Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora
Israel is one of the smallest nations in the world but guess what? Israel is among the most powerful nations in the world. Once again the news below will show you what God foretold us about the mighty Israeli army has come to pass. Not only that but add to the fact that the great army was suppose to rise up when Israel was born again as a nation and Jews from the North, South, East, and West would return to Israel from the nations they live in. All of those prophecies have come to pass and it is no coincidence. You better get use to who it is you can really trust when it comes to telling you the things of the future before they even happen. You can trust Jesus Christ for he is truth.

The IDF is building a networked war machine
On Sept. 15, the Israel Defense Forces did something remarkable. As part of its first-ever International Operational Innovation Conference at the Tze’elim Base in the northwestern Negev, where it hosted chiefs of staff and commanders from dozens of militaries around the world, the IDF mounted a display of operational firepower. That display provided a glimpse into the networked war machine that the IDF is building—and it was a display that foreign militaries observed with keen interest.
There are two prophecies I want you to look at because they both show what will happen in the near future when it come to peace talks with Israel. The first photo below show that at a time when they are calling for peace and safety is the time the sudden destruction will come. The second prophecy is Daniel 9:27 see below photo.
Daniel shows us in the last days there is going to be a covenant that will be confirmed between Israel and many people. Who are the many people? Who has been Israel’s enemies? The Muslims in the Arab nations. The Antichrist will confirm this covenant. The prophecy does not say he will make the covenant only that he will confirm it. In any case whatever agreement or peace deal is confirmed by the Antichrist it is not going to last because the Antichrist will break this covenant. The covenant is for a time period of 7 years but it will be broken exactly three and half years after it is confirmed. Those of you who have not taken Jesus Christ for salvation need to understand the person who stops Israel from doing their sacrifices is going to not only go after the Jews but he will be coming for you as well. He will make it his mission to try and get you to take his ID which, Revelation chapter 13 shows the Antichrist ID is the mark of the Beast (Antichrist) which will be placed in the right hand or forehead. You may think when you see a peace deal between Israel and the Muslims is a great thing and, the man behind the deal is like a great man, you would be wrong. The Antichrist is show up like a savior but he is anything but a savior. Keep you eyes open to any peace talks between Israel and the Muslims because the Daniel 9:27 prophecy is not that far off.
Muslim nations moving towards peace with Israel in prophetic Ishmael-Isaac reconciliation
Israeli media is reporting that representatives from two Muslim majority countries, Pakistan and Indonesia, are currently in Israel on a “secret” visit focused on developing diplomatic relations. Neither of the countries currently has formal relations with Israel. The Indonesian delegation reportedly includes a “senior official.”
Below is more information on Daniel 9:27 timeline.
Keep in mind the Antichrist will probably have something to do with allowing the Jews to build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount. Over the years if you have been coming to my site you have seen the numbers of Jews allowed to go up to the Temple Mount has increased. The reason for this increase is we are marching very close to the day when this Jewish Third Temple will start to be built. I am sure whatever the Antichrist confirms as in the Daniel 9:27 prophecy it will contain him addressing the Jews building that Third Temple. Also keep in mind, now that the Jews have gotten 5 pure Red Heifers which we have not seen for almost two thousand years they are motivated even more to getting their Temple started. If you are one of the people who do not know the importance of the 5 Red Heifers watch my video below.
Record number of Jews visit the Temple Mount
“The Hebrew year 5782 will soon end, and very soon, we will cross the threshold of 50,000 people who ascended to the Temple Mount over the past year,” Nisani said. Beyadenu provides professional guides for people wishing to visit Judaism’s holiest site. Nisani reported that this represents a 95% increase from last year
Violent Crime Is A Collapse Indicator
Giant homeless encampments set to explode across US; Organized Retail Criminals (ORCs) unleash coordinated mass thefts and violence
Worsening inflation (stemming from endless fiat currency money printing) is causing food, energy and housing to become unaffordable for millions of Americans, putting them on a trajectory of homelessness and destitution.
Moscow clarifies ‘red line’ for US
If Washington supplies Kiev with longer-range missiles, Russia will defend its soil with “all means available”
World Health Organization no longer cares about the health of Children & is endangering them by manipulating Scientific Studies – The Expose
Vaccine safety protocols are deplorable. There exists no independent verification that vaccines are safe before distribution to children.
Doctors call for end to Vaccine Mandates in Healthcare after deaths of at least 32 Canadian Doctors due to COVID Vaccination
As of 3 September, Dr. William Makis had identified 32 young Canadian doctors who “died suddenly” in the past 16 months. The doctors were fully Covid “vaccinated.”
ICAN obtains Court Order demanding CDC release secret COVID Vaccine Adverse Events Data obtained in ‘V-Safe’ Program
After months of litigation, a U.S. court has ordered that, by the end of this month, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) must produce the first batch of over 19 months’ worth of data collected from tens of millions of v-safe participants during the Covid-19 vaccination program.
Pfizer accidentally proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab
We have been sold an antivaccine as a vaccine. Official Government and Pfizer statistics prove that the “old” Pfizer COVID injection destroys the immune system at a rate greater than 1% per day.