September 23, 2022 Another Great Earthquake – More end times signs

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 12 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


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Israel on high alert in West Bank as Palestinian attacks continue



A breakIsraeli navy attacks fishermen in southern Gaza Strip


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Strong and shallow M6.8 earthquake hits Michoacan, Mexico
A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.8, hit Michoacan, Mexico at 06:16 UTC on September 22, 2022. The agency reports a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles). EMSC reports M6.7 at a depth of 80 km (50 miles).


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101 countries witness rise in civil unrest in last quarter -Worst yet to come as socioeconomic pressure builds



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Nitrogen Prices Now Seeing a Resurgence For Fall, and Natural Gas Isn’t the Only Driver
High input prices continue to be a pain point for farmers planning their 2023 crop needs, and nitrogen prices are now seeing a resurgence heading into fall. Experts say the price of natural gas isn’t the only driver fueling the market as farmers look to book their fall needs.

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Food Supply Stays Tight as Disappointing U.S. Harvest Adds to Global Challenges
Agriculture executives say at least two years of bumper crops are needed to relieve pressure from drought and the war in Ukraine



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“Crisis Of Crimes”: New Orleans Becomes Murder Capital Of America
Progressives in top city leadership positions have helped transform New Orleans into the murder capital of America. WSJ reported the Louisiana city on the Mississippi River, near the Gulf of Mexico, recorded the highest homicide rate of any major city so far this year, with 41 homicides per 100,000 residents.


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The horrors of Canada’s assisted suicide regime are finally coming to light 
Over the past two years, Canada’s euthanasia regime has gone from a hidden horror show to an internationally recognized horror show. The global headlines have been both brutal and damning.


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U.S. Attorney Announces Federal Charges Against 47 Defendants in $250 Million Feeding Our Future Fraud Scheme
Nonprofit Feeding Our Future and 200+ Meal Sites Perpetrated the Largest COVID-19 Fraud Scheme in the Nation



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Biden says U.S. forces would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion
U.S. President Joe Biden said U.S forces would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, his most explicit statement on the issue, drawing an angry response from China that said it sent the wrong signal to those seeking an independent Taiwan.


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Russia mobilizes 300,000, promises defensive use of nuclear weapons while psychopathic western leaders beg for annihilation 
Russia’s recent “partial mobilization” will call up 300,000 military reservists who, over the next few months, will be trained and put into service in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. It is now well known — although western nations continue to deny the obvious — that Ukraine’s military offensives are being run by NATO troops, using NATO satellites, training and gear.


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Russia Says They Will Use Strategic Nuclear Weapons To Defend Territory Annexed In Ukraine As Europe Comes Closer To An Unthinkable Future
We have said the entire time that Putin’s real goal with the war in Ukraine is to draw the United States and NATO into open conflict, and here over half a year into the war, Russia yesterday spoke the obvious.

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Poland distributes iodine pills as fears grow over Ukraine nuclear plant 
Poland, concerned about fighting around Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, has distributed iodine tablets to regional fire departments to give to people in the event of radioactive exposure, a deputy minister said on Thursday.



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Trump COVID Official Describes mRNA Vaccine As A ‘Biological Weapon’ 
Nations such as Denmark have halted the booster push for those under the age of 50 as more information concerning the risk-reward analysis of the vaccines has become available. Now, a Trump COVID official is describing the mRNA Vaccine as a biological weapon.

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Killing by Killing Truth and Mainstreaming the Ridiculous Through Public Health
Something is fundamentally wrong with the mindset of global health professionals, particularly those in positions of leadership. It has become normal to speak, repeat, and defend complete absurdity, as if illusions and fantasies are real.

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Pfizer COVID Vaccine alters your DNA according to Study 
A Swedish study has demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA.

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Kidney Transplants Rejected Within Weeks of Receiving Covid Injections
Fourteen days after being injected with an AstraZeneca “vaccine” a 25-year-old woman suffered a transplant rejection. Almost four and a half years earlier she had a successful kidney transplant and she did not report any difficulties until after “vaccination.”

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‘This Is a Signal’: People With Jobs Are, All of a Sudden, Becoming Disabled at Alarming Rates 
How many people have been disabled by the shots? Well, according to VAERS (as of September 9), there have been 14,833 U.S. reports of permanent disabilities after taking the jab.




A breakDutch City is On Pace to Being First to Prohibit Most Meat Ads 
The Dutch city of Haarlem is planning on prohibiting most meat advertisements from being posted on public spaces due to the food’s alleged climate impact.


 As time passes by we are watching nation after nation moving toward digital currencies. It is more than likely the Antichrist will use some type of digital currency to control the world. Once paper money is gone all digital transactions can be traced.  Think how easy it will be for the Antichrist to shut off your flow of money by turning your digital money off.  We keep hearing world leaders saying paper money is hard to track when it comes to crime. Turn to digital currency and you get rid of black market crimes. For example drug money!  Digital currency is already here in many countries and the closer our generation gets to the rise of the Antichrist the faster nations will be turning over to digital currency.  Read Revelation chapter 13 where Jesus warns about the Antichrist putting his mark in your right hand or forehead. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. If you are able to buy and sell because you have the Antichrist mark in your hand this may be a economic system based on transactions of digital currency from body. This I know for sure, if you are left behind when the Lord Jesus takes his people home you will find out first hand what the Antichrist economic system is all about. 


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Train to Digital Concentration Camps

“If you can move every human into a digital concentration camp, empty their bank account any time you want, and tell them what they can and cannot spend money on, you’ve got complete control.”

Agencies that were chosen to lead the ongoing working group for the research and possible development of a CBDC include the Federal Reserve, the National Economic Council, the National Security Council, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the Treasury Department. CBDCs are digital currency issued directly from a nation-state’s central bank and serve as legal tender.


 Why is it we continue to see the liberal press try to paint Christians in a negative way? The answer to that question is found in Ephesians 6:1212 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan has stepped up his attack on God’s people!

A breakMSNBC, CNN Guest Roasted After Calling Evangelical Prayer-Hands ‘Nazi Salute’


A lawyer and recurring guest on MSNBC and CNN has come under fire after claiming in a viral tweet that Doug Mastriano supporters were giving ‘a Nazi salute’ during a Sunday campaign rally in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.


A breakCERN – They now admit they are communicating with “entities” from the other side 
CERN (not just a particle collider facility, but a quasi-state-laboratory-facility with status similar to Washington D.C. and actually given an “observer” status at the UN) is communicating with extra-dimensional entities and receiving “helpful” information in the form of DNA-code through quantum-computers. We know these beings as fallen angels and demons.
They are tearing a hole between this world and the spiritual world.




A breakThey Can’t Win if They Don’t Cheat… House Democrats Vote to Give Aliens the Right to Vote — IN UNANIMOUS VOTE!
They can’t win if they don’t cheat. House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted to support NON-CITIZENS the right to vote in our elections.

 For those of you who don’t know, God showed us in the last days Israel would find oil and gas. In a short period of time Israel went from being dependent on other nations for their oil and gas to discovering huge amounts of oil and gas that now Israel is an exporter of both oil and gas.  What God told us was going to happen with Israel has already taken place and, it is proof you can trust what the Lord is telling us about our future!

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A breakSensitive offshore gas field key to Israel’s energy strategy


A break Gas profits finally put Israel’s wealth fund into business




The prayer



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