Radio interview 2 PM Pacific time Friday the 13th, 2009



Upcoming Show: 2/13/2009 2:00 PM   Pacific Time 

Call-in Number: 347- 215-8913 to ask Frank a questions

Host Name: Total-Deliverance

End times Special Guest author Frank Dimora

Length of show: 2 hrs 

What is “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”? It is a book, which has been the work in progress for 33 years. Author Frank DiMora has written a documentary on Bible Prophecy and current events. This is one of the most informative books written and it is backed by nothing but facts and evidence proving we have already entered the last days Jesus told us to watch for just prior to the tribulation. We will take callers after he is done. Here is his site:  If you click to the link below it will take you directly to the show.

Frank DiMora invites you to download His book for Free.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Don’t forget to read today’s post for Feb. 12, 2009

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