September 21, 2022 Do you know what signs are signs of the last days? Here are some of those signs


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



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The Hindu



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Fatalities reported after magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattles Mexico

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck off the western coast of Mexico on Monday afternoon, killing at least two people.


Al Gore finally got it right! Anyone who knows bible prophecy knows the intense weather signs found in the book of Revelation are very similar to what we are seeing now. However, what we are in right now are only the birth pangs more intense storms will be coming and faster as Jesus said in the last days the signs would be coming as a woman with birth pains. 

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Gore Says Weather Crisis Is Like ‘Hike Through Book of Revelation’



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Deadly Hurricane Fiona batters Turks and Caicos Islands before heading toward Bermuda
Hurricane Fiona is slowly pulling away from the Turks and Caicos but not before producing heavy rainfall and gusty winds on the islands in the southwest Atlantic. Fiona became the first major hurricane of the Atlantic season Wednesday and the already-deadly storm is forecast to intensify even more as it tracks toward Bermuda.


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Jewish university suspends all clubs after Supreme Court allows forced recognition of LGBT group
A Jewish university in New York is temporarily suspending all undergraduate student club activities pending final resolution of a dispute over whether it will be forced to recognize an LGBT student group, just days after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block a lower-court ruling ordering it to recognize the club.

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Transgender Quackery Exposed as “Child Abuse” by Top Doctor 
The transgender madness that has taken over society is based on pseudo-science, lies, and deception and is wreaking havoc on children, but fortunately it is being exposed,

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Arizona State Senator Accuses Dept. of Child Safety Is Facilitating Global Sex Trafficking Ring After 550 Children Go Missing
Arizona Republican State Senator David Farnsworth announced he is convinced that the Arizona Department of Child Safety is facilitating the global sex trafficking of children from Arizona.

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New $600M Arms Package For Ukraine Marks 21st Time US Draws From Own Stockpiles
The Biden administration has just announced yet another new weapons package for Ukraine worth $600 million, which now brings to total US military aid pledged since the start of the conflict to $15.1 billion.


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Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive 
Dr. Theresa Long, medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime’s mandate.

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Hundreds of doctors declare ‘international medical crisis’ over COVID jab injuries, deaths 
Over 400 doctors, scientists and professionals from more than 34 countries this morning declared an international medical crisis due to “diseases and death associated with the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’.”

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Humanity Has Been Irreversibly DAMAGED: Bioweapon Leaves Catastrophic Damage on Human Reproduction In Depopulation Agenda
The jab KILLS the reproductive system, adults, babies, and turns women’s breast milk green! Naomi Wolf joins to expose how Pfizer documents have collected vaccine injuries that target the reproductive system. Big Tech is covering up the crime scene, and China is involved! This is the BIGGEST CRIME humanity has ever seen!

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USDA air dropping vaccines from helicopters across 13 states, using vaccine “bait” deemed HAZARDOUS if ingested
…USDA uses a fleet of helicopters to mass poison the landscape with “rabies vaccines” disguised as food According to the Associated Press via, the USDA is now air-dropping “millions of packets of oral rabies vaccines” across 13 US states. Those states include:

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CDC Study finds COVID Vaccine can cause Children to suffer Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease
A CDC study conducted by several doctors from the University of Colorado has found that Covid-19 vaccination can cause children to suffer Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (V-AED), and further analysis of the confidential Pfizer documents forcibly published by court order reveals both Pfizer and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) knew it would happen.


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Biden Signs ‘Death Warrant’ for U.S. Dollar
On March 9, 2022, President Biden quietly signed Executive Order 14067. Buried inside this order is a sinister provision that could give the government unprecedented control over your money and freedom.

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‘Cracks Everywhere’: Billionaire Warns The US Economy Is On The Verge Of A Massive Blow Up
Shares of FedEx were down more than 20% Friday after the company posted bleak preliminary earnings, citing weakness in global shipment volumes.

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Incredibly Reckless Moves That Biden And His Minions Are Making Could Get Millions Of Americans Killed
Do we really want to go to war with Russia and China at the same time?  Because if we stay on the path that we are currently on, that is precisely what is going to happen.

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Fed-funds rate could end up as high as 5%, says overseer of $1.3 trillion in assets

We know from the book of Revelation that the Antichrist will come and rule Earth before Jesus returns for the second time.  Many including myself have been warning to watch the decline of not the U.S. but world economies.  Something major is going to take place that lifts the Antichrist up to his last days position. More than likely it will be a world economic crisis. We are now seeing the foot prints of that coming. 

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‘Our world is in peril’: At UN, leaders push for solutions

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U.N. chief says world is ‘gridlocked in colossal global dysfunction’





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Inside Mexico’s Mountain Magic Mushroom Paradise

A sierra town in Mexico has become a unique tourist destination for people who want to get high on shrooms. But not all the locals are happy.


The prayer

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