Israel has a date in mind to attack Iran?/Another report of strange sounds coming from the sky/March 6, 2012



This is a special note to anyone who chooses to read my prophecy documentary. My book was written in the hope that those reading it will be driven to the Bible where they should have been in the first place. This book, or for that matter any other book, should never come or be placed above the Holy Bible. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth was written only to help you see how close we are to the second coming of Christ, and how important it is for you to begin studying the Bible in preparation to meet Jesus. Millions of people know nothing about the Bible or Bible prophecy and will not be ready to meet Christ. My book will help you see exactly what the Lord has shown us about these last days via His Word.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 3, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21 and Mark 13 all address the signs of wars and rumors of war.  The events you are now watching have not only fulfilled the rumors of war but are leading to the next wars seen in both Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday. Photo: Israel PM Office.

Channel 2 in Israel, sourcing a “senior American official”, says that the decision has already been made by the Israeli government to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. “All U.S. intelligence officials are confident the Israeli leadership has already decided to attack Iran, unless a significant change happens in the coming weeks or months with the Iranian nuclear program,” Channel 2 reports.

Everyday I see news that brings me back to Zechariah 12:3 where the Lord tells us that in the last days all the nations will turn against Israel. If you have been tracking the news as I have you would have noticed just how many people are coming out now and saying Israel doesn’t have the right to exist and, they have no rights to their land.  Here is another report on this topic. The headline reads, “Exclusive Audio: Harvard Anti-Israel Conference: The Jewish People Does Not Exist”.  This report addresses what Professor Susan Akram stated. I quote, “Professor Susan Akram was born and raised in Lahore, Pakistan, in a multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual household. “My father’s family were refugees from the 1947 India-Pakistan partition, and my own life experiences and professional choices have been indelibly marked by that legacy,” she says”  Now that you know alittle about this so called smart women watch the video below.

When Iran’s President said Israel doesn’t have the right to exist he was called a terrorist.  When Iran’s President was going to speak at the UN concerning Israel there were many calls for him to be arrested for what he has been saying about the Jews.  Why is it okay to call Ahmadinejad a terrorist but when Professor Susan Akram takes aim at Israel no main stream media says anything about this?  Does Harvard sanction this type of teaching?  They must because I haven’t seen one report of the school coming against her remarks. I think it’s about time those of you who love Christ let your voices be heard!  Write Harvard and tell them what you think of what Susan stated! 

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What I would like to find out what is Susan’s faith?  I know she is from Pakistan so there is the chance she is Muslim?  If she is this would tell you a lot about why she is saying these things about Israel.  If she isn’t Islamic and is saying these types of things concerning Israel she better read what happens to anyone who comes against God’s chosen nation Israel?  In a nut shell the Word of God says anyone who comes against Israel will be accursed and they themselves will be wiped out not the Jews.  What shall a true Christian do after reading what Susan has said?  We need to pray for her that she will come to know Christ.  One thing I do not want to happen is for this type of news to cause you to hate her!  As Christians we are not called to hate but to love all people, even those who do things that oppose God’s Word, especially people like this!

Let me get back to the prophecy concerning rumors of war and wars.  “North Korean state television has broadcast new footage of military exercises on the country’s west coast as a commander threatens to turn the South Korean capital into a “sea of flames”.  “North Korea threatened “sacred war” against the South, just days after it agreed with the US to suspend major parts of its nuclear program and allow back international nuclear inspectors”.

Will we see another war against Syria  as we did with Iraq, and Libya to oust a cruel leader?  There is increasing chatter alongs these lines. “A leading Republican senator on Monday urged the United States to launch airstrikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime to force him out of power – a call for dramatic military intervention against the growing violence that was not supported by the Obama administration or its European or Arab partners. The statement of Sen. John McCain, who lost the 2008 presidential election, on the Senate floor came as the U.S. and European governments pleaded for Russia’s Vladimir Putin to rethink his anti-interventionist stance on Syria, in what appeared to be an increasingly desperate effort for consensus among world powers to stop a crackdown that has killed more than 7,500 people. Hundreds fled to neighboring Lebanon on Monday fearing they’d be massacred in their homes.”

Prophecy Sign: (Luke, 21: 25-26) “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Until recently did you ever wonder why we never heard any news concerning these strange sounds coming from the heavens that are so loud they are even setting off car alarms and, shaking the ground in some cases?  For the past few years  I have seen news report after news report on how people in many places around the world are getting freaked out by weird loud sounds coming from the sky.



I found a site for you that has the places that these weird sounds have been reported.  This site states, “Reports of unidentified events presenting as loud, unusual sounds coming seemingly from the sky, or “everywhere”, have been making their way into YouTube most frequently since the late Spring, early Summer of 2011.”  “The MAP currently has 141 reports from September 9, 2008 to this update: February 29, 2012.”  Go to map below under the blue link and move it around to see the locations of where these sounds have been reported.

Destructive: A solar flare many times greater than this one could be catastrophic for Earth. There is a 12 per cent chance of one occurring over the next decade“According to “University of Saskatchewan physics professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice told CTV that it’s electromagnetic noise emitted from auroras and radiation belts.” 

I would like to know from the professor why after all these years haven’t we ever heard these sounds around the world as we are now?  The auroras and radiation belts have always been with us so we sould have heard these sounds way before now!  As I thought about this question these following prophecies came to mind. “And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a). “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). “…and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” (Luke 21:11b).  “Therefore are they before the throne of God; and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat” (Revelation 7:15-16).

I wanted to see what another Professor had to say concerning these noises. What  Dr. Prof. Elchin Khalilov had to say points to these strange sounds could be coming as a result of the sun’s solar flares.  I quote from the report dated Feb. 1, 2012.

“For almost a year now people from different countries have reported hearing strange sound from the sky. Now scientists propose that what people are hearing is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds! What are these sounds? What is causing them? Are they in anyway related to our Sun and the biggest solar flares, do they come from Earth’s inner core or can they be attributed to an unknown an astronomical phenomenon? Are they in anyway dangerous to our planet? These specific very low-pitched sounds have been heard all over the globe, all the way from US, UK, Costa Rica, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia and other countries. According to Dr. Khalihov there can be a number of reasons why we hear the sounds.

For example, such waves can be triggered by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, and tsunamis. Dr. Prof. Elchin Khalilov, a geophysicist specializing in the area of geodynamics and geotectonics has analyzed these odd sounds and says that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, which means there is a lot we cannot hear. They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz.  In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular.

The problem is that people have heard this noise from the sky in regions where there were no geological activity and the sound in terms of both the area covered and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned phenomena.

Something is causing the strange sounds heard from the sky. Could the Sun be responsible? Credit: NASA

Is the Sun responsible?

According to Dr. Khalilov “the source of such powerful and immense manifestation of acoustic-gravity waves must be very large-scale energy processes. These processes include powerful solar flares and huge energy flows generated by them, rushing towards Earth’s surface and destabilizing the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Thus, the effects of powerful solar flares: the impact of shock waves in the solar wind, streams of corpuscles and bursts of electromagnetic radiation are the main causes of generation of acoustic-gravitation waves following increased solar activity.”

Recently we experienced the strongest solar radiation storm since 2005 and it is estimated that Solar Cycle 24 will peak in 2013. Sun cycles are natural and happen every 11 years or so. Geophysicist believe that these sounds coming from the sky could possibly be somehow related to increased solar activity.” 

NASA&apos;s Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the powerful X-class flare that erupted on the sun on March 4. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory spotted the X1.1-class solar flare that erupted from the sun at 11:13 p.m. EST on March 4 (0413 GMT March 5).

A radiation wave kicked up by the eruption of a powerful solar flare late Sunday (March 4) will likely miss the Earth, but could catch several NASA satellites in its crosshairs, scientists say.  The radiation concern stems from an X1.1-class flare (the strongest type of sun storm) that blasted from the surface of the sun last night at 11:13 p.m. EST (0413 GMT March 5). The flare unleashed a cloud of charged particles, called a coronal mass ejection (CME). This wave of solar plasma will mostly miss hitting Earth, but some spacecraft, including NASA’s sun-watching Stereo B satellite, the Messenger spacecraft at Mercury and the agency’s infrared Spitzer Space Telescope, are in path of the resulting radiation storm, according to scientists at the Space Weather Center at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md”.

The bottom line is this, Bible prophecy points to strange sun activity during the last days.  If this Professor is correct and it appears he is, this news runs parallel with Bible prophecy.  Who knows, I wouldn’t put it past the Lord to use these weird sounds to get your attention just prior to His second coming.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Christ warns us to look for the storms during the last days.  He said there wourld be “roaring of the seas and waves. Let’s connect the dots between what Christ warned us, and what Dr. Khalihov said about the strange sounds, and the storms.  “According to Dr. Khalihov there can be a number of reasons why we hear the sounds. For example, such waves can be triggered by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, and tsunamis.” 

Now for the connection and I quote, “When at least 80 tornadoes rampaged across the United States, from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico, last Friday, it was more than is typically observed during the entire month of March, tracking firm reported on Monday.  According to some climate scientists, such earlier-than-normal outbreaks of tornadoes, which typically peak in the spring, will become the norm as the planet warms.  “As spring moves up a week or two, tornado season will start in February instead of waiting for April,” said climatologist Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.  Whether climate change will also affect the frequency or severity of tornadoes, however, remains very much an open question, and one that has received surprisingly little study.  “There are only a handful of papers, even to this day,” said atmospheric scientist Robert Trapp of Purdue University, who led a pioneering 2007 study of tornadoes and climate change. “Some of us think we should be paying more attention to it,” said atmospheric physicist Anthony Del Genio of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, part of NASA.”

“Purdue’s Trapp and colleagues got a similar result in their 2007 study, which they confirmed in research published in 2009 and 2011. “The number of days when conditions exist to form tornadoes is expected to increase” as the world warms, he said. In addition, they found, regions near the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts not normally associated with tornadoes will experience tornado-making weather more frequently. They projected a doubling in the number of days with such conditions in Atlanta and New York City, for instance. More powerful thunderstorms would be expected to produce more tornadoes, but wind shear could prove a mitigating factor.”  Now can you see why I keep reminding you of Mark 13:6 where Jesus tells us these signs of the last days are the “beginning of the birth pains“?

Below is a photo taken in Jan. 2011 of the flooding that went on for months in Australia.  As you will see from the next photo taken this month, the last days birth pains are in our face.


Tuesday March 6, 2012

“Floods across eastern Australia forced more than 13,000 people to evacuate their homes on Tuesday after record-high summer rains drenched three states over the past week, swelling rivers and forcing dams to overflow.”

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In many of my posts and videos I have warned you what to look for in the future that will keep the food prices going up.  One of the factors I warned about was the outcome of floods.  In my video below I show you some cases where crops have been taken out by flooding.  Below the video you will see an example of the birth pains concerning this prophecy from Rev. 6:6.


Flood from the airHeadline: “Floods set to push up food prices”  “Fruit and vegetable prices are set to increase as the nation counts the cost of a flood crisis expected to rise into the billions”.  “As the NSW Riverina city of Wagga Wagga braced for the Murrumbidgee River’s flood peak last night, NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell declared a state of emergency. He said it was too early to estimate the damage bill, but flooding throughout NSW in previous months would cost the state and local councils half a billion dollars in road repairs alone. NSW Farmers Association president Fiona Simson said many crops, particularly seasonal fruit and vegetables, would be damaged by the floods and there would be long-term affects on rice crops. “Certainly some crops such as grapes and some of the citrus crops and fruit and vegetable crops could see a short-term spike,” she said. With the grape harvest well under way, many growers were frantically picking what was left on the vines while others were left to watch on as floodwaters inundated their vineyards.  At Griffith, Casella Wines had to cease production and processing after it was forced to evacuate on Monday. With much of NSW already under water and 12,900 people forced to flee their homes, Wagga remained on high alert last night as the surging Murrumbidgee River threatened to burst its banks.”

 gold Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 7:19
“They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the LORD’s wrath. They will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it, for it has made them stumble into sin.

Gold is well off its 52-week high of $1.916.20 per ounce, as investors looking to avoid risks opted for dollars over commodities. But central banks have been buying gold in an attempt to diversify from their dollar and euro holdings.  Earlier this year, Mexico and China’s central banks went on a gold buying spree. Venezuela has begun repatriating its gold. A World Gold Council report showed that central banks had become net buyers of gold. Purchases are at a 40-year high, and rose to 148.4 tones in the third quarter. Most of the demand was driven by emerging markets. We put together a list of the countries with the biggest official gold holdings as reported by the World Gold Council.Click here to see the countries with the largest gold reserves >


Praise the Lord Brother Frank,
I am so much happy to meet with Pastor Titus on Sunday, though he arrived late when already we have finished our sunday service. Bat i show him where we are worshiping God know, because the first building was in the school, but know the school is very active from manday to sunday that is why we have changed the house.
From pastor Joshua Wekesa.

If you would like to email Pastor Wekesa and encourage him and his Church, here is his email address:


Bro. Frank,

Here is a prayer request from the young woman who received the Lord and was given a book during outreach work in Nakuru. Please join with me in prayer for her need. Her situation is so prevalent in Africa.


P.S. Note from Frank: Just so you know her name is Agnes baraza if you want to join with us in prayer for her.

Ministry info:

The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Feb. 3, 2012 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 3, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora


Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf

Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.



    • Larry Price on March 7, 2012 at 6:39 am
    • Reply

    Regarding the “strange sounds” could the “HAARP TECHNOLOGY” be the perp.? Remember that it was used to send Lo Freq. sounds into the ionesphere to supposedly comunicate with submarines. Are there any rumors regarding this technology being implemented recently?

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