Sept. 30, 2016~ Special Report: Worldwide Economy

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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 27, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

I don’t care if you are white, black, brown, yellow or any other color if you are in the United States middle class you are already in trouble. Just about every part of your life has been effected over the past 8 years.  For one moment put aside if you can whether you are a Democratic or Republican.  Just forget what any of the main stream media is trying to push down all our throats to get us to vote for the person they want us to vote for that includes CNN liberal or Fox news conservitive.  Let us all step out of the news box and look at the following: If you are single or if you are married with a family before you vote this year ask yourself the following questions.

 1. Over the past eight years has my life improved.

2. Over the past eight years how many times did I get a raise?

3. Over the past 8 years has the government lowered taxes that has helped me with my bills?  Out of their own mouths who will be hurting you or your family by raising my taxes even higher. Democratic or Republican after the election if your taxes go up as promised what part of your household budget are you going to cut because more of your hard earned money will be taken.

4. Over the past 8 years how much more am I paying for medical bills?

5.Over the past eight years do I see anything coming from the government that makes me feel that I do not have to worry about ISIS attacks.  

6.Over the past 8 years has my job or jobs been taken away because it was cut and given to someone who came to America illegal.  If you did see a job was it a good paying job with benefits or are you one of millions of Americans who are working more than one job to make ends meet?  If you were one of the lucky ones to get a job is it a 40 hour a week job or like most jobs gotten in the past few years are jobs that only have 30 hours to avoid paying you benefits. 

7. The U.S. debt is heading toward 20 trillion dollars with no end in sight. How long do you think it will be before you if your are single or, your family if your married will be able to hold up when the government has to close its doors? Democratic or Republican if the road the U.S. is on now via the debt continues the government will not have funds to pay unemployment or issue welfare payments. How long will you be able to live before you are homeless?  

8. Seeing the current economic landscape how long do you think the average middle class person will take before they will be able to buy their first home?

9. Over the last eight years has the government done  anything to stop crime other than try to pass new bills that will take guns away from people who do no commit crimes?  I ask this question as a husband with this in mind. If the government takes a gun from the average person who is law abiding and, that family one night finds his home was broken into what will you use to protect your family or yourself if you are single?  Since you will not be able to have a gun will you use a baseball bat against the person who is pointing a gun at you?  Good luck. Keep in mind, I do not care if you are from one party or the other the man pointing the gun at you and or your family doesn’t care what party you belong to.

10. There are many young people who are thinking about joining the military because they can not find a good job.  You need to ask this question. Who do I believe will protect me as a soldier when I enlist Clinton or Trump?  Who do I believe would leave a fallen soldier behind Clinton or Trump?

11. Do I want our government to continue to allow people to cross over into America illegally and be able to tap in to free schooling, welfare, and take jobs away from U.S. citizens? 

12.If you are in fact black ask yourself this question. Over the past 8 years have you seen the black community get out of the lower class ranks?  During the past 8 years if you are black under a black president did they help you up the latter as he promised or, has it gotten so bad under a black president that a black matters movement has been birthed?  If you are honest you must be asking yourself why are so many blacks killing blacks?  The leads me to the next question.

13.During the last 8 years how many Americans have gotten killed because of drugs.  How many communities in America are watching their kids killed because of running drugs.  Ask yourself this question as well. Why is drug use so heavy in poor black communities?  Is it because they think this type of activity is the only way out of the poor neighborhoods? When Obama came to Chicago his own home town did he not promise you a change?  After 8 years in office if you live in the poorer section of Chicago do you feel safer.  Take a look at these facts: Chicago, Year to Date 2016
Shot & Killed: 509
Shot & Wounded: 2746
Total Shot: 3255
Total Homicides: 566

For many of you who live in Chicago you did get your change but sadly someone if your family may have been one of the statistics above.

13. Ask yourself this. Do I want a wall to help keep out illegals, drugs, and ISIS or, do I want to keep it as is and see more of the same which will mean more drugs coming to our cities and, of course that will lead to more crime plus no wall will mean more of a chance that ISIS can sneak into the U.S. and attack more U.S. citizens that have already been attacked.





  In my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I discuss the economic state of not only the U.S. but the world.  Jesus shows us in the scriptures that just before He returns to Earth the Antichrist will come and it will be he who controls the world’s economy.  This can only happen if there is a major world economic collapse.  No nation in their right mind would just hand over all their power to one man to control a world economy but that is exactly what we see from scripture. See Rev. 13: 15-17. The path the U.S. is on right now via the unpayable debt are factors that are leading to this world economic collapse that will bring on the Antichrist!  Fact is whether you are a Democratic or Republican if you are honest with yourself you know something is very wrong with America and things are not getting better.  Also, if you have been watching the world news you know that nation after nation are falling into deep economic woes like the likes this generation has not seen. Below are some examples:

Headline: Historic takeover of Puerto Rico’s finances, agencies begins

A federal control board on Friday took over Puerto Rico’s finances and several government agencies for the first time in the U.S. territory’s history in a bid to haul the island out of an acute economic crisis.

The Run Begins: Deutsche Bank Hedge Fund Clients Withdraw Excess Cash


Venezuela food crisis deepens as shipments plummet – Aug. 11, 2016…/venezuela-food-shortages/

CNNMoney Aug 11, 2016 – Shipments to Venezuela of meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and even cereal have fallen sharply as the country grapples with a food crisis.

Hungry Venezuelans cry at the sight of food, as economic crisis ……/venezuela-world-worst-econom…


Jul 20, 2016 – The IMF downgraded its forecast for Venezuela as the country spirals deeper into an economic, political and humanitarian crisis. … reporting to this article. CNNMoney (New York) First published July 20, 2016: 10:08 AM ET …

Headline:   UN fears third leg of the global financial crisis – with prospect of epic debt defaults  

The third leg of the world’s intractable depression is yet to come. If trade economists at the United Nations are right, the next traumatic episode may entail the greatest debt jubilee in history.


Headline:   Saudi Arabia Injects $5.3 Billion Into Banks to Ease Crunch

Headline:  Saudi cuts public sector bonuses, ministers’ salaries

Headline:  Saudi firm tells staff to forget owed pay if they want passports back


don1 One thing is very clear, Jesus warned us about the gold and silver in the last days.  Without a question the prices of gold and silver will skyrocket.  When you take in account what we see in the scriptures in the photo above and, the word Jesus told us about people working all day long for one small meal what we know is during the last days when the world economy collapses paper money will be worthless and those who have gold and silver will be able to survive much better than the people holding paper currency.  Keep in mind, the wealth of gold and silver will be short lived as Jesus will take these precious metals away during the tribulation and just as the scriptures tell us people will weep over the loss.  People do not cry over items that are not worth something and gold and silver will be worth a lot for a while.  Does Donald know something from the Lord that you do not know?  As you will see below, Donald has been warning Americans that the U.S. is in a economic bubble. Donald knows what is coming when the bubble breaks and, what is the best way for Donald to get himself and his business ready for when it busts. If Jesus shows gold will go through the roof why not get as much as you can now before the economy crashes?  Guess what?  This is exactly what Donald has done. 

don The return of real money has made a triumphant re-entry into the US economy with the recent acceptance by The Trump Organization of gold bullion as payment for a commercial lease property. APMEX, one of the largest dealers of precious metals in the US, paid Donald Trump‘s company three, one kilo bars (roughly 96.45 troy ounces) of .9999 pure Gold as a security deposit for its newly-leased space on the 50th floor of 40 Wall Street, also known as the Trump Building.

One last question I have. Could it be the Lord is giving us a chance for more time?  Is it possible that the Lord has revealed His plan to  Mark Taylor back in 2011 about Donald Trump?   So far everything Mark Taylor said Jesus told him about Trump has come to pass. This November we will all know if Jesus did show Mark the future. As to all the questions you should ask yourself I am sure the video will shed some light on who you will pick.




Democratic or Republican we are all in the same boat and isn’t about either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump it is about Jesus Christ and, whether or not you believe the Antichrist will come and control the world’s economic system which will lead to the Lord’s second coming.

John 19:11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

As I said in the beginning of this post we will see who Jesus is going to give power to and so far all I have see and heard was Jesus spoke to Mark Taylor in 2011 and said He chose Donald Trump. 


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