Tag: one world currency

One world currency coming?/What may bring on the Psalm 83 war?/More signs of the Ezekiel war/Signs of America’s decline/Nov. 2, 2011

Can you spot the signs of the Antichrist’s system? Is the Bitcoin one of the signs leading this world to fulfill Revelation 13:16-17. If you don’t know what Jesus warned us to look for how are you going to be able to spot it? DiMora’s post today will help you understand what is going on an the importance of staying on the watch as Jesus told us to do.

A complete look at how nations and people who curse Israel are cursed by God. July 14, 2011

Is it true God really does curse people who curse the nation of Israel, or even burden themselves  over God’s Holy City of Jerusalem? Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE) I recorded my newest International radio/video show at The Edge for July 14, 2011. My show today …

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Do you know the End Times signs Jesus Christ told us to look for?

Jesus gave us specific signs to watch for. Why did He give them to us? Do you know what signs Jesus told you to keep on the watch for? When you are watching the news can you spot prophecy being fulfilled, or are you in the dark as to what is going on. Are you ready to meet Jesus (if) He were to come back this September? Is it possible that this September could be when the Church is raptured?

Is there warnings about storms? Will Peace and security come to Israel?Are animals dying?/Are there more signs of America’s decline?/Will Israel attack Iran just before September?/Has Isaiah chapter 18 been fulfilled?/July 8, 2011

Did Jesus warn us about storms and flooding in the last days? Will peace come to the Middle East or war? Are animals dying? Are there signs of America’s decline in the news again today? Why is there more talk about Israel attacking Iran before September? Why is South Sudan going to party on July 9, …

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