Do you know the signs of the times? If someone came up to you today and gave you this news for today would you be able to point to the Bible to show them what Jesus warned us about? Take the test today. Read the news below and see if you can give Bible verses to back up what you say?
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“Relentless and punishing, July’s heat was unrivaled in 140 years of Washington, D.C., weather record-keeping. The July temperature averaged 84.5 degrees at Reagan National Airport — Washington’s official weather station — more than a degree above July 2010 and July 1993, which previously held the mark for hottest month. July’s heat piled onto a torrent of recent hot-weather records and attained all sorts of unenviable hot-weather milestones. The high temperature was at least 90 on 25 occasions, the most on record. When the July 29 temperature hit 104 degrees, it was the highest reading since 105 on August 17, 1997, and it tied for the fifth-hottest in the books. On July 22, the heat index — a measure of the combined heat and humidity — reached 121 degrees, the highest level since 122 on July 16, 1980.”
“Tens, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Egyptians poured into Cairo's now-famed Tahrir Square on Friday to demand their nation become subject to Sharia Law and form the cornerstone for a new Islamic caliphate. The unplanned demonstration erupted following Friday prayers at mosques around the Egyptian capital. The demonstrators, who were led by the increasingly powerful Muslim Brotherhood, demanded that Egypt's interim military regime give way to an intolerant Islamic dictatorship. Various news media reported the demonstrators shouting and holding up signs reading: "Egypt will return to Sharia Law!", "Liberals and secularists are the enemies of Allah!", and "The solution is Islam!" When Egyptians ousted former dictator Hosni Mubarak in February, the international media made much of how conservative Muslims, Coptic Christians and Egyptian secularists worked together for the common goal of democratic freedom.”

“Lebanese President Michel Suleiman blamed Israel on Monday for "renewing its aggression" on the border with Lebanon after Israel Defense Forces troops traded fire with Lebanon's army in the Mount Dov region on the border between the two countries. Suleiman, who was speaking at a ceremony commemorating the 66th anniversary of the Lebanese Armed Forces, praised the army the army for standing guard against Israeli "attacks and provocations", as well as its resistance during the 2006 Lebanon war between Israel and Hezbollah.”
“Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed pessimism Monday about returning to talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, saying the Palestinian leader seems to have made a strategic decision to bring Palestinian statehood recognition to a UN vote in September. "Abbas made a strategic decision to go to the UN, because the price for him will be low," Netanyahu said at a meeting of the Knesset's foreign affairs and defense committee.”
“Watch: Palestinian failure come September could spark violence born of frustration. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says he doesn’t want to see a third intifada, and I believe him. So why does he persist in laying the groundwork for it? His two-pronged strategy of powersharing with Hamas and making a bid for UN recognition is foundering, increasing the risk that the high expectations he sparked among his people will dissolve into frustration and violence.”
“A team of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) officers has just finished setting up Hamas' first commando unit especially trained to combat any Israel military force entering the Gaza Strip, debkafile's military sources report. The new "Al Qods Brigades" unit of 400 men is to be the first of three. A week ago, July 23, the first unit held a passing-out parade and leave-taking ceremony from its two Iranian instructors. debkafile's intelligence sources report that the pair arrived in the Gaza Strip in the latter half of May on Iranian passports which gave their cover names as Morteza Rahban and Hojjat Safar-Zadeh. Their journey took them from Sudan through Egypt and Sinai where they were led by Bedouin smugglers to the contraband tunnels accessing the Gaza Strip. They went back to Tehran by the same route.”
Crews use an excavator to begin clearing dilapidated houses destroyed in the May 22 tornado in Joplin on June 1, 2011.
“(Reuters) – Injuries sustained from wood splinters or other materials triggered a rare fungal infection that may have contributed to the deaths of five people in the May 22 tornado in Joplin, Mo., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined.
In all, 13 people contracted the mucormycetes-born illness, the CDC said in a report released Friday. The CDC said it has seen multiple fungal infections of that type after other natural disasters such as hurricanes but never after a tornado.
The May 22 twister killed 160 people in Joplin and destroyed about 30 percent of the city. Jasper County Coroner Rob Chappel and physicians had reported the fungal infections, but the CDC is the first official confirmation of the numbers of victims.
"It's about what we expected," Chappel said Saturday. He said he was glad to learn from the report that none of the fungal infection victims sustained their injuries while cleaning up debris.
Chappel said he is curious whether any investigation finds something unusual about debris in Joplin that caused the infections. The CDC said the fungi in question is typically found in soil, decaying wood or other organic matter.”
Japan suffers flood disaster
Arab Herald
Sunday 31st July, 2011
• Japan suffers another disaster
• Japan's northern area now under water
• Many people told to evacuate
“Much of Japan's northern area is now under water, following torrential rain from a weather system that has already killed dozens of people on the Korean peninsula.
The disaster-ravaged Japan is likely to see more flooding in the next days, with forecasters warning of more heavy rain to come. At least one person is known to have died in Japan with over 300,000 others warned to leave their properties. Worst hit has been Sanjo City is the regional capital of Nigata Prefecture, where rain and mudslides have created perilous conditions. Areas hit by the Japanese earthquake earlier in the year are more prone to mudslides.”
Earthquake jolts north-east Japan – no tsunami warning
A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has been felt in north-east Japan, shaking buildings in the capital Tokyo, reports say. The quake's epicentre was off the east coast of Honshu. It struck in the same area as the 11 March earthquake and tsunami but no abnormalities at Japanese nuclear plants were reported, Reuters says. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries and no tsunami warning was issued. More than 20,000 people died or were reported missing as a result of the disaster in March, which also crippled nuclear reactors in the Fukushima area.
“A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.8 struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damage”.
August 1, 2011 – JAPAN – I’ve identified four areas on the Pacific Plate that have been a source of an inordinate amount of recent strong earthquake activity in the Pacific Ring of Fire. We’ve had seven 6.0+ magnitude earthquake events in eight days. I theorize that this spike in activity portends that a major geological event may be in the making in the Pacific.
Ministry info:
“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora
Are you really searching to know the truth?
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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What it will be like when the rapture hits.
Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011