Update on Jeannine’s Cancer.


We started praying for Jeannine on Oct. 21, 2009.  Here is update as of Dec. 9, 2009.  We want to ask you to pray tonight for Jeannine because she is going to the doctor to see if the chemotherapy is working.  Ask Jesus to touch Jeannine and bless her.  We will have really good news if the doctors tell her the treatments are working.


Im very pleased to tell you that she had the cat scan done today and the Doctors have told her that "All" of the tumors are shrinking. This is a huge answer to prayer, and a massive leap forward for Jeannine in this battle with the cancer! Praise God! Please everyone continue to intercede on her behalf, we want her around for a long time. Thank you all so much for your prayers, With love, Adam Dimora.


    • Benjie Cerdenia on December 10, 2009 at 9:56 pm
    • Reply

    I suggest Jeannine complement her chemotherapy with the nutritional supplement powdered green barley grass. Cancer patients who have taken it recover faster from the side-effects of chemotherapy and the supplement has anti-cancer properties of its own. One example of a cancer patient who has used it with success can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fe-IwNE-EU . There are many brands of the product in the market and if she decides to try…just get the one with the best quality. Another product to try could be Vital Greens or a similar product with the fulvic component at http://www.vitalearth.net/Vital_Greens_Capsules.html .

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