The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book yours for free today Newest edition. The heat is on.



FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 27, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

While I am on my break from posting a complete look at the news concerning Bible prophecy, Jesus is blessing the Ministry.  In Pakistan the Lord recently sent me Pastor Fiaz who has been traveling around  villages leading many to Christ by showing a movie about Jesus Christ and then showing them how close we are to seeing the Lord's return using my book as a guide to how Jesus is fulfilling Bible prophecy in our generation. Our work for Christ seems to be exploding in every nation that gets it and people are coming to Christ for Salvation and beginning to study the Bible. However, this is not the case in America!  America is in the midst of putting handcuffs on Christ and, little by little America is showing signs she is trying to cast God out of the US.

There was a time when I had so many pastors asking me to speak that I didn't have enough time or funds to keep up with the demands. However, the fact is, the more signs that are seen and clearly show we are about to witness the second coming of Christ, the pastors invites in America have dried up much like America is currently doing as a result of the intense heat and droughts in many of the US States.  Pastors like Pastor Fiaz in Pakistan and, Pastor Titus in Kenya are doing everything they can to preach Jesus and to sound the alarm that now is the time to come to Christ for Salvation for we on Earth are running out of time to preach the Lord's message as we see the Rapture approuching.  

If you are an on fire Christian and you are going to a Church that does not teach Bible prophecy and has failed to preach the entire Book of Revelation, go ask your Pastor why he skips over prophecy and why isn't he giving you up-dates on current events that show prophecy is coming to pass?   Ask him did not Jesus tell us many times in the New Testament to keep on the watch?  Ask the pastor isn't the job of the pastor to keep the flock safe and prepared for that blessed day Jesus asked us to watch for?  I can't tell you how many times I have spoken to people who tell me they are Christians and attent Church every week but, when asked simple questions that every Christian should know about the second coming, they had no idea what I was taking about. This shows me two things. First the pastor of that Church has failed to preach the entire Word of God. Second, it shows me that many Christians go to Church but never pick up the Bible during the week.  America is filling up with luke warm Christians. How did America get to this point. America has been used by God  for 236 years as the nation who was a Godly nation but all that is now changing. 

I am in the process of putting together part 26 in my teaching on the Book of Revelation. In part 26 I will show you exactly what Satan has been doing not only in trying to kill off the seed of the women as we see in Genesis but, Satan is working  over time in America to strip the US of God.  What will it take to wake up America and rekindle her Godly spirit for Jesus Christ?  What is the answer?  Since most of America is to busy with what is going on in Hollywood they might as well film a movie called, "America Eagle Downed By Antichrist".  This would be a movie about how Americans failed to listen to the warning of Jesus and what happens in America when the rapture of the Chruch takes place. Most of the movie will look like the flood killing in the days of Noah only with out the water.  This time it will be the flood of Satanic powers that move to distroy anyone who tries to hold on to the Word of God.  If you think this is a joke you may want to watch part 26 I am putting together. 

Now to the real men of God.  Today I was blessed again by Pastor Fiaz from Pakistan. Yesterday Pastor Fiaz branched out again for Christ. Here is the email I received from him.

Dear Brother Frank,

God has done a great work in sailkot city. I touched two pastors. Pastor Mehboob and Pastor Irfan. I give your books and CDs to them. They are willing to work with us in The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Ministry. Please also keep in your prayers. I also showed the Christ movie to many people.


Below are Pictures of Pastor Fiaz and the two new Pastors who are now partners with Timothy Moore and myself in our aim to spread the Good News of the Gospel and, the blessed hope of our Lord's soon return. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Ministry now has 3 on fire Pastors working for Christ in Pakistan.


These photos of our Sailkot evangelism program June 26, 2012.

As you can see we are reaching one soul at a time and Jesus is with us bringing the lost into His Kingdom.

Pastor Daniel Atwijukire in Uganda is another Pastor who is now part of our Ministry. This ministry is doing everything we can to make sure these children are kept feed.  Teresa Pico and, Jill Soto are woking with me in the Uganda ministry. The picture I was sent today is only some of the children Pastor Daniel must feed. No one is willing to help are you? If you would like to help you can contact Teresa Pico at, Jill Soto at or myself at


My prayer is that the Lord keep providing the way to keep sending over Bibles, my books and CD's to not only the pastors in Pakistan and Africa but to the rest of the nations which the Lord has given me an open door to. Would you bless me but just taking a few minutes and ask Jesus to provide what I need to keep up with all the doors He is opening.

Message from Teresa today concerning Pastor Daniel.

Frank, I am sending the e-mail that I recieved today from Pastor Daniel so that you can see the food for the children will last through the weekend and then he will be in need once again. Please pray with me for God's provision to feed these children again. It is a constant need there. If it is possible , can you put a cry for help out for him? I will send you photos you can use and also a link to see what his ministry is all about. Here is the e-mail:  hello Teresa Thanks , however pray for us bse the food is almost finished probably this week the food will be over or next week on tuesday or monday . Frank , after that the cries will just get more desperate. So, anything you can post on your site to ask for prayer and the Lord to move in hearts for possible donations will be greatly appreciated. < This is Pastor Daniel Atwijukire's new e-mail address. I will put his address for his ministry info also for you to review.You may need to copy and paste onto your info bar to open it up. Photo will be on next e-mail . Thanks!


Prophecy Signs: Rev. 6:6


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”



Headline: “North Korea facing worst drought in 100 years”

“North Korean soldiers have been dispatched to water crops that are withering in the worst drought to affect the country in more than a century, with the United Nations warning that yields for staples such as wheat, barley and potatoes will inevitably be affected.”

A helicopter returns to Glen Eyrie Reservoir in Colorado on Tuesday to refill water tanks to fight the Waldo Canyon fire. The fire spread to the north as afternoon winds spread embers into the air.   Karl GehringHeadline: Record heat hampers efforts to fight wildfires








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