The Turning!/The True Messiah/Missing the mark/April 9, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: The Psalm 83 war is getting closer and closer. Look at what has happen in just a little over a year.  There has been a huge turning in friendships with Israel.  First of all, God told us Turkey would be one of the nations that attack Israel with Russia in the Ezekiel war which will come after Psalm 83 war. Up until the latter part of 2009 Turkey and Israel were good friends. When Israel attacked the PLO in the Gaza in January 2009 the friendship between Israel and Turkey fell apart and it has been getting worse ever since. This has taken place to prepare for the coming Ezekiel war.  Now one of Israel’s only remaining friends in the region Egypt, has broken off with Israel.  In less than a month since President Hosni Mubarak was ousted out of power Egypt has turned on Israel and has made several comments about attacking Israel in support for the PLO.  Today’s news shows you there has been a huge turning against an old friend.

“Egypt's protesters stepped up their challenge to the country's ruling military Friday, as tens of thousands massed demanding it prosecute ousted president Hosni Mubarak and his family for alleged corruption, while a smaller group tested out the army's tolerance with a march on Israel's embassy. The mass rally in Cairo's central Tahrir Square was the biggest by protesters in weeks. A smaller group of more than 1,000 marched on the Israeli Embassy, angered by strikes on the Gaza Strip earlier in the day, and pushed for Egypt's new rulers to close the mission and stop Egypt's natural gas exports to Israel. The protestors demanded cutting all diplomatic and financial ties with Israel and opening the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza. "Remove the flag, we don’t want it here," they shouted referring to the Israeli flag on the top floor of the building. According to a report by the al-Masri al-Youm newspaper the protestors also burned other Israeli flags.”

When talking about Egypt’s turning away from Israel you always have to remember what God told  Zechariah in Zech. 12:3. Here we see God warns us that all the nations of the world in the last days will have turned against Israel.  For some time I have been asking you to keep your eyes on the news concerning the US and Israeli relationship as it to would begin to break apart.  Like Turkey, and Egypt the US will also follow the same direction and turn to  the Arabs.

Little by little this is exactly what is taking place.  There is again signs of this coming in the news. Many of you may not have seen this news.  I quote, “An unnamed former highly-placed U.S.intelligence official has broken silence and says that America may soon be abandoning Israel in favor of the Arabs. “This is just the beginning”, he said, "Israel could be about to lose the support of the United States."  The source made these remarks in an exclusive interview with Douglas J. Hagmann, the director of the Northeast Intelligence Network (NIN), which is comprised of veteran licensed professional investigators, analysts, military affairs specialists and researchers. The group has combined their resources to provide accurate and well-sourced information via their website. Hagmann appeared on Israel National Radio's Weekend Edition with host Tamar Yonah.”

“Haggman told Yonah that this official broke silence because he had already retired from his highly placed position, and because of his knowledge of the NIN's (Northeast Intelligence Network) position as pro-Israel and the way it valued the relationship between Israel and America. Another reason, he said, was his own perception of the Biblical aspect of this scenario developing.

The intelligence officer explained that the  turnover of American policy towards Israel could occur through a manner that he dubbed 'malicious intelligence," which Haggman defined as information that is taken from its raw form. It then is morphed into something else to promote different interests, "where intelligence and politics meet and often collide,” he said.  A method “that has been molded and massaged to advance the agendas of a select few,” he elaborated.”

One thing is for sure, God’s word never fails and you will see all the nations come against Israel just as He stated they would.  Here’s the catch.  If you are a true believer in Christ you will be raptured away to our Christ.  You won’t see the completion of this prophecy as it will completely be fulfilled in during the seven year tribulation where we see all the nations heading toward Jerusalem at the last battle, which is called the Battle of Armageddon.  It will be at this last battle that Christ will return to Earth with all the Christians who were raptured away from the tribulation.

More signs of the coming Psalm 83 war.

“Hamas said on Saturday it would escalate its attacks against Israel to include a wider range of targets if Israel failed to halt its aerial assaults on the Gaza Strip. Dozens of rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel on Saturday, as the IDF launched several strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, killing at least four Hamas operatives, one of them a senior commander.” 

I pray that as Israel gets ready for the next war with their neibhboring nations that they go into battle knowing who their Messiah really is.  Not long ago I posted a video where one of the Leading religious men tells who the Messiah is.  If you are Jewish you need to watch this video. 


Recently I had the blessing to speak to many people at a party in Palm Springs. Many of these people were of the Jewish faith.   



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    • Frederick C. Monponbanua on April 9, 2011 at 10:41 am
    • Reply

    Good day to you sir! I hope that you’re having a great time with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is quite remarkable how all of these signs are happening so fast, one after the other. Like everyone else, I am very thankful for all of your updates, I even “borrowed” most of them and reported them on-air(I am a radio announcer here in the Philippines)I hope you don’t mind that sir, I just feel that it is my obligation to disseminate vital information especially the type of job that I have can reach a wide range of audience. I would like to share this news that I picked up:
    TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s foreign minister has confirmed claims by an exiled Iranian opposition group that a factory west of Tehran is manufacturing centrifuge parts.
    Ali Akbar Salehi, quoted by the state news agency IRNA, says the facility is no secret and that many other facilities in the country are involved in manufacturing parts for Iran’s nuclear program.
    Iran has long said it produces centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium, a process that the U.N. has demanded Tehran halt.
    Two days earlier, the exile Mujahedeen-e Khalq group said its spies identified the factory, called the TABA facility.
    Iran says it is building a civilian nuclear power program, but the U.S. and its allies suspect it seeks the capacity to build nuclear bombs.
    And here in our country, we had a 5.2 magnitude earthquake yesterday and a couple of small ones as well. Taal Volcano right now is on alert level 2.
    I’ve also noticed a lot of news about Alien life forms, UFO’s et al, all of which will be used to deceive people when the Rapture happens. It is quite sad that there are still people who choose to disregard all that is happening, but rest assured they are included in my prayers. We must continue to, what Jesus Christ said, keep watch.
    I pray that most of us will be raptured, and may it happen real soon. God bless you sir!

    • Frank DiMora on April 10, 2011 at 7:36 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frederick,
    Use what ever you wait to warn the people!

    • Frederick C. Monponbanua on April 10, 2011 at 10:17 am
    • Reply

    Thank you very much sir, and I will continue to do so. May Jesus be our strength in telling everyone!Looking forward to more of your updates, oh and sir, I don’t know exactly where you are right now, but do be more careful, I read in the news that 27 tornadoes hit Iowa, there’s a wildfire in Texas and 8 other states are preparing for floods.
    With much respect,

    • jen tucker on April 10, 2011 at 2:28 pm
    • Reply

    frank, thank you for your post i know we are running out of time.
    I have had some unexpected visitors recently. It shows that all awake christians are being attacked
    God bless u love in Jesus

    • sherry tollefson on April 10, 2011 at 5:52 pm
    • Reply

    frank, thank you for all of the hard work you do to put this website together. i too, think time is running out and so called christians need to hear the truth too. this video was very direct and makes a person think of their own heart. come quickly Lord Jesus!

    • Paige on April 10, 2011 at 7:38 pm
    • Reply

    [preparing for the Passover offering]
    photo courtesy of Ezra HaLevi
    On Sunday, April 6, Rosh Chodesh Nisan, (the first day of the month of Nisan), called by Torah, “the first of your months,” (Exodus 12:2), at the conclusion of a full day of divrei Torah and explication on the practical considerations of performing the korban Pesach – Passover offering – in our day, the gathering of students and Jews desirous of being as ready as possible for the renewal of the korban Pesach came together one more time in a courtyard of the Old City of Jerusalem, to take part in what may best be described as a Passover offering rehearsal.
    Led by Yehudah Glick, Director of the Temple Institute, and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the Institute’s Founder, with the assistance of licensed experts in the practice of shechitah – Jewish ritual slaughter – the purpose of the event was two-fold: to perform a kosher shechita of the year-old lamb, while providing a detailed explanation to the students as to the intricacies and necessities of the kosher slaughter, which began with the inspection of the lamb for physical blemishes, the presence of which would render the lamb unqualified for kosher shechita, and concluding with the actual slaughter of the animal, in a precise and Biblically mandated fashion that ensures a quick and painless demise.
    The second aspect of the instruction, and what made this lesson unique, was the in-depth explanation by Yehudah Glick of the aspects of the avodah – ritual service – that would accompany the shechita, if this were, in fact, a korban Pesach. To this end, two silver mizrakim – vessels designed to contain the blood of the lamb, (and created by the Temple Institute), were employed. In an actual Passover offering these vessels, once filled with the blood of the lamb, would be handed by one priest to the next, as the last in line would dash the blood against the Temple altar, as commanded in Torah.
    Silver trumpets, also produced by the Temple Institute, were blown, in simulation of the actual Passover offering service, and the special Hallel (Psalms of praise) were sung, just as the Levites would have sung them in the courtyard of the Holy Temple, after the offering of each korban Pesach.
    The entire teaching, which concluded with the dressing of the lamb, was conducted in a hushed and introspective atmosphere. Although it was but a demonstration of a korban Pesach, nevertheless, the awesome responsibility of taking the life of G-d’s creature, as He has commanded us to do, filled us with contrition and humility. The fleeting nature of our physical life and the recognition of the Divine image in which we human beings are created, filled our hearts.
    Against this, and in contrast to the sobriety of the lesson, were the events of the past few days, in which representatives of a local animal rights group twice brought the organizers of the symposium into court, in an attempt to prevent the Passover offering rehearsal from taking place. In an effort seemingly more geared toward publicity than protest, their attempt to turn the teaching into a gruesome spectacle failed utterly. Exposed only was their unfortunate ignorance of Torah, and we can only hope that they take stock of themselves and begin to learn the traditions of our people. But in successfully flouting the politically correct doctrine of the post-modern godless humanism they were attempting to foist not only upon us, but upon the entire Jewish nation, we did experience an inkling of what the Israelites must have felt when, while still in Egypt, they performed the original korban Pesach in full view of the horrified Egyptians, who worshipped as gods the very lambs that were being slaughtered.
    Full Day Symposium
    Animal Rights Protest
    The Temple Institute’s Response
    The Judge’s Ruling

  1. While there is one untrodden tractFor intellect or will.And men are free to think and act,Life is worth living.

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