Two hour radio interview from Africa/Aug. 11, 2011

Just did a two hour live interview with a Christian radio station in Kenya. You can listen to the entire program by clicking to this link: on Friday 10am California time August 12, 2011. The show will be played again Saturday August 13, 2011 at 9pm California time at this link:Listen to Truth FM Live

On Monday August 14, 2011 it will again air at this link: at 10am California time, or 7am in New York time zone.  If you want to ask any questions about the show you can email Joseph Njuguna at


The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Aug. 10, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 10, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.”

Christian Deaths Climb in Eritrean Prisons

Iran Pastor On Death Row Urges Faith In Christ

Two Indonesian Churches Torched

Islamists Torch Churches in Tanzania

Signs of the times. Nations are so deep in debt that now we hear news that families don't have the funds to bury their dead.  This isn't news coming from a third world nation, this is the nation that used to be the home of financial dreams, the good old USA! When you start to see Americans are this broke you known a major change is coming! 

PHOTOS: Quinn Signing Stuff

PHOTOS: Quinn Signing Stuff


The state of Illinois has reached a new level of broke. Come Monday, it won't have enough cash to bury its indigent dead. Illinois officials sent a letter to more than 600 funeral directors around the state to let them know there's no money for funerals for individuals on public assistance. "We got that letter," said Jonathon Szykowny, owner and director of Szykowny Funeral Home. "I'm extremely upset by it. … I would be very concerned that during extreme economic times that  some families can't provide the necessary funds to bury their loved ones. Sometimes God doesn't call during the best economic times and families can't afford to pay for a funeral and need help"

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Famines. Book of Revelation we see the black horse (famine), and the pale horse (death).

Ongoing drought in northern, northeastern and western Afghanistan is likely to push 1.5-2 million more people into food insecurity this autumn, according to the UN World Food Programme (WFP).   This is in addition to the seven million country-wide already facing food shortages. 

The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) is reporting a failure of the rain-fed wheat crop, which accounts for about 55 percent of the total domestic wheat yield.

Irrigated wheat, which tends to yield more per hectare, has also been affected by the drought. The average wheat yield (without fertilizers) on irrigated land is about 2.7 tons per hectare (3.5 tons with fertilizer), versus only 1.1 tons on rain-fed land, according to MAIL.

In a normal year Afghanistan produces 4.5 million tons of wheat and around one million tons are imported. The shortfall of 1.9 million tons of wheat this year means more will either have to be imported or secured from other sources.

“Satellite derived rainfall estimates indicate that most of Afghanistan had an untimely and inadequate rain and snow season this year. As a result, there will be heavy losses in rain-fed wheat crops, underperforming irrigated wheat crops, poor pasture conditions, and low income earning opportunities in northern Afghanistan and the central highlands this year,” said the US Agency for International Development’s FEWSNET.

Increased need due to the drought comes as WFP is already facing a severe funding shortage for its existing programmes in Afghanistan.

“WFP had originally planned to feed more than seven million Afghans this year, but currently has the resources to reach less than four million,” WFP spokesman Assadullah Azhari told IRIN in Kabul.

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