If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora
Prophecy Sign: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." The people who have been coming to my prophecy site will know that every time the United States sits down with Israel and tries to force Israel into giving up East Jerusalem, and dividing Israel up into two States the U.S. faces major disasters. When this latest round of peace talks started the Gulf oil rig blew up. The explosion that rocked the rig is now rocking much of the Gulf Coast as the largest oil spill makes its way to shore. The BP spill has now turned from bad to ugly. The latest news is sickening for the U.S. as America tries to climb out of its massive debt and weak economy. “COVINGTON, La. — A risky procedure is failing to stop the oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico, and BP said Saturday it is considering scrapping it in favor of yet another method to contain the worst oil spill in U.S. history. The comments from BP PLC chief operating officer Doug Suttles came amid increasing skepticism that the "top kill" operation — which involves pumping heavy drilling mud into a crippled well 5,000 feet underwater — would halt the leak. It’s the latest in a series of proposed solutions BP has tried — including a gigantic box placed over the leak and a tube inserted to siphon the oil away. Both of those ultimately failed.”
What is going to happen if the worse oil spill on record isn’t stopped? The oil spill has already stopped the Gulf fishing industry and has been rising food prices. What has been set in motion is a series of events that is going to put a huge drag on the U.S. which will help her decline. Is it possible God Curse in pouring out on the United States from the ocean floor? In light of all the disasters that have been recorded while the U.S. pushed Israel into giving up much of her land, I would say the curse is getting worse. Can the curse get much worse than it is? What do you think is going to happen when a huge hurricane hits the coast and pushes the oil spill on to the land? You will see major problems as people will be forced to flee their homes as the oil contaminates their homes and water supply. A few days ago 7 people had to be hospitalized as a result of helping clean up the spill. I can assure you right now, that if a hurricane does hit, the government will move in and at that time all hell is going to break out from the citizens living on the Gulf Coast. Many of you may not know this but “The 2010 Hurricane Season in the Atlantic Ocean will begin on June 1, 2010, and end on November 30, 2010. Atlantic hurricanes affect the eastern and Gulf coasts of the U.S. and the Caribbean nations.” Obama better do two things. He better start praying that God will forgive him for trying to divide up Israel, and if he doesn’t do that, he better buy a new rain coat because the storms everyone is worrying about will start slamming the U.S. Coasts. God doesn’t take kindly to anyone messing with Israel!
The month of May has been brutal on America. Not only has the oil spill been a huge burden the stock market has taken a hit as will. “May 28 (Bloomberg) — U.S. stocks slid, capping the worst May for the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1940, while the euro slumped and Treasuries rose as a downgrade of Spain’s debt rating and escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula triggered a flight from riskier assets. The Dow tumbled 122.36 points, or 1.2 percent, to 10,136.63 at 4 p.m. in New York and lost 7.9 percent this month. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index sank 1.2 percent to 1,089.41, led by financial shares on the Spanish downgrade and energy companies after U.S. President Barack Obama extended a moratorium on new deep-water drilling. Oil erased gains after rallying as much as 1.6 percent to more than $75 a barrel. Ten-year Treasury yields decreased 7 basis points to 3.3 percent. The euro slipped 0.7 percent to $1.2273. “ Since God has issued a warning about people or nations coming against Israel and Jerusalem, America should feel very lucky the Lord hasn’t collapsed the U.S. already.
Prophecy Sign: In part of Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned us to watch for diseases. In my book I warned you, you are going to hear more news about new strange diseases. Here is an example of one of these diseases. I quote, “Maricopa County health officials have confirmed that a relatively new, extremely toxic strain of bacteria has been found in hospitals and other health-care facilities in the Valley. The germ, known as Clostridium difficile, has long plagued the medical profession and is blamed for an increasing amount of illness in patients. But this is the first time the new strain, known in medical circles as "NAP1," is believed to have been linked to patient illness and deaths in Arizona, health officials said. It carries at least 20 times as much toxin as the original strain. According to the county, at least 10 patients have fallen severely ill from this new type of C. diff since early March. Two of those who were infected have died, though the germ has not been named conclusively as the cause of death. All the patients were elderly and suffered from health problems.”