Signs of Ezekiel 38- World economy’ – Peace and Safety-Storms- Message to Barack Obama Sept. 9, 2008




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Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 shows us Iran joins with Russia and other Islamic nations and attack Israel in the last days.  Let me welcome you if you are new to my site.  If you keep coming here you will read the stepping stones in the news that is leading to the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy very soon.  This is what we know for sure.  Iran will soon be involved in a war with Israel.  Iran will go down against Israel with the help of Iran’s allies thinking they will wipe out Israel.  We have been seeing signs in the news that show us this war against Israel is not far off.  All the nations listed to attack Israel with Iran are joined in partnerships.  It is now a matter of timing.  Anyone who knows prophecy knows prophecy is always fulfilled in God’s timing.  When God gave us these prophecies he gave us very specific signs to look for in order that we know what generation would see these things.  This battle would take place during the generation who witnessed Israel becoming a nation again.  That happened on May 14, 1948, so we know it is this generation who will see Ezekiel 38-39 fulfilled.  Daniel shows us that generation (the last) generation would increase in knowledge, and this generation has been labeled the (increase of knowledge generation).  Jesus is Revelation shows us the last generation would be known as the drug generation and most be alive today know this generation has been labeled the (drug generation).  Jesus in Matthew 24 also gave a key to understanding with would be the final generation.  Christ said the generation who saw all these things, (prophecy signs), taking place all at the same time, would know they are the chosen generation to see the 2nd coming of Christ.  Christ also pinpointed one of the last signs that would show without a doubt that generation was the last generation.  In Matthew 24:37-39 Jesus specifically shows us the last generation would be a carbon copy of Noah’s generation where they were marrying in the same sex and living with homosexuality.  Our generation is the first since Noah’s time that people are now marrying same sex and homosexuality is being accepted into society.  There is no question we have reached the end times and soon Ezekiel 38-39 will be fulfilled.  We are that generation who is going to witness the final prophecies comes to pass.  I don’t care if you believe me or not, but I expect you to believe in Jesus Words when he says, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these thing be fulfilled” Matthew 24 34.  One  of the few prophecies left to be completed is the attack against Israel.  The nations God told us would attack are preparing to fulfill every last Word God showed to Ezekiel.  Right now Iran is getting ready to attack Israel if Israel bombs their nuclear power plant.  In the news today is a report entitled, “Iran to launch series of military maneuvers Monday”.  Why are they practicing military maneuvers?  I will let the report tell you.  The subtitle to this report reads, “Three-day exercise to include examination of antiaircraft systems, aimed at upgrading army's combat preparedness, deterring US and Israeli from attacking Islamic Republic” According to this recent report, “Iran will launch three-day military maneuvers on Monday, which will include the examination of antiaircraft systems, the Iranian Students' News Agency reported Sunday.”  If you have been following the news you would know that Israel is preparing themselves to attack Iran’s nuclear power plant before they can fire it up.  Iran is preparing their military for this attack.  Anyone keeping up with the times knows government officials in both Israel and Iran realize it is only a matter of time before war begins.  We see the warnings on a weekly basis.,7340,L-3593120,00.html

For the past few months I have tried to get you ready for what is in the Middle East.  I have given you signs this war is about to be played out and there are more of these signs in the news that tell us this attack is coming.  A recent report really sums it up best and drives my point home.  I quote, “Almost a year ago to the day, in a totally surprising move, the Israeli Air Force bombed a suspected nuclear facility in Syria. Interestingly, over the previous summer, Israel had reportedly warned the George W. Bush administration. Despite opposition from U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Israel moved to eliminate what it believed was an imminent Threat.  Since Iran is a much bigger threat than Syria was and since the diplomatic efforts and sanctions have led almost nowhere, the question is not if Israel will strike but rather when. One of the people convinced of this outcome is French President Nicolas Sarkozy who on Sept. 4 from Damascus, of all places, warned Iran: "Iran is taking a major risk by continuing the process of seeking nuclear technology for military ends, because one day, no matter which Israeli government is in power, one morning we will awake to find Israel has attacked.”

Now let me show you why Iran has their military doing maneuvers at this time.  Israel has openly stated they will take out (bomb) Iran’s nuclear power plant before it is fired up!  We just got word today that Russia, the nation responsible for helping Iran build this nuclear site said this nuclear site will start up very soon.  Fact is the title to this recent report reads, “Russia’s Plan to Launch Iran’s Nuclear Plant Reaches Final State”.  We are told in that report that, “The Russian state-run company building Iran's first nuclear plant said Monday that preparations for the reactor's launch had entered their final stage. Iranian officials have said that Bushehr would be launched this fall. The International Atomic Energy Agency declined comment.  Nonproliferation expert David Albright, whose Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security tracks countries under nuclear suspicion, suggested that the steps referred to by Russia probably involved the loading of fuel into the reactor.”  Do you remember what France’s President was worried about?  He said Israel would attack Iran if this plant is not stopped.  We have now reached that point and Iran knows Israel is coming to bomb their plant soon.  I can assure you of one thing, when Israel always carries out their words.  The told Iraq they would bomb their nuclear site and they did, they told the Syrians the same thing last year and they did, and now they told the Iranian’s the same thing.  Now that Israel has seen Russia’s statements telling the world Iran’s nuclear plant is in the final stages and will be fired up soon, what are the odds that Israel will strike at Iran before they get a chance to start up that nuclear power plant?  Why do you think God warned us Russia would lead the attack on Israel with Iran?  Russia is Iran’s strongest ally, they poured billions of their own money into the Iranian power site, and they issued a warning, which stated, an attack on Iran is the same as attacking Russia.  When Israel makes the strike on Iran we may witness the Ezekiel 38-39 finally come to pass.  I believe this is one of the reasons why Russia last week set up Russian military bases in Syria.  The Russian’s are moving in on Israel getting ready to respond to any Israeli invasion on that Iranian nuclear plant.  Keep in mind, God in Ezekiel 38:15 shows us the invasion on Israel will come from the north.  Syria is to the north of Israel and that is why Russia is setting up these new military and navy bases in Syria!   In Ezekiel 39:2 the Lord again tells us the attack on Israel will come from the “north parts”.  Why do you think God in Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49: 24-25 speaks about the destruction of Syria’s Damascus, because as soon as Russia and their other ally Syria makes a move on Israel from the north Israel will be forced to wipe out Damascus.  I do believe the Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel prophecies may all be fulfilled around the same time.,2933,418887,00.html

Since God told us Russia would lead the invasion against Israel we should pay close attention to what Russia is doing.  One of the motives in the recent invasion of Georgia by the Russians was disclosed and Russia’s actions are tied into what Ezekiel has warned us about the last days.  Headlines from the Debkafile three days ago read like this, “Russian units raid Georgian airfields for use in Israeli strike against Iran” The Debkafile report stated, “The raids were disclosed by UPI chief editor Arnaud de Borchgrave, who is also on the Washington Times staff, and picked up by the Iranian Fars news agency. The Russian raids of two Georgian airfields, which Tbilisi had allowed Israel to use for a potential strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, followed the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia on Aug. 7. Under the secret agreement with Georgia, the airfields had been earmarked for use by Israeli fighter-bombers taking off to strike Iran in return for training and arms supplies. DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report that flying from S. Georgia over the Caspian Sea to Iran would sharply trim the distance to be spanned by Israeli fighter-bombers, reducing flying time to 3.5 hours”.  When you understand prophecy you can see the true motives as to why Russia moved on Georgia.  Russia has taken the first step in defending their allies the Iranian’s.  Don’t be surprised when you find out that Russia isn’t the only nation making moves in the Middle East in preparations for the destruction of Iran’s nuclear facility.  If you hear about 5 US ships missing from their regular ports don’t be surprised that they appear at the doorstep of Iran aided by the Israeli’s.  Just keep on the watch.  If you are a unbeliever, pay very close attention to the details I am giving you.  Soon you will see what I have been warning you come to pass.  War is coming just as Christ said it would in Matthew 24.

1. Russia takes advantage away from Israel.

2. 5 ships near Iran.



Lets not forget a very important fact as to the timing in which God told us this attack on Israel would come.  According to 1 Thessalonians 5:3 sudden destruction will take place while they are calling for “peace and safety”.  Most people alive except many of our young adults know that Israel is in the midst of calling for “peace and safety” exactly as the Word tells us they would.  God is giving us warnings signs through the current news that focuses on the specific nations He mentions as well as the signs of calling for peace and safety just prior to the attack.  Here is another sample of what I am speaking about.  In the news: I quote, “Jerusalem – As talks between Israel and Syria continue, tensions continue to rise between the United States and Russia. In a meeting between Vice President Dick Cheney and Israeli President Shimon Peres on Thursday, during a diplomatic-economic conference they both attended in Italy, Mr. Cheney accused Russia of arming worldwide terrorism." Russia has sold advanced weapons to regimes in Syria and Iran. Some of the Russian weapons sold to Damascus have been channeled to terrorist fighters in Lebanon and Iraq," Mr. Cheney said.”  Now can you see why Damascus is destroyed?  Everything God has warned us about is now lining up to be fulfilled.  If you can’t see this yet, I suggest you stop what you are doing and ask Jesus into your heart.  Without the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, you may be blind to what the Lord is trying to show you.  Soon after these prophecies are fulfilled this planet will enter into the 7-year tribulation, which will be controlled by the Antichrist.  If your eyes are not opened to the truth now you may be one of those people who will be lost to the Lord’s Salvation forever during the tribulation.  We know from the Word of God that many people will take the Antichrist’s mark of 666 and they will be lost to hell forever.  Let the Word of God and the Holy Spirit fill you now with new life and escape God’s wrath that will be poured out on an unbelieving world soon.  If you receive Christ as your Savior you will be lifted to heaven at the rapture of the Church and instead of standing in front of the Antichrist you will be standing in heaven in front of Jesus Christ.  I am warning you now, your position in Christ will be revealed to you very soon.  This is the main reason why Jesus gave us so many details in prophecy.  He wants us to be ready to go home with Him. He has given us all the signs that that time is drawing near. I quote Christ concerning His prophecies signs. “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors”.

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and 9. Revelation chapter 13 and 17.  These four chapters warn us in the end times the Antichrist would rise from the reborn Roman Empire.  This man of sin would control the world by making everyone on this planet take his mark of 666.  This is how he will control the economy of the world.  Anyone not taking the mark of the beast (666) will not be able to buy anything nor will they be able to sell anything.  In other words, you will be left out of that societies economic system.  Besides being left out to fend for yourself, you will be hunted down during the 2nd half of the tribulation by the Antichrist and his men.  When they catch you, you will either take the mark (666) and seal your fate in hell forever or, you will refuse the mark for Christ’s sake and have your head cut off allowing you to die for Christ and enter into heaven.  Those are the only two choices you will have during this time of wrath being poured out on Earth.  You may be one of those very few lucky ones who will run and not be caught and, will live to the end of the tribulation.  The odds will be highly stacked against that from taking placed and I wouldn’t want to take that route!  One of the ways in which the Antichrist will probably come on the world scene will be when the world economy takes a dive.  When that happens this world will be looking for someone to lift it up again and the Antichrist will appear to have the answers.  We are seeing signs right now that a world shift in economics is beginning to take shape.  America’s economy is tanking and don’t be fooled by the press in the coming days when you are told the Federal Government has bailed out the two largest mortgages houses and everything is fine.  It will only appear to look like that but it is only a band-aid to a huge economic problem.  Right now the U.S. economy is causing big problems for many nations and the signs of things getting worse can be found in the unemployment lines which by the way we are told will get bigger by the end of this year.  Let me give you a example for what I am trying to show you. “FRANKFURT (Reuters) – The global economy faces its most difficult test in many years with growth slowing sharply as high commodity prices put pressure on inflation, a senior International Monetary Fund official said on Tuesday.  IMF first deputy managing director John Lipsky said global growth was set to slow further in the second half of 2008, and continued financial sector strains were a major risk to the chances of recovery in 2009, on top of high oil prices.”  Since January of this year I have warned you to watch our economy.  I told you what is going to happen and it has.  We are losing hundreds of thousands of jobs and those numbers are growing.

Experts are telling us and have been telling us “The federal government's takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may save the battered real estate market from a complete meltdown. But financial experts say the bailout won't lead to a housing recovery just yet. Instead, some on Wall Street said the housing sector is in as tough shape today as it was before Sunday's rescue by the Treasury Department.

One of the sure signs America is headed for the decline is her huge deficit.  “The federal government will run a near-record deficit of $407 billion this year, according to the latest Capitol Hill estimates. The Congressional Budget Office released figures Tuesday that indicate the red ink will spill over into next year, when the deficit would reach a record $438 billion — and could go even higher as the government takes over mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”  America is at a cross roads, she can't keep her military troops in the Middle East and keep rising the deficit and, she can't bring the troops home in fear Islamic extereamists will over take Iraq.  In either case America is headed for some serious economic times so prepare yourself.

I can’t site every economic report here but I can suggest you do your own web search on how much money every bank has lost since January of 2008.  Look at their stock in January and look at them now then, you will know why the Feds listed 100 banks that may close their doors!  When America can’t hold up economically other nations will soon falter leading us into a panic mode in which the world economic system will call for someone to come to the rescue. That is when you will see the man of sin rise out of the modern day reborn Roman Empire which is today’s European Union.  We do know for sure that the man of sin (Antichrist) will appear at the peace talks in the Middle East as Daniel warned us in Daniel 9:27.  This man will enter on the scene as he confirms the peace covenant that will soon be made in the Middle East.  Look, I don’t have all the answers to every question.  What I do know is God’s Word no matter how it is fulfilled will be fulfilled and it will happen soon!  I keep hearing people tell me we don’t know when these things are going to take place, but that is not true at all.  Jesus gave us very specific signs that would tell us without a doubt what generation would see all these things and this is that generation.  Once again in closing, Jesus told us the generation who saw Israel reborn would be alive to see Jesus come back.  Before the generation who witnessed that event is gone Jesus will have reentered the East Gate in Jerusalem and taking His rightful seat as King of Kings in Israel.  If you are part of that generation which saw Israel’s rebirth on MAY 14, 1948 the Word of God can assure you, Jesus will be back before you are all gone.  God help anyone who fails to recognize God’s Truth.


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21: 25 Sea and waves roaring (Storms).  News out of Havana- “Hurricane Ike slammed into Cuba yesterday, the second major storm to hit the island in a little more than a week, making landfall in the eastern province of Holguin as a major Category 3 hurricane, weather officials said.” “Some 650,000 Haitians have been affected by the flooding, including 300,000 children, and the task of delivering crucial aid has been complicated by dismal transport conditions, according to UNICEF. Officials said 200,000 people have been without food and clean water, many for four days. "What has happened here is unimaginable," member of parliament Pierre-Gerome Valcine told AFP from Cabaret, 35 kilometres north of the capital Port-Au-Prince.”  If you have time watch the National news tonight, you will see that hundreds of thousands of people from both Cuba and Haiti are struggling to survive right now.  Much of Haiti is under water and Cuba isn’t much better.  US officials are now watching to see where Hurricane Ike will slam into next.  Four major storms have devastated many of the crops these past 3 weeks and the nations affected have had the extra burden of their economy slowing down.  This is only one of the many prophecy signs Jesus specifically told us to watch for.  Are you watching!


We have a video message for Barack Obama.  Keep in mind Barack has trouble figuring out if he is Christian or Muslim.  In a recent interview on ABC he referred himself to his Muslim faith not his Christian faith.  If he is confused about this issue I am sure he is confused about a lot of other issues including the war.  Barack is backed by oprah who by the way has publicly stated you don't have to hold to sound biblical doctrine.  This of course is the exact oppsite of what we are told to do by Christ.  By the way, Oprah said she refuses to allow Shara Palin to appear on her show.  Palin is a firm believer in Christ so, it is no wonder she doesn't  want her on the show.




DiMora's first Radio interview on The Edge with Host Gina Romano.  Intervew was heard on June 26, 2008












If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th you can now click to the links below and listen to the entire interview.  If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 1 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 2 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

 August 10th, 2008 – Part 5 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on The Edge International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below.


Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 

Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.

Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

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Adam DiMora is helping people save money and better their life.

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