Tag: comet elenin

The road to the sudden destruction/Quake stats/ Japan’s disasters/Signs of the rebuilding of the 3rd Jewish Temple and more/Ten Union of nations/Sept. 20, 2011

The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” August 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 30, 2011 Edition By Frank DiMora …

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Old men dream dreams in the last days/Fish die!/More quakes in Alaska today/NASA hiding Elenin, you decide?/ Intense heat, you need an example?/Getting to the truth about Comet Elenin/The many earthquakes and great earthquakes/DiMora warning about UFO ne

The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” August 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 30, 2011 Edition By Frank DiMora …

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Teaching on the Bible and Comet Elenin/Niburu/Ready or not we are in September!

Today I placed for you what I believe gives us the best information concerning the events that are suppose to occur during the Feast of Trumpets. Everything you need to know about the comet Elenin and Planet X are contained in these videos. What you will see from these videos is the Word of God is …

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Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars, Elenin?

Is the Elenin Dwarf Star, Comet or whatever it is fulfilling bible prophecy?   The signs coming onto the world right now are literally overwhelming for the person watching and keeping on the watch for end-time bible prophecy fulfillment. It is amazing me how many things are beginning to converge onto the world, the detail …

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