Sept. 9, 2021 Are the Abraham Accords the one God showed Daniel the prophet?

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Daniel 9:27 prophecy  “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”  

Considering the fact that the newly signed Abraham Accords in 2020, have now brought in 13 nations I think it very wise to keep a close look at the developments taking place between Israel and the nations who have become friendly again with Israel.  God has shown us via His word that the Antichrist will come on the scene and he will confirm the covenant with many.  First thing to understand is God is talking about a covenant between Israel and many other nations. Below you will see the latest news concerning the newly signed Abraham Accords. 


On January 28, 2020 the newest peace plan called “The ‘Deal of the Century” was released. The Jerusalem Post January 28, 2020 ran this headline: “The ‘Deal of the Century’: What are its key points?”.  


The Jerusalem Post also on January 28, 2020 reported the following. The immediate response from the PLO concerning this new deal was they will reject the deal. Palestinians from across the political spectrum have strongly rejected US President Donald Trump’s plan for Mideast peace, which was unveiled by the White House on Tuesday. “We say 1,000 ‘no’s to this deal,” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said. Referring to the plan as “the slap of the century,” Abbas said he did not find anything new in Trump’s announcement. “We heard two years ago that he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” he said. “They kept asking us to wait until the plan is announced. Now, we see that we were right when we rejected it from the beginning. Jerusalem is not for sale. Our rights are not for sale. The plot of the century won’t pass, and it will end up in the dustbin of history.”

On August 13, 2020, a major development in peace with Israel and many Arabs nations was announced by President Donald Trump.  The headline to the CBS News report was entitled: “Trump announces peace agreement between Israel and UAE. The photo below shows the signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel and many Arab nations.


I quote, CBS News  “President Trump announced a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates Thursday that will usher in the “full normalization of relations” between the nations. Mr. Trump, who first touted the agreement on Twitter, said the two countries will exchange embassies and ambassadors and “begin cooperation across the board.” The president said he anticipates other nations will follow their lead.”  First, right after the UAE signed on to this new peace deal with Israel, we witnessed other Arabs nations joining in the peace deal with Israel as well. I quote the Breitbart news report on September 6, 2020. “The Palestinian Authority warned on Sunday that it would cut ties with any country that opened its embassy in Jerusalem, after Serbia, Kosovo, and Malawi announced their intentions to open diplomatic missions in the Israeli capital.” On September 3, 2020 the Free Beacon reported the following. “Bahrain is set to be the next Gulf country to normalize relations with Israel, a senior Israeli official told Israel’s Kan 11 news Wednesday.  Washington looks to mediate the peace talks between the two countries and hope to hold the official normalization ceremony before the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, according to the official.” 

September 8, 2020, The American Spectator ran this headline. “Trump Administration Poised to Broker More Deals Between Israel and Muslim States UAE, Serbia, and Kosovo are among those on board — and more may join up soon.” “The Trump administration recently announced that as part of a U.S.-brokered deal between Kosovo and Serbia, Kosovo would recognize Israel and be the first Muslim-majority country to open its embassy in Jerusalem. Additionally, Christian-majority Serbia will move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In a separate development, Muslim-majority Chad will open an embassy in Jerusalem, according to Israel. Christian-majority Malawi’s president has also pledged to open an embassy in Jerusalem. This will be Malawi’s first diplomatic mission in Israel, despite having relations with the country since 1964.  August . 15, 2021 Haaretz news wrote, “A Year After Their Signing, Here’s How the Abraham Accords Changed the Middle East Normalization agreements with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco have endured and even started to bear fruit, even though the Biden administration has other priorities right now.”   “India has welcomed the historic decision announced by Israel and the UAE to fully normalize relations. Soon after the announcement was made on August 13, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan called up his Indian counterpart S. Jaishankar to brief him on the development. September 14, 2020 a report via the   European Eye On Radicalization  reported even India was on board with the Abraham Accords with Israel in their report entitled: “Why India Welcomes the Abraham Accord”   “India has consistently supported peace, stability and development in West Asia, which is its extended neighborhood. In that context, we welcome the full normalization of ties between the UAE and Israel. Both nations are key strategic partners of India,” As of September 9, 2021 13 nations have come on board with the Abraham Accords with Israel.

There are two reasons why this new peace deal called the Abraham Accords is so important to the last days events.  Number one, we still see the Palestinians are enemies of Israel and are making threats not only to Israel but also to the Arab nations who are making peace with Israel.  The second and most important reason why this peace deal is of interest is this deal looks exactly like the Daniel 9:27 prophecy which says the following: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”  Looking back at the start of the peace talks with President Jimmy Carter in 1978, we have never seen peace accords between Israel and many Arab nations until the Abraham Accords in 2020. Keep in mind, the week in the above prophecy is for a period of 7 years. When the Abraham Accord agreement was signed we did not see any time period for that peace accord.  It is possible since there was no time assigned to the Abraham Accords that this peace accord just might be the one that when the Antichrist takes center stage he may confirm these Abraham Accords and place a 7 year time frame to that accord. We will see?


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