Sign of pestilences-Noah’s signs-Coming attack on Israel- Antichrist and one world economy-Nov. 20, 2008


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Jesus warns us to watch for pestilences.  This is one of those signs that not to many people pay attention to however, if you look back in time you will see God used pestilences to deliver His people out of bondage from Pharaoh.  Jesus told us to look for these pestilences in the last days.  Christ even nailed down what generation would witness all these signs taking place at the same time.  If people say Jesus wasn’t very specific about the signs, I will assure you the person who said that did so out of lack of knowledge.  In Matthew 24:32-34 Jesus told us the generation who would see the nation of Israel reborn would not only see all the signs take place at once but, that generation would be alive to see Jesus return.  No one can deny that Jesus’ Words concerning Israel being born again did come true.  Most people alive today realize that Israel was reborn as a nation again since May 14, 1948. You may not know this if you read the Bible but Jesus told us what was going to happen to Israel almost 2,000 years before it happened.  If you haven’t received Christ as your Savior, are you willing to beat against him that you won’t see the signs of pestilences?

Yesterday once of these pestilences hit the news.  Australia for the past few years has been in one of the worse droughts they have ever been in.  Fact is, droughts and famines are also signs of the last days.  I put up a link to a video that will show you a locust invasion has hit in Australia.  Right now there are a few swarms that are huge.  One of these swarms spans 3 miles wide and 170 meters deep. These locusts are eating up anything that is green!

In another report out of Australia it was reported that, “FARMERS are being warned to be more vigilant about locusts and report hatchings to authorities or face an outbreak as bad as the plague of 2004. From northern central Victoria through to the Riverina in NSW, high-density hatchings have been observed in recent weeks and there is the potential for damaging swarms to form next month, the Australian Plague Locust Commission warns.”  At the present time the huge swarms have hit in the Southern and Central West of Australia.  If you have been following the news concerning global warming you would have understood that the conditions are becoming perfect for new locust swarms.  

One question people ask is, “why is Jesus doing this”?  I look at it as a sign of love.  Christ warned us all so we would believe in His Words and believe in Him.  It is a way to make people pay attention to His call.  Jesus didn’t have to give us one sign to look for.  He could have left the entire 24th chapter of Matthew out of the Bible if He wanted.  As a loving Father Jesus is sending His signs to us and is saying, I love you, come to me and I will keep you safe from the things coming upon this earth.  Christ isn’t going to force anyone to come as He has given us free will.  These signs are sings of love for those who will receive His love.  They are signs to the Church to prepare to go home with the Father.  They are signs that tell the believer get ready your Good Shepard is coming for you.

In the coming months you are going to see many signs of the last days.  When you see these signs just remember who it was who told you these things before they took place and, remember Jesus will be waiting for you, His child, to run to Him.

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38-39 gives us the facts concerning the end times attack on the nation Israel.  God told Ezekiel the specific nations that would come against Israel in the latter years or last days.  Iran is one of the nations God listed in Ezekiel 38 that will join with Russia and invade Israel.  If you have been following my site you would have already ready the many statements made by Iran’s president saying his goal is to “wipe Israel off the map”.  If you read my previous post you would have also read the statements from Israel saying if Iran doesn’t stop their drive to obtain nuclear weapons they will attack Iran and destroy their nuclear power plant.  After today’s news I am sure the tension between Iran and Israel just stepped up a notch.  

“According to an article published Thursday in the New York Times, "Iran has now produced roughly enough nuclear material to make, with added purification, a single atom bomb, according to nuclear experts." The report also pointed out that, “Siegfried Hecker of Stanford University and a former director of the Los Alamos weapons laboratory said the growing size of the Iranian stockpile "underscored that they are marching down the path to developing the nuclear weapons option."  Just a few days ago The Jerusalem Post wrote a report entitled “Gilad: We won’t let Iran go nuclear”. I quote, “Israel will not tolerate a nuclear Iran, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, the head of the Defense Ministry's Diplomatic-Security Bureau, has stressed to The Jerusalem Post in an unusually hard-hitting interview"The Iranians are determined to obtain nuclear weaponry," said Gilad. "Iran is controlled by an ideology and a regime that has set itself the goal to be rid of Israel." What you are witnessing in the news are the stepping-stones that will lead to the Ezekiel war found in Ezekiel 38-39.  

Lets put two and two together here.  Iran has pledged they will not stop their nuclear program and every week we see more news they mean what they say.  We also read news almost every week that Israel is ready to attack Iran.  Just yesterday a report out of Israel stated, “We are ready to do whatever is demanded of us” in order to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, IAF commander Maj.-Gen. Ido Nehushtan told German magazine Der Spiegel.”  Now add this fact. One of the signs Jesus told us to watch for in Matthew 24:6-7 was we would hear of wars and rumors of war.  This is exactly what we are seeing coming out of the Middle East on a daily bases.  Jesus also said nation would rise against nation and we are on the verge of seeing this taking place.  

In the coming months if the U.N. cannot stop Iran from completing their nuclear plant Israel will be forces to attack Iran for their own protection.  As a result of this attack it could force Iran’s allies to join forces and counter attack Israel.  This counter attack will most likely be what we were warned about in Ezekiel 38-39.  If you read my free book which you can download at my site, you will see the documents proving every nation listed in Ezekiel 38 that is suppose to attack Israel has made alliances with Russia.  For those of you who may be new to my site, God told Ezekiel that Russia would lead this last day’s attack on Israel.  There is no question that soon the Ezekiel prophecy is going to be fulfilled.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:37-39 warn us the last generation alive at the time Christ returns will have turned into a copy of Noah’s generation. The people during Noah’s time had turned from God and SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – California's highest court agreed Wednesday to hear several legal challenges to the state's new ban on same-sex marriage but refused to allow gay couples to resume marrying before it rules. The California Supreme Court accepted three lawsuits seeking to nullify Proposition 8, a voter-approved constitutional amendment that overruled the court's decision in May that legalized gay marriage.”  Yesterday I gave a 2 hour seminar on the things that are coming upon us in relation to all the signs Jesus warned us about.  I told the people who attended that California won a battle in passing Proposition 8 but it won’t last.  In the past year I have spoken to many people and warned them at the end of the day more laws would be passed approving same sex marriages.  I stated this because Jesus told us that the last day’s signs would take place as a woman with labor pains.  Everyone of the signs listed in Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark chapter 13 are going to intensify and that includes homosexuality running ramped the same way it did during Noah’s generation.   

It has only been 15 days since the people of California passed Proposition 8 and already the voter’s choice has been challenged.  Do not be surprised when you hear in the near future that the Supreme Court rules in favor to strike down Proposition 8.  Since Christ warned this generation would turn out to be just like Noah’s generation is only states to reason that the gay movement will get their wish. Here’s the problem, look at what happened to the people living in Noah’s generation!  Everyone who turned from God died in the flood.  God reached out to them for 120 year before He passed judgment on them, but only Noah and his family followed God and were sealed in safety in Noah’s Ark.  Jesus is once again calling to the people in the same way He called to those living just before the flood came.  Jesus wants to save anyone who will listen to His call.  We need to pray that our Savior opens the eyes of anyone who has decided to turn from God to do their own lustful things.  The judgment is coming and a day has been set for it to begin just as there was a day set for Noah’s generation.  This time the judgment will not come in the form of a worldwide flood but rather a 7-year period of tribulation such as this planet has never seen before.  Christ is waiting for you to come to Him so He can deliver you from this judgment. Please open the door and let the one who loves you in.  Please do not let your free will cast you into the tribulation but rather escape with us into the arms of Christ.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16 and Daniel chapters 2 & 7.  When you study these books you learn that in the end days one man will control the world economy. The man who comes will come from the modern day revived Roman Empire, which is today’s European Union.  This man will force everyone to take his mark.  If you do not take his mark you cannot buy or sell anything. Not only will you not be able to buy or sell anything but, he will hunt you down and kill anyone who doesn’t take his mark. In order for one man to be able to control the world economy something must first take place to give him that power.  If you have been on the watch as Christ asked you to be you would have seen this world is moving into a one-world currency. Most of Europe is now under the Euro and those nations who don’t have the euro are switching over to the euro one at a time.  

Now the Arab states are working to switch over to one currency. I quote a short section from a new report just released. “MANAMA: The GCC needs to accelerate its move towards a single currency which would make the whole region much stronger. That was the message to the seminar from Standard Chartered Bank economist Marios Maratheftis. Once the states put in place a central bank and the necessary institutions a common currency could be up and running in a matter of weeks, he said. "People talk about the problem of convergence before setting up a single currency but that is not an issue here," he said.  "With the exception of Kuwait all the GCC currencies are pegged to the dollar so you have in effect a single currency in place.”  

There are two front moving in the direction that will bring us to the doorstep of not only a one-world currency but the man who will enforce it.  The first move has been taking place for years as nations abandon their own currency to join a single currency.  The second is the global economic crisis.  The time is coming and is almost upon us that we will witness a depression like crisis worldwide.  At the end of the day the man Jesus warned us about will rise to his position and begin to look like he is going to correct the world economic crisis.  If you watch the news with me you will see all the signs showing us this global economic crisis is getting much worse.  I am not telling you it may come, I am warning you it is coming!  This week the major automobile companies are in Washington begging for a 25 billion dollar bail out, and while they are asking for money hundreds of thousands of jobs are being cut and more are coming.  It has been reported that if the car companies don’t get their 25 billion the U.S. will see 2 and a half million more jobs disappear.

America isn’t the only nation in a crisis. Here are just a few reports taling about this crisis.  “MOSCOW, Nov 20 (Reuters) – Prime Minister Vladimir Putin assured Russians on Thursday he would guide them through the global financial crisis without the economic convulsions of the past, but acknowledged there would be pain. Putin unveiled a $20 billion economic stimulus package and help for people hurt in the slowdown as he set out a long-term response to a crisis that has cut more than 70 percent from the value of Russian markets since May and hammered the rouble.

“TOKYO, Nov. 17 — Japan, the world's second-largest economy, has fallen into recession, the government said Monday. The country's gross domestic product contracted at an annual rate of 0.4 percent from July to September, marking the second consecutive quarter of negative growth — the technical definition of a recession. Japan's previous recession was in 2001, after the collapse of the dot-com bubble in the United States.”

“For the second quarter in a row, the euro zone recorded a 0.2% decline in its GDP, officially moving the 15-member group into a recession, according to Eurostat, which on the other hand signalled a continuing positive trend of downward inflation for October. Eurostat's estimates match the gloomy forecasts published by the European Commission at the beginning of November, when the EU executive halved its expected eurozone growth for 2008 to 1.2% and signalled a further decline in 2009, when the aggregate yearly figure for GDP growth is expected to be 0.1% (EurActiv 03/11/08)”.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


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