The Edge radio/video show with Frank DiMora tonight Dec. 18, 2009

Tonight December 18th 2009, 6:00 PM EST (11PM GMT) "Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" with Frank DiMora – How Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.

Frank DiMora reveals how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.  Frank gives you the latest news that connects the current events to what the Bible has warned.  DiMora covers many subjects this week including America's decline, the chip in the hand, the Middle East peace talks,the coming two wars against Israel, the revived Roman Empire, signs in the heavens, food problems, gold and silver price climbing.  Tune in and find out why two unions of nations are dumping the U.S. dollar to form their own currency. if you ever wanted to know if Jesus is really the Savior of the world, you will want to see this proof.

Link below will take you right to the show.

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