Tag: Ezekiel war

Bugs eating away in China/7.7 Earthquake/ Faster and Higher/Forgiveness/Hundreds of thousands of fish die/War Signs/The Jewish Feast//Aug. 14, 2012

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass …

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Crop destruction by bugs/Huge quake hits!/ Ministry up-date/Millions of bees dying/One man bows to Christ and draws millions to ask questions/More on Ezekiel 38:13/Recording the many earthquakes/drug-resistant diseases/Jan. 10, 2012

 Up-date on ministry work going on in Africa. Here is a note from my partner Timothy Moore concerning where the Bibles and my books are headed. Please pray for the funds to keep this ministry going as more pastors are asking for my help in reaching out to the lost. Brother Frank,  I mailed 3 …

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Is there warnings about storms? Will Peace and security come to Israel?Are animals dying?/Are there more signs of America’s decline?/Will Israel attack Iran just before September?/Has Isaiah chapter 18 been fulfilled?/July 8, 2011

Did Jesus warn us about storms and flooding in the last days? Will peace come to the Middle East or war? Are animals dying? Are there signs of America’s decline in the news again today? Why is there more talk about Israel attacking Iran before September? Why is South Sudan going to party on July 9, …

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