Sept. 21, 2016- Birth Pains of the World


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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 21, 2016 Edition-written-by-frank-dimora

note-from-frank We are trying a new format today (beginning AFTER the Rise of Islam).  Please follow the RED instructions where indicated.  Let us know what you think!



Headline:    Druze leader vows to fight terrorists despite Israel, Zahreddine inspects Quneitra front lines

Headline:   Syrian Armed Forces destroy jihadist vehicle in the Golan Heights

Druze Sheikh Abu Abdullah Massoud recorded a video message for Al-Qaeda and its allies in Syria who were attacking Hader in Quneitra province days ago. In the video message he promises that Druze fighters will defend their people, despite any intervention by Israel who are supporting Al-Qaeda and its allies.
***track back: 9-14 & 9-16 posts

Sept. 20, 2016

Headline: Israeli Air Force downs Hamas drone near Gaza

Headline:   Southern Command: Hamas is ready for the next war

An Israeli jet shot down a Hamas drone on Tuesday over the Gaza Strip coastline, the military said. The drone did not infiltrate Israeli airspace and had been under surveillance from the moment it took off from Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement. The decision to shoot the drone down was reached after it was seen approaching Israeli airspace, the military said. An F-16 Israel Air Force fighter jet, which was dispatched to intercept the drone, fired an air-to-air missile at the drone at around 10 A.M, shooting it down.
Sept. 21, 2016

Headline:   How will Israel respond to Assad’s ‘warning’?

Until now, whenever a mortar shell or stray artillery fire from Syria’s civil war landed in Israeli territory in the Golan Heights, Israel made a point of attacking a Syrian position or mortar belonging to the Syrian troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. It was part of a formula developed by Israel over the past few years, ever since the Syrian civil war started lapping against the border fence in the Golan Heights. So far, the strategy has proved itself effective. Over the past two weeks, however, the situation has changed. The number of mortar shells landing in the Israeli Golan Heights has increased considerably. Meanwhile, Israel has concluded that an automatic response targeting the Syrian army has worn thin and is not necessarily the right response. “It is not impossible that the next time this happens, the various rebel groups will be the ones to take a hit from us,” a senior Israeli military source told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. “This game must end. We are completely aware of the fact that it is not just mortars and bombs fired by Assad’s army that are landing in Israeli territory. On quite a few occasions, it is rebel fire. As such, the immunity granted to the rebels until now is over. From this point on, whoever is responsible for the fire will suffer the brunt of the response.” These frequent trickles of mortar fire have forced Israel to station an “Iron Dome” anti-missile battery in the Golan Heights for the first time in a very long time. This battery has already succeeded by shooting down two artillery shells fired at the Golan Heights on Sept. 17. Even though Syrian forces failed to hit the Israeli jet after firing the anti-aircraft missiles, the Syrian regime jubilantly and falsely reported that two Israeli aircraft had been downed. While the Syrian missiles did not endanger the Israeli jets, that same evening Israel sent a blunt and focused warning to Damascus. Russian involvement boosted Assad’s self-confidence, and he is back in the game, even in the Golan Heights. This means that we must do everything we can to ensure that the game doesn’t reach us. “
Sept. 20, 2016

psalm onlybb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:   Accept Palestine or face ‘sea of hatred,’ Jordanian king warns Israel

Jordan’s King Abdullah warned Israel would find itself in “a sea of hatred” if it did not accept a Palestinian state, while also condemning Muslim terrorists from the United Nations rostrum Tuesday. Speaking at the UN General Assembly in New York, Abdullah spoke of the importance of peace between Israel and Palestinians, blaming the ongoing conflict for continued unrest in the region. “No injustice has spread more bitter fruit than the denial of a Palestinian state. I say: Peace is a conscious decision,” the king said. “Israel has to embrace peace or eventually be engulfed in a sea of hatred in a region of turmoil.” Mentioning only the Christian and Muslim connection to Jerusalem holy sites, Abdullah accused Israel of attempting to alter the identity of the city. “As the Custodian of Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem, I will continue my efforts to protect these places, and stand up against all violations of their sanctity, including attempts for temporal and spatial division of Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif,” he said.
***see also Turkey below
Sept. 21, 2016

Headline:  Gunfire, riots and power cuts after controversial Jordan poll

Widespread rioting broke out in Jordan on Tuesday night after preliminary results of the country’s parliamentary election were reported, amid complaints of vote-rigging. Residents of the restive southern city of Maan blocked roads, burned tyres and threw bricks until disturbances were eventually quelled by Jordanian security forces, according to the local news website Roya. Residents told Roya that they heard intense gunfire after nightfall and that electricity was cut off in various areas of the city. There was another reported incident of rioting just north-west of the capital, Amman, after supporters of a parliamentary candidate, who has not been named, read news reports which suggested that he had not won a seat. In Madaba, just south-west of Amman, members of the special forces used tear gas to disperse angry crowds who burned tyres in front of the local electoral commission headquarters. A member of the special forces sustained a gunshot wound during the riot and was treated in hospital, authorities said. The head of Jordan’s electoral commission, Jihad al-Mumani, put out a statement on Wednesday afternoon denying that any official election results had been announced.
Sept. 21, 2016



Headline:         ISIS claims to have downed Syrian warplane

Headline:      Syria says warplane crashed but does not confirm shot down by IS

A Syrian monitoring group says a warplane has crashed northwest of the capital, Damascus, as Islamic State group militants claim they downed it. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the fate of the pilot remains unclear. It says it was unclear if the warplane was downed Wednesday or had technical problems. The Observatory says the plane crashed in the eastern Qalamoun mountains, northwest of Damascus. The ISIS-affiliated news agency Aamaq says the group’s militants downed the plane in eastern Qalamoun, after the aircraft carried out four raids against it. The agency says the plane crashed in an area controlled by either the government or rebel factions, indicating it would not have pictures of the aircraft.
Sept. 21, 2016,7340,L-4857855,00.html

Headline:         Hezbollah strikes militants along Lebanon-Syria border

Hezbollah fighters have targeted militants near the border village of Tfail, party-run media reported Wednesday. The War Media Center tweeted that it shelled militants belonging to the Qadisia Brigades, who were hiding in a house southwest of the village. It did not say if anyone was wounded or killed in the attack. Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army regularly pound militant hideouts along the border with Syria. Tfail, an eastern Bekaa Valley enclave that extends into Syria, is an important base for Hezbollah’s military operations against militants in the area.
Sept. 21, 2016

Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia


Headline:       Cross-border projectile from Yemen wounds Saudi man

The Saudi Civil Defense says a citizen has been wounded by a projectile fired from Yemen into the southern border region of Najran. Capt. Abdelkhaliq al-Qahtani said in a statement that emergency forces responded to the incident Wednesday morning and that the wounded Saudi man was taken to the hospital for treatment. A Saudi-led coalition has been carrying out airstrikes against Yemen’s Houthi rebels and their allies since March 2015. The two sides frequently exchange cross-border fire, though the effects of the war are most felt in Yemen, where some 10,000 people been killed or wounded in the conflict.
Sept. 21, 2016



Syria Headline:      Humanitarian Aid Convoy Destroyed as Syrian Cease-Fire Fails

Syria Headline:       Footage of attacked UN aid convoy

Syria Headline:      UN Security Council holds crisis meeting on Syria

Syria Headline:      Eyewitness Accounts Contradict Russian Denials About Syria Aid Convoy Attack

Syria Headline:      Kerry demands immediate grounding of all aircraft over N. Syria

A convoy was destroyed by airstrikes en route to deliver humanitarian aid to the Syrian town of Urum al-Kubra.  In a furious speech, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that all air forces must be grounded in N. Syria as the only way to give the truce a chance and enable humanitarian aid to get through. Addressing the UN Security Council meeting on the Syrian crisis Wednesday, he called on all countries to cease support to any groups opposed to a truce and negotiations, calling them “spoilers.” There is no other choice, he said. The fate of Syria hangs by a threat. He lambasted Russia over the air attack on an international aid convoy to Aleppo that killed 28 air workers. It was suggested that only the Russian air force is capable of operations by night. Kerry said that listening to the Russian foreign minister made him feel as though he was in a “parallel universe.” He was responding to Sergei Lavrov’s demand for a thorough investigation into the charge that the aid convoy bombed included a pick-up truck with weapons for the rebels in Aleppo.
Sept. 21, 2016


Syria Headline:         Syrian Army, Hezbollah capture new points in southern Aleppo

the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by Hezbollah and Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary), imposed full control over several sites inside Aleppo’s southern districts after a fierce battle with Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest). According to an Al-Masdar field correspondent that is embedded with the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies managed to capture the Fertilizer Factory and the Old Ramouseh Offices after bypassing Jaysh Al-Fateh’s defenses.
Sept. 21, 2016

Syria Headline:       Russia to send flagship aircraft carrier to Syria

The Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier would be sent to join Russia’s current naval deployment there, Minister Sergei Shoigu said during a televised meeting. “Currently the Russian naval deployment to the east Mediterranean consists of no less than six battleships and three or four support vessels,” he said. “In order to bolster the military capabilities of the group we plan to add the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier to the group,” Shoigu said, without specifying a timeframe. Russia has been flying a bombing campaign in Syria for the past year in support of Bashar al-Assad and has deployed a naval contingent to back up its operation. This is the first time that the Soviet-era Kuznetsov – Russia’s only aircraft carrier that is part of its Northern fleet based in Murmansk – will join the Russian deployment after undergoing a refurbishment. Russia has a base in government-controlled Syrian territory from which it has flown most of its bombing raids in the country.
Sept. 21, 2016

Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:    Iraqi Army kicks off large-scale offensive against ISIS

Iraq Headline: Iraqi forces launch push on Daesh-held town

The Iraqi Army has kicked off their long-awaited offensive to liberate Al-Shirqat, Jazirat Al-Ramadi, and Jazirat Heet from the Islamic State terrorists. “We announce the start of operations to liberate Al-Shirqat, Jazirat Al-Ramadi and Jazirat Heet, with the efforts of our brave forces,” Prime Minister Al-‘Abadi tweeted this morning. The town of Al-Shirqat is located at the northwestern tip of the Salaheddine Governorate; its proximity to the Mosul-Baghdad Highway makes it a top priority for the Iraqi Armed Forces.
Sept. 20, 2016


Iraq Headline: ISIS believed to have attacked US base in Iraq with chemical agent

ISIS fighters are believed to have attacked U.S. and Iraqi forces with a chemical weapon Tuesday evening, a U.S. official told Fox News. The U.S base outside Qayyarah, 25 miles south of Mosul, came under rocket fire, and traces of a “mustard agent” were believed to be present, the official said. The attack was first reported by CNN. A Pentagon official told reporters that a “tar-like black oily substance” was found on one of the shells that landed within the base, only hundreds of yards from U.S. forces. An initial test for the agent was positive, but “could be false,” the official said. The second test was negative, possibly because the shell had been exposed to the elements.  No U.S. troops were injured in the attack and there were “no signs of exposure” shown by any U.S. troops, including the two soldiers who inspected the shell. Two to four soldiers who were near the shell received full decontamination treatment. “Unless you are right next to [the shell], exposure is unlikely,” the official said. U.S. troops at the base are equipped with chemical weapons exposure suits. The official said the base is attacked, “fairly often” with conventional weapons, but Tuesday’s assault is believed to be the first chemical attack on U.S. forces in Iraq since they returned to the country in 2014. Currently, nearly 5,000 U.S. troops are on the ground in Iraq.  The ordinance and residue from the shell are being sent to Ft. Detrick, Md. for processing to confirm chemical agent. Unlike mustard gas, which can spread, mustard agent leaves an oily residue behind. The official said the security posture at the base had not changed.
Sept. 21, 2016

Iraq Headline:   Iraq Situation Report Sept 7- 19, 2016

       photo and chart 2ezekiel-map-2

Listed above are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.


Headline:      Erdogan at UN: World must push for ‘independent Palestine’

Headline:   Attacker Shot Outside Israeli Embassy in Turkey

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that he planned to use recently strengthened ties with Israel to help encourage the peace process with the Palestinians, calling the implementation of a two-state solution an “obligation of the international community.” “There is a need to allow for the Palestinian people to establish an independent Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the two-state solution,” he told the UN General Assembly in New York. “It is an obligation of the international community toward the Palestinian children, if nothing else.” Mentioning Israel as part of a broader speech on Turkey’s role in the global community, Erdogan said that the recent reconciliation deal signed between Ankara and Jerusalem would allow his country to play a greater role as a facilitator in the peace process. “We will try to use the normalization of relations to assist the peace process and solve the economic and humanitarian challenges that our Palestinian brothers and sisters face,” he said.
Sept. 21, 2016


Headline:     Iran threatens to ‘turn Tel Aviv and Haifa to dust’ if Israel missteps

Headline:       Iran parades new arms, tells US not to meddle in Gulf

Headline:   US to allow aircraft sales to Iran

In an attempt to tout its military prowess on Wednesday, Iran threatened to “turn Tel Aviv and Haifa to dust” during a parade of the Islamic Republic’s armed forces in Tehran.
Iran marked the anniversary of its 1980 invasion by Iraq by parading its latest ships and missiles and telling the United States not to meddle in the Gulf. At a parade in Tehran, shown on state TV, the military displayed a wide array of long-range missiles, tanks, and the Russian-supplied S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system. In a reference to Iran’s arch-foe Israel, a banner on one military truck shown on state TV read,: “If the leaders of the Zionist regime make a mistake then the Islamic Republic will turn Tel Aviv and Haifa to dust.”
Sept. 21, 2016



Headline:       9 civilians killed in reported airstrike in Libya

At least nine people were killed and 20 injured after military jets reportedly struck civilians near the town of Houn in central Libya. The UN-backed government has denied flying bombing missions in the area. The Thursday airstrike near the oasis town was carried out by unidentified warplanes, according to eyewitnesses cited by Reuters. A spokesperson for forces of Libya’s rogue eastern government blamed the air force of the western government. According to the spokesperson, war planes from city of Misrata tried to target a brigade, which recently arrived to the area, but bombed the civilians instead. A Libyan air force spokesman in Misrata, however, claimed that their war planes conducted only reconnaissance missions along the coast. “Our air force did not reach that area. We only conducted reconnaissance in the coastal region,” Reuters quotes Mohamed Gonono, the spokesman, as saying. Eyewitnesses said the planes attacked the civilians as they were visiting thermal springs to the south of the town. According to local doctors, at least nine people were killed and 20 wounded.
Sept. 21, 2016


Headline:   Armenia seeks long-term diplomatic relationship with Iran

Armenia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Shavaresh Koucharyan voiced his country’s determination to implement previous agreements and sign new ones with Iran as part of its long-term and unchanging policy to enhance ties with the Islamic Republic. Heading a delegation from Armenia, Koucharyan had a meeting in Tehran with his Iranian counterpart Morteza Sarmadi on Sunday. Rejecting any change in Yerevan’s long-term policies on Iran, irrespective of different administrations, the Armenian diplomat said his country seeks stronger bilateral relations with Iran by implementing the agreements reached between the two countries in the past and by signing new accords. The Iranian deputy foreign minister, for his part, said that Tehran, in line with its “principled policy of close and friendly cooperation with neighbors”, is fully prepared to broaden interaction with Armenia in all areas, as in the energy field, transportation, industries and trade. Sarmadi also highlighted the necessity for resolving regional conflicts through dialogue and peaceful approaches. Iran and its northwestern neighbor, Armenia, have enjoyed amicable relations in a whole host of fields. Armenia announced in early June that it has approved signing an agreement with Iran to abolish the visa regime between the two countries.
Sept. 20, 2016


Headline:     Eastern Europe: The Last Barrier between Christianity and Islam

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is the Eastern nemesis of the European elite. No one else in Europe except him speaks about defending “Christianity.” “Those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims … This is an important question, because Europe and the European identity is rooted in Christianity.” — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The last chance to save Europe’s roots might well come from the former communist members of the EU — those who defeated the Ottomans in 1699 and now feel culturally threatened by their heirs. Cypriots know much better than the comfortable bureaucrats of Brussels the consequences of a cultural collision. Ask about their churches on the Turkish side of the island; how many of them are still standing? Austria’s fate is now at stake. Perhaps it was a coincidence that Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna and tipped to be the next Pope, chose September 12, the anniversary of the Siege of Vienna, when Turkey’s Ottoman troops nearly conquered Europe, to deliver a most dramatic appeal to save Europe’s Christian roots. “Many Muslims want and say that ‘Europe is finished’,” Cardinal Schönborn said, before accusing Europe of “forgetting its Christian identity.” He then denounced the possibility of “an Islamic conquest of Europe.” Konrad Pesendorfer, head of the Austrian Office of Statistics, said that by 2030, 40% of the population of Vienna will be foreign-born, thanks to internal demography and migration flows (60,000 arrivals in just one year). Since the fall of Constantinople in 1453, much of Eastern Europe’s Christian population spent centuries under Islamic occupation, particularly under the Ottomans. It now seems that the clock has reverted to 1683, when Ottoman armies were at the gates of Vienna.
Sept. 20, 2016


Headline:     State admits: Islamic State terrorists trying to pose as refugees

State Department spokesman John Kirby acknowledged Wednesday that Islamic State terrorists are trying to mingle with refugee populations overseas in the hopes of making it to the U.S. posing as a refugee. “I wouldn’t debate the fact that there’s the potential for ISIS terrorists to try to insert themselves, and we see that in some of the refugee camps in Jordan and in Turkey, where they try to insert themselves into the population,” Kirby said on “Fox and Friends.” Still, he argued that the vetting process for these refugees is tough, and should be enough to keep terrorists out, although he admitted it’s not a perfect process. “The vetting process, while not perfect, is a very, very stringent, and it can take almost up to two years for a single refugee to make it into the country,” he said. He said in the same interview: “Is it perfect? Can it be perfect? Can it be foolproof? Well, probably not, no.” Questions about refugee vetting have been raised again after the weekend bombings in New York and New Jersey, which police believe may have been done by a U.S. national who was born in Afghanistan. Just days later, President Obama met with world leaders in New York to ask them to accept more refugees, even as Republicans in Congress and Donald Trump have said the U.S. needs to slow down the process of accepting people.
Sept. 21, 2016

Luke 21:9; Matthew 24:7; Rev. 6:4;
Rev. 6:8

***to get everyone used to the new format please be sure to click the bible verses or photo for full explanation

Headline:        Charlotte protests: Police injured after black man shot

Headline:   Charlotte police: Warned suspect to drop gun before shooting which triggered riots, hurt 16 officers

Headline:       Police had no justification for fatal shooting of Oklahoma man: family’s lawyers

Twelve police officers have been injured during protests sparked by the police shooting of a black man in Charlotte, North Carolina. Demonstrators destroyed marked police cars around the block of flats where the shooting took place, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department tweeted. One officer was hit in the face with a rock, it said. Earlier on Tuesday, Keith Lamont Scott, 43, was shot by a black officer and died in hospital. Police say he was carrying a gun and posed an “imminent deadly threat”, but relatives told local media he was not holding a weapon but a book. “He didn’t have no gun,” a woman identifying herself as his sister told local television. “He wasn’t messing with nobody.” Protesters outraged over the incident blocked streets and police used tear gas, local media reported. Mayor Jennifer Roberts appealed for calm, and said the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott would be looked into. The unrest came a day after police in the city of Tulsa, in Oklahoma, said a black man they had killed on Friday was unarmed.
Sept. 21, 2016


Headline:       Shabaab captures town in central Somalia

Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, has claimed control of a town in the central Somalian region of Hiraan in recent days. According to local news and Shabaab-affiliated outlets, the town of Mogokori was captured after Ethiopian troops withdrew from the region. Ethiopian troops first captured the town from Shabaab in 2014. A Shabaab-affiliated Telegram account released a report earlier today in which the jihadist group claimed control over Mogokori after the Ethiopian troops that were previously stationed there left. The statement, which was later translated into English by al Qaeda’s Global Islamic Media Front, also states that the Ethiopian fortifications outside of the city were also captured. Photos purporting to show these claims were also released on Shabaab’s Radio Andalus website. However, local media has confirmed these claims. Garowe Online, a Somali-website, reported that the entire Mogokori district has also fallen to jihadist forces. This comes only a few days after Shabaab also claimed control over the town of Budbud in the Galguduud Region, also after Ethiopian troops reportedly withdrew from the town. Additionally, Ethiopian forces were reportedly ambushed yesterday near the town of Elbur in Galguduud. However, there were no reports of casualties.
Sept. 21, 2016


Headline:         Indian, Pakistani soldiers exchange fire in Kashmir

Indian and Pakistani soldiers have exchanged fire along the de facto border dividing the disputed region of Kashmir, Indian military sources say. Army spokesman Colonel Rajesh Kalia said Indian and Pakistani troops traded fire close to the town of Uri on Tuesday, accusing Pakistani army troops of a “ceasefire violation” and opening fire along the Line of Control (LoC). An unnamed Indian police officer also noted that “small arms exchange of fire is on in the area.” There has been no immediate report of casualties, and Islamabad has yet to comment on the latest incident of fighting in the volatile region. On Sunday, militants attacked an Indian army base in Kashmir. Nearly 20 Indian soldiers were killed. The Indian army blamed Pakistan-based militants for the assault. Islamabad denies any role in the deadly assault.
Sept. 20, 2016


Headline:       Ukraine, rebels agree to pull back troops, weapons

Representatives of Ukraine and separatist rebels agreed Wednesday to pull back troops and weapons from several areas in eastern Ukraine in an attempt to shore up a fragile peace agreement. Darka Olifer, spokeswoman for ex-President Leonid Kuchma who represents Ukraine in the so-called Contact Group, said that the agreement signed in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, applies to three specific areas and will be monitored by observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. She added that the deal was signed by Kuchma, Russian representative Boris Gryzlov and OSCE envoy Martin Sajdik. Rebel representatives in the group said that the separatist leaders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions would honor the agreement, Olifer added. The conflict in eastern Ukraine between Russian-backed separatist rebels and Ukrainian government troops has killed more than 9,600 people since it erupted in April 2014, according to the United Nations. A February 2015 agreement in Minsk, which was brokered by France and Germany, helped end large-scale battles, but smaller clashes have continued to claim lives and a political settlement has stalled.
Sept. 21, 2016,7340,L-4857924,00.html

perfectCooltextprophecysignRevelation 6:5-6  & Daniel 2:41-43

***to get everyone used to the new format please be sure to click the bible verses or photo for full explanation

Headline:   East Europeans Threaten to Veto Brexit

During the first post-Brexit EU summit in Bratislava on Friday a group of Central European countries, known as the Visegrad Four, threatened to vote down any Brexit agreement that would infringe on people’s right to work in the United Kingdom. The summit’s Slovakian host, Prime Minister Robert Fico, warned that Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia would dig their heels in on this issue and that no compromise was possible in negotiations. In an interview with Radio Sputnik Constance Le Grip, a French member of the European Parliament from The Republicans Party and deputy head of the French delegation to the European People’s Party, said that in Bratislava the attending heads iof state and government were “walking in circles approving a declaration which is just a repetition of what they had previously said and written many times over.  “There is no idea in it, no real reset. It is completely devoid of creativity and a desire to make things right. A useless summit,” she said. When asked what she thought about the promise by the Visegrad Four to veto the agreement on Britain’s exit from the European Union if it limited their citizens’ right to work in the UK, Constance Le Grip said that the statement by these four EU countries was starkly at variance with the agenda of the Bratislava summit.
Sept. 20, 2016

1 Timothy 4:1-3
; Amos 8:11; 2 Peter 2:1-3

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Headline:    Satanic Temple to Open Headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts

Officials in the Massachusetts town best known for its 17th century witch trials are taking a closer look at the planned opening of Satanic Temple’s relocated international headquarters there this week. The new headquarters in the town of Salem is an old Victorian mansion that once served as a funeral parlor and sits around the corner from an elementary school. The Satanic Temple is a recognized religious organization. Spokesman Lucien Greaves says the Temple “isn’t an attack on anybody” and stressed that members won’t be going door to door or affecting neighbors’ lives in any way. Salem officials say they are currently working to better understand the temple’s intended use.
Sept. 20, 2016

persecution 3Matthew 24:9  & Revelation 6:9

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Headline:   Christian pastors face death penalty if convicted in Sudan

Last December, two evangelical pastors from the Church of Christ in Sudan were taken from their churches and thrown into jail. Last month, the Rev. Abdulraheem Kodi and the Rev. Kuwa Shamal Abu Zumam were charged with numerous offenses, including waging war against the state, espionage and undermining Sudan’s constitutional system. Their trial has begun. They could get the death penalty if they’re found guilty. Two other men, Czech pastor Petr Jasek and Darfuri human rights activist Abduelmoneim Abdulmwlla, have also been detained. They, too, are accused of conspiring against the state, provoking hatred against or among sects and spreading false information.
Sept. 21, 2016

perfectCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7; Luke 21:11; Luke 21:25

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Headline:      Typhoon Malakas slams into Kyushu

Headline:   Flash floods in Indonesia kill 20; rescuers hunt for missing

A powerful typhoon ripped into southern Japan Tuesday, dumping torrential rains on the region that left some communities partially submerged and forced dozens of flights to be cancelled. Typhoon Malakas made landfall in the southernmost main island of Kyushu shortly after midnight, packing winds of up to 180 kilometers per hour, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. Television footage from public broadcaster NHK showed houses, cars and rice fields partly covered in the muddy brown water in Miyazaki Prefecture, where a record 578 millimetres of rain fell on one city in just 24 hours. According to NHK, 106 flights have been cancelled because of strong winds, as the typhoon moves northeast toward Tokyo with officials warning of high seas, possible landslides and more flooding.
Sept. 20, 2016

    earthquakesindiversplaces***to get everyone used to the new format please be sure to click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}

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