Storms and Rev. 6:6/July 2, 2011

 Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: In my up-dated book, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” I give you details on the connection between all the weird weather, and Revelation 6:6 where Jesus shows us people living during the seven year tribulation will be working all day long for one very small meal. The sub-title to a news report from Canada reads like this, “Record floods inundate farms causing billions in damage to crops and property”. All over the world we are witnessing crops being destroyed as a result of high winds, floods, and intense heat. When you know what life is going to be like during the tribulation you should understand how extreme the weather is going to be, and the events we are now witnessing are nothing compared to what is coming.  One positive aspect about the news of crop destruction is this, people are finally beginning to understand something is very different about our world now!  There are more Christians warning people we are in the last days, and the news showing us all the crop destruction is actually helping people seek for answers to why these events are taking place. 

“What lay behind this spring's ferocious flooding along Quebec's Richelieu River seems simple enough to pin down: Blame the highest water levels in recorded history for Lake Champlain, which feeds into the river. Much harder to gauge, however, are answers to a more far-reaching question: How will more frequent bouts of such extreme weather — phenomena scientists acknowledge are increasing in frequency — hurt agriculture and possibly our food chain? And what can farmers do to adapt? On May 6, the lake peaked at 31.5 metres above sea level, almost one metre above its flood stage, the point at which water overflow begins to cause damage.”

“Flooding in Manitoba has so far caused $1 billion in agricultural losses, officials say, with 1.2 million hectares soaked. Saskatchewan is still tallying the latest devastation.” Guay said her hope for the future, and agriculture's hope as well, lies in continued development of hybrids. "Without hybrids, without genetic engineering, the yields would be 30% less," she said: "No agriculture, no food."

I can assure everyone right now that it won’t matter what the scientists come up with, the weather that is coming will kill off anything that the scientists can create from genetic engineering.  What this world hasn’t even seen yet is the perfect weather conditions for the insects that are coming to wipe out the food chain. We are just in the beginning stages of these events.  When Jesus warned you that people would work all day long for a small meal, He wasn’t giving you facts about something that may happen.  Christ is telling you what you will be facing if you do not receive Him as your Lord.  Only the people who refuse Christ’s salvation will end up in the tribulation.  Today we read news that flooding has caused $1 billion in agricultural losses in one area.  In the near future there will be news informing you that most of the food around the world has been destroyed. Maybe then you will come to grips with the fact that you should have believed what Christ warned you about this matters?

Christchurch earthquakeProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes. 

“A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's North Island today, less than five months after Christchurch's damaging quake. Source: Herald Sun”.  “A POWERFUL earthquake struck New Zealand's North Island today but there are no immediate reports of casualties or damage and no tsunami warning was issued. The US Geological Survey reported the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.3 and occurred at a depth of 161km.  Another agency in New Zealand, GeoNet, measured the earthquake at magnitude-6.5.  The epicenter was about 72km southwest of Rotorua and shaking could be felt as far away as central Wellington”.


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