The Cruel Master of Egypt & Path To The Next Middle East War

Prophecy Sign: Proclamation Against Egypt Isaiah 19 1-4 Proclamation Against Egypt 1 The burden against Egypt. Behold, the LORD rides on a swift cloud, And will come into Egypt; The idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, And the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst. 2 “ I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; Everyone will fight against his brother, And everyone against his neighbor, City against city, kingdom against kingdom. 3 The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst; I will destroy their counsel, And they will consult the idols and the charmers, The mediums and the sorcerers. 4 And the Egyptians I will give Into the hand of a cruel master, And a fierce king will rule over them,” Says the Lord, the LORD of hosts.

At a time when we are witnessing just about every last day sign in a single generation except the Psalm 83 war, Ezekiel 38 war the rapture of the church and of course the 7 year tribulation we are now witnessing how the Isaiah prophecy against Egypt is in the process of unfolding. At the end of last year Egypt began to fight against Egyptians this of course not only is fulfilling verse 2 in the above prophecy but, it is also fulfilling what Jesus warned us in Matthew 24: 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. As we watch the events unfold in Egypt verse 4 in Isaiah seems also to be underway. Is the new President of Egypt the cruel master to rule in Egypt as the prophecy states? At this point President, Mohamed Morsi’s controversial decree granting him extensive new powers sends up the red flag for every Egyptian and of course for all of God’s children who are keeping on the watch for the last day signs.  Right now Morsi is trying to assure his nation his isn’t going to be a Egyptian dictator.  According to the Telegraph news report today Morsi’s decree granting him extensive new powers is suppose to be temporary.

President Mohammed Morsi speaks to supporters I quote, “As at least one teenage protester was killed in clashes at a Muslim Brotherhood headquarters building in the northern of the country, and police continued to fight battles with protesters around Tahrir Square in Cairo on Sunday, Mr Morsi issued a statement stressing that the power seizure was only “temporary” and calling for political dialogue”. 

From here on everyone should watch what Morsi does because at this point is looks like Morsi may be the cruel master we are warned about in Isaiah 19:4.  This is what I will be looking for.  If Egyptians don’t trust Morsi and they continue to riot as they currently are, Morsi may take swift action to kill off any protects in order to secure his new all power position.  This is one thing I know for sure, the events being played out in Egypt right now will need up leading to the Psalm 83 war.  Whether Morsi is that cruel master or not his road is leading to come against Israel.  Keep in mind since Morsi took office his government has already called Israel their number one enemy.  Also, the Muslim Brotherhood of which Morsi is connected to has been calling for the destruction of Israel.  2013 is going to be a very interesting year in prophecy not just for Egypt but for all of us.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has called for a mass demonstration in Cairo this week to show support for the embattled President, Mohamed Morsi, who is facing widespread protests over his controversial decree granting him extensive new powers. In a statement published on its website, the Brotherhood also called for demonstrations in public squares across the country after early evening prayers today. The latest blow to Mr Morsi came yesterday when the Supreme Judicial Council, Egypt’s highest body of judges, called the move by the President to grant himself near-absolute power an “unprecedented assault” on the judiciary. Through their statement, the judges joined a growing list of leaders and activists from Egypt’s political factions, including some Islamists, who have denounced the decree Mr Morsi says is necessary to “protect the revolution”. The council’s move reflects the anger within the judiciary

Prophecy Sign: 1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:”


Headline: Hezbollah leader warns rockets would rain down on Tel Aviv in future war

Now let me turn my attention to the newest conflict between the PLO (Hamas), in the Gaza against Israel.  By now most of you understand that the road to the Psalm 83 war is being laid out.  This past week we saw another one of the cease fires between Israel and the PLO.  Over the course of the past 5 years since I opened up my prophecy site these are the events I warned you about.  I told you the PLO and its factions would never give up tying to retake Jerusalem.  The conflicts we just saw will continue until the Psalm 83 war takes place.   The Hezbollah and Hamas are again doing just what I have been warning about they will attack fall back and regroup again then start their attacks again.  The cease fire has only been in place a short time and already the Hezbollah leader is warning Israel rockets would rain down on Tel Aviv in future war.  You see the PLO, Hezbollah, and Hamas are only taking a break from this current conflict in order to start preparing for the next conflict which will no doubt be much worse than this current one.  Here is a quote from the Fox report today. “Lebanon’s Hezbollah group would fire thousands of rockets into Israel in any future war and target cities in the country’s heartland, the group’s leader said Sunday. Sheik Hassan Nasrallah’s warning came days after an eight-day Israeli offensive against Gaza ended with a truce. Nasrallah said Gaza militants had won “a clear victory” against Israel with their rocket bombardment. Hezbollah, like Hamas and other Gaza militant factions, maintains a rocket arsenal and regularly threatens to use it. It fought an inconclusive 34-day war with the Jewish state in 2006 that left 1,200 Lebanese and 160 Israelis dead. The Gaza war marked the first use by Palestinian factions of a longer ranged Iranian-made rocket, the Fajr-5. It caused no casualties but did trigger air raid warnings in the heartland cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, which, unlike cities closer to the Lebanese and Gaza borders, have not experienced any sustained missile attack since Iraqi Scuds were fired in the 1991 Gulf War.”

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu knows how the PLO and their factions have acted in the past and he just gave orders to his troops as to what to do if the PLO breaks this truce. I quote, “The Prime Minister met with the pilots who took part in the aerial attacks in Gaza during last week’s Operation Pillar of Defense and said, “You carried out the missions that were defined for you in a precise manner. If the quiet is maintained – you will be able to continue preparing for the next campaign. “If the quiet is violated, you will go back and hit what’s left,” added Netanyahu. “During the precise operation, Hamas’s arsenals were hit very hard. In the IDF’s precise operation, most of the missiles aimed at the center of the country were destroyed, as were thousands of missiles aimed at the south of the country. “As soon as the operation achieved its goals, there was no reason to continue it,” said the Prime Minister, referring tothe ceasefire that came into effect last Wednesday. “We chose when it began and we controlled how it ended. If the quiet continues, it will be met with quiet. If it is violated, we will respond strongly.”

Netanyahu knows war is coming. He has stated in many interviews how can peace and safety come to Israel when the people you are suppose to  come up with a peace agreement want to destroy the nation of Israel?  Netanyahu was right on the mark in saying “the next campaign”.  The question is will the next campaign be the one that launches the Psalm 83 war or will it be another one of these last days birth pains warned about in Mark 13:8?   While Netanyahu is warning the PLO not to launch anymore rockets at Israel Hizbullah’s leader has begun to threaten Israel again. I quote, Hizbullah head Hassan Nasrallah spoke in honor of the Shiite Muslim holiday of Ashura and warned Israel against attacking Hizbullah. “The battle with Gaza had a range of 40 to 70 or 80 kilometers, but a battle with us would have a range of the entire length of occupied Palestine,” he threatened.”  Keep in mind, everyone of the nations I just mentioned in this report today is listed in the Psalm 83 war.

Now on to Syria. If your new to prophecy you may not realize Syria is accounted with the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, in the Pslam 83 war. Ask yourself this question. After years of no conflicts between Israel and Syria why is it that we are now beginning to hear of war spilling into Israel? Since the Lord told us Syria would be part of the force that would try to destroy Israel in the Psalm 83 war you should understand that these events will at the end of the day bring Syria against Israel. As the fighting in Syria gets worse we see more news reporting that a regional war is at hand. I for one believe that this regional war the news is referring to will end up being the war God told us about in that Psalm 83.

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