Tag: false Christ

Ministry expands/Prophecy News with Frank DiMora For July 31, 2012

UFO’s, Third Temple, Psalm 83 war signs, Earthquakes/Diseases/Wars, Rumors of war, Antichrist signs, false prophets, false Christ, last days, end time prophecy, travel, education, knowledge increased/ drug generation,www.bibleprophecyman.com

Do you know the End Times signs Jesus Christ told us to look for?

Jesus gave us specific signs to watch for. Why did He give them to us? Do you know what signs Jesus told you to keep on the watch for? When you are watching the news can you spot prophecy being fulfilled, or are you in the dark as to what is going on. Are you ready to meet Jesus (if) He were to come back this September? Is it possible that this September could be when the Church is raptured?