expected that the talks would resume in mid-September.”
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: US-Iran cooperation on IS makes Israel uneasy

Headline: Netanyahu Convenes Security, Legal Chiefs to Strategize Foiling ISIS

Lately, no one in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv has any clue about what to do about regional and global developments. Are they good? Are they bad? Are they both good and bad? A case in point is how the insurgents were taking over the Golan Heights. Israel has yet to decide what’s better: Having the Golan Heights under the control of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or see his grip waning in favor of sub-state chaos governed by ephemeral insurgent organizations. While we are still weighing this, reports started appearing about Iranian cooperation with the United States in the war against the Islamic State (IS). It began with accounts noting that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a special fatwa, rendering legitimate the assistance to the United States in its war on the insane Sunni “infidels” from IS. Reports then followed that both countries, which are pitted against each other in a forceful struggle relating to Iran’s nuclear program, were indeed coordinating their positions and collaborating to stop IS. Although these reports were denied, Jerusalem did not completely take those denials at face value. For sure, they are concerned lest this cooperation lead to a rapprochement that is too close for comfort, possibly causing the Americans to be far too lenient in the nuclear negotiations, which Jerusalem considers to be fateful for Israel’s future and national security. On the other hand, Israeli defense officials acknowledge that so far the world powers, led by the United States, have been conducting themselves “surprisingly well” in terms of the nuclear negotiations. “They stand their ground and will not be pushed around,” officials from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the intelligence community are saying. So why would they chicken out now? This discussion could come in tandem with the emerging Israeli position regarding IS. Netanyahu is trying to draw an analogy between IS and Hamas, although so far with only partial success. Indeed, both cases involve extreme Sunni organizations that do not spurn terror. However, Hamas has yet to decide whether to resort to beheading its rivals. So far, it has made do with firing point-blank at the knees of their Fatah comrades and throwing dozens of them to their deaths off the rooftops of high-rises in Gaza during their takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007. “An Islamic caliphate here in the region would be a strategic disaster,” the officer said. “The biggest fear is of a virulent plague of extremism that will suck in everything in its path. If those people really succeed in establishing a radical Islamic state that terrorizes the region, they might grow rapidly and rally massive support. Before we know it, it could potentially spiral from a negligible tactical event into a strategic catastrophe, which would take generations to overcome. This locomotive,” the officer said, “should be stopped in its tracks and derailed now, before it gathers momentum.” I asked him if the Americans got this. “I think so,” the officer replied. “It took them a couple of days or maybe weeks, but now you see that they’re organizing quickly and that they got the point. The Europeans, too, are starting to grasp the new reality.” He continued, “For now, so it seems; but there’s no full guarantee of that. When it comes to such organizations, airstrikes alone just won’t cut it. Radical Islamic terror in our region was eradicated only when massive force was used and only when the ground was scoured, from village to village and from house to house. This is exactly what we did during Operation Defensive Shield in 2002 to stop the deluge of suicide bombers. And that’s exactly the difference between the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria. We are not in the Gaza Strip. All we do is to threaten it with airstrikes, which is why it builds up and becomes increasingly deadlier with each round. By contrast, we are deployed in Judea and Samaria. We take out in real time any terrorist who rears his head. We have active intelligence in place. We know the terrain. And that’s why terror cannot rear its head.” This also has serious repercussions on the peace talks and the future of the diplomatic negotiations. Netanyahu hopes that the world will understand him better now. The world — I believe — doesn’t quite get him yet. Eventually some will understand, even if they learn their lesson the hard way.
Sept. 10, 2014


phase 1

***We apologize for our map making skills or lack thereof

Headline: The winter game is Army’s best strategy

Headline: Will IS, Jabhat al-Nusra expand in Lebanon?

With the winter months approaching, the Lebanese Army is expecting Al-Qaeda-linked militants entrenched in Arsal’s outskirts to stage reprisal attacks in an attempt to regain supply routes cut off by heavy military presence. A repeat of the clashes sparked Aug. 2, when Syrian rebels overran the northeast border town, is “inevitable now,” a security source told The Daily Star. Dozens of military men and militants were killed, and at least 29 soldiers and policemen were taken hostage by the two groups. At least 22 remain captive. ISIS militants are believed to be in positions in the northern outskirts of Arsal, from Khirbet Younin to Wadi al-Khayl to Rahwa, Wadi al-Hoqban and Wadi Oueiss, and further east in Atamin and Talaat Moussa, where they overlap with Nusra positions. The latter are predominately based in Wadi al-Zamarani,Wadi Tahout, Khirbet Daoud, and the area around Wadi Martabya and Wadi Mira. Aram Nerguizian, senior fellow at the Center for International and Strategic Studies, said recent fortifications in Arsal only told half the story: “For the last four months, even before the main incidents [in Arsal] the Lebanese Armed Forces have been proactive in building up their presence, not only around the immediate 10-15 kilometers of Arsal, but even further, in Al-Qaa and Ras Baalbek, in anticipation of dealing with recurring incidents, clashes and kidnappings,” he said. “The reason things didn’t really go very well the first time was lack of experience, but the plan holds,” he added. Nerguizian said the main security challenge remained east of Arsal, which remained vulnerable to militant infiltration. Near Al-Qaa lies a heavily defended operating base at Neemat to the east. There is another base north of Amanah and a third east of Ras Baalbek, which makes these areas more difficult to infiltrate. He agreed that despite the Army’s defensive posture, clashes with militants were “100 percent” imminent. “The advantages of being in this no-man’s-land [the outskirts] are there so long as the weather holds,” he said. While the Army has effectively tightened its noose around Arsal, an offensive strategy to root out the rebels from the outskirts is unlikely, said military strategist Elias Farhat. “I don’t think the Army is in a position to carry out an offensive attack in the mountains,” he said. “It’s more within the Army’s capabilities to keep up the blockage so supplies don’t reach the militants, because eventually they will die out or surrender.”
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: Beheaded corpse in Egypt bears ISIS-signed note

Headline: Civilian shot dead in North Sinai militant attack

Residents in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula said on Wednesday they found a beheaded corpse bearing a note signed by an Islamist militant group linked to the Syria and Iraq-based Islamic State, accusing the victim of being an Israeli spy. The beheading is the eighth claimed by the group in Sinai in under a month in a surge of brutal killings seemingly inspired by Islamic State, which has been internationally condemned for its atrocities and has been the target of U.S. air strikes. Residents from a village south of the town of Sheikh Zuweid in northern Sinai told Reuters by phone that the decapitated body bore a note signed by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, saying he was an agent for Israeli spy agency Mossad. “This is the fate of all who prove to be traitors to their homeland,” the group said in the note, according to the villagers. A senior Ansar commander told Reuters last week that Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot that controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq, had been advising the Sinai-based group on how to operate more effectively.
Sept. 10, 2014

 Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:   Secret US-Syrian dialogue for coordinating counter-ISIS operations

Syria Headline:  UN’s Ban urges Assad to seek political solution to Syria crisis

Shortly before US President Barack Obama was to unveil his strategy for tackling ISIS in Iraq and Syria on Wednesday, Sept. 10, US and Syrian officers held secret talks for coordinating their military efforts against the common foe, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. This is revealed exclusively by debkafile’s military and intelligence sources. The Syrian officers, on the authority of President Bashar Assad, met on the quiet several times with American officers in the capital of one of the Gulf emirates – most probably Muscat in Oman – to prepare the ground for the US and coalition to extend the military campaign against IS into Syria. Tehran was almost certainly in on the dialogue, which brought together US and Syrian officials for the first time in the nearly four years of the Syrian civil war. Our military experts say that the US campaign will be a lot more complicated militarily on the Syrian side of the the Islamic State than parallel operations in Iraq – although IS strongholds in northern and eastern Syria should not be hard to bomb from the air. But it must be taken for granted that the ISIS commander, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who has proved to be a competent military tactician, will not leave his troops in place to wait for US bombers, but has already moved them to safe hideouts, either in the mountains of northern Syria, the Syrian desert that spreads over into Iraq, or in the dense vegetation on the banks of the Euphrates River, good places from which to conduct protracted guerilla warfare.
Sept. 10, 2014

Syria Headline:    Syrian rebel group names new leaders after deadly blast

Syria’s Islamist Ahrar al-Sham rebel brigade named new chiefs on Wednesday after a devastating blast that killed nearly 30 members of its leadership in northeastern Idlib province. The blast on Tuesday evening killed the key rebel group’s leader Hassan Abboud, known by the name Abu Abdullah al-Hamawi, along with 27 other top members. The attack targeted a meeting of around 50 military and religious leaders in the basement of a house at Ram Hamdan, northeast of Idlib city. On Wednesday, in a video posted on YouTube, Ahrar al-Sham announced that Hashem al-Sheikh, known as Abu Jaber, would replace Abboud as head of the group, with Abu Saleh Tahhan as military chief. “A group of the best chiefs of Ahrar al-Sham have been martyred. But Ahrar al-Sham is more determined than ever to continue on the path to liberating our country from dictators,” the video statement said.
Sept. 10, 2014

Syria Headline:    World’s chemical watchdog confirms ‘systematic’ chlorine attacks in Syria

The world’s chemical watchdog on Wednesday confirmed the “systematic” use of chlorine as a weapon in Syria, according to a report by its team investigating alleged attacks there.  The fact-finding mission established “compelling confirmation” that a toxic chemical was used “systematically and repeatedly” as a weapon in villages in northern Syria earlier this year, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said in a statement. “The descriptions, physical properties, behaviour of the gas, and signs and symptoms resulting from exposure, as well as the response of patients to the treatment, leads the mission to conclude with a high degree of confidence that chlorine, either pure or in mixture, is the toxic chemical in question.” The OPCW said that reports of chlorine attacks in Syria dropped off after the fact-finding mission was established in April, “but there was a spate of new allegations in August”. Spokesman Michael Luhan said the new claims would be investigated.
Sept. 10, 2014

Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Syria Headline:    Institute for the Study of War Syria Update August 30- Sept. 4, 2014

Iraq Headline:  Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said Iraq should not cooperate with ‘occupiers’

Iraq Headline:    Kerry in Iraq backs government, says Baghdad a partner against Islamic State

Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, head of a powerful Shi’ite movement in Iraq, said on Wednesday during a visit by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that Iraq should not cooperate with “occupiers”. “We wish for Iraq to cooperate with the neighboring countries and its allies, but not with the occupiers,” said Sadr, whose opinions hold sway over tens of thousands of militants. His comments highlight the difficulties that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi faces in his attempts to unify a country that rival militias are threatening to tear apart.
Sept. 10, 2014

Iraq Headline:   Double car bomb attack kills 13 in Iraq

Twin car bombs near pet and vegetable markets in Baghdad killed 13 people Wednesday, Iraqi officials said. Police officials said the two car bombs exploded simultaneously in the southeastern neighborhood of New Baghdad on Wednesday, killing 13 people, including three traffic policemen. Another 28 people were wounded and several cars were damaged in the attack. Medical officials confirmed the casualties. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to journalists.
Sept. 10, 2014

Iraq Headline:   Institute for the Study of War Iraq Situation Report: September 8-9, 2014

Kurdish Headline:   Kurdistan Minister: ‘The Kurds Had to Go to Baghdad’

The Kurds signed up to the new government in Baghdad this week under great US pressure, confessed Mawlud Bawamurad, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) minister for parliamentary affairs. He said the US had made its stepped-up military support in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) conditional on there being a government in Baghdad. In an interview with Rudaw, Bawamurad said that, although the agreement signed in Baghdad is not perfect for the Kurds, it is enough for now: “What is important is that our participation in it is conditional and the witness to our conditions is America.”
Sept. 10, 2014

Kurdish Headline:   Kurds praise U.S. support, want more against ISIS

Masrour Barzani is the head of Kurdish intelligence service, which is helping pick the targets for U.S. pilots in support of Kurdish forces on the ground. The U.S airstrikes against ISIS are “very useful,” he told CBS News. Kurdish fighters are thankful for U.S. support, but he adds: “but I don’t think it’s enough to defeat ISIS.” “ISIS is still very intact in Syria. ISIS still feels secure in areas like Mosul and Tal Afer,” Barzani said. “We believe the strikes should target the nerve system and the leadership of ISIS wherever they may be.” And by that, he said, he also means Syria, where he would like to see U.S. airstrikes against ISIS. Barzani told CBS News the Kurds are talking to the White House about major support for the Kurdish Military, known as the Peshmerga. “We are asking the United States for they should help the Peshmergas with heavy armament,” Barzani said. “Tanks, helicopters, heavy armaments, MRAPs especially, you know, because they are very important.” MRAPs are armored troops carriers. The Peshmerga CBS News met looked like they could use them. There was evidence of a battle, won. But all the weapons they reloaded were light — no artillery, no effective armor.
Sept. 10, 2014

rise of ISIS

Headline:   Democrats Plan Bill Authorizing U.S. Military to Train Enemies of ISIS

Headline: US fears indirect arming of Islamic State

Senate Democratic leaders are preparing legislation to expressly authorize the United States military to train foreign troops for the battle against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, a move that will give lawmakers a chance to weigh in on the looming military action before the midterm elections. Although the ground forces being trained would not be American, the trainers would be a “boots on the ground” prospect that might not sit well with members of both parties. No money would be attached to the measure, but a request for around $500 million might come later this fall, Senate Democratic aides said. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, embraced the proposal on Wednesday, even as he expressed strong opposition to deploying American ground troops.
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: Republicans rebuff Obama on training Syrian rebels

Headline: MORE Evidence ISIS and ‘Moderate’ FSA Rebels are the Same

House Republicans have rebuffed President Barack Obama’s request for explicit approval to train and equip Syrian rebels battling forces seeking creation of an Islamic State and to spend up to $2 billion stabilizing the situation in Ukraine, Iraq and other hotspots, U.S. officials said Wednesday. Despite the setback, administration officials worked to win the support of reluctant lawmakers in the hours before Obama was delivering a nationally television speech to the nation laying out his strategy for combating militants with Islamic State group. Officials said Obama made two specific requests of lawmakers as they drafted a sweeping spending bill to keep the government open past the end of the Sept. 30 budget year. Neither was included in the bill that the House is scheduled to vote on Thursday, but the situation remained fluid. The White House request asks for “authority to train and equip appropriately vetted elements of the Syrian armed opposition to help defend the Syrian people from attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Syrian regime” as well as stabilize areas in Syria under rebel control. Obama pressed leaders for the authority in a private meeting Tuesday. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says Congress should support the authorization.
Sept. 10, 2014

isis map

Headline:   Philippines plans to give Muslims autonomous zone as part of peace proposal

The president of the overwhelmingly Catholic Philippines proposed Wednesday to give Muslims in the south the ability to run their own government under their own flag, part of a peace plan aimed at ending a four-decade rebellion that has killed 150,000 people. The draft law submitted by President Benigno Aquino III to Congress fleshes out a peace deal signed in March by the country’s largest Muslim insurgent group, the 11,000-strong Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The autonomous region in the southern island of Mindanao, to be called Bangsamoro, would get its own 60-member parliament that would wield exclusive power over such areas as agriculture, trade, tourism and education. Under the proposal, Islamic Shariah law would apply to Muslims in the region, but the country’s justice system would continue to apply to non-Muslims. The Moro group has renounced the terrorist acts of extremist groups, including the Islamic State, which seeks to impose a harsh version of Shariah law in areas under its control in Syria and Iraq.

****Please look CLOSELY at the map above; this map is a work in progress as we track all the countries and groups that have pledged allegiance to ISIS
Sept. 10, 2014 

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.


Headline: Ukraine says Russia withdrawing forces from east, sees boost for peace

Headline:  Ukraine promises ‘special status’ for east, but no territorial concessions

Ukraine’s president said on Wednesday Russia had removed the bulk of its forces from his country, raising hopes for a peace drive now underway after five months of conflict in which more than 3,000 people have been killed. Moscow denies sending troops into eastern Ukraine to support pro-Russian rebels battling Ukrainian forces, despite what Kiev and its Western backers say is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Moscow also denies arming the separatists. President Petro Poroshenko told a televised cabinet meeting Ukraine would remain a sovereign, united country under the terms of a peace roadmap approved last Friday, but said parts of the east under rebel control would get special status. “According to the latest information I have received from our intelligence, 70 percent of Russian troops have been moved back across the border,” Poroshenko said. “This further strengthens our hope that the peace initiatives have good prospects.” However, Poroshenko said the ceasefire was not proving easy to maintain because “terrorists” were constantly trying to provoke Kiev’s forces. Ukraine’s military recorded at least six violations of the ceasefire overnight but said there were no casualties. Five servicemen have been killed during the ceasefire, Ukraine says. A civilian was also killed at the weekend during shelling of the eastern port of Mariupol.
Sept. 10, 2014


Cooltextprophecysign Iran: Jeremiah 49:34-39 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, The foremost of their might. 36 Against Elam I will bring the four winds From the four quarters of heaven, And scatter them toward all those winds; There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go. 37 For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies And before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, My fierce anger,’ says the Lord; ‘And I will send the sword after them Until I have consumed them. 38 I will set My throne in Elam, And will destroy from there the king and the princes,’ says the Lord. 39 ‘But it shall come to pass in the latter days: I will bring back the captives of Elam,’ says the Lord.”

Headline:   Putin, Iran’s Rouhani to discuss trade, economic ties

Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani while they are in Tajikistan for a security summit on Friday to discuss trade and economic ties, a Kremlin official said. He did not say whether they would touch on an “oil-for-goods deal” which Tehran and Moscow have been discussing as a way to get round Western sanctions imposed on Russia over the Ukraine crisis and on Tehran over its nuclear programme. “Naturally, the main focus will be on strengthening trade and economic ties,” Kremlin foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov told reporters in Moscow at a briefing on Wednesday before the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe. He said Russia and Iran were concerned about a “certain trade decline”. Kremlin data showed an almost one-third decline in trade turnover to $1.6 billion last year following Western sanctions against the oil-producing Middle Eastern nation. Russia is looking to supply grain worth up to $500 million per year to Iran in exchange for oil, Russia’s state grain trader said, in a further reduction to the value of a long-negotiated barter deal between the two countries.
Sept. 10, 2014


Headline:   Iran soldier killed in rebel attack on Pakistan border

An Iranian soldier was killed and two pro-government militiamen were wounded in a rebel attack on a border post with Pakistan in southeast Iran, state news agency IRNA reported Wednesday. Commander Ramezan Sharif of the Revolutionary Guards, quoted by IRNA, said a soldier of the elite force was killed and two bassiji Islamist militia volunteers were wounded. He identified the assailants as members of Jaish-ul Adl (Army of Justice), a Sunni extremist group, and said they suffered “heavy losses” in the attack in the Saravan region Tuesday. The survivors fled into Pakistan, the officer said. The same group captured five Iranian soldiers in February, four of whom were released in April. The fate of the other man remains unknown. The border province of Sistan-Baluchistan, which has a large Sunni Muslim community in an otherwise predominantly Shiite country, is the scene of frequent attacks by Sunni extremists and is a major drug smuggling route.
Sept. 10, 2014




Headline:   War News for Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reported security incidents
#1: Afghan officials say 14 people, including civilians, have been killed in a U.S. airstrike in eastern Afghanistan. Abdul Ghani Musamem, a spokesman for the governor of Kunar province, says 14 people died in the airstrike in Narang district. Musamem says 13 others were wounded in the strike on Tuesday.

#2: Pakistan’s military says its warplanes struck three hideouts at a Taliban stronghold near the Afghan border, killing 35 militants. Officials say the air strikes early Wednesday targeted the North Waziristan tribal region

#3: Gunmen have killed a member of the tribal police guarding a polio vaccination team in Pakistan’s northwest in the latest attack on health workers trying to combat the disease. Officials said the attack took place on September 10 in Damadola area of Bajaur, a tribal area on the border with Afghanistan where polio is a serious problem.

#4: At least six militants were killed in the ongoing operation Zarb-e-Azb in Dattakhel area of North Waziristan Agency on Tuesday. According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), a soldier of the Pakistan Army also embraced martyrdom in fight against militants in Dattakhel during clearance operation. A civilian logistics staff member was also killed in the soldiers’ shootout with terrorists when he was providing logistics supplies to the fighting soldiers.

#5: Units of police backed by the army have rooted out militants in Chardara district of the northern Kunduz province after month-long cleanup operations, provincial police chief Ghulam Mustafa Mohsini said Wednesday.

#6: Afghan police backed by the army units have killed 50 Taliban militants during series of operations across the country over the past 24 hours, Ministry of Interior said in a statement released here on Wednesday.

#7: Two traffic police were wounded in Ghazni province yesterday. The traffic police while moving toward their mission have been targeted by firing of an insurgent who riding motorcycle in Deh Khuda region, Ghazni city yesterday.

#8: Three mine planters were killed, as a result of their own mine explosion in east of the country yesterday.

#9: National Directorate of Security (NDS) officers were martyred following an attack by Taliban militants in western Badghis province. Local government officials said the incident took place on Tuesday after a group of Taliban militants ambushed a convoy of the NDS operatives in Karkh district.




Headline: China Sending 1,800 Peacekeepers to South Sudan

China is sending hundreds of troops to join the U.N. peacekeeping force in war-torn South Sudan, where Chinese companies have major oil interests. Comments from China’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesday followed a report in the Wall Street Journal that said China was deploying troops to protect South Sudanese oil fields and the Chinese workers and installations around them. Responding to reporters’ questions, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying made no mention of oil or Chinese companies, saying China’s “goal is to strictly follow the mandate of the U.N. Security Council and promote construction of the region.” Hua said China has already deployed 1,800 peacekeepers to South Sudan, while a spokesman for the U.N. mission in the country, Joe Contreras, said Beijing planned to send 700 soldiers, none of whom have arrived. There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy. The Wall Street Journal says China’s National Petroleum Corporation holds a 40 percent stake in a joint venture that operates South Sudan’s oil fields, and also operates a 1,000-kilometer oil export pipeline that ships crude through neighboring Sudan.
Sept. 10, 2014




Headline: Islamists in Libya’s Benghazi probably kidnapped 25 missing soldiers: commander

Islamists militants in Libya have probably kidnapped up to 25 soldiers who are missing in the eastern city of Benghazi and killed five others, an army commander said on Wednesday, as the two sides battled over control of the airport. Violent anarchy has taken hold in the port city and in the capital Tripoli, causing the central government to lose its grip on power three weeks ago, three years after an uprising ousted Muammar Gaddafi. Western powers worry Libya will turn into a failed state or head towards another civil war. Tripoli is in the hands of an armed group linked to the western city of Misrata after it expelled a rival group and forced the elected parliament to relocate to a town in the remote east of Libya. In Benghazi, Islamist fighters have been trying to seize Benghazi’s civilian and military airport in recent weeks by approaching the site from several sides, residents say. The army has tried to stop the advance with artillery fire. Five soldiers were killed and seven others wounded when Islamist fighters belonging to a group called Majlis al-Shoura attacked an army checkpoint in Benghazi on Tuesday, Fadhil al-Hasi, a special forces commander, told Reuters.
Sept. 10, 2014




Headline:  Algeria considering US, France request to ‘facilitate’ Libya military strikes

Algeria is reportedly studying requests by the US and France to “facilitate” military operations against militant groups in neighbouring Libya, an Algerian source on Tuesday. “The US and France have both asked Algeria to open its airspace to surveillance planes and other military planes transferring commando units for a reconnaissance mission in parts of Libya,” the source, requesting anonymity, told Anadolu Agency. He added that the US and France have made the same request of “other states near Libya.” The Algerian government has yet to officially respond to the request. The French language Tout Sur l’Algerie website reported that France’s Military Chief of Staff General Pierre de Villiers will visit Algeria on Saturday. On Tuesday, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called on the international community to take decisive action in Libya, which he said was becoming a “hub for terrorist groups”. Egypt, which also shares a border with Libya, has recently denied plans for military intervention in Libya to halt rising violence in the Arab country.
Sept. 10, 2014




Headline:  Morocco Reaffirms Support for Yemen to Overcome Current Crisis

Foreign minister Salaheddine Mezouar voiced Morocco’s concern over the latest political developments in Yemen, expressing the Kingdom’s support to help the country overcome the current crisis. During his meeting with Yemeni counterpart Jamal Abdallah Sellal, on the sidelines of the 142nd ordinary session of the Arab League’s foreign ministers council held over the weekend in Cairo, Mezouar underlined that Morocco is ready to provide the help necessary for this brotherly country especially in this difficult and unbearable juncture. He added that Yemen is in need of friendly countries to assist it in laying the bases of the State and stop anarchy through security and economic cooperation. The talks touched also on ways and means to foster bilateral relations and issues of shared interest including the fight against terrorism. The Yemeni official recalled the issue of Houthis and the problem they create regarding the country’s security and stability and their mobilization to serve Iranian agendas.
Sept. 10, 2014




Headline: Turkey seeks coordination with Jordan over region

Headline: Turkey ‘not keen’ to take part in military action against IS

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday met Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu over the latest regional developments and bilateral relations, a Royal Court statement said. During the meeting, Cavusoglu conveyed to the King greetings from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. His Majesty called for intensified efforts at the regional and international levels to find permanent solutions to the region’s woes in such a way to combat the rising radicalism and terrorist organisations, and achieve a more secure and safe future for the people of the region. On the peace process, the Monarch stressed the importance of re-launching direct peace talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis, after the indefinite ceasefire reached in Gaza, on the basis of the two-state solution, adding that the envisaged outcome must lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the pre-1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, the statement said. The King also warned against the prolongation of the Syrian crisis and its consequences on neighbouring countries, including Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan which host the largest numbers of Syrian refugees, highlighting the increasing burdens on the resource-limited Jordan resulting from the refugee crisis. On Iraq, the King voiced Jordan’s full support to all efforts seeking to safeguard the Iraqi unity, describing the formation of Haider Al Abadi’s government as an important step forward towards Iraq’s stability and security, according to the statement. Means to enhance Jordanian-Turkish ties and cooperation in various fields were also discussed during the meeting.
Sept. 9, 2014




Headline:  Russia’s Next Land Grab

UKRAINE isn’t the only place where Russia is stirring up trouble. Since the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, Moscow has routinely supported secessionists in bordering states, to coerce those states into accepting its dictates. Its latest such effort is unfolding in the South Caucasus. In recent weeks, Moscow seems to have been aggravating a longstanding conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan while playing peacemaking overlord to both. In the first week of August, as many as 40 Armenian and Azerbaijani soldiers were reported killed in heavy fighting near their border, just before a summit meeting convened by Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin. The South Caucasus may seem remote, but the region borders Russia, Iran and Turkey, and commands a vital pipeline route for oil and natural gas to flow from Central Asia to Europe without passing through Russia. Western officials cannot afford to let another part of the region be digested by Moscow — as they did when Russia separated South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia, just to the north, in a brief war in 2008, and when it seized Crimea from Ukraine this year. Renewed open warfare would give Russia an excuse to send in more troops, under the guise of peacekeeping. Destabilizing the South Caucasus could also derail a huge gas pipeline project, agreed to last December, that might lighten Europe’s dependence on Russian fuel. Armenia controls nearly 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory, comprising most of Nagorno-Karabakh and several surrounding regions. Despite a cease-fire agreement since 1994, hostilities occasionally flare, and Russian troops run Armenia’s air defenses. Moscow also controls key elements of Armenia’s economy and infrastructure.
Sept. 10, 2014

NOTE FROM FRANK 2 ***Why do we report on this? Well, in addition to Armenia being part of Beth Togmarmah in the Ezekiel War, Russia is also who will lead this coalition against Israel. We are watching- as Christ instructed- PATTERNS emerging in the unfolding of prophecy. So while you may wonder about the news articles we post where Armenia and Azerbaijan threaten to annihilate each other with nukes, it IS part of a larger emerging picture. (By the way- the same goes with the Philippines above). Many, many of ISIS leaders and fighters come from this region called Caucasus. As a matter of fact, they just recently threatened Putin and vowed to liberate Chechnya. You can also see from the map above, that this region is in ISIS sites for their ‘5 year caliphate’ plan.

ISIS personally threaten Putin and pledge to liberate Chechnya   

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Yemeni chaos forces KSA to shut embassy

Headline: Yemenis stage anti-government protests

Saudi Arabia has issued instructions to close down its embassy in Sanaa and evacuate diplomats, as well as all Saudi citizens, amid growing concerns over safety and security following a string of attacks on foreign targets and the ongoing civil war in Yemen. Osama Nugali, a spokesman at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, could neither confirm nor deny the reports of the closure of the mission. In a message texted to Arab News Tuesday, Nugali said: “Prince Saud Al-Faisal, foreign minister, will hold a press conference on Thursday and you can ask him all the questions you want.” But, a report published in the Al-Watan daily said the embassy would be closed “due to the volatile situation in Yemen.” The terror attacks and the security information have given Riyadh enough concern to take this precautionary step, it added. “Hazaa Al-Mutairi, charge d’affaires at the Saudi Embassy, has already left Sanaa,” it added. Meanwhile, On Wednesday, Yemenis organized an anti-government protest across the country. The protesters accuse the government of rampant corruption and mishandling the economy. They also called on President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his government to step down
Sept. 10, 2014


Headline: Catalan leader calls for civil disobedience if Independence vote is vetoed

Asked by Catalunya Radio on Tuesday if his party would support civil disobedience by the Catalan people if the referendum is ultimately deemed unlawful by the central Spanish government, Junqueras replied: “Absolutely! Absolutely! Just like Martin Luther King.” “What’s at stake here for us are fundamental rights,” added Junqueras, who urges Cataluña’s separatists and other left-leaning parties to join his call for civil disobedience. ” We cannot give the Spanish government incentives just because it is not letting us vote; on the contrary, what we need to do is to say that we’re going to vote, and that we will do everything in our power to win.” Junqueras statements come one day after Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told the parliament that the government “has all necessary measures ready in case anyone tries to hold an illegal referendum.” “We will defend the constitution, the unity of Spain and the law,” he added. Arthur Mas from the Catalan nationalist bloc Convergence and Union (CiU) was the first to introduce the notion of a regional referendum of self-rule, “but internal support has begun to waver as the date approaches and legal concerns arise,” the Spanish newspaper added. The recent comments by separationists come one day before Cataluña Day, a regional celebration that those who want the region to no longer be part of the Spanish kingdom hope to use as a showcase for their aspirations. More than 53 demonstrations are planned to take place in the region on September 11.
Sept. 10, 2014  

star222222333333_thumb2.jpg CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3– Worldwide “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)


Headline: Russia and China Gang Up on U.S. Dollar as Economic Ties Deepen

Russia and China pledged on Tuesday to settle more bilateral trade in ruble and yuan and to enhance cooperation between banks, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said, as Moscow seeks to cushion the effects of Western economic sanctions. Shuvalov told reporters in Beijing that he had agreed an economic cooperation pact with Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli that included boosting use of the ruble and yuan for trade transactions. The pact also lets Russian banks set up accounts with Chinese banks, and makes provisions for Russian companies to seek loans from Chinese firms. “We are not going to break old contracts, most of which were denominated in dollars,” Shuvalov said. “But, we’re going to encourage companies from the two countries to settle more in local currencies, to avoid using a currency from a third country.” Spurred on by their often fraught relations with the U.S., Russia and China have long advocated reducing the role of the dollar in international trade. The quest to limit the dollar’s dominance became more urgent for Moscow this year when U.S. and European governments slapped sanctions on Russia to penalize the country for supporting separatist rebels in Ukraine.
Sept. 9, 2014

clip_image0011_thumb.gif Revelation 6:6-  With the bees dying off, you will see a decrease in produce and an INCREASE in food prices!

Sept. 1, 2014- 500 Bumblebee Queens found dead next to an oil seed rape field in London, England

Sept. 8, 2014- Bee colonies decimated in the Auvergne region this year in France

WarsAndRumorsOfWars CooltextprophecysignWars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8“ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline: Russia successfully tests nuclear missile, more planned – navy chief

Russia carried out a successful test of its new Bulava intercontinental nuclear missile on Wednesday and will perform two more test launches in October and November, the head of its naval forces said. The armed forces have boosted their military training and test drills since the start of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which Russia considers in its traditional sphere of influence. The 12-meter long Bulava, or mace, has undergone numerous tests, some successful, and can deliver an impact of up to 100 times the atomic blast that devastated Hiroshima in 1945. Naval Commander-in-Chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov said the test launch had been carried out from the White Sea and that the test missile had hit its target in Russia’s far east. “In October and November of this year, the naval fleet will carry out two more launches with two rocket cruisers equipped with ballistic missiles,” Interfax quoted Chirkov as saying. A Bulava missile weighs 36.8 tonnes and can travel 8,000 km (5,000 miles) and hold 6-10 nuclear warheads.
Sept. 10, 2014

Ebola-virus-pink-jpgCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)


Headline: World Health Organisation says Ebola will claim 20,000 lives in next six months

Headline:   Ebola death toll rises to at least 2,296, WHO says

Headline:   Oxford study predicts 15 more countries are at risk of Ebola exposure

THE World Health Organisation has issued a terrifying warning: Ebola will claim 20,000 lives within the next six months. The virus, which is spiralling out of control in Western Africa, has already claimed 2300 lives, the international health body reports. More than half of that figure have died in the past 21 days alone. Originating in Guinea earlier this year, more than 4200 people have since been sickened in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal. “As soon as a new Ebola treatment facility is opened, it immediately fills to overflowing with patients, pointing to a large but previously invisible caseload,” WHO said in a statement. “Many thousands of new cases are expected in Liberia over the coming three weeks.” A Doctors Withour Borders statement was equally blunt, saying the virus was moving “catastrophically through the population much faster than new facilities are being created.”
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline:  Virus hitting the U.S. could be ‘tip of iceberg,’ CDC official says

Headline:   Enterovirus Likely to Spread Through Schools, Experts Say

A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals throughout the Midwest and beyond, health officials say. The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases. Twelve states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus: Alabama, Colorado, Michigan, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Kentucky and Utah. Four — Colorado, Illinois, Missouri and Iowa — have confirmed cases of Enterovirus D68, also known as EV-D68. At a news briefing Monday, the CDC confirmed that samples it tested from children who had been hospitalized in Illinois and in Kansas City, Missouri, did show signs of the EV-D68 virus, meaning there is a possible regional outbreak. The Iowa Department of Public Health confirmed that EV-D68 cases have been identified in Iowa. Officials are hearing of illnesses across the state, they say, though there is not a firm count of how many people have been infected. Dr. Christine Nyquist, medical director of infection control at Children’s Hospital Colorado, said the hospital sent around 25 samples to the CDC from patients with respiratory illness. Around 75% were confirmed to be EV-D68. The hospital has seen a 12% to 15% increase in emergency room visits and admissions this month compared with the same time frame last year, she said.
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline:   West Nile outbreak hits California’s Orange County

An outbreak of the West Nile virus in California’s Orange County has infected more than 90 people so far this year, seven times as many as were diagnosed in all of 2013, and public health experts say the region’s prolonged drought may be a factor. Not only has the number of human infections reported in the Southern California county since January dwarfed the 12 cases documented for all of 2013, but the prevalence of West Nile in birds, which harbor the virus, and in the mosquitoes transmitting it has also spiked. The 94 confirmed human cases in the county, three of them fatal, represent about half of the 180-plus documented statewide so far this year and nearly a quarter of the 400 cases reported nationally. Local health officials say they face a tough challenge in educating the public about the threat and persuading people to safeguard themselves against insect bites.
Sept. 10, 2014

Headline: HealthMap

Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers. 

no_christians_imageCooltextprophecysignPersecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

Headline:   Saudi anti-Christian sweep prompts calls for US involvement

Dozens of Christians arrested at a prayer meeting in Saudi Arabia need America’s help, according to a key lawmaker who is pressing the State Department on their behalf. Some 28 people were rounded up Friday by hard-line Islamists from the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in the home of an Indian national in the eastern Saudi city of Khafji, and their current situation is unknown, according to human rights advocates. “Saudi Arabia is continuing the religious cleansing that has always been its official policy,” Nina Shea, director of the Washington-based Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, told “It is the only nation state in the world with the official policy of banning all churches. This is enforced even though there are over 2 million Christian foreign workers in that country. Those victimized are typically poor, from Asian and African countries with weak governments.” In Friday’s crackdown, several Bibles were confiscated, according to reports from the Kingdom.
Sept. 10, 2014

666 increase in knowledge Cooltextprophecysign Increase in Knowledge/Mark of the Beast Daniel 12:4 and Revelation 13:16-17 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel) “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation)

Headline:    The Era Of Widespread Biometric Indentification And Microchip Implants Is Here

Are you ready to have your veins scanned every time you use your bank account?  Are you ready to use a “digital tattoo” or a microchip implant to unlock your telephone?  Once upon a time we read about such technologies in science fiction novels, but now they are here.  The era of widespread biometric identification and microchip implants is upon us, and it is going to change the way that we live. Barclays has just announced that it is going to become the first major bank in the western world to use vein scanning technology to control access to bank accounts.  There will even be a biometric reader that customers plug into their computers at home… Barclays is launching a vein scanner for customers as it steps up use of biometric recognition technology to combat banking fraud. Vein recognition technology is used by some banks in Japan and elsewhere at ATM machines, but Barclays said it is the first bank globally to use it for significant account transactions. Cell phone security is another area of great concern these days.  If someone can get a hold of your phone and unlock it, that person can potentially do all sorts of damage. So Motorola has developed a “digital tattoo” that will be used to ensure that only the owner of a phone is able to unlock it.  The following is how Motorola described these new digital tattoos… Made of super thin, flexible materials, based on VivaLnk’s eSkinTM technology, each digital tattoo is designed to unlock your phone with just a touch of your Moto X to the tattoo, no passwords required. The nickel-sized tattoo is adhesive, lasts for five days, and is made to stay on through showering, swimming, and vigorous activities like jogging. And it’s beautiful—with a shimmering, intricate design. It’s another step in making it easier to unlock your phone on the go and keep your personal information safe. An average user takes 2.3 seconds to unlock their phone and does this about 39 times a day—a process that some people find so inconvenient that they do not lock their phones at all. Using NFC technology, digital tattoos make it faster to safely unlock your phone anywhere without having to enter a password.
Sept. 10, 2014

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring”

Headline: Raging Floods Kill Over 440 in Pakistan, India

Headline: Pakistan Evacuating 700,000 As Flood Wall Breached

Raging monsoon floods sweeping across India and Pakistan have killed more than 440 people, authorities said Tuesday, warning hundreds of thousands more to be prepared to flee their homes as helicopters and boats raced to save marooned victims. Authorities in Pakistan say the floods, which began Sept. 3, are the worst since massive flooding killed 1,700 people in 2010. Pakistan’s minister for water and power, Khwaja Mohammad Asif, warned parliament that some 700,000 people have been told to leave their homes, which could be inundated in the next four days. Pakistani and Indian troops have been using boats and helicopters to drop food supplies for stranded families and evacuate victims. However, the challenge of the situation grows as more than 1.5 million people are now affected as the rushing waters have destroyed the homes of thousands of families. “This is a sad moment for all of us,” Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said, addressing flood victims in the country’s Hafiz district. “These floods came suddenly and no one knew that such a large flood was coming.” The floods have triggered landslides in the divided Kashmir region, split between the two arch rivals, and caused much devastation in northern and eastern Pakistan.
Sept. 9, 2014

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Frank Watchman

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