Sept. 26, 2016- Prophecy Signs for today

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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora


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Burdensome stone

Headline:  Palestinians condemn Trump vow on Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Palestinian leaders Monday accused Donald Trump of abandoning any hope of a two-state solution after the Republican candidate said he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided” capital if he won the US presidential election. Trump pledged Sunday during a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu he would recognize Israel’s claim over east Jerusalem, which would break with decades of precedent and put Washington at odds with most UN member states. “Trump’s statement shows disregard for international law (and) longstanding US foreign policy regarding the status of Jerusalem,” Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said in a statement. “Previous statements delivered by his adviser on Israel show a total abandonment of the two-state solution, international law and UN resolutions.”
Sept. 26, 2016

Headline:   As Gaza spirals downward, the IDF watches, digs in for the next fight

The Gaza Strip and its residents are barreling towards disaster, brought on by crippling unemployment, a nonexistent economy, water and electricity shortages, a growing population and the “Islamic dictatorship” of Hamas, while the IDF is trying — and thus far succeeding — to keep the coastal enclave’s terrorist leaders deterred and contained, a senior IDF officer from the Southern Command said Sunday. The army official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, rattled off worrying statistics from the Gaza Strip: 41.2 percent unemployment, the highest unemployment rate in the world, according to the World Bank; a per capita GDP of NIS 6,488 ($1,725), which if Gaza were a country, would put it near the lowest in the world, between Haiti ($1,750) and Burkina Faso ($1,724), according to the International Monetary Fund; an economy that is mostly made up of foreign aid and charity from international organizations; and a population of 1.9 million — and growing. Moreover, reconstruction following the 2014 Gaza war, known in Israel as Operation Protective Edge, has been slow, in part because Hamas has siphoned off a substantial portion of the reconstruction materials in order to create new attack, defense and smuggling tunnels, according to Israeli authorities. “Hamas is not rebuilding Gaza, it’s rebuilding its military capabilities,” the officer told reporters.
Sept. 26, 2016

Headline:   Presidential error at the UN

US president Barak Obama called Judea and Samaria ‘Palestinian land’ in contravention of the Oslo accords and international law. Despite Barak Obama’s speech last week at the UN being analyzed endlessly, there has been no meaningful reference to the way in which the president referred to Judea and Samaria. The president remarked parenthetically that Judea and Samaria are “Palestinian lands”. Only the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) responded and protested the inaccuracy in Obama’s words. Obama said that “Surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land”. The ZOA remarked that the use of the term Palestinian land “prejudges the issue of sovereignty and borders and is not accordance with international law, which designates Judea/Samaria as unallocated territory, without a recognized sovereign.” Moreover, they added that “the President’s use of this term is political in nature, as it automatically and unjustly designates the biblical, religious, and historical heartland of the Jewish people for millennia, before the Arab conquest of the region in the seventh century, as belonging to ‘Palestinian Arabs.'” “It is well-known that there are conflicting claims to the land, but it is also important to note that Israel has a better claim in law than any other party. “The territory of the West Bank was earmarked for Jewish settlement in 1920 at the San Remo Conference. This decision, enshrined in the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine entrusted to Britain that shortly followed, has never been superseded by an internationally binding agreement. To the contrary, it was reaffirmed by Article 80 of the UN Charter. “The Arab states rejected the 1947 UN General Assembly partition resolution that called for an Arab and a Jewish state to be established in the territory of the British Mandate. As a result, no agreement on statehood and borders was ever reached. Jordan, which illegally invaded and annexed the territory from 1948 to 1967, formally relinquished its claim to the territory in 1988. “In the absence of a peace settlement, Judea/Samaria is unallocated territory under international law, not the sovereign territory of another state that Israel ‘occupies.’
Sept. 26, 2016

Headline: ‘Russia and US tensions over Syria dangerous for Israel’

The escalation in rhetoric between Russia and the United States over Syria’s Civil War is creating a dangerous situation for Israel, former Israeli envoy to the United Nations Ron Prosor told Army Radio on Monday. “We have here a dangerous situation. It is dangerous, by the way, also to [Israel], because we find ourselves right in the middle,” Prosor said. “We coordinate with Russia, and the Americans are an important strategic asset for us.” Prosor said that a conflict between the Americans and Russians could create “a very uncomfortable reality” for Israel. The former envoy to the UN said that the level of rhetoric in recent days between the world powers is unprecedented in Syria’s Civil War, however, he does not believe at this point that it will turn into a physical confrontation.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline: Jihadist rebels foil Syrian Army offensive in Golan Heights

Headline: Assad vows offensive against  rebels along Golan

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Liwaa Muwahiddeen (Druze militia), launched a new offensive in the Al-Quneitra Governorate on Monday, targeting the large hilltop of Tal Humiryah in the Golan Heights. Led by the 90th Brigade, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies stormed the northern flank of Tal Humiryah, where they were confronted by a well-prepared group of jihadist rebels from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front). Following a two hour battle this morning, the jihadist rebels managed to secure Tal Humiryah and push back the Syrian Armed Forces to the nearby town of Hader, which is located at the border of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Since the failed assault, the Syrian Armed Forces have been shelling the jihadist rebels at Tal Humiryah in preparation for a second round of attacks to seize this strategic hilltop.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline: Al-Aqsa preacher sentenced to 8 months for incitement

The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Sunday sentenced an Islamic preacher to eight months in jail for racism and incitement to violence in a Friday sermon. Sheikh Omar Abu Sara delivered the sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, located on the Temple Mount in the capital, on November 28, 2014. In the address, which was recorded and uploaded to YouTube, Abu Sara, 51, described Jews in vile terms, comparing them to pigs and monkeys, and urged the worshipers to commit acts of violence against them. “I say to the Jews loud and clear: The time for your slaughter has come. The time to fight you has come. The time to kill you has come,” the sheikh preached, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute. “Please do not leave in our hearts a single grain of mercy toward you, oh Jews, because when the day of your slaughter arrives, we shall slaughter you without mercy. “Jews are a people and God made them monkeys and pigs,” Abu Sara continued. In his concluding remarks Sunday, Judge Shmuel Herbst said: “I look at the accused and I see a man. It is a great shame that he looks at me and sees a monkey or a pig who should be destroyed without mercy. What a shame.”
Sept. 25, 2016



Headline:          Protesters in Jordan urge gov’t to resign over writer’s murder

Protesters called on Monday for Jordan’s government to resign over its failure to prevent the murder of Christian writer Nahed Hattar, as the killing was condemned internationally. A bearded assailant on Sunday shot dead Hattar, 56, on the steps of a court in central Amman where he was facing trial for sharing an anti-Islam cartoon on social media. His family has so far refused to collect his body for burial, charging that authorities were warned of threats to Hattar’s life and had failed to act. Hundreds of sympathizers and members of the Christian community protested outside the premier’s office on Monday. “The people want the fall of the government… No security, they killed Nahed in Amman!” they chanted. Jordan’s judiciary on Monday slapped a media blackout on the murder, a day after he was gunned down on arrival at the court. The information ministry said the aim was to preserve “the secrecy of the investigation” and that the blackout applied to both social and traditional media.
Sept. 26, 2016

Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

Headline:   Saudi Arabia Injects $5.3 Billion Into Banks to Ease Crunch

Headline: Saudi cuts public sector bonuses, ministers’ salaries

Headline: Saudi firm tells staff to forget owed pay if they want passports back

Saudi Arabia’s central bank stepped up efforts to support lenders in the Arab world’s biggest economy as they grapple with the effects of low oil prices. Banks’ shares advanced. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, as the central bank is known, is giving banks about 20 billion riyals ($5.3 billion) of time deposits “on behalf of government entities.” It’s also introducing seven-day and 28-day repurchase agreements, as part of its “supportive monetary policy.” It didn’t provide further details. The announcement, which comes as the kingdom prepares for its first international bond sale, is the latest step by the central bank to ease a cash crunch in the banking system. The Saudi Interbank Offered Rate, a key benchmark for pricing loans, has surged to the highest in seven years after the plunge in oil prices forced the government to withdraw money from the country’s banking system, squeezing liquidity. The central bank was said to have offered lenders 15 billion riyals in short-term loans in June to help ease liquidity constraints.
Sept. 25, 2016



~Keep in mind when looking at the map~ the BLUE line shows what Syria looks like according to the Psalm 83 definition

Syria Headline:    US not willing to attack Nusra: Russian FM

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated on Monday that he cannot afford to have absolute trust towards the United States on the issue of its readiness to deal strikes against the terrorist organization Jabhat Al-Nusra. “US Secretary of State John Kerry keeps saying that Jabhat Al-Nusra poses the same terrorist threat as the Islamic State (both outlawed in Russia),” Lavrov said. “But Al-Nusra remains untouchable. This is a paradox. I don’t know whom I can trust. That I cannot trust them (the United States) one hundred percent is for certain.” “It is a vicious circle. Each time Russia or Syrian planes hit Nusra positions, they make a fuss, claiming that we’ve hit the patriotic opposition again thereby pushing it into Nusra’s embrace,” Lavrov said. At the same time he recalled that US Secretary of State John Kerry stated in public that those who do not regard themselves as terrorists should leave the Jabhat al-Nusra-controlled areas. Lavrov added that the United States in recent days stopped being an impartial co-chair of the International Syria Support Group and brings the grist to one mill.
Sept. 26, 2016


Syria Headline:     Latest battle map of Aleppo City

Syria Headline:  Russia, Assad Using More Destructive Weaponry in Bid to Subdue Aleppo – ~Warning~Graphic Photo

The size of the bomb craters is becoming larger and the destructive power is growing of the missiles that Russian and Syrian government warplanes are launching at civilians and rebels in Aleppo. Since the breakdown last week of a U.S.-Russia negotiated cease-fire in Syria, the ferocity of the onslaught on rebel-held eastern districts of Aleppo suggests Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his overseas backers, Russia and Iran, are determined to overrun the insurgents in Aleppo, delivering a devastating blow to the five-year campaign to oust the Syrian strongman. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power accused the Assad regime on Sunday of mounting an “all-out offensive” to retake Aleppo. Analysts and Western diplomats say in the past few weeks, Russian and Syrian warplanes have been pounding Aleppo with munitions designed to penetrate hardened military bunkers, not shallow cellars shielding civilians from round-the-clock airstrikes. They say the weapon of choice to subdue the eastern half of Syria’s once prosperous commercial capital is the bunker-busting BETAB-500 air bomb.
Sept. 26, 2016

Hama 2

Syria Headline:  ISIS launches surprise attack in east Hama

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a small-scale offensive in the eastern countryside of Hama on Monday, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) checkpoints along the Homs-Salamiyah Road. ISIS began the assault by storming two of the Syrian Arab Army’s checkpoints near the village of Al-Qantarat; this resulted in a fierce battle that lasted for approximately two hours on Monday. Despite their best efforts, the Islamic State militants were unable to infiltrate the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses along the Homs-Salamiyah Road.
Sept. 26, 2016

Syria Headline:    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:      Islamic State preparing for long showdown over Mosul

As the showdown ap­proaches with the Iraqi Army, backed by the Shia-dominated mili­tias and Kurdish Pesh­merga with aerial support by the U.S.-led coalition forces, Islamic State militants are preparing for a protracted war over Mosul. Residents said trenches were dug around the city and neigh­borhoods on the corners were cleared of residents. All areas on the city border were said to have been booby-trapped. The residents said those who were removed were taken to com­pounds inside Mosul run by IS and are likely to be used as human shields if the jihadists begin to lose the battle.
Sept. 26, 2016


Iraq Headline:       US military hits another Islamic State chemical weapons facility in Iraq

For the second time this month, the US military targeted an Islamic State chemical weapons facility in northern Iraq. The Islamic State has pursued a chemical weapons program in both Iraq and Syria, which has been targeted by the US since it launched its air campaign in the summer of 2014. On Sept. 23, US warplanes bombed “an ISIL [Islamic State] chemical weapons factory” near the town of Qayyarah, US Central Command, or CENTCOM, reported. Iraqi forces gained control of Qarrayah and the nearby Qayyarah Airfiled West, or Q-West, from the Islamic State in mid-July. The Qayyarah chemical factory is the second chemical facility targeted by the US military in the past two weeks. On Sept. 14, US warplanes targeted “an ISIL chemical weapons storage facility and destroyed a rocket system, a rocket rail, and a mortar system,” near the Iraqi town of Huwayjah. In addition to targeting chemical facilities, the US military has focused on key leaders and experts in the Islamic State’s chemical weapons program. On May 18, the US military announced that it killed Abu Sufyan, who was described as “a senior chemical expert who staged chemical attacks in the Euphrates River Valley” in Anbar province, Iraq.
Sept. 26, 2016

Kurdish Headline:  Turkey welcomes withdrawal of Syrian Kurdish fighters from Manbij

Kurdish Headline:   DEBKAfile questions Ankara’s claim that Kurdish fighters left Manib

 A significant portion of Kurdish YPG militia fighters who were in the northern Syrian town of Manbij are withdrawing to the east of the Euphrates river in a move welcomed by Turkey, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told reporters on Monday.  Ankara has demanded that the YPG forces move east of the Euphrates, viewing the group as closely linked to Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants fighting in southeast Turkey and deeming both groups terrorist organisations. Meanwhile, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus Monday welcomed the withdrawal of Kurdish YPG militia fighters from the northern Syrian town of Manbij and their relocation east of the Euphrates River. DEBKAfile’s sources, questioning this statement, reports that while a group of YPG militiamen may have withdrawn from Manbij, the town they captured from ISIS last month, a large number has regrouped in the strategic town on new defense lines in defiance of Ankara.
Sept. 26, 2016,7340,L-4859789,00.html

Al Bab

Kurdish Headline:   Race to Al-Bab continues as Kurdish forces advance towards ISIL’s Aleppo stronghold

The US-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) launched a powerful assault against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Sunday, targeting the latter’s positions in the northeastern Aleppo countryside. The SDF reportedly attacked the towns of Hasieh and Hasajek on Sunday, where they were confronted by a large Islamic State force from Al-Bab in east Aleppo. Following an intense firefight that lasted for part of the day on Sunday, the SDF managed to liberate these two towns from the Islamic State terrorists, leaving them within 20 km of Al-Bab. The SDF’s push towards Al-Bab on Sunday is their first attempt to advance towards this strategic city in Aleppo’s eastern countryside. For the Turkish-backed rebels participating in “Operation Euphrates Shield,” the SDF taking Al-Bab would be disastrous for their offensive because the latter would finally be able to link the two Rojava pockets.
Sept. 26, 2016

Kurdish Headline:   Kurdish Teachers’ Arrests Heighten Concerns About Turkey’s Emergency Rule

The arrests of 24 Kurdish teachers, accused of supporting the PKK Kurdish rebel group, has intensified criticism of the Turkish government’s use of the emergency powers it introduced following July’s failed coup. The teacher’s arrests are part of an alarming trend in the government’s use of emergency powers, according to Sezgin Tanrikulu, a human rights lawyer and deputy leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party, the CHP. “The dismissal of more than 11,000 teachers who had nothing to do with the coup attempt, and now the taking of teachers in custody in Diyarbakir, is a completely unlawful process against union-related activities,” he said. The detained teachers are all reportedly union members who participated in a strike calling for a peaceful solution to the armed conflict between Turkey’s government and the outlawed Kurdish PKK. Turkey’s largest teachers’ union says the latest arrests represent a worrying escalation in the crackdown on its members.
Sept. 26, 2016




Headline:   Explosion hits Turkish army convoy in Kurdish southeast, 8 hurt

Headline: Massive explosion rocks southeast Turkey

A massive explosion was reported in southeastern Turkey today after a military vehicle ran over a roadside bomb. According to local reports, the Turkish military vehicle struck an IED (improvised explosive device) inside the city of Mardin, killing 2 people and wounding 9 other bystanders. Turkish police have arrived on the scene to assist the wounded and secure the area. No group has taken responsibility for this attack; however, it was mostly likely done by members the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), who operate inside of Mardin.
Sept. 26, 2016,7340,L-4859710,00.html


Headline:       Thousands of Iran-backed fighters converge on Aleppo amid deadly Syria airstrikes

Headline: Iran admits conducting  drone strikes in Syria

As deadly airstrikes pounded Aleppo, Syria over the weekend, a major foreign ground force was also converging on the region. As many as 3,000 Iranian-backed fighters have arrived in Aleppo supporting the Syrian regime in its fight to crush the rebellion, two U.S. officials confirm to Fox News. There are an estimated 250,000 Syrian civilians trapped in Aleppo facing an onslaught of Russian and Syrian bombs, according to reports. The Iranian-backed Shiite militias include fighters from neighboring Iraq as well as Afghanistan, officials say. Many of those fighters had already been in Syria but recently descended on Aleppo. A top Iranian military official has said that his country’s unmanned aerial vehicles are conducting airstrikes in Syria, months after Iranian TV aired a video appearing to show a combat drone being tested in the war-torn country. Major General Mohammad Bagheri, the chief-of-staff of Iran’s armed forces, claimed in a speech Sunday that his country has developed UAVs capable of pinpoint strikes that can hit a target in an area as small as one square meter. “These UAVs are being used to hit terrorist targets in Syria and Iraq,” he added during a ceremony marking the start of the academic year at Iran’s Supreme National Defense University.
Sept. 26, 2016

Headline: Iran to develop long-range ballistic missiles to hit maritime targets: DM

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan highlighted the technological advances made in the country’s missile industry, pledging on Sunday that Iran will develop long-range ballistic missiles capable of hitting maritime targets. “Today, our long-range missiles can target enemy targets with an accuracy of less than 10 meters,” the defense minister said during an open session of the parliament on Sunday morning. “In future, with the grace of God, we will develop our ground-to-ground ballistic missiles so that they can hit maritime targets in large distances,” Dehqan stated. He went on to say that currently cruise missiles fired into the sea off the country’s coasts or those fired from vessels can also successfully hit all maritime targets. Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline:   ISIS Retakes Control of Former Strongholds in Afghanistan

Officials and witnesses in Afghanistan say fighters linked to Islamic State have regained control of most of the militant group’s former strongholds in the country, weeks after retreating to remote mountain hideouts in the face of major Afghan security operations. The troubled areas are located in Achin, Naziyan, Kot and Haska Meena districts of the eastern Nangarhar province, which borders Pakistan. A reporter for VOA’s Afghan service this week traveled to Achin, the main IS base in the country, and says government security forces have relocated to positions they were occupying prior to the launching of an anti-IS “Qahr-e- Sellab” offensive in June. Regional military spokesman Shreen Aqa confirmed to VOA that IS militants have returned to parts of the troubled districts, but said Afghan forces are preparing to undertake a fresh offensive for their eviction.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline: Former South Sudan VP ends ceasefire with government in Juba

South Sudan’s exiled rebel leader has called for war against the government, ending an internationally-backed peace deal. Former vice president Riek Machar said on Sunday that he will “wage a popular armed resistance against the authoritarian and fascist regime of President Salva Kiir in order to bring peace, freedom, democracy and the rule of law in the country.”  Machar fled to Khartoum after clashes broke out between his supporters and Kiir’s in the South Sudanese capital Juba in July. He added that the international community should “declare the regime in Juba as a rogue government and a spoiler of peace that is threatening regional and international peace and security.” The announcement is Machar’s first since the fighting broke out. At the time, he referred to the clashes as an “assassination attempt.”
Sept. 25, 2016

Luke 21:9
Matthew 24:7
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    Boko Haram leader taunts parents of kidnapped girls in new video

Headline:    Nigeria military: 8 soldiers killed in attacks by extremists

Longtime Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau appeared in a video denying military reports that he was killed last month, and mocking parents of the hundreds of Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped in 2014. In the video, Shekau claimed the parents would see their daughters again only if the government swapped them for detained terror leaders. “To the people of Chibok: You have not seen the worst yet,” Shekau said, ending with gales of laughter. The Islamic State in August appointed a new leader in Nigeria, but Shekau has insisted he remains in charge. Nigeria’s military called the video “the handiwork of a mentally sick and unstable mind.” The military several times in the past has claimed to have killed Shekau, only to have him reappear. Meantime, Islamic extremists killed eight soldiers and wounded 17 in two attacks in northeastern Nigeria, the country’s military said Monday.
Sept. 26, 2016,7340,L-4859758,00.html

Headline:     Death toll from militia violence in central Congo jumps to 49

The death toll from militia clashes with security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo last week was at least 49, more than three times the number earlier reported, the governor of the province hit by the violence was quoted on Monday as saying. Fighters from militia group Kamwina Nsapu, seeking to avenge the death of their leader of the same name, battled security forces on Thursday and Friday in the town of Kananga in the center of the vast central African country. U.N.-funded Radio Okapi quoted Alex Kande, governor of Kasai Central province as saying that 27 of the dead were militiamen, 16 were members of the security forces and six were civilians. Initial estimates had put the toll at 13. The militiamen first entered Kananga on Thursday morning and continued attacks on Friday, including against the town airport.
Sept. 26, 2016


Headline:    Houthi leader calls for truce along Yemen’s border with Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemeni Army rains missiles on Saudi military camp

Saleh al-Samad, the head of a Houthi political council, proposed rebels stop attacks along Yemen’s border with Saudi Arabia in exchange for airstrikes to cease. Samad on Sunday also called for the end of the blockade against Yemen in a proposal published on an official Yemen website. There was no immediate response from Saudi Arabia about the proposal. “In exchange for halting the aggression by land, sea and air, stopping airstrikes and lifting the blockade, [we will] stop combat operations along border,” Samad said in a speech, Anadolu Agency reports. At least 10,000 people have died, about half of them civilians, since a coalition led by Saudi Arabia — and supported by the United States and Britain — began a military campaign against Houthi militants in March 2015 after the rebels seized the city of Sanaa and began to advance to Aden to overthrow the government of President Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi in 2014.
Sept. 26, 2016


Matthew 24:5
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:   Japan scrambles jets as China flies fleet near disputed islands

Headline:   US, South Korean missile destroyers in fresh show of force to North Korea

Japan scrambled fighter jets Sunday after China flew a fleet of aircraft near contested islands in the East China Sea. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that the jets were sent up after eight Chinese military planes crossed between Okinawa and the Miyako islands near Taiwan. He said that two of the aircraft were thought to be fighter jets. He added that the planes didn’t “trespass” into Japan’s territorial airspace, although he said it was the first time that Chinese military aircraft had been seen in the Miyako Strait. “We will continue to keep close eyes on the Chinese military activities which have been expanding and become more frequent,” he said. Shen Jinke, an official with the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, said that a fleet of 40 aircraft were sent to the West Pacific via the Miyako Strait Sunday for a “routine drill on the high seas,” according to China’s official Xinhua news agency. The fleet, which included H-6K bombers, Su-30 fighters and air tankers, simulated reconnaissance and early warning attacks on sea-surface targets. It also conducted in-flight refueling to test the Air Force’s fighting capacity, Xinhua added.
Sept. 26, 2016






Revelation 6:5-6

Daniel 2:41-43

Headline:   Deutsche Bank shares plummet to record low as Merkel rules out bailout

Shares in Germany’s largest bank have hit rock bottom on Monday as Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly refused to provide Deutsche Bank state aid in its legal battle with the United States Department of Justice (DoJ). Deutsche shares fell as much as six percent to €10.67 in early Monday trading, the worst performance since 1992. The bank has lost over 52 percent of its value since January and over 56 percent in the last twelve months. Earnings per share fell as much as €6. The collapse has been prompted by a report in the German magazine Focus that said Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruled out any state assistance for the bank next year. Merkel also declined to provide help to Deutsche Bank in its legal battle with the DoJ. The Frankfurt-based lender may be fined up to $14 billion over its mortgage-backed securities business before the 2008 global crisis, the magazine reported. The article said Merkel made her views clear in talks with Deutsche CEO John Cryan. Deutsche Bank has denied that Cryan asked for state support from Berlin, CNBC reported on Monday.
Sept. 26, 2016

famine 1Cooltextprophecysign

Matthew 24:7
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline: Venezuelan children fainting in school because they are hungry

Klaireth Díaz is a 1st-grade teacher at Elías Toro School, one of the biggest public schools in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. Last year, she says, attendance was painfully low. Every day, of a class of 30 children at least 10 would be absent. “The reason was always lack of food,” she told Fox News Latino. She said she had a student who skipped class every single Thursday and when she asked his mother about it, she explained that Thursday was the day of the week assigned to her family to buy food at government-regulated prices – which involves standing in line starting sometimes as early as 3 a.m. “She told me she couldn’t leave the child alone at home and didn’t have anybody to bring him to school,” Díaz said. Diaz also once saw a child faint during a cultural event. Across the country, teachers have said they have seen children faint or fall asleep because they haven’t had enough to eat.
Sept. 26, 2016


Sept 21, 2016- Thousands of dead fish washed up along beach in Massachusetts

Sept 21, 2016- Thousands of dead fish washing up in Longboat Key, Florida

Sept 22, 2016- 6,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France

Sept 23, 2016- Hundreds of dead fish found washed up in Hingham, Massachusetts

Sept 23, 2016- 10,000 dead fish found in Centerport Harbor, New York

Sept 24, 2016- Dead fish washing up, ‘due to red tide’ in Florida

Sept 24, 2016- Thousands of dead fish wash up, ‘due to red tide’ in Matamoros, Mexico

Sept 24, 2016- Sea lions found dead on a beach in Callao, Peru

Days of Lot






Jude 1:7-8

Genesis 19:4-5
Romans 1:26-27
Leviticus 20:13

Headline:    Transgender man gives birth to his OWN BABY in world first- ~Warning~Graphic Photo

Fernando Machado, who used to be a woman, met Diane Rodriguez, who used to be a man, on social media two years ago and started a relationship. Ms Rodriguez made headlines in Ecuador in 2013 when she was the first transgender candidate to run for Government. The couple decided to be just as public with their relationship, sharing pictures on Facebook. Then they decided they wanted a child, and Mr Machado soon made the discovery he was expecting. The couple were able to have a baby because neither had undergone corrective surgery. Posting a photograph of their new son on Facebook, the couple wrote: “Our son is not only a blessing, but he also promotes love.”
Sept. 26, 2016








Matthew 24:36-39
Genesis 6:5-11
Luke 17:26-27
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Matthew 24:12

Headline:     FBI: Violent crime across US spiked in 2015, murders up nearly 11 percent

Violent crime across the U.S. jumped in 2015 after two years of declines, the FBI announced Monday, adding that the number of murders reported by local law enforcement agencies was up 10.8 percent from 2014. “We still have so much work to do,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch responded at an event in Little Rock, Ark. Many major cities, including Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis, have struggled to restore trust between police and communities in the wake of officer-involved shootings and the Black Lives Matter movement. Violent crime overall rose by 3.9 percent, the data showed. While up from 2014, it was still down from 2011 and 2006, the FBI reported. The murder rate for U.S. metropolitan areas was slightly higher compared to the rest of the country. In July, President Obama said, “The fact of the matter is that the murder rate today, the violence rate today, is far lower than it was when Ronald Reagan was president, and lower than when I took office.” Since 2009, the nation has seen a 1.9 percent increase in murders, though the murder rate has slipped when population growth is factored in. Total violent crime has fallen by 9.6 percent.
Sept. 26, 2016

Headline: 9 injured in Houston mall shooting

A man opened fire at passersby at a shopping center in southwest Houston Monday morning, injuring 9. One person was critically injured and one was seriously injured. All the wounded have been evacuated to hospitals in the area. The shooter was shot dead by police in the area. Houston police say the shooter was a lawyer, and it was investigating whether issues at his firm may have led to the shooting. There is no indication of terror links or motives as of yet. Additional weapons were found in the shooters’ vehicle. A bomb squad was dispatched to investigate the shooters’ vehicle, and then moved on to his apartment.
Sept. 26, 2016


Matthew 24:9
Revelation 6:9

Headline:      Christian Boy Imprisoned in Pakistan Simply for “Liking” a Picture on Facebook

A Christian boy has been arrested and imprisoned in Pakistan for blasphemy simply for “liking” a picture on Facebook. On September 19, 2016, our international affiliate, the European Centre for Law and Justice’s (ECLJ) office in Pakistan, the Organization for Legal Aid (OLA), received word that Nabeel Masih, a sixteen-year-old Christian boy, had been charged with blasphemy. Nabeel’s crime was “liking” a supposedly sacrilegious picture of the Kaaba, a black cube-shaped structure at the center of Islam’s holiest mosque in Mecca, on Facebook. As soon as the OLA received the report, they sent a fact-finding team. The OLA team first went to the local police headquarters and spoke to the Investigation Officer (IO) about the charges. We were informed that the First Information Report was filed on September 18, 2016 under sections 295 and 295-A of the Pakistan Penal Code. Section 295 punishes injuring or defiling a place of worship, with intent to insult the religion of any class, with two years’ imprisonment, and 295-A punishes deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs with ten years’ imprisonment. The charges stated that Nabeel’s Muslim friends visited his Facebook page and found that he had “liked” and shared the sacrilegious photo—a photo that had originally been posted by someone else. The Muslim friends alleged that Nabeel “had done a great injustice to us by badly hurting our religious feelings.” This landed Nabeel in prison, while his family and fellow Christians fled the area for fear of reprisals.


Matthew 24:7
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25

Headline:   Meteor SLAMS into Earth: Earthquake felt as ‘burning objects’ in sky and ‘explosion’ heard- PHOTOS & VIDEOS

Locals reported feeling tremors after spotting the “burning objects” streaking across the sky and one said they saw a “big ball of fire”. There are reports a meteor, or space junk, hit near Gladstone in Queensland, Australia. The first footage of the reported object strike was captured on CCTV and shows a huge flash. Police received multiple calls from residents who claimed their houses were shaking. Geoscience Australia has since officially ruled out an earthquake. Fire services were also called out after the flaming lights were seen streaking overhead. A witness wrote on Facebook: “It felt like an explosion and before the house shook it was blinding light.” Another added: “My husband was putting our the garbage bins when he saw the outside of the house light up. “He turned around and saw a brilliant meteor or something flash overhead and disappeared over the sea.”
Sept. 26, 2016

   earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~


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