War and rumors of war/Peace and Safety call/Psalms 83 war coming/Famine/April 8, 2009


Part two of (The Revived Roman Empire) will be airing Wednesday morning on The Edge International Internet Radio Show.  If anyone has any questions you want to ask on for my radio show please submit them now. When I film part three I will answer your questions on that show. To watch Frank’s part 2 click below to this link on May 6, 2009.


You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Prophecy Sign: Here we go again. Matthew 24:7 told us we would hear about war and rumors of war. North Korea is up to it again with their nuclear threats. “President Barack Obama's top envoy for North Korea warned of "consequences" if the regime pushes ahead with a threatened atomic test and urged Pyongyang to instead return to dialogue with Washington to defuse nuclear tensions. Stephen Bosworth arrived in Seoul from Beijing just hours after North Korea accused the Obama administration of harboring a hostile policy toward Pyongyang, saying it would expand its nuclear arsenal in response. "Nothing would be expected from the U.S., which remains unchanged in its hostility toward its dialogue partner," North Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried Friday by state media. The North "will bolster its nuclear deterrent as it has already clarified."  Our world has conflicts all over the place and according to Jesus warning they are about to get much worse.  In one part of Jesus warning, He tells us about the rumors of war however, He also says you will hear about wars.  That can only mean one thing. We are going to start to see more wars break out soon. People want to know where I think the next war will break out? I would focus your attention on the Middle East and here is why.


The Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 told us when war or he calls it “sudden destruction” will come.  Notice he says it will happen at a time when Israel is calling for peace and safety. I quote Paul, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. If you have been watching the news lately you have seen the many nations who have come up with their new plans for the Middle East peace talks.  In 2009 the Arabs have come together to revive some older peace plans. “Arab states are revising elements of a 2002 peace plan to encourage Israel to agree to the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state, the London-based paper Al-Quds al-Arabi reported Wednesday. “According to the pan-Arab paper, the amendments are also to the framing of a timetable for the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab world, which the plan offers in exchange for Israel's withdrawal from territory conquered in the 1967 Six Day War” (HAARETZ.com May 7, 2009).  Israel doesn’t like any of these plans and while they are talking peace and safety Israel is still being shelled. Another part of the report stated,  “Just today three mortal shells landed in Israel. Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia cannot vouch for a settled-down Gaza Strip," Yishai said” (Ibid).   Why would Israel even consider giving up land to their enemy when they are being attacked over and over again?  Fact is none of these Arab nations can assure Israel peace.  


News about Jordan’s peace plan was released on May 6, 2009 with the headline that read, “Jordan says new approach to Mideast peace emerging”. From this news we learned “Israel, Syria, Lebanon and other Arab nations would sit down together to try to resolve the Middle East conflict under a new “combined approach” currently under discussion with the U.S., Jordan’s king said Wednesday” (Yahho News May 6, 2009).  Another section of this report stated, "We see a very important role that moderate Arab states, countries like Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others can play in the process, in strengthening the peace process. We believe their more direct involvement in the peace process can be positive and can help energize the process of reconciliation between us and the Palestinians," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.  News out of Philadelphia reported on what Saudi Arabia had to say. “The Saudi government’s official state news agency, the Saudi Press Agency, has reported the Saudi Cabinet issued a strong directive Monday calling for “swift action” to be taken to establish an “independent vibrant Palestinian state.” The Saudi Cabinet summed up statements made by Minister of Culture and Information, Abdul-Aziz Khoja, calling on the United States to “put pressure on Israel” to implement a March 2002 Saudi initiative. The measure would require Israel to expel Jews from East Jerusalem and other areas captured by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War to make room for an independent Palestinian state” (The Bulletin April 16, 2009).  All these plans want to expel the Jews from their holy city Jerusalem and return land lost in previous wars.  These new peace plans aren’t new at all. All that is happening is the Arabs are recycling the old peace plans that already failed.



Even Syria, one of Israel’s worse foes has come up with a new plan. “Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said Wednesday his country was willing to resume indirect peace talks with Israel's new government. But he said it would only do so if the talks focused on an Israeli withdrawal from the entire Golan Heights to lines that preceded the 1967 Six Day War. Moallem made the statements during a news conference with Italy's foreign minister. Indirect talks through Turkish mediation broke off after Israel's offensive against Hamas in Gaza started in December” (HAARETZ.com April 10, 2009).


Israel rejected the Syria peace plan 16 days later. News out of Jerusalem told us why they rejected it. “Israel's new government would talk peace with Syria if it dropped preconditions such as an Israeli commitment to return the Golan Heights, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday” (Reuters on Yahoo News April 26, 2009).


Let the reader not forget, on April 2, 2009 Assad stated, “We’ll free Golan through peace or war” (Ynetnew.com April 2, 2009).   These are words that will son fulfill Psalm 83.


I think Assad made a profound statement when he was speaking about the“Resistance in Arabs’ interest’”. In the same Ynetnews report Assad said, “There is now a resurgence of the idea of resistance.  Israel is advancing in a direction that goes against its interests, and eventually all people are moving towards resistance, which is certainly in the interest of the Arabs” (Ibid).  If Israel keeps resisting the world’s idea of a peace plan and nothing is signed it will create the road to war and this is what we see taking place in Psalm 83.

Did you notice that I put the names of Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Arabs, and Syria in red bold print above?  There is a good reason for this.  Psalm 83 is an unfulfilled prophecy concerning the very nations I put in bold print. This Psalm shows us these nations are going form an alliance and attack Israel.  This attack I believe will take place just prior to the Ezekiel war found in Ezekiel chapters 38-39. Verse 6 of Psalm 83 mentions some of these nations. Both bible scholars and historians concur that ancient Israel was never confronted by such an elaborate alliance of Arab nations, namely, Ishmaelites, Edom, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes, Gebal and the Philistines. Therefore, this prophecy must have an end-time fulfillment. We know for sure the Psalms 83 prophecy is coming up soon.  First of all, we know for a fact Damascus has never been destroyed so this adds to the proof this prophecy is headed our way. Second, when you compare current events to what the Word of God warns you can clearly see the handwriting on the wall. What is that writing? WAR IS COMING.

You are probably asking, who are, Ishmaelites, Edom, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes, Gebal and the Philistines? These Old Testament territories are in modern times the nations of Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.  As I said, these are the same nations who have just put forth some type of new peace plan for the Arabs and Israel.  Let’s put everything together for you.  They are fulfilling the requirement of the call for Peace and Safety as outlined by Paul. Any one who has followed the peace talks knows for sure these talks have been as a woman in labor exactly as Jesus warned.  We can see from the current events all these nations who have put a new peace plan on the table are getting agitated.  These nations are getting agitated because Israel won’t give up East Jerusalem and they won’t give up land for peace. This may change and Israel may give up some land to try and attain peace but we know it won’t last.  I ask you all to watch the Middle East because this ongoing Israeli-Arab conflict will eventually culminate in another war and Israel once again will have the victory. The Lord will answer the prayer of Psalm 83 and the nations listed in Psalms 83 will be defeated. Israel will take back any land given up. How do we know this? The following prophecies tell us so. Israel will acquire parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and all of Gaza. Read Isaiah 11:14; Zephaniah 2:3-10; Zechariah 10:10; and, Obadiah 19-20.  There are many prophecy signs all rapped up together and the call for peace and safety and war is an example of that.  Speaking about Lebanon, there is a lot of tension between Israel and Lebanon. Don't foreget, there was a major war in 2006 between Israel and Iebanon.  If all the nations listed in Psalms 83 would have engage Israel in 2006 we probably would have seen that prophecy come to pass. However, God has His own timing for all these things. Israel and Lebanon was in the news again today. “Lebanese authorities arrested three people, including two brothers, on suspicion of spying for Israel on Friday, bringing the count of those detained for spying in 2009 to 16, a security official said.” “They are accused of informing Israel about Lebanese and Syrian military and civilian sites "with the aim of facilitating Israeli attacks," a judicial official said last month”.


The Arabs aren’t the only ones engaged in the peace talks.   Pope Benedict XVI in his Easter message called for the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks; just weeks before he travels to the Holy Land. Pope, who will visit the Holy Land on May 8-15 for the first time as pontiff, has said that he would carry a message of reconciliation on his visit, Reuters reported. "Reconciliation — difficult, but indispensable — is a precondition for a future of overall security and peaceful coexistence," the pope said.  


Any time you see Rome getting involved in the peace process the red flags better go up! You may be asking what is the importance of this? Revelation chapter 17 also warns the reader that in the last days there will be a false Church who will ride along with the Antichrist. There is going to be a false prophet who will lead this church into the tribulation.  Rev. 17: 4 says. “Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5This title was written on her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus”. You may not know this but the colors for the Pope just so happen to be purple and scarlet.   The Catholic Church is one of the richest organizations on the planet and just about every priest lifts up a cup of gold while saying the mass.  How wealthy is the Vatican?  I will let this news report prove my point. “A one-year investigation and analysis of 235 countries by Jane's Information Services has put the UK joint seventh in the premier league of nations with the US at 22nd and Switzerland, normally associated with wealth and untouchable stability, is rated 17th. Here is the full list: 1 Vatican” (Timesonline.co.uk March, 25 2008).


Can a one world religion really take place and, when could this happen?  The answers to these questions are yes it will happen and, it will take place as soon as the rapture of the Lord’s Church takes place.  When all the true Christians are gone there will be nothing stopping for Satan’s false prophet from forming the one world religion. Christ warned this false Church would have its base in Rome.  Jesus said it was coming and we see the ground work being set in place for it now.  Today’s news shows more signs of this happening. Headlines out of Israel read, “Jordan king asks pope to reopen Muslim-Christian dialogue” “Jordan's King Abdullah II welcomed Pope Benedict XVI  in Amman on Friday and urged the kind to open reopen dialogue between the Muslim and Christian worlds.”


That right, the Vatican is ranked number one in the world!  Where is this the headquarters for this massive church” Rome Italy.  What does Jesus warn about where the harlot will sit?  Jesus tells us in Rev. 17:9. I quote, “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”  In Rev. 17:18 Jesus tells us, “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”  The Roman Catholic Church is going to play a major role during the tribulation with the Antichrist.  I want you to listen to what I am saying.  I don’t know if this Pope is the false prophet that will be working with the Antichrist for a short time during the tribulation.  What I am saying?  There is a very good chance he will be and this is based on all the facts and evidence. Not only that but just watch the news as the Pope puts together this one world religion.  I would keep the red flag up!  Knowing Jesus warned about this false Church rising and sitting in Rome we should see signs of this beginning to take shape. Let me provide you with a few more reports that show you a one-world religion is starting to be formed and it is the Pope who is pushing it.  The Pope is doing exactly what the Word says in Revelation chapter 17. At the end of the day this one world religion will be based out of Rome just as Christ warned it would.  Here is the proof.  “The leader of the Italian Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, today proposed the creation of an ‘Organization of Religions Nations’ Rome-based, and said that the idea’ liked ‘by both the secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, as Pope Benedict XVI.”  “The political leader said that it has already proposed his initiative, which called ‘United Religions’ (Religions Nations), both Benedict XVI as the secretary of the UN, who’ liked the idea” (Terra Events-EFE Feb. 14, 2008).  There isn’t any part of end time prophecy that is not being fulfilled!  Why not form a world ‘United Religions’ in Paris or Iceland for that matter?    Jesus said it would be done in Rome and that is all we need to know.   Let me make it simple.  They picked Rome because it was written in the Word of God.  Since God is timeless He has already seen them do it, and that is why we are seeing it take place today.  Another article reporting on the acts of the Pope had this to say. “Muslim and Vatican officials are holding historic talks in Rome to establish a better inter-faith dialogue and defuse any future tensions.”  “The three-day talks in Rome are being attended by nearly 60 religious leaders and scholars from each side” (BBC News Nov.4, 2008).  



Let’s talk about war a little futher.  Right now the world is watching what is taking place in Pakistan. Those of you who aren’t watching the news may not know that war has already broken out there. “A Pakistani offensive against militants in the Swat Valley has displaced some 200,000 people and 300,000 are on the move or about to flee, the UN says. As jets and helicopters pounded targets in the valley, the UN said it was threatening to become one of the world's biggest displacement crises. The army says its "full-scale" assault had killed more than 170 militants in 24 hours, with the loss of 10 troops. It accused the Taleban of trying to stop civilians leaving the area”. Are these the wars Jesus warned us about?  What is now taking place in Pakistan is only the things to come.  In Matthew 24:7 Jesus told us that nation would rise against nation.  There will be many other nations who will engage in war soon.  


Prophecy Sign: Matthrew 24:7 also warns us about famines and hunger spreading during the last days. New figures just out today show us Jesus was right on target again. “THE number of hungry people in the world could soon hit a record 1-billion, despite a drop in food prices, the United Nations food aid organisation said.” ““We have never seen so many hungry people in the world,” he said.The number of people considered hungry increased last year as well, by 40-million, and in 2007, when 75-million more people joined the ranks, Diouf said” (BusinessDay May 8, 2009).


If you listen to the news you are going to hear a great deal more from the news media about the Middle East peace talks.  Expect things to get a lot more tense from here on. We are in the midst of the labor pain Jesus told us to look for!

If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.



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