September 27, 2021 More end time signs in the news

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 27 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora



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Waving A Red Flag GIFs | Tenor 55

August 24, 2021 – Mar Menor: Tonnes of dead fish wash up on Spanish lagoon’s shores  Link

 August 27, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Mexico State, Mexico. Link

August 29, 2021 – Dozens of dead porpoises wash ashore, ‘unprecedented’ on the Wadden Islands, Netherlands. Link

September 2, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish float in a river in Rome, Italy. Link

September 10, 2021 – Hundreds/Thousands of dead birds found in Bali, Indonesia. Link

September 12, 2021 – Hundreds of dead birds appear in a reservoir in Galicia, Spain. Link

September 17, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish found in a creek in Alabama, America. Link

September 18, 2021 – Thousands of sea birds dying, ‘unprecedented’ along the coast of Northern UK. Link

September 22, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a river in Boston, America. Link

September 23, 2021 – 15 dead dolphins found on beaches in Port of San Antonio Este, Argentina. Link





Prophecy: Matthew 24:37-39 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

In one years time America went from a President who tried to stop all abortions to the current President who has endorsed a bill that could kill babies up to the due date of the baby. It is dam right evil to kill a 9 month old baby!  What do you expect from a nation who has lost its moral compass. The people during Noah’s generation lost their moral compass and looked what happened to them, you can expect the same thing in these last days to people who turn from God. 


The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced on Monday that the Biden administration had endorsed the Women’s Health Protection Act (H.R. 3755). An OMB statement noted that the endorsement comes in response to the recent legislation in Texas, which the OMB claimed: “blatantly violates existing Supreme Court precedent established under Roe v. Wade.” In its statement, the OMB claimed that abortion was a “constitutional right.” The stated purpose of the act is to “permit health care providers to provide abortion services without limitations or requirements”. The bill explicitly states that it “supersedes and applies to the law of the Federal Government and each State government.”


NYC Fast Resembling San Fran & Vancouver ‘Cities Of The Walking Dead’ As Junkies, Dealers Take Over Midtown Streets With Impunity 
Police “effectively ordered” to let junkies roam free, shooting up in broad daylight…


Texas Sues Biden Administration Over Federal Transgender Guidance
Texas is suing the Biden administration to invalidate a federal civil rights directive on pronoun usage and bathroom access in the workplace.


Prophecy War and rumors of war

Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Russia Raids Kill 11 Pro-Turkish Fighters in Syria
At least 11 fighters from a pro-Turkish rebel group were killed Sunday in Russian air raids in northern Syria, a war monitor said Sunday. The strikes hit a school used as a “military base” by the Al-Hamza Division outside the north Syria town of Afrin which has been under the control of Turkey and its Syrian rebel proxies since 2018

Stars, Seas and Signs | Bite Sized Truth

Cyclone Gulab spurs thousands to evacuate in eastern India
Two fishermen were reported dead after a cyclone packing strong winds and rains barreled into India’s east coast late Sunday. The storm forced the evacuation of more than 200,000 people in three states. Cyclone Gulab made landfall between the coastal states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh just after 6:00 pm local time, bearing gusts of up to 59 miles per hour, the state-run India Meteorological Department said.

Mindulle rapidly strengthens into third super typhoon of the 2021 Pacific typhoon season
Tropical Storm “Mindulle” formed at 09:00 UTC on September 23, 2021, as the 15th named storm of the 2021 Pacific typhoon season. The cyclone rapidly intensified into a Category 5 super typhoon by 00:00 UTC on September 26, making it the third super typhoon of the season.

Tropical Cyclone “Gulab” to make landfall over Andhra Pradesh and south Odisha coast, India
Tropical Cyclone “Gulab” formed in the Bay of Bengal at 15:00 UTC on September 24, 2021, as the third named storm of the 2021 North Indian Ocean cyclone season. The cyclone is moving W toward India with landfall expected on Sunday, September 26, 2021, over Andra Pradesh – Odisha border region.

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