If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438
I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora
Today, Friday at 6:00 PM EST my newest radio/video show will be aired. This is important news that proves God’s Words are coming to pass. Just clink to the link below and it will take you to the show.
As long as I am writing about the mark of the beast, our generation has the technology to place a chip in your hand to monitor your every move. This technology no doubt will be used by the Antichrist is one form or the other. Here is an interesting look at these implants. “RFID chip implanted into man gets computer virus” Watch video.
I am in the process of putting a new prophecy seminar together, and adding new information to my prophecy book. I will be taking a week off starting today May 21, 2010 so I can complete my work or at least make an attempt to do so. I am asking you all to check out my previous warnings at my site and watch the news this week. It is my prayer that my work over the past three years will help you to connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events for yourselves. If something major in prophecy breaks during the week, I will make sure you hear about it. Thank you all for coming to my site and God Bless. P.S. I had a few minutes to write a short post today May 26, 2010
Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 is a prophecy concerning a war between Israel and her bordering neighbors of which Lebanon and Syria will be a part of. I have been showing you signs from the Middle East that tensions in the region are mounting and these are signs of the pending Psalm 83 war. I also want to include part of Matthew 24:7 where Jesus tells us we will also hear rumors of war. Are the current time we are hearing the rumors concerning another war in the Middle East and shortly these rumors will turn into a major conflict. The headlines to this next report reads as follows: “Israel war drill raises Mideast tensions”
I quote, “At 11am on Wednesday, hundreds of thousands of Israelis will hear a warning siren and dash to bunkers and safe rooms across the country. The army and rescue services will practice their response to a massive missile attack, marking the climax of an ambitious home-front exercise. Despite government assurances that the drill is a yearly routine, political leaders in Lebanon and Syria have accused Israel of warmongering. Whether by accident or design, the five-day exercise has fuelled speculation over a renewed military clash between Israel and Hizbollah, the Lebanese Shia group backed by Iran and Syria. Israel’s northern neighbors are not alone in voicing concerns about the potential for more bloodshed. In recent weeks, Israeli politicians have repeatedly warned that the threat posed by Hizbollah’s rapidly improving arsenal is reaching a critical level.” “But Israeli officials have warned that the next war against Hizbollah would have catastrophic consequences not only for the Shia group but also for Lebanon as a whole.”
How long before this war breaks out? When you read the entire report they think it won’t happen this summer because Hizbollah is working out internal matters however, considering the last days events will happen like a women with birth pains I would be on guard for this war to break out at any time. There is another reason why I think the war may happen sooner than most think. Paul, in I Thessalonians 5:3 warns of a sudden destruction that will happen. I quote, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. Jesus warned us about the labor pains and we see the same thing being said about a sudden destruction taking place while the peace call is being heard. Everyone should know by now that we are hearing the call for peace and safety, so the next thing to happen will be the sudden destruction.
Speaking about the call for Peace and safety in my December 8, 2009 post I warned you that plans have been made to move troops into Israel to force a peace plan. I am posting what I stated in that Dec. 9, 2009 post because it is important in light of what I read today.
“I quote, “European Union foreign ministers have agreed that Jerusalem should be the capital of both Israel and a future Palestinian state following two days of talks in Brussels. The ministers dropped an earlier proposal by the Swedish EU presidency to explicitly support the idea of East Jerusalem as the eventual capital of Palestine. The meeting adopted a text stating that Jerusalem should provide "the future capital of the two states," as part of a negotiated settlement. The Israeli government had denounced the Swedish proposal, calling it a "dangerous" threat to peace efforts and saying it would undermine the EU's role as a Middle East peace mediator.” Another quote, “The EU has attempted to breathe new life into Middle East peace talks by calling for Israelis and Palestinians to share the sacred city of Jerusalem. "The European Union calls for the urgent resumption of negotiations," EU foreign ministers said in a joint statement on Tuesday (8 December).” Some months ago I gave a link to news from Israel what was entitled, “Gog Gathering Steam?” In this report they talk about how the next war may begin. I asked you to watch the video which Dr. Brzezinski speaks about Obama and the UN using troops to force Israel into a two state nation and to split up Jerusalem. I told you back then to watch the news because I believed this was the plan to force peace in the Middle East. When you click to the click of the “God Gathering Steam?” report you will notice that they took off the video, which Brzezinski tells what they plan to do. However, the video below that one also shows their plans for Israel, but they did not remove this one.
Below I am supplying a part of the speech that Dr Brzezinski, a top Obama advisor, gave at the Chatham House. In it below, at about 5min and 20 seconds in, he describes the nations of the world, all agreeing, to participate in the push to wrest Jerusalem from Israel. He states emphatically that all the nations of the world (6min 26 sec.) will back up this effort. At 8:22 in this video clip below, Brzezinski talks about the demand to divide up Jerusalem. He ends his talk with a joke, saying that if the West's plan of how to make peace is wrong, we'll be no worse off than we are now. It's not funny, because maybe HE won't be worse off, but Israel will have had it's limbs amputated, been downsized, broken up and carved out, and Israel could not survive having a PLO terror state inside of our borders, having the Arabs in rocket target fire distance of our major international airport, and being a country that at one point is only 9 miles wide and can be cut in half at the Mediterranean Sea. Add to this, the by-now famous video of Barak Hussein Obama's advisor and staff member Samantha Power, who alludes to an invasion of Israel by the USA and Western forces to enforce their idea of peace. And to put more gasoline on this fire, see this article which describes a new foreign policy for the USA regarding abandoning Israel. In another story, Israel's chief of Staff left the USA trip he was on early, because he was 'dissed' there with no one of his level or who had any policy influence on Obama's staff could find the time to meet with him. He came to discuss Israeli intelligence on Iran's nuclear reactor and to discuss ways to stop Iran from possibly triggering a third world war. Instead, the U.S. president had other things to do like go and be a guest on Jay Leno's Tonight Show. I am not sure where his other upper staff was, maybe they were busy being contestants on Deal, or No Deal. But no one had time to meet with our chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi to set a plan of action on how to deal with Iran and it's nuclear threat, not just against Israel, but against America as well. Let's not forget that Iran is in bed with Hugo Chavez and has opened a base in Venezuela and Nicaragua, too close to comfort for Americans. Instead, the American administration is unfortunately gravitating towards wooing the Arabs, and are wanting to see a Palestinian State established. The nations are grumbling. The nations are getting antsy and impatient, the West, and the Arabs. History is speeding up. A possible planned invasion of troops by different nations of the world can converge on Israel, either from the East, or the West. Are we seeing the signs that this war shall soon materialize?
Now look at what the current news on this same subject. I quote, “NEW YORK – A U.S. plan envisions stationing international troops along Israel's border with a future Palestinian state, WND has learned. Palestinian Authority officials privy to the plan say the Obama administration proposed deploying NATO soldiers along the Palestinian side of a future border with Israel as well as along the borders of Jordan and any future Palestinian state. Israeli government sources confirmed such a plan has been proposed. The sources said the concept is not exclusive to the Obama administration. Both Presidents Clinton and Bush broached the idea of stationing international troops along the borders of a future Palestinian state.” This report goes on to say the UN troops haven’t shown to much success in the past in stopping conflicts, but I think Obama still may try and force U.S. and UN troops into Israel to force peace in the region. One thing is clear to us, God and Obama do not see eye to eye!!!!! What Obama is trying to do to Israel is against what God’s teachings, and the United States has been placed under the Genesis 12:2 curse because of the Obama’s plans to divide up Israel into two States, and give East Jerusalem back to the PLO. One may ask, do you think the financial crisis in America and the oil pouring out of the gulf has anything to do with the curse? While Obama is making moves to divide Israel it appears God is wiping out the fishing industry in the gulf at a time when American need to find more jobs.
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 reads as follows: 16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Yesterday I gave you some evidence that the global financial crisis is getting worse and this crisis will end up forging a One World Financial system that the Antichrist will take control of. At the present time leaders at working on a new global banking system that would set laws in place dictating new regulations for banks around the world. Below is a short section of a report taking about this.“Capital is the body fat of banking: too much is debilitating, too little is fatal. During the financial crisis, as large banks burned through their capital reserves, governments were forced to add padding at public expense. Now one of the most consequential decisions about new restraints on the banking industry — how much more capital banks should hold in their rainy day reserves — is being decided not on Capitol Hill but far from Washington, by a committee based in Basel, Switzerland, The New York Times’s Binyamin Appelbaum reports. The Obama administration is pursuing an international agreement to make banks hold significantly larger reserves, which it regards as essential to increase the stability of the global financial system. It wants to complete the negotiations, which are being coordinated by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, by the end of the year”
Most people who read reports like this one never make the connection between what Jesus has warned us, and how it connects to Bible prophecy, and that includes Christians. Since most Pastors do not spend much time teaching their flocks about prophecy most Christians are not ready for what is taking place. Not long ago I received a e-mail from something who told me her pastor said since the Church is saved they don’t have to worry about watching for the signs. Any pastor who tells you this better reread Christ’s warnings. Jesus repeated Himself over and over again in telling us to watch and be ready!
If you have been reading the news you know how the debt issue is bringing on tensions all around the world. Greece’s debt problems are still headlined in the news and what happened to Greece is going to happen to many other nations around the world and that includes the United States. Today’s U.S. debt is reported to be $13,000,000,000,000, and counting!
http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/25/regulators-push-for-global-rule-on-bank-capital/ http://www.usdebtclock.org/
If you don’t believe my warnings that Jesus is coming back soon please read this headline: “Warning: Crash Dead Ahead. Sell. Get Liquid. Now.” Read the entire report and keep these things in mind. First the crash will come, then the Antichrist. For the believers, we look for Christ to remove us from the time of wrath.
Prophecy Sign: Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Any time a Christian or a Christian group says anything about God in public you can count on Satan attacking them. We saw another example of this in the news today. I quote, “A total of 1,204 people complained that the Christian Party advert was offensive to atheists and could not be substantiated. The ASA did not investigate the advert – a response to a British Humanist Association (BHA) poster reading: ''There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life'' – because political party campaigns are outside its remit. The ASA also did not investigate the BHA ad, which was the sixth most complained-about campaign with 392 objections, concluding that it was an expression of the advertiser's opinion and not capable of being objectively substantiated. BHA chief executive Andrew Copson said: ''Our adverts were a light-hearted response to exactly the kind of dogma that says people must be told what to believe and how to live, often accompanied by the threat of punishment in another world. ''It is with some satisfaction that the public chose to complain about an advert that did not want them to decide for themselves about the existence of god, rather than encouraging them to make their own minds up as ours did.'' The total number of complaints to the ASA increased by 9.6 per cent to 28,978, although the number of ads attracting complaints declined by 10 per cent to 13,956.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/7766951/Bus-poster-stating-There-definitely-is-a-God-most-complained-about.html
Your article looks good, I like bits and pieces of daily life, like a movie.