Sunday prayer conference with Frank DiMora and Pat O’Malley (Short time of prayer each day until the election is over!


If you are one of those chosen children of Christ who knows how important it is to pray, I want to ask you to join my friend Pat O'Malley and I in our 2nd prayer conference call which will begin Sunday Sept. 2, 2012. Join us by calling 641-715-3200. Then when asked put in the code that will allow you to enter the conference. The code is 1008901#

We will be having a short prayer conference everyday which Pat will fill you in when you enter the prayer conference Sunday. Saturday we had 5 people call in. Do you think Jesus deserves more than 5 of His children to take a few minutes to come into His presence? I do. 

Keep in mind the time zones when you call. The first prayer call will begin at 1:30 PM Eastern Time. That means in California it will be 10:30am.


  1. Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with a deity or object of worship through deliberate communication. Don’t forget to pray.

  2. It is hard for me to pray that Obama won’t get re-elected because I think that he will. Because it’s part of the ongoing judgement on America. It’s like an oxymoron, to pray the Lord’s prayer that God’s will be done, then to ask God, please don’t let Obama be re-elected, when I know in my heart that it is likely the will of God that Obama will win a second term because we deserve him. Just the fact that America collectively elected a Muslim for President the first time, gives God the chance to fill this particular cup, to the brim, to afford us the full measure of our mistake. And I also believe that Obama fits the end-times role of Tribulation President ever so perfectly.

    • Kenneth Acushla on September 2, 2012 at 3:13 pm
    • Reply

    Timothy, what we need to do is to be READY. The Birth Pangs are so close to each other now. September 17 is my Birthday so I am eagerly looking forward to it as at 77 years old maybe I will see my LORD Yahshua if HE fulfills that date of the Feast of Trumpets as HE fulfilled the dates of the first 4 Feasts. If Obama is re elected he will play out his role in getting the man of sin, the lawless one accepted when he ascends out of the Abyss.

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